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I'm not going to be surprised if I forgot someone, so if I did please do let me

know! My memory is just immensely useless, sorry about that.

...All of the other text files are just present for those who are especially
inquisitive. I love poking around at files and texts and stuff, so I'm sure there
are more of you like that as well, have fun with your curiousity!
Do note that there are of course spoilers in these text files! So if you don't want
spoilers then check 'em out after playing! Byebye!

Battle Animations~
Bow General - TBA
Baron - Leo_link, Nuramon, Iscaneus, The_Big_Dededester, Sax Marine
Hero Female - Nuramon
Hero Male - Nuramon
Armour Knight - Iscaneus, Nuramon, Jeorge Reds
(Weapon) Knight - SALVAGED
Mercenary Female - SALVAGED, Jey the Count, Pushwall
Mercenary Male - SALVAGED, Jey the Count
Soldier Male - Flasuban, Nuramon, Jeorge Red
Iron Mage - Orihari_Saki, TheBlindArcher, knabepicer
Centurion - MageKnight404
Spartan - Pikmin1211, Nuramon, Vilk
(Weapon) Cavalier Male - SALVAGED
(Weapon) Cavalier Female - SALVAGED, Flasuban, Epicer.
(Weapon) Paladin Male - SALVAGED, Obsidian Daddy
(Weapon) Paladin Female - SALVAGED, HGS, Levin64, RJ_Exists, Obsidian_Daddy
Rogue Female - Temp, Black Mage, Wan
Assassin Female - Keks_Krebs, Beccarte, SD9K
Summoner Female - FEGirls, RiriK
Ascetic - Teraspark
Fighter Female - Black Mage
Warrior Female - Temp
Brigand Female - eCut, Skitty
Pirate Female - Nuramon, MarioKirby, Wan
Berserker Female - FEGirls
Soldier Female - Alusq, Maiser6, JeyTheCount
Attendant Male - Nuramon
Attendant Female - Nuramon
Pugilist - DerTheVaporeon
Raider - Leo_Link, Nuramon, Spud, Sax-Marine
Forrest Male - Nuramon
Forrest Female - Nuramon
Marauder - Spud
Halberdier Male - TheBlindArcher, Spud, MeatofJustice
Halberdier Female - TheBlindArcher, Black Mage
Ranger Lance Male - Skitty, Feaw
Ranger Lance Female - Skitty, Feaw
Hunter Male - Deranger
Hunter Female - Deranger, Jey the Count.
Venator Male - Leo_link, Spud, MeatOfJustice
Venator Female - Leo_link, Spud, MeatOfJustice
Marksman Male - Nuramon
Marksman Female - Nuramon
Bow Fighter - Leo_Link, knabepicer, Pushwall
Duelist Male - MK404
Duelist Female - MK404, Pikmin1211, Maiser6.
Samurai Male - GabrielKnight, BigMood
Samurai Female - GabrielKnight, BigMood
Mortal Savant Male - Nuramon
Mortal Savant Female - Nuramon
Militia Male - Alusq
Militia Female - Alusq, Knabepicer
Stalwart Male - Dinar87
Stalwart Female - ナガ夫(naga o), RedBean, 7743
Inquisitor Male/Legionarre - Nuramon
Inquisitor Female - Nuramon, ZoramineFae
Mesmer Male - Temp
Mesmer Female - Jeorge_Reds
Wind Mage Male - Leo_Link, L95, Flasuban.
Wind Mage Female - Leo_Link, L95, Flasuban, RRSKAI
Thunder Mage Male - Eldritch Abomination
Thunder Mage Female - Eldritch Abomination, N426
Fire Mage Male - GabrielKnight, SamirPlayz
Fire Mage Female - RetroGamer, 7743
Klepto Mage - HyperGammaSpaces, Teraspark, Obsidian_Daddy, Devisian_Nights,
Sageblade Male - St jack, The_Big_Dededester, Dolkar
Sageblade Female - St jack
Klepto Sage - HyperGammaSpace, Jono
Divine Dragon - L95
Ice Dragon - SqRtOfPi, shadowofchaos, Marlon0024
Mage Dragon - L95
Earth Dragon - L95
War Monk - DerTheVaporeon, Pikmin1211
War Cleric - Leo_link, Iscaneus, DerTheVaporeon
Witch - Aruka, Kenpuhu, Orihara_Saki, Venno
Phantom - TheBlindArcher, Arch, Skitty, Temp
Witch Hunter - blood, Seal, Arkth, Seal, Aruka, Kenpuhu
Ravager - FE7if
Skylarker - FE7if, BwdYeti
Strider - Greentea, DerTheVaporeon, ltranc
Galecaster - VelvetKitsune, Luerock, Pikmin1211
Highlord - Obsidian Daddy, ZoramineFae
Demon King (Io) - WarPath, Red Bean
Exemplar - Nuramon, CranJam
Sagittarius - Aruka, Kenpuhu, Frostlax
Death Knight (Septimus) - Nuramon, Sax-Marine
Dancer (Valentina) - MeatOfJustice, Mikey_Seregon.
Herald - Teraspark
Vanquisher - DerTheVaporeon, Pikmin1211
Necromancer Female - TytheBub
Banneret - TheBlindArcher, Temp, Black Mage, Wan, Spud
Nightblade - RedBean, Knabepicer
Espion - Mycahel
Elde Mara - Apophis324
Swordstress - FE7if
Great Mother - Greentea, Zoisite
Warlord - Maiser6, TBA, Intestine, Aruka, Kenpuhu, Greentea, RobertFPY,
DerTheVaporeon, Team SALVAGED
Corpse Shell - Leo_link

