Its Superman Musical Kansas 1967

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nent i Gaon Startight eS aad aa SEVENTH PRODUCTION OF 187 AUGUST 14AUGUST 20 Cae lew ee COT Rola d faye BOB HOLIDAY CHARLES NELSON REILLY KAREN MORROW and BILL HAYES ,.. “SUPERMAN” 1 Judith Hastings Gary Oakes M Seay by! Richard France Music wnder the direction of: Dean Ryan horeography by: Harding Dern Sconery Designed by: G. Philippe de Rosive Costumes Designed by: Aude Associate Musical Director = and Choral Masier: Dean Ryan ‘ Scott Barnard | Masical Ensembles Staged 032 \oxn 7 ra Stage Menager: Yeon 2 Jerald D. Punk ke Lighting Coordinator Costuntes by: Flying By: Roy's ping Baler’ K Entice Production under the Personal Supervision of RICHARD H, BERGER SUPERMAN ie provnted by arrangement with Tene Witmerk Matic Likrory, ey 757 Third Avenue, Haw Yetk, M. Ye 1CO17 Ask the Man from Great-West how you can get the most © out of Life. +0. srovns Telephone Great-West Life coment Gay eee STARLIGHT THEATRE SOUVENIR PRCORAM ’ Starting 2 2... ye. os) BOB HOLIDAY Onc of Bob (Supenvian) Holidss's favorite pastimes, when Ke's not stopping atoni bombs and rescuing Leis! Lane, is following professional {gotbeall and basket. ‘ball, For that matiers Holiday's 190 ragged petinds on 9/6’ 4 build tapering to 3 sasrow wat, woul have slit hin 19 play Mths sport \JA stage vetetan oh 15 years, Holiday bay stgrced in a variety of productions, fcludiaig Wildcat, Bry/Stop|and Haffal of Ram. His frst Broadway appearance pas in the long-tunnthg musical Fiorello. XY Off stage ‘Bdb's ipésonality is-just the opposiiy of the serious Superman's. He is open, friendly and sor abpe a practical joke. A ee ah Starring ). ‘ rh Vy CHARLES NELSON REILLY eae sg es ae ne = the Nobel 1 times. Ie( took mee years J 2 ie Siropiviy. shows BOB HOLIDAY | \ *0 reach Bro “era Ls J nn ie Je Soon set St a (Fle has since stated in such/well (known ‘Succeed in Business Without Really Vrving fol i that the comedian (Sie ie and ensemble ctbeWolly and How To € won a Feny Wn, 7) CHARLES NELSON REILLY catch” gQe#+y THE ( } ; 5.08! — 90-DAY 5% INCOME CERTIFICATES EARN 5.09% EFFECTIVE ANNUAL INTEREST! Hurry!...Sock your money into than 48 years! The biggest, strongest Commerce Trust Income savings bank in town guarantees tificates at the highest guaranteed its 5% rate in advence—for three interest rates we've paid in more months, six months or one year. | COMMERCE Hurry, hop aboard! TRUST 20% BANK [5.00505 0 1967 SEASON be your butcher baker Wolforman's things to eat serve you let Wolferman's ‘= sausage maker ‘© green grocer ‘© complete grocer ©) dowatown the most delightful luncheon restaurante Wolnut Balcony with Kenuf nay Seer and ise tod 4 friendly stores Gelighted to 1108 Walnut The Flying Lings The Suspects: Superman ae ee } BOB HOLIDAY Lois Lane JUDITH HASTINGS Max Mencken BILL HAYES ‘Sydney KAREN MORROW Dr. Abner Sedgwick CHARLES NELSON REILLY Jim Morgan GARY OAKES Father Ling. VESTER SWINGLE word parkway Oh southside Kansas City’s most ‘distinguished cining room... The BIFTEC Room scring the roi tes pole Parkway House Coteroria ‘family Fare I Toro Lounge ‘seed things fe deine sapriog unchece and dhner Mona tre Satay 18725 State Line CAST OF CHARACTERS (In Order of Appearance) SCOTT BARNARD J. STEPHEN JENKINS PAUL SHOEMAKER RON SUKIENNIK BOB SULLIVAN RICHARD DOW JOHN LESLIE WOLFE HARLAN F, JENNINGS FORREST WARREN PAUL HOUGH “KEOTANE SEASON’S BEST PERFORMER.” —rost pe ok ke ee ee “LONG RUN JASSURED!” - sersi0} “JOURNAL & SKELLY ol COMPANY POWERFUL!” “KEOTANE SMASH HIT!” NEWS “FAST STARTING ... SMOOTH RUNNING. ’*wors SUPERB! © suey om company “THOUSANDS CHEER KEOTANE PERFORMANCE,” GLOBE “TOPS ON ROAD!” examiner © sey on company STARLIGHT THEATRE SOUVENIR PROGRAM Starring»... ............ KAREN MORROW Karen Marrow (Sydney) is x w Kansas Ci In fact, Iker” paeteapal of y? secretary tO a -alumbitt, marks her fourth ap gcclahned for-he® performance of "Molly” in the Unsinkable Melly Brown. devi Maly ever stem to be very far spat, The tally yo lady fron Landed, the job of understudying Tammy Grimes in the Broadway prodiacti Molly and-went on to star in its touring vers Kpreh has also played in sch w From Syracuse and 1 Had A Bull She did her apprenticeship at the old Fred Miller theatre in Milwaukee, teach- ing sehool by day, and acting at night. oF to Starlight audiences. this year, She known shows as Pajama Ganw, The Boys KAREN MORROW Starring 2 2 2. em . . AIILL HAYES Baritone Bill Supernjan playing the pact of the snide gossip columnist, "Max Mencken." Bill's most redeht aigpeargnce in Starlight was in quite « different role: he played he hero-psychiatjist in Qn’ Cleay Dey You Can See Forever. A native of Chicago, Bill got/his-fits hoos:jm\ghow bukinges touring with the comedy team of Olsen and Johason.\He stayed with them "& full year, Since then Bill has starred in literalfy-dozeis bl musicals, on and off Browdway “and made more TV appearances than he E20/temember. When he is not touring, this handsome young actor with the collegiate look hak his own once.a.week, one hour TY program in Chicago Bill Hayes has been married t6/his high school sweetheart, Mary, for 20 years i and they have five children BILL HAYES, Kirt == aia National Pea Bank CTU of Kansas City = Main Ofice—10th & Baltimore + Drive-in Bank—I3th & W: sblshed 1886 + Meme: Federal [ zton (Northbound ‘Traficmay) * Piee p 1 Tnsuniree Corporation ing av aestons 1967 SEASON ssinawne ewsenaue ... Sh@rlight Theale . . . oance ensemaue WGirls: Sandy Black Boys: Don Detrick Girls: Kathy Bartosh Boys: Seott Barnard SS fetet Cro Dick Dew Suzy Berton J. Seephen Jerking > Rita Dowling Paul Hough Sandabl Bergmon ae Leni = ari Fariday Harlan Jennings Jo-Ann Cifala 4S SShern Hoe? Scott Johnston Babs Fischer 9. (% ug YP xy ae eel Miler Michael J. Liz Kelley 2! ee ‘at Royse ‘Michael D. Kay Kelly 42 ,” af Dede Washburn Dick Pleron baler vedios pg x Sic Wels Bked Revers ee Cara Ana Wilcox Joseph I. Warner Christi Merrill © Boys: jis Mee, i pe cee Kitsey Plavean © Dick Caskey Donald Weey Sorte Sate, v “OF AY Sans City Cldren: Lucinda Axom, Nanci Bergman, Kaho, Melissa Kelly, Lisa Kveton, Janice Meriow, Stephanie Bordy, Bordy, Vieki Bouckhout, Robin Mereill, Karen Mundy, Patty Schloaman, Sheri Cindy Dallen, Wendy Dat Mary Daniels, Anita Schlozman, Pamela Scott, Cindy Suske, Robin Walker, Davis, Chery! Deck, Denise Deck, Roxanne Eakins, Darlene Williams and Mary Jeanne Williose, Lisa Guffey, Barbara Hall, Tammie Horvey, Sa MUSICAL MATINEES on the KANSAS CITY HOUR KXTRM KBEA:0M KBEY-FM Every Sunday at ff PM STARLIGHT THEATRE SOUVENIR *ROOKAM 3 Dean Ryan. . . . . . . THE MUSICAL DIRECTOR Dean Ryan, associate musical director and choral master for eight Starlight seasons, is acting as musical director for the Superman production. He is a member af the conducting staff of New York City Opera at Lincoln Center and associate conductor for the Opera Society of Wash- ington, D. C. For four years Me. Ryan was musical director for the New Hampshire Music Festival where he was greatly praised by local erities for his superb direction. DEAN RYAN Carl Douglass... . . . . . . . Music Librarian Carl Douglass, music librarian for Starlight Theatte, vas a charter member of the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra and for 23 seasons played viola and yiolin, He now teaches sisth and seventh grades at Leeds, and has been part of the Kansas City, Mo. school system for the last 11 years. His wife, Nancy Douglass, plays oboe and English horm with the theatre orchestra and neither Nancy or Carl have ever missed a Starlight performance since 1951. want SPECIAL PICTURES SPECIAL PEOPLE | by wy | PHOTOGRAPHY