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JANUARY 31, 2024

THEME: HCA at 48: Fearless and Great
Program Schedule - 8:30-10:30 am

I. Introduction
BOTH: Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the 48th founding
anniversary celebration of Holy Child Academy!

TRIS: I am Teacher Tris

ALLEN: and I am Teacher Allen

BOTH: And we are the Masters of Ceremonies!

TRIS: Today, we celebrate an important milestone in the history of our

beloved school. We are grateful for the opportunity to gather here
today and commemorate our journey toward excellence in education
and service to the community.

ALLEN: Our theme for this year's celebration is "Fearless and Great @48".
It is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing quality
education to our learners, empowering them to become fearless and
great individuals who will make a positive impact in the world.

TRIS: We have prepared an exciting program for all of you to enjoy. We

have a series of performances lined up, showcasing the talents of our
learners. So sit back, relax, and let's enjoy the show!

II. Opening Salvo

ALLEN: (to the audience) Are you guys ready? Let’s begin the festivities
with a performance that will surely energize everyone. Let’s give a
round of applause for the opening salvo performance prepared by the
ever-bibo Grade School students of Marilao Branch with the guidance
of T. AC, T. Tafel, T. Junil, and T. MJ.

III. Opening Prayer --------- ( Teacher Maice Calles)

IV. Philippine National Anthem
TRIS: Thank you, Marilao Branch students. Before we unpack the
exciting performances of our beloved students and the rest of the
program, let us ask for the guidance of our Creator. Please rise for the
opening prayer to be led by Teacher Maice Calles to be followed by
the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

V. Opening Remarks…………(Ms. Noemi S. Buenaventura)

ALLEN: You may now take your seats. To officially open today’s
program, let us call on one person who has seen Holy Child Academy
from its earlier days until it has bloomed fearless and great. To deliver
her opening remarks, let’s give a warm welcome to the school
administrator, Ms. Noemi S. Buenaventura.

….Thank you Ma’am Noemi for those wonderful opening remarks it is

an honor and privilege to share this day with our branch heads who
equally care for our beloved school.

TRIS: And now, we’ve come to the most awaited part of today’s
program… Are you excited about the performances that our students
prepared for this morning?

I certainly am! I’m pretty sure that HCA-IANS will showcase their true
colors to save our day as they dance it out.

TRIS: Teacher Allen, I have a question for you.

VI. Program Proper

A. Modern Dance (Superheroes)

ALLEN: What is it Teacher Tris?

TRIS: Back then, when you were just a kid, did you also imagine what it
felt like to be a superhero?
ALLEN: Of course. Who wouldn't? Having different kinds of superpowers
and feeling like you can do everything. So nostalgic right?

TRIS: I totally agree. So, without further ado…let’s welcome our first
performer this morning. Coming from the Kingspoint branch. Our little
heroes from Grades Three and Four dance to the music from Anime
shows Ghost Fighter, Dragon Ball Z, Flame of Recca, and Slam Dunk
with the help of their advisers T. Oyie, T. Sonia, T. Rea, T. Whinnie, and T.


ALLEN: What an incredible dance presentation from the little heroes

from Kingspoint Branch, to further take us for a ride, let’s now welcome
the cute Ates and Kuyas from Grades 5 and 6 from Kingspoint Branch
with the songs Bitiw, Superhero, Maging Superhero, Narda, and Kung Fu
Panda headed by their beautiful advisers, T. Mary Jane, T. Lieca, T.
Danica, and last but not the least T. Christine.

TRIS: Thank you, Ates and Kuyas for that show-stopping performance!
But I think the conquerors from the London Drive Branch won’t hold
back from showing their extraordinary presentation. So what are we
waiting for? Let us now witness the extraordinary performance of the
conquerors of London Drive Branch, Grades Four, Five, and Six with the
music from the legendary video game, The Super Mario through the
guidance of Teacher Adi, Teacher Thrina, and Teacher Tippin!

