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Battle themes are dependant on what story they originate from, hehehe.
Still need to hide units after each chapter.
0x9A1B3C0 = 'Character hide' thingy.
Need to re-do text slots to not conflict with X-1!
((Aoi and Fenris arrive))
((Arrive from top left from the bridge, go a third of the way))

[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x107][OpenMidRight]I think
this is the
place... isn't it?[A][OpenMidLeft]Seems as weird as we
were told, so I'd say so.[A][OpenMidRight]Map says ruins are[ToggleMouthMove]

((The two go two thirds of the way))

[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x107][OpenMidRight]Are we
there yet?[A][OpenMidLeft]You didn't just get
us lost, did you?[A][OpenMidRight]No way! I-I know
how to read maps![A][OpenMidLeft][MoveRight][OpenRight]Pass it over a second.[A]
[OpenMidRight]Fine...[A][OpenRight][MoveMidLeft][OpenMidLeft]Hmmm... Yeah, we're
in the right direction, we just
need to go a bit further.[A][OpenMidLeft][MoveRight][OpenRight][MoveMidLeft]
[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x10B][OpenMidRight][ToggleSmile]S-So I'm really reading
the map right?! Awesome![A][OpenMidLeft][ToggleSmile]No need to be so
excited about it, let's go.[A]

((The two go all the way to the ruins to the right))

[OpenMidLeft]Oh[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] These ruins
are[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] well[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
ruined.[A][OpenMidRight]Odd joke, but sure.[A]
Can't seem to see any way in.[A]
Investigation over, right?[A][OpenMidLeft]I think we should still
probably look around.[A][OpenMidRight]You can do that,
I'm out of here.[A][OpenMidRight][MoveFarRight][OpenMidLeft]But there might be
[ToggleMouthMove]Loot?[A][OpenMidLeft][ToggleSmile]Might be![A][OpenFarRight]
[MoveMidRight][OpenMidRight]I suppose we could try to
look around a little more.[A][OpenMidLeft]Hehehe. You're so
easy to figure out.[A][OpenMidRight]Whatever![.]
I'm out of here.[A][OpenMidRight][MoveFarRight][OpenMidLeft][MoveLeft][OpenLeft]
[ToggleSmile]N-No! Stay!![A][OpenFarRight]Seeya.[A][OpenFarRight][ClearFace]

((A few enemies spawn))

[ToggleMouthMove][....].[....].[....].[....][ToggleMouthMove]D-Did you hear that?
[A][OpenMidRight]Not going to work.[.]
Bye.[A][OpenMidLeft]N-No I'm serious![A][OpenMidRight]Eh?[.....]
You're right,
what is that?[A][OpenMidLeft]Rustling in the bushes.
[ToggleMouthMove][....].[....].[....].[....][ToggleMouthMove]We're not being
ambushed are we?[A][OpenMidRight]Pretty sure we are.
Seems we were spot on.[A][OpenMidLeft]You're the one who
wanted to leave--[....] twice![A][OpenMidRight]That's besides the point.[A]
[OpenMidLeft]Now you're acting big because
there's going to be a fight[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A][OpenMidRight]Oh
yes![A][OpenMidLeft][ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]Wait where's Yami?[A]
Did she get captured?[A][OpenMidLeft][ToggleMouthMove]... [....]... [....]...
[....]...[....][ToggleMouthMove]N-No way!
Sh-She must have just fallen behind![A][OpenMidRight]Even if she was, she wouldn't
for long, let's beat these guys up![A]
I see you bandit![A][OpenMidLeft]Aw[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
I didn't really want to fight at all[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A]

Yami Joins~ (0x90A)
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x1EE][OpenMidLeft]Come on guys, you didn't even
let me finish my speech!![A]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]Actually I don't even think they noticed
I was talking. Where'd they go?[A]

Yami talks to Aoi~ (0x935)
[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x1EE][OpenMidLeft]Aoi!! I
can't believe
you two left me![A][OpenMidRight]Sorry[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A]
We didn't even notice[A]
you weren't with us
until we even got here[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A][OpenMidLeft]You
didn't just walk off
on me on purpose?[A][OpenMidRight]Of course not![A]
That would be mean.[A][OpenMidLeft]Hmmm[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A]
Very well! I deign
forgiveness upon you![ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A]
er[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] and uh[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
[A][OpenMidRight]Why do you over-dramatise
the way you talk sometimes?[A][OpenMidLeft]Hardly! I don't[ToggleMouthMove]...
Ooooh I used to
be so good at this.[A][OpenMidRight]Did you? Coool.[A]
[OpenMidLeft]You[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] you think it's cool
when I speak like that?[A][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x10B][OpenMidRight]
It sounds like you have
a lot of fun when you[A]
talk in that way![A][OpenMidLeft]Oh! Then[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][A]
I thank thee fair companion![A]
Your wonderful compassion
does not fall on deaf ears![A][OpenMidRight]There we go,
that's better![A][OpenMidLeft]Thank you. Here.[A][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x102]
[OpenMidRight]Why are you
giving this to me?[A][OpenMidLeft]I don't think I'll need it.[A]
I'm way too used to using
this sword my dad gave me,[A]
so[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] I just thought you'd
get more use from it.[A][OpenMidRight]Are you sure?[A]
Alright then![A]
I like how shiny it is.[A]

Yami talks to Fenris~ (0x936)
You're so mean.[A][OpenMidRight]Hold it, you're alright?
You weren't captured?[A][OpenMidLeft]Huh?[A]
No of course not.[A]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]You were actually
worried about me?[A][OpenMidRight]I guess.[A]
If we're working together for
something we should get along, right?[A][OpenMidLeft]Oh[ToggleMouthMove]...
Yeah we probably
should get along.[A][OpenMidRight]Here, a sign
of good will.[A][OpenMidLeft]Huh?[A]
Why are you giving
me this shield?[A][OpenMidRight]I'm just sure you'll
need it more than I do.[A][OpenMidLeft]Sure[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
uh[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] thanks.[A]

Deirdre arrives (Middle left of the map)~ (0x90B)
[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x106][OpenMidRight]Sigan said this'd be a good
I didn't get lost did I?[A]
Why am I doing this.[A]
This sucks I hate running errands.[A]
Ahh!! Bad guy!![A]

((Deirdre moves on to the mountain))

[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x106][OpenMidRight]Maybe if I sit up here they
won't be able to attack me.[A]

((Camera moves to Aoi))

[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft]Isn't that that weird
shopkeeper up there[ToggleMouthMove]...?[ToggleMouthMove][A]

Aoi talks to Deirdre~ (0x937)
A really real witch!!
That's so cool!![A][OpenMidRight]What? [ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]You![A]
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft]Hello again![A][OpenMidRight]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]You didn't know
I was a witch?[A]
We've met before.[A][OpenMidLeft]But this time you're
flying on a broom!![A][OpenMidRight]Of course I am,[....]
flying like this makes[....]
it harder to get hit![A][OpenMidLeft]Cooooooooool.[A][OpenMidRight]So why are you
here? Not
really a place normal people visit.[A][OpenMidLeft]I'm here to
Sort of[ToggleMouthMove][.].[.].[.].[.][ToggleMouthMove] the ruins we
were going to investigate[....]
are sorta gone though.[A]
Why are you here?[A][OpenMidRight]I WAS here to find more
stuff to sell, but now I'm[A]
just trying to not get taken
or killed by these bandits![A][OpenMidLeft]Well uh[ToggleMouthMove]...
[ToggleMouthMove] why don't
we work together then?[A][OpenMidRight]With[ToggleMouthMove][....].[....].[....].
[....][ToggleMouthMove] you?[A][OpenMidLeft]Yeah![A][OpenMidRight]Alright, I guess.
Don't do something dumb[....]
like telling me to whack a[....]
bad guy with my broom though![A][OpenMidLeft]Of course not![A]

Lakche arrives~ (0x931)
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x104][OpenMidLeft]This is that place Thanatyr
mentioned, right? Wonder how[....]
the others are doing.[A]
Oh, bandits.[A]
[ToggleSmile]I have been feeling a bit
frustrated recently,[....]
time to have some fun.[A]

Yami recruits Lakche~ (0x938)
fluffy ears.
Lemme touch!![A][OpenMidLeft]Who are you?
[ToggleMouthMove][.].[.].[.].[.][ToggleMouthMove]Oi, what're you doing?[A]
[OpenMidRight]N-Nothing![A][OpenMidLeft]Riiight. This is a dangerous area,
you should get out of here.[A][OpenMidRight]But I'm investigating![A]
[OpenMidLeft]You too?[A]
You do look like you can
handle yourself somewhat[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][......]
But[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] Alright,[......]
I'll look out for you, don't[....]
stray too far from me 'till[....]
the bandits are gone, alright?[A][OpenMidLeft][ClearFace][OpenMidRight]I guess I
have a
bodyguard now...?[A]

Dariel arrives~ (0x932)
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x105][OpenMidLeft]Found it.[A]
This is where the strange
happenings originate from, hm.[A]
Might there be a
magical source to it?[A]
Or is there an
organisation behind it?[A]

Aoi recruits Dariel~ (0x939)
The guy with the cool creepy eye!![ToggleSmile][A][OpenMidLeft]Oh,[....]
the curious child, [.]
hello.[.][A][OpenMidRight]Why are you here?[A][OpenMidLeft]Investigation, were I
to put it into a word.[A][OpenMidRight]You too? Huh[ToggleMouthMove]...
That's why you're
here as well, then?[A][OpenMidRight]Yes![A]
want to team up?[A][OpenMidLeft]Would be more efficient
to work together.[A]
Alright then.[A]

Liusaidh appears~ (0x933)
I've caught
you now, wolf-boy![A][OpenMidLeft]Tch[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] Of
you're behind this.[A][OpenMidRight]Now I'll be able to crack
that pretty skull of yours![A][OpenMidLeft]You really are messed up.[A]
We'll really need
to take you down then.[A][OpenMidRight][ToggleSmile]Oh?[A]
Think you're lucky enough?[A]
Be my guest![A]
Hit me![A]

((Camera pans to Aoi))

[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x107][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x102][OpenMidLeft]This is
the crazy person
you were talking about before?[A][OpenMidRight]Yeah, be careful,[....]
she's pretty chaotic
in her movements.[A]
I can't predict her like usual.[A]

Vs. Liusaidh~ (0x93D)
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x103][OpenMidLeft]Step right up![A]
I am here and willing to
start crushing your bones,[....]
one[.] [.]by[.] [.]one![A]

Fenris Vs. Liusaidh~ (0x93E)
[OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x103][OpenMidLeft]Ready to face me
Give me your best, and
try not to die so quickly![A][OpenMidLeft][ClearFace][OpenMidRight][LoadFace]
[0x107][OpenMidRight]You should be more worried
about yourself there, maniac.[A]

Lakche Vs. Liusaidh~ (0x93F)
[OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x104][OpenMidRight][ToggleSmile]I thought this
was a curse![A]
But tearing your
heart out will be fun![A][OpenMidRight][ClearFace][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x103]
Another battle maniac?[A]
This'll be great!
Time to die!![A]

Ending~ (0x907)
[0x107][OpenLeft]Is that[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
is that all of them[ToggleMouthMove]...?[ToggleMouthMove][A][OpenMidRight]
[ToggleSmile]Our little princess is tired?[A][OpenLeft][ToggleSmile]I-I'm not a
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]But I am tired.
Ughhhh... Carry me...[A][OpenMidRight]We didn't even get to look[....]
around much due to all of
the enemies.[A]
Don't want to do that?[A][OpenLeft]Umm[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][.....]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]Do we have to[ToggleMouthMove]...?
[ToggleMouthMove][A][OpenMidRight]Nope! Seeya![A][OpenMidRight][MoveFarRight]
[OpenLeft][MoveRight][OpenRight]W-Wait for me![A][OpenFarRight]I'll drag you along
if you want.[A][OpenRight]Why are you so mean?![A][OpenFarRight]Because you cheat
worse than pirates![A][OpenRight]Y-You're still not over that?[A]
I don't cheat![A]
I'm just really
really good at games![A][OpenFarLeft]Um[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove] hi.[A]
I'm still here, I can look
around if you want.[A][OpenRight][ClearFace][OpenRight][LoadFace][0x102]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]Can you carry me then?[A][OpenFarLeft]No
you're uh[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove][....]
[OpenRight]You're not trying to
call me fat are you?[A][OpenFarLeft]Of course not![A]
You're rather[ToggleMouthMove][....].[....].[....].[......][ToggleMouthMove]
[ToggleMouthMove]Y-You noticed?![A][OpenRight][LoadFace][0x10B][OpenRight]
[MoveLeft][OpenLeft][ToggleSmile]Wooow. Here!!
Check out my stomach!![A][OpenFarLeft][ToggleSmile]And uh[ToggleMouthMove]...
why am I touching
your stomach?[A][OpenLeft][LoadFace][0x102][OpenLeft]B-Because I thought you
wanted to check out my abs.[A]
[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]I-Is that weird?[A][OpenFarRight]You really do
get so
overexcited about everything.[A]
I'm out for real this time.[A][OpenFarRight][MoveFarFarRight][OpenLeft][ClearFace]
[OpenLeft][MoveRight][OpenMidLeft][MoveLeft][OpenRight]Let go of me would you?[A]
[OpenLeft]Not until you stop
trying to ditch me!![A][OpenRight][ClearFace][OpenRight][LoadFace][0x107]
[OpenRight]Why am I always stuck
as your babysitter?[A][OpenLeft]I-It's your fault for
being my dad's friend![A][OpenRight]Right[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
Fine, I won't ditch you.[A]
We'll rest up, take a bit of
a look around then leave.[A]
But I'm not carrying you.[A][OpenLeft]Thank you![A]

[OpenMidLeft][MoveLeft][OpenRight]Let go of me would you?[A][OpenLeft]Not until you
trying to ditch me!![A][OpenRight][ClearFace][OpenRight][LoadFace][0x107]
[OpenRight]Why am I always stuck
as your babysitter?[A][OpenLeft]I-It's your fault for
being my dad's friend![A][OpenRight]Right[ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
Fine, I won't ditch you.[A]
We'll rest up, take a bit of
a look around then leave.[A]
But I'm not carrying you.[A][OpenLeft]Thank you![A]

Ending spiel~ (0x909)
Hello again! VelvetKitsune here again,
the derp who still doesn't know how to[A]
write endings! Hopefully this little chapter
was fun enough... The chapters were[A]
indeed just condensed into one hack
with a chapter select! How novel and[A]
original. Have fun with your next chapter![A]


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