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Introduction to World Religions: Peace

Foundational Elements of World Religions

1. What is the religion called? Why does it have this name?

It is called Judaism after Judah, one of Jacob’s twelve son. One of the tribes of Israel was also named after Ju-

2. When and how was the religion founded? By whom?

The religion was founded by Abraham in 1700 BCE and some could even say by Moses too in c. 1300 BCE. Ju-
daism appeared with Hebrew nomads and after, with the people of Judah, who were beginning to be called
the Jews. The beginning of Judaism can also be associated to when the Torah was written.

3. Where did the religion originate? How the religion spread geographically? What caused the move-
ments? Describe the movements. How many adherents are there today? Where do they reside?

It originated in the Middle East. In 1000 BCE, the Hebrews return to Jerusalem from Egypt. In 740 BCE, Israel
however fall to Assyria and 10 tribes were lost. In 580 BCE, Judes fall to the Babylonians but they return to Je-
rusalem in 70 BCE. The 16 million adherents are now found in every continent.

4. Are there any sectarian divisions within the religion? What are the causes behind the divisions? Name
the major sects.

The 3 major sects are, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.

5. What are some of the beliefs/goals of this tradition?

a. How is the human viewed?
Humans were created in God’s image.

b. How is God viewed?

There’s one God, the Abrahamic God.

c. What are the major scriptures?

The Torah.

d. What are the fundamental beliefs?

Ten Commandments,

e. How should one act? (Rules, conduct, ethics, conformity…)

Home and family are traditionally the focus of the jewish life. Rituals must also be a the center of their life-
style. Jews emphasize practice more strongly than belief .

f. What is the path of attainment/salvation?

g. What happens to the individual after death?
Heaven or Hell.

h. What are the major holidays of the religion? Name at least one and describe its significance.

Yom Kippour, which means day of atone- ment.

6. What are some of the symbols used by the religion? Draw

at least one.

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