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MBA 2024 Practice Plan

Ella Grace Lockamy: Practice Plan 2/06/2024

Problem(s) encountered during previous practice/games:

On the first day of practice we focused on shooting. Our team did a great job when breaking down each type of shot.
Later in practice we tried scrimmaging, yet our team rarely spread out which is a major problem on offense.
Spreading out gives our team more opportunities to make plays and score. Many of our teammates are also timid
when it comes to basketball, so teaching driving can help my teammates become and feel more confident. Because of
everything above I will be focusing on getting open, triple threat, and driving in my lesson.
Today’s Practice focus: Getting Open, Triple Threat Position, and Driving
Skill Activities:
● Getting Open
○ Two v One
■ Defenders line up behind the goal, two offenders in front, and they rotate clockwise
■ Students have to pass four times before taking a shot
● Driving
○ Aggressively moving toward the basket
○ Side drive
■ Attack their bad side
○ Cross over
■ swing ball below your knees
○ Cross over and step back (three pointer)
■ Drill: Four polly spots will be lined up around the 3 point line. Students will line up evenly at
each spot. The second person in line will be the defense. Students will assess their defender
and use one of the drives learned to aggressively move to the net for a shot or layup.
● Triple Threat Position
○ TTP is having possession of the ball and are ready to either dribble, pass, or shot
■ Head up
■ Need to see the basket, teammates, and defender (BTD) and elbows out to protect the ball
■ With pivot foot you can use a jab step to read the defender**
○ Three Spot Face the fire
■ Three different colored spots will be places around the court
■ Two students pair up, one will act as defense and one will act as offense for the whole round
■ One student will defend by immense pressures (stationary) and having their arms up
■ The offensive student will be pivoting on one foot holding the the ball acting like you are
going to pass, shoot, or dribble
■ When I yell out a color the offensive player will drive to the net and do a layup.
● Goal: Learn to face the pressure out of the triple threat and then rip through for a
strong finish at the basket.
1. Getting Open
2. Driving
3. Triple Threat Position

Cool-down: I will discuss with students and ask questions regarding the importance of getting open, what
the three drives are and how to read a defender, as well as what a triple threat is and how to face the
pressure during it.

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