( performance)

TRIS: Thank you London Drive Branch for giving us an amazing

performance. It shows us that even though we don’t have any special
powers, with unity and perseverance, we really can do anything, right?

B. Zumba Dance (Colors)

ALLEN: Of course, with the right mindset and a healthy body. It would
be easy for us to overcome all the challenges that we will face now
and in the future. But, Teacher Tris, did you know that our students are
not the only ones with a surprise?

TRIS: Hmmm? I think I know what this is about. Some enchanting guests
would want to sprinkle a little bit of fun and excitement for our

ALLEN: That’s right, Teacher! So, if you want to know more about this
little surprise. Later on, we will see this, so don’t go away, Kids!

Anyway back to our students! Speaking of a healthy body, Teacher Tris,

how do you maintain an active and healthy physique?

TRIS: Well, if you’re going to ask me. I just eat healthy foods, get enough
sleep, exercise, and just always have a positive mindset. How about
you teacher Allen?

ALLEN: Me? Hmm…pretty much the same just like you, but instead of
exercising, sometimes I participate in a Zumba dance every Sunday
morning in our community.

TRIS: I see. Better prepare for the next set of presentations for today's
celebration because I heard they’ll be having a COLORFUL Zumba
Dance Presentation that will make you boogie, and healthy!

ALLEN: That’s right. Get ready to wiggle your knees and dance to the
rhythm of the song Lemon Tree. Let’s welcome with a big round of
applause to the HCA Preschool Department, with the help of our
preschool teachers, T. Hazie, T. Bea, T. Crown, and T. Ana!


TRIS: Thank you very much for that adorable performance from the
PreSchool Department.
ALLEN: Up next, to give us a SWIFT performance that will surely get us to
MARS. Let’s welcome the Grade 1 to 5 students from the North Fairview
Branch with the support of their advisers, T. Arian, T. ELIKA, T. CRISTINE, T.
SHAI, and T. NIEL.


TRIS: What a fascinating performance North Fairview Branch, we will

forever treasure this moment that you have shared with us. Next in line,
to show that everyone is like a flower because of its unique features
and distinctive colors. Let’s witness the presentation of Grades 1 and 2
of Kingspoint Branch, with the help of their advisers T. Ace, T. Janine and
T. Susan!


ALLEN: Excellent presentation from the Kingspoint Branch. It is surprising

to see the students showcase their skills in dancing. It stimulates not just
our eyes but also our hearts. Up next, to show that yellow is the true
color of happiness. Let’s give it up to Grades 1, 2, and 3 of the London
Drive Branch through the guidance of Teacher Juna, Teacher Luz, and
Teacher Yana.


TRIS: Thank you for a very eye-catching performance from the London
Drive Branch. We have seen such splendid, and vibrant presentations
from the different departments and branches of Holy Child Academy,
but wait.. there’s more.

C. Modern Dance (Dance Battle SWF2 Playlist)

ALLEN: That’s right! We’re done witnessing the outstanding

performances of the Color Sprinklers, more awaits us! Later this morning,
we will witness an enchanting performance prepared for us by the
Enchanted Kingdom. But as we wait for them, let us witness the
presentations prepared by our Fearless Dance Battlers.

TRIS: First up, to present their dance choreography that will shut us
down, let’s welcome the Grades 6 to 10 students of the North Fairview
Branch, with the help of their advisers T. Jehan, T. Carla, T. Vince, T.
Carina, and T. Mutya! Let's give a big round of applause to TEAM


TRIS: What a smashing yet spicy performance from the North Fairview
Branch. I can see that many of us enjoyed that dance choreography!

ALLEN: Exactly! That’s just the first team from the Fearless Dancers. So
what are we waiting for? Let’s get hyped up with the next presenter.
Coming from the Kingspoint branch showing their breathtaking dance
choreography, Grades 7 and 8, TEAM TSUBAKILL through the guidance
of their supervisors, T. Bonamel and T. Darline!

