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Full Name: Aminath Raniya Rameez Student ID: S2202329


Write down your answers in point form. Remember to explain your answers
where specified.

1. Your Full Name: Aminath Raniya Rameez

2. Nick Name: Rani, Niya, Naani, some people call me goldfish because of my short-
term memory.
3. Birthday: 17th January 2005
4. Birthplace: K. Male’
5. How would your friends/family describe you?
 They mostly would describe me as a person who dawdles a lot, very
stubborn, materialistic, closed off, annoying and absent minded; some of
positive attributes are that I’m kind and I lend an ear to everyone who
does reach out to me, and I’m insanely good with advice, even with the
things I have never experienced.
6. Names of or no. of family members/siblings:
 I have two half-brothers, one sister and a half-sister, which is 5 siblings,
with me included.
7. Hobbies, explain why:
 Dancing: I have been dancing ever since kindergarten and it’s been my
favourite hobby throughout my whole life, it brings me so much peace
and tranquillity.
 Drawing: I like drawing as it eases my mind when stressed or
overwhelmed. I tend to draw a lot of doodles on all my notebook pages
during classes and sometimes even sneak in drawings and doodles on my
friends’ books, which they find annoying.
8. Favourite subject/ movie/ sport/ food/ storybook/ music, explain why:
 Subject: I liked English the most throughout my school years because it
helped me enhance my writing skills and communication skills, even

English Proficiency 1 / Tutorial Task 1

Full Name: Aminath Raniya Rameez Student ID: S2202329

though I’m very introverted and I also really liked my teacher because she
was amazing at teaching and very patient with me.
 Movie: Mama is a horror movie which revolves around a ghost woman
who lost her baby and how its after two little kids of the main character’s
deceased brother. This movie made me feel so many things at once, I was
bawling my eyes out because of the back story and ending. I have
rewatched this movie so many times and it still makes me feel the same.
 Sport: If dance counts as one, then there’s that.
 Food: I’m not a very picky eater so I like all types of food, spicy, sweet,
sour, you name it. Though I do despise tomatoes and cucumbers unless
the cucumbers are pickled.
 Storybook: I don’t read that many storybooks nowadays though I used to
enjoy the goosebumps series back in fourth grade, they were basically my
favourite back then.
 Music: Music is my life. As a lost teenager, music has drastically saved my
life many times and continues to do so. I enjoy the genres, K-pop, dance,
RnB and sometimes rock. I really like this K-pop boy group called ATEEZ;
they make amazing music and has been my favourite since 2018 along
with BTS. I also really love 5 seconds of summer; they make such good
songs which I relate to a lot. One of the very few western bands I listen
9. Favourite holiday destination, explain why:
 I don’t that travel much nowadays but when I was a kid, I loved going to
India. It was like my second home and I loved staying there. Me and my
family went on many trips and those were my best years.
10. Why did you choose the programme that you are now enrolled at Villa College?
 Mental illnesses and body language has always piqued my interest after I
found out about them, how they work and affect the human brain so
much. I want to understand how humans shows signs without them
directly talking about it.

English Proficiency 1 / Tutorial Task 2

Full Name: Aminath Raniya Rameez Student ID: S2202329

11. Ambition, explain why:

 I yet have to think about what I aim to be as I’m still fresh out of school
and I actually stopped thinking about it as my last years of school came
closer and focused on studying more, since I am academically very dumb.
12. Role model, explain why:
 I don’t particularly have any role models since I don’t have an ideal
person for that position in my life, realistically speaking.

English Proficiency 1 / Tutorial Task 3

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