Map Animations~
Baron - Nuramon, Its_Just_Jay
(Weapon) Knight - SALVAGED
Mercenary Female - Agro
Soldier Male - FireEmblemier, flasuban
Centurion - Nuramon, flasuban
Spartan - DerTheVaporeon
Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier Male - SALVAGED
Bow Cavalier Male - flasuban
Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier Female - SALVAGED, flasuban
Bow Cavalier Female - flasuban
Sword/Axe Paladin Male - RoberyFPY
Lance Paladin Male - Pikmin
Bow Paladin Male - Leif
Sword Paladin Female - RobertFPY
Lance/Axe Paladin Female - L95
Bow Paladin Female - VelvetKitsune, Leif, RobertFPY
Rogue Female - Unknown
Assassin Female - RobertFPY
Ranger Female - flasuban
Summoner Female - blood
Ascetic - Teraspark
Fighter Female - Alusq
Warrior Female - FEGirls
Brigand Female - Skitty
Pirate Female - StreetHero
Berserker Female - eCut, Skitty, Natsumi
Soldier Female - FireEmblemier, flasuban
Attendant Male - HyperGammaSpace
Attendant Female - HyperGammaSpace
Pugilist - Der
Raider - Rasdel
Forrest - Nuramon
Marauder - LonkFC
Halberdier Male - TBA
Halberdier Female - blood, Dei, dondon151
Hunter Male - MeatOfJustice
Hunter Female - MeatOfJustice
Venator Male - Der
Venator Female - Der
Marksman Male - ArcherBias
Marksman Female - ArcherBias
Bow Fighter - Scraiza
Duelist Male - L95
Duelist Female - Pikmin
Samurai Male - GabrielKnight
Samurai Female - GabrielKnight
Mortal Savant Male - Nuramon
Mortal Savant Female - Nuramon
Militia Male - Alusq
Militia Female - Alusq, Epicer
Stalwart Male - Rexacuse, Peerless, Alusq
Stalwart Female - Rexacuse, Peerless, Alusq, WarPath
Inquisitor Male/Legionarre - Snewping
Inquisitor Female - VelvetKitsune, Snewping, HyperGammaSpaces
Mesmer Male - Ash3wl, L95
Mesmer Female - CanDy
Wind Mage Male - TyTheBub
Wind Mage Female - Leo_Link, L95
Thunder Mage Male - Leif
Thunder Mage Female - Leif
Fire Mage Male - Leif, MeatofJustice
Fire Mage Female - Leif, MeatofJustice
Klepto Mage - FEGirls
Sageblade Male - L95
Sageblade Female - topazlight
Klepto Sage - FEGirls
Divine Dragon - L95
Ice Dragon - L95
Mage Dragon - L95
Earth Dragon - L95
War Monk - Der
War Cleric - Der
Witch - Aruka, Kenpuhu
Star Lord (Zeke) - Jeorge Reds
Witch Hunter - Fates-Blade
Ravager - Vilkalizer, Morth
Skylarker - Fe7if
Strider - L95
Galecaster - VeletKitsune, Jiege, TLP
Highlord - milom
Demon King (Io) - blood
Exemplar - Hypergammaspaces
Sagittarius - ArcherBias
Death Knight (Septimus) - Nuramon
Vanquisher - Ryn
Necromancer Female - Rasdel
Banneret - Blood
Nightblade - FEGirls
Espion - Pushwall
Swordstress - FE7if
Great Mother - FE7if
Warlord - Momo
Corpse Shell - SHYUTER

