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Dr / Mohammed

❖The sense organ for taste

is the taste buds
❖The taste bud is made up
➢Basal cells
➢Sustentacular type 1 cells
➢Sustentacular type 2 cells
➢Gustatory receptor cells
Taste buds located in papillae of the human tongue. A) Taste buds on the anterior two-
thirds of the tongue are innervated by the chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve; those
on the posterior one-third of the tongue are innervated by the lingual branch of the
glossopharyngeal nerve. B) The three major types of papillae (circumvallate, foliate, and
fungiform) are located on specific parts of the tongue. C) Taste buds are composed of basal
stem cells and three types of taste cells (dark, light, and intermediate). Taste cells extend
from the base of the taste bud to the taste pore, where microvilli contact tastants dissolved
in saliva and mucus.
Taste Buds
 Most of the 10,000 or so taste
buds are found on the tongue
 Taste buds are found in papillae
of the tongue mucosa
 Papillae come in three types:
filiform, fungiform, and
Physiology of Taste
 In order to be tasted, a
⚫ Must be dissolved in saliva
⚫ Must contact gustatory hairs
 Binding of the food chemical:
⚫ Depolarizes the taste cell
membrane, releasing
⚫ Initiates a generator potential that
elicits an action potential
Taste pathway
 1st order neurons
region part course

tongue Anterior 2/3 Travel in the chorda tympani

branch of the facial nerve

Posterior 1/3 Travel through

glossopharyngeal nerve to
the brainstem

Other parts Travel through the vagus

Foot of
gyrus &

Diagram of taste pathways. Signals from the taste buds travel via
different nerves to gustatory areas of the nucleus of the solitary
tract which relays information to the thalamus; the thalamus
projects to the gustatory cortex.
Influence of Other Sensations
on Taste

❑ Taste is 80% smell

❑ Thermoreceptors,
mechanoreceptors, nociceptors
also influence tastes
❑ Temperature and texture
enhance or detract from taste

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