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Interview course 2

1. What time is it? ¨It’s two o’clock. Son las dos¨ ¨It’s four oh five.
2. It’s five minutes after four. Son las 4 y 5¨ It’s eight fifteen.
3. It’s fifteen minutes after eight son las 8 y 15. 15 minutos despues de las
8. It’s a quarter past eight.
4. What’s today’s date? tuesday March 29
5. When’s Independence day? And other holidays
6. Monday - Lunes.
7. Tuesday - Martes.
8. Wednesday - Miércoles.
9. Thursday - Jueves.
10. Friday - Viernes.
11. Saturday - Sábado.
12. Sunday - Domingo.

13. When’s your birthday? My birthday is on May (the) 8th

14. What’s your zodiac sign?i am Taurus
15. What are you wearing today?’ a blue sweatshirt and gray joggers. and
some black shoes’’
16. Are you a morning person or an evening person? I am morning
17. When/where/what time/ why/ how/ who / do you go to the movies,
clean the house, etc.?
Always siempre
Usually generalmente
Sometimes a veces
Never nunca

18. How often do you…? I usually …

I usually do it twice a week
19. What’s your typical day like?
i get up at 6.00 am
I take a shower at 7.00am
I eat breakfast at 9.00 am
I eat lunch at 2 pm
I study at 6.00 pm
I eat dinner at 8
i go to bed at 10 pm

20. Do you take out the garbage? And other verbs

i don't
I don't take out the garabe

21. Who cleans in your house?

my mom and my brother

22. How often

23. What do you in your free time? I dance and I listen to music

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