Class Icons~
Baron - SamirPlayz
(Weapon) Knight - SALVAGED
Centurion - flasuban
Spartan - DerTheVaporeon
Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier - RobertFPY
Bow Cavalier - flasuban, RobertFPY
Sword/Axe Paladin - Shtick, SALVAGED
Lance Paladin - flasuban, RobertFPY
Bow Paladin - Sir_Dadou
Assassin - Scraiza, Sword of HaE
Summoner - Unknown
Monk - Blademaster
Attendant - Ghast, HyperGammaSpaces
Pugilist - Der
Raider - Rasdel
Forrest - Nuramon, Atey
Halberdier - TBA
Hunter - Spud
Venator - Der
Marksman - flasuban
Bow Fighter - VelvetKitsune, Spud, Jj09
Duelist - flasuban
Samurai - VelvetKitsune, L95, Pushwall, Nuramon
Mortal Savant - Nuramon
Militia - Rasdel, Epicer
Stalwart - Jj09
Inquisitor - SamirPlayz
Mesmer - Pushwall, RobertFPY
Wind Mage - L95
Thunder Mage - L95
Fire Mage - L95
Klepto Mage - L95
Sageblade - RobertFPY, Aruka, Yggdra
Klepto Sage - HyperGammaSpaces
Divine Dragon - L95
Ice Dragon - L95
Mage Dragon - L95
Earth Dragon - L95
War Monk - Der
War Cleric - Der
Witch - Aruka, Yggdra

Item Icons~
Earth/Mage/IceStone/Magna Securis/Vanaheim/Pursuit/Deepsea Trident/Blackwater
Glaive/Alchemical Bow - Beansy
Divinestone/Shungite/Vel/Whisper/Sepulchre - 2WB
Basically every tome - Leif
Sagittae/Akasha - Snakey1
Dimension Ripper/Silver Shield - EldritchA, Indogutsu Tenbuki
Graceful Pike/Stamen Stella/Moonsong/Rimeblossom/Silver
Katana/Iatric/Bhaisajyaguru/Bone Crusher - Ereshkigal
Obscura Stella/Fate/Justice/Blight/Dark Eyes - LordGlenn
Lucky Ring/Raider's Cloak - Maxim
Silver Knife/Scarlet Fang/Extermination - Jubby
I.E.E./Comet - Ryan914
Vadgelmir/Blackest Night/Prophecy/Elysium/Seiche/Valhalla - Zarg
Zephyrus - Purple
Thor Cleaver/The Last - Celice
Styloxtixis/Abhorrence - Seal
Valafar - Lisandra Brave
Anemoi - Thunder Mage
Limbo - GabrielKnight
Ganymede - SMITHYGCN

Dimension Ripper/Pale Beyond/The Fallen/Seraphim/Divine/Earth/Ice/Mage
Breath/Prophecy/Abhorrence - SHYUTERz
Arcfire/Meteor - SHYUTERz, HIROTO, Fenreir
Arcthunder - BwdYeti
Arcwind/Dulam/Ellight/Tempest/Thoron/Worm - Arch
Aurion/Bolganone/Elthunder/Elwind/Tornado - Mikey Seregon
Jormungand/Ruin - Orihara_Saki
Judgement - Seal, Sacred War
Sagittae - HyperGammaSpaces
Wind - MisakaMikoto
Rimeblossom - Struedelmuffin, Alusq
Ragnarok - SHYUTERz, The_Big_Dededester
I.E.E. - St jack, Aegius, PurpleMage
Vadgelmir - PMD, redblueyellow, Jj09
Zephyrus - Scraiza
Seiche - Alusq