Nrsin Wort Pretegtenty PORTRAITURE AND COMMERCIAL Tesh de or i aon, Ty S517 Brookside Plaza EM 2-100 Now you can extend your indoor fiving area outdoors at night with outdoor lighting. New applications of colored light allow you fo emphasize the beauty of your lawn, shrubbery and flower gardens. Call or write for your free copy of “Light for Outdoor Living."” (morn, KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY - a ee TIME: Present PLACE: In aad around the city of Metropolis, U.S. A. MUSICAL SELECTIONS ACT 1. Doing Good Superman 2. We Need Him ‘Max, Lo's, Clark and Company 3. Tes Superman Loie (Please turn te Page 164) Grayson Enlow INTERVIEWS “STARS OF STARLIGHT” WEDNESDAYS 1:35-2:00 P.M... . LIVE FROM PROMENADE OF WARD PARKWAY CENTER AND LISTEN TO “ENCORE” DAILY AT 12:05-1:00 P.M. FEATURING HIT TUNES FROM STARLIGHT, BROAD- WAY AND HOLLYWOOD. . . 1480 Ke E 104.3 AM RADIO FM STEREO STARLIGHI THEAIKE SOUVENIR PROGRAM 6 National Bank & Teust Company’ 100 and Greed Garden Bak MUSICAL SELECTIONS (continued) 4. We Don's Macer At All Tin and Lots 5. Revenge Dr. Sedgwick & The Worsan For The Man Mex 7 You've Gor Possibilities Sydney 3. What I've Always Wanted, Lois 9. Revenge: (Reptite) Dr. Seduwick 10, Ling Dance The Flying Lings 1. Finale Boye and Girls of Metropolis Act It 1. So Long, Big Guy Mex 2. The Strongest Man in the World Superman 3. Ooh, Do You Love You! Sydney A. Yoo've Got What 1 Need Max end Dr. Sedgnick 5. Meanwhil Company 6. Vm Not Finished Yer Leis 2% Pont Bam! Zonk! Superman and The Flying Linge CREDITS Oldsmebites for Startight stars farnlshed for the ontire eeaten by O'NelIl Cldemoblle, €Oth a1 Meteait Official Publicity Car by Buick Division of General Mote! Floware by Harvey Maxwell Country Flair Antiguce 1420 Main "7234 Werrall Ri ‘Advance Offloe and Supply Company Gateway Sporting Goods Company Anheuser-Busch; Ine, ‘1908 Grand 8177 Mercier “oa &. 20th Pretentation Bouquet by Stanley Flower Shop Coy 1217 Walnut Ernie and ob na eaineh Fe Sas ea ‘Starlight Piane artezsn's Dlme Store cia west eara Giatarony tone, Me. STARIONT THEATRE SOUVENIR PROGRAM tsa NEW FORDS FOR LESS AND OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST! NIGHT OWL SERVICE, UNTIL 200 AM. 6219 JOHNSON DR. MISSION, KANSAS Uae SUPERMAN Gossip Columais: Max Mencken, bitterly jealous of the acrention Super man gets from the citizens of Metropolis, devises a scheme to expose his ewe identicy. Mencken, along wich mad scientist De. Abner Sedgwick, plot Supeeman’s desteuction by luring him to ihe Metropolis Institute of Technology to repait a malfunctioning muctear reactor, Mild-marnered Clark Kent (Super- man) arrives at MIT, followed by Lois Lane, girl reporter who i frequently saved by Superman, At MIT Lois meet Dr. Sedgwick’s woman-hating assistant, Jim Morgan. Lois and Morgan experience a reaction that is nice, if not nuclear, and Superman saves the day. ‘The evil team of Max and Sedgwick again ry to destcoy Superman with fan aerial teoupes the Plying Lings, Chinese acrobats unemployed became carter hes Included easing roles fon Broadway ae well ax frequent TV appearances and major parts tn stock companies, She plays the part A of Lois tare, eager ait! reporter dishonored. Eventually, though, he triumphs... Sedgwick dissolves in a who has the aleasure ef ‘being blue flame, Max promises on his Boy Scout honor to be good, and Loic T*stusd resviarty Py Superman Lane pledges to be faithful to Superman forever. LISTEN! ISNT MUSIC MOE ENJOYABLE WHEN YOU SEE IT PERFORMED? enjoy (ourself this tall... 42 Concert Pairs at the Music Hall-6 Plaza Matinees—4 Connoissour Concerts THERE'S 4 SERIES FOR YOU ORDER SEASON TIGKETS NOW KANSAS CITY PHILHARMONIC CENTENNIAL BLOG. 210 V. 1084 SY, KC. MO. vi 29800 STARLIGHT THEATRE SOUVENIR PROOTAM wwe people won't pay to see them when they can watch Superman free, