مقارنات باطنيه عملي hpW

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‫ ر"ض‬$

Differentiate heartburn from cardiac chest pain by :

Burning quality,
Upward radiation
Association with acid reflux
Its occurrence on lying flat or bending forward

Colicky pain vs biliary and renal pain (colic)

Colicky pain arises from hollow structures, Biliary and renal ‘colic’ are misnamed,
e.g. small or large bowel obstruction, or
as the pain is rarely colicky; pain
the uterus during labor.
rapidly increases to a peak intensity
It lasts for a short period of time (seconds and persists over several hours
or minutes), eases off and then returns before gradually resolving.

Haematemesis vs haemoptysis

Cough precedes Nausea & vomiting precedes

Frothy (bubbly), may be mixed with sputum No air, mixed with food particles

pH alkaline pH acidic

Bright red Dark brown

History of respiratory disease h/o peptic ulcer or chronic liver disease

No history of melena h/o melena present

Investigation: bronchoscopy Investigation: endoscopy

Melena vs hematochezia ‫ ر"ض‬$
Passage of liquid blood or blood clots of varied brightness or
Is the passage of tarry, shiny black stools with a characteristic color, maroon (burgundy) to bright red through the anus, particularly when
offensive smell & results from upper gastrointestinal bleeding. brisk , usually in or with stools , that are associated with lower GIT bleeding

greater than 14 hours the patient will exhibit melena. time is less than 14 hours the patient will have

Difference between hematochezia and Rectorrehagia

Jaundice vs xanthaemia

Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration yellow discoloration of the skin, especially

of the skin, sclerae and mucous on the palms and the soles, but not of the
membranes due to sclera and mucous membranes (i.e. oral
cavity) ,a harmless condition,
hyperbilirubinaemia .

Tonic vs Atonic

mean increase muscle tone at rest also called drop seizures, akinetic
seizures or drop attacks), are a type
of seizure that consist of a brief
lapse in muscle tone, as drop eye lid
Syncope vs Sizure ‫ ر"ض‬$

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism

Weight loss, despite increased appetite Low metabolic rate, weight gain
• Heat intolerance • Sensitivity to cold
• Anxiety, irritability • Lethargy, mental impairment, depression
• Fast, fine tremor

Diabetes mellitus vs Diabetes insipidus

‫ ر"ض‬$
DM type1 vs type 2

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