Title (Lacrimosa of Dana Title) - MysteriousDancer
X-0 Chapter Select (Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time) - Sme

X-1/3 Cutscene (Tales Of Symphonia - Derris Kharlan Appear) - A_Reliable_Chair

X-1 Player Battle (FE14 - Past Below (Flow)) - Sme
X-1 Enemy Battle (Ys I - Holders of Power) - RandomWizard
X-1 Valentina Dance (Final Fantasy 5 - Distant Homeland) - A_Reliable_Chair
X-1 Boss Battle (Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - Lament To The Master) - Sme
X-1 Vs. Io (Touhou 8 - Voyage 1969) - MrGreen3339
X-1 Ending (Lunar Silver Star Story - Toward the Horizon) - A_Reliable_Chair

X-2 Player Phase (Kingdom Hearts 2 - Hollow Bastion) - Tristan_Hollow

X-2 Player Battle (Lufia 2 Rise of the Sinistrals - Battle 2) - SaXor_the_Nobody
X-2 Enemy Phase (Salamander - Planet Ratis) - pandan
X-2 Enemy Battle (Breath of Fire 2 - Stronger Monsters) - SaXor_the_Nobody
X-2 Recruitment (SaGa Frontier II - Feldschlact III) - SaXor_the_Nobody
X-2 Vs. Liusaidh (Playing With Psychos - Live A Live) - FE7if

X-3 Player Phase (Cave Story - Title Theme) - Feier

X-3 Player Battle (Chrono Trigger - Battle 2) - Tristan_Hollow
X-3 Enemy Phase (Dynasty Warriors 3 - Oppression) - pandan
X-3 Enemy Battle (Unlimited SaGa - Battle Theme EX) - SaXor the Nobody
X-3 Vs. Enemy Huotou (FE4 - From Enemy to Friend) - pandan
X-3 Recruitment (Riviera - Heaven_s Gate) - Pikmin1211
X-3 Vs. Neoma (Final Fantasy 9 - Boss Battle) - A_Reliable_Chair
X-3 Ending (Dark Cloud - Queens) - LemonTart

X-S1 Player Phase/Battle (Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Cabbage Cavern) - pandan
X-S1 Enemy Phase/Battle (Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - Mayor's Theme) - pandan

X-S2 Player Phase/Battle (Bomberman Hero - Redial) - Sme

X-S2 Enemy Phase/Battle (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - Cosmic Wall) - pandan

X-4 Player Phase (Star Ocean - Tense Atmosphere) - SaXor_the_Nobody

X-4 Player Battle (Megaman X5 - X vs Zero) - MeatOfJustice
X-4 Enemy Phase (Kirby Triple Deluxe - Moonstruck Blossom) - RandomWizard
X-4 Enemy Battle (Knights in the Nightmare - Mellia Sortie) - SaXor_the_Nobody
X-4 Recruitment (Kanon - The Fox and the Grapes) - 7743
X-4 Ceres Battle (Bloodstained - Voyage of Promise) - 7743
X-4 Ending (Etrian Odyssey 2 - Forbidden Forest) - Alusq

X-S3 Player Phase/Battle (Live A Live - Difficult Battle) -7743

X-S3 Enemy Phase/Battle (Ys 2 - Ice Ridge of Noltia) - 7743

X-5 Player Phase (Berwick Saga - The Knight_s Pride) - MrGreen3339

X-5 Player Battle (Yggdra Union - Milanor Theme) - ShinKuma
X-5 Enemy Phase (Riviera - Battle Against Demons) - Pikmin1211
X-5 Enemy Battle (Kirby Return to Dream Land - CROWNED) RandomWizard
X-5 Recruitment (Ys 3 - The Boy Who Had Wings) - Sme
X-5 Super Io Boss (Live A Live - Megalomania) - RandomWizard
X-5 Ending (Ys 2 - Palace of Solomon) - 7743

Tools and Patches and Stuff~

Black Mage

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