TRIS: Well that made me lose my breath for a while, T. Allen. What a
spectacular performance from the Kingspoint Branch. For our next
presenters, they say that giving it all you’ve got is not TOO MUCH, you
just have to give them attention! From the Grade 7 and 8 students from
London Drive Branch, Let’s welcome TEAM JAM REPUBLIC with the
assistance of Teacher Letty, Teacher Jeremy, and Teacher Danny!


ALLEN: That was phenomenal! We can see that the students from
different branches prepared for their presentations and gave it their all.
So our next group of students will show us a NEXT LEVEL performance
that will surely leave us speechless. From Kingspoint Grade 9 and 10,
let’s welcome TEAM DEEP N DAP through the guidance of their
supervisors, T. Maice and T. Ever!

ALLEN: Stunning performance from the Kingspoint Branch! Teacher Tris,

why don't you introduce our next dance presenter?

TRIS: I am thrilled to do so. Without further ado, to present our next

group, the victors are here to give us an incredible and SMOKING hot
performance. From Grades 9 and 10 of London Drive Branch, TEAM
BEBE with the guidance of Teacher Den, Teacher Allen, Teacher Millet,
and Teacher JP!

TRIS: What fiery dance choreography from Team BEBE. We felt the
blazing effort that you had put into your performance.

ALLEN: Absolutely Teacher Tris. Congratulations on a job well done.

Buckle up for our next performers because they got fire and they are
out to get it! Coming From the Senior High School Department, Grade
11, let's give it all up for TEAM MANNEQUEEN with the helping hands of
Teacher Bedjie, Teacher Tris, Teacher Sandro, Teacher Karen, and
Teacher Jhes!


TRIS: Thank you for a very scorching performance TEAM MANNEQUEEN.

Now we’re onto the last presenter, but not the least. To show off their
dance choreography that will make us lose control while we move, we
shake, and we drop! Another presentation from the Senior High School
department, Grade 12, TEAM WOLF LO through the guidance of
Teacher Lor, Teacher Aya, and Teacher Lherie!


T. Tris: What a way to cap the performances for today, Grade 12! Thank
you for that magnificent performance.
ALLEN: We’ve all witnessed the presentations from various levels of
different branches of HCA. It just proves that students from Holy Child
Academy not only excel in academics but in other aspects too.

TRIS: Precisely Teacher Allen! I do believe that HCA-ians can excel in

other fields as long as they put their minds to it and give their best
efforts to achieve what they desire.

ALLEN: Agreed. Now that we are nearing the end of our program. To
enchant us all, the Mascots and Dancers of Enchanted Kingdom also
prepared a special presentation to make this celebration more
unforgettable. Again, let’s give them a big, HCAian, round of applause
for the Enchanted Kingdom’s Mascots and Dancers!

VII. Closing Remarks /Appreciation message

TRIS: Thank you Mascots and dancers of Enchanted Kingdom for that
dazzling dance number. It is a delight for us to watch your enchanting

And with that, that’s a wrap, people! Did you enjoy the performances
by our dear students?

Can I get a big round of applause for all the efforts they have put into
their presentations?

ALLEN: Truly, everyone did a fantastic job today! I can tell by the look
on our students’, parents’, and guests’ faces that they truly had a very
good time today.

TRIS: Truly, Teacher Allen. I know we are still on high from all the
performances…but as they say “all good things will come to an end”…

ALLEN: Before we part ways, We would like to thank all the parents and
visitors who joined us in our celebration today.

TRIS: And, thank you to all the people behind this event, especially the
teachers, admins, staff, and parents for this wonderful occasion and for
working tirelessly just to make all these things possible. You are all
appreciated. On that note, we greet you–

BOTH: Happy 48th Founding Anniversary Holy Child Academy…

ALLEN: wishing more success in the future and all the best for Holy Child

TRIS: This has been your host Teacher Tris

ALLEN: And Teacher Allen

BOTH: Thank you and God bless you, everyone.

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