The German Months of The Year Are Spelt and Pronounced As Follows

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The German months of the year are spelt and pronounced as follows:

 Januar (yah-noo-ahr) - January

 Februar ( fay-broo-ahr) - February
 März (mehrtz) - March
 April (ah-pril) - April
 Mai (my) - May
 Juni (yoo-nee) - June
 Juli (yoo-lee) - July
 August (ow-goost) - August
 September (zehp-tehm-ber) - September
 Oktober (ok-toh-ber) - October
 November (no-vehm-ber) - November
 Dezember (de-tsem-ber) – December

How to spell and pronounce week days in German:

 Montag (mohn-tahk) - Monday

 Dienstag (deens-tahk) - Tuesday
 Mittwoch (mit-vock) - Wednesday
 Donnerstag (don-ers-tahk) - Thursday
 Freitag (fry-tahk) - Friday
 Samstag (or less often, Sonnabend) (zahms-tahk) - Saturday
 Sonntag (zon-tahk) - Sunday

How to spell and pronounce the seasons in German:

 Frühling (frew-ling) - spring

 Sommer (zom-mer) - summer
 Herbst (hehrpst) - autumn
 Winter (vin-ter) - winter

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