Bejamas Guidelines For Authors

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Guidelines for authors

Do you want to contribute to Bejamas and publish your article on our website? If yes, please,
read carefully the guidelines we prepared for bloggers and writers to be sure that the content
you will provide will be of the best quality, meets our requirements, and saves both your time
and ours.

What kind of articles do we publish?

● Guides
● Tutorials
● Opinions
● Comparisons
● Problem solutions with examples
● Research topic
● Insights
● Deep analyses
● Useful tips

● Jamstack/Composable
● Modern web development
● New technologies trends
● Codes
● Web development and digital marketing
● Frameworks

Who can publish?

You! We are open both for newbies and experienced writers. However, new writers, be ready
that you naturally will have to put more effort into convincing us that you have a great idea and
can materialize it in the article form.

If you have your portfolio, website, or any previously published article - attach it in the
submission step. If you don’t have one, show us your writing style and skills with an example of
your writing. To avoid misunderstanding, the article and portfolio sent by you have to be yours,
and the author's name has to be the same as in the article.

General rules:
● High-quality content
We want to provide our readers with the highest quality content that delivers value to them. It
can inform them, teach them, explore new topics and summarize the old ones, compare
different approaches, processes, and tools, debate the pros and cons of particular issues, and
get deep insights into a chosen matter. We want to assure them that the time spent reading our
articles will bring them value.
● Well-researched
Of course, you don't have to prepare an academic paper filled with specialized terms. However,
we are really into popularizing reliable ways of creating articles by preparing good research
before writing and choosing valuable, credible, and checked resources. If only possible, we put
them later on our references list on the website.
● Concise, plain, and human language
You should be sure that you create an article that most of the audience can understand. So
keep your readers in mind, and avoid jargon, unpopular and rare phrasal, and confusing
metaphors. Make your sentence clear and address it directly to the reader. If you have any
doubts about your text's readability, check the Hemingway App score and adjust your text
● Minimum word requirement
It's important that you stick to the minimum word count discussed in our agreement. Failing to
meet this requirement may result in a reduced payment based on the shortfall. Keeping the
word count ensures thorough coverage of the topic and maintains consistency throughout our
● U.S. English spelling
We keep the content consistent. Therefore, throughout the website, we stick with American
English vocabulary and spelling.
● Use active voice (in at least 90% of the text)

Who is our audience?

● Web Developers
● Entrepreneurs
● Product Owners
● Web creators, content creators
● Writers, marketers
● Everyone interested in the field of modern web development
What do we not publish?

● AI-generated content
Sorry, ChatGPT, you’re great, but you can’t publish on our website, and you won’t get
paid for your articles. We want our content to be 100% original and human-made, so we
check articles through an AI scanner.
● Previously published texts
Your text can’t be published earlier on another website, periodical, or book. After
publishing, you can’t also post it again somewhere. However, you can always link to our
website source.
● Plagiarism
We have no mercy for plagiarism and auto-plagiarism. That means we check the text for
its originality. Every text that uses previously written content by someone else will be
● Press releases, listicles, and product reviews
This is not something that attracts our readers and us.
● Typically content marketing
We won’t publish articles with a bunch of links leading to your product, brand, or service.
Any attempt to promote “your things” by hiding them in links will result in future rejection
of any article submission.
If you want to get backlinks, just let us know, and we will discuss sponsored articles or
guest posts. But please, do it directly without beating around the bush.

How to structure your article?

● Headings
Your title should include the main keywords, inform readers about the article content and
grab readers' attention.
We use H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings in articles on our website. Be sure to set them
correctly. In blogs, people usually skim the headers for the ones that address their
problem after reading the first few sentences. Then they dig deeper into that header.
● H1 – The article title (used only once)
● H2 – The main sections in the article. We automatically generate the Table
of Contents from them.
● H3 – Subsections of an H2
● H4 – Less used subsections of an H3

● Lead paragraph
At the top of the article, we always provide our readers with an excerpt section. It is a
part where we include catchy sentences that in short introduce readers to the article's
The average length of the lead should be between 111 and 377 characters with
● Introduction, Body, Conclusion
Your article is not a crime novel where you find a dead body in the first sentence. Yeah,
yeah, like in a school. You have to structurize and form your insight logically. That means
your text should have an introduction to the topic, a body where you put arguments and
concrete insights, and a conclusion summarizing your thoughts.
● Chunks and white space
Readers prefer to read text formed in shorter chunks. Therefore, try to split your article
into short paragraphs; each section should be announced with subheadings.
Differentiate the text block by using more digestible numbered lists and bullet points.
Bold the most important insights. Provide text with enough white space to allow the
reader to take a breath.
● Links (internal and external)
Enrich your article with valuable links. Preferably, check our previous articles on the
website if you can create internal links. Try to include at least 2 high-domain authority
links in case of external ones.
● Code
Add correct and concise code that the readers can quickly understand and easily reuse
with minimal side effects. Code samples should follow best practices to ensure they are
effective and readable. These include:
○ Choosing relevant and specific code
○ Keeping code simple and straightforward
○ Including comments to explain the code
○ Properly formatting and indenting code
○ Testing the code
○ Providing enough context
○ Considering the intended audience's level of knowledge
● Quotes
Of course, you don't have to paraphrase all the time. You can quote other smart people.
But indicate those quotes clearly by using a separate paragraph and italic font. Include
the quote's author, source (book or article title), year of publishing, and links to it (if they
are achievable).


Fueled by capable devices and faster networks, mobile internet usage is exploding.
Building mobile first not only positions you to take advantage of this growth, it also opens
up new opportunities for engaging your customers.

Luke Wroblewski, "Mobile First", A Book Apart 2011

Few writing tools we recommend
- Grammarly
- Hemingway App
- Power Thesaurus
- Answer The Public
- Any SEO optimization tool

10 steps of writing for Bejamas

1. Check our website and its content

Revise what we published to avoid repeating the proposed text and make internal links
to existing articles.
2. Think about what you could contribute to the website and what kind of content
would be valuable and would fit it.
3. Prepare the abstract of your article with its title.
It can be a short paragraph with several of the most important points covered by your
writing. Remember to include the goal of your article.
4. Submit your article draft through the form.
Paste your abstract and its title. Attach your portfolio, professional website, or the link to
the previously written text and article.
The author's name of the published article or portfolio has to be similar to the person
filling out the submission form.
5. Wait for the response.
Once a week, we check submissions, and we contact chosen authors if their proposal is
interesting. Sometimes we add articles and writers to the waiting list if we are overloaded
with planned content. We inform about waiting list authors, checking if they are still
6. Approval of your submission.
Once we approve that your abstract is attractive to us and fits our approach, strategy,
and content, we will start the process. We will establish the price according to the
complexity of the topic, your experience, and previous cooperation. Then we will send
you an NDA agreement to sign.
7. Article delivery.
Since the agreement is signed, you would have 2 weeks to deliver us a draft of the
article, created in Google Docs.
8. Additional research, editing (optional)
Our experienced editors and researchers on the topic will review your draft. We will add
some comments, edit it, and propose improvements if needed.
9. Article acceptance
When the final form of the article is accepted, we send it to the proofreader. We will ask
you then for a short byline and picture of you to include on our website.
10. Getting published
Once we get your proofread article, we will make it immediately live on our website. We
will provide additional images and illustrations to make it more attractive. And then we
will also publish and promote your article on our social media channels and

After publishing the article, you're going to receive your payment, and we get the rights
to change your article by updating it in the future and optimizing it for SEO (without
changing the main idea of it).

We are really into well-researched articles. That’s why we also want to popularize valuable
resources on the particular page on our website that leads to previously created research,
articles, and books on the topic you write about.
For sure, you would use some of them, so always prepare the list of references at the end of
your article, with links to them or websites with more information about them (i.e., Google
Books, Amazon) with the schema depending on alphabetical order on References page:

Surname, name, title, publisher, year of publication


Spencer Stephan, Enge Eric, Stricchiola Jessie, “The Art of SEO,” O’Reilly Media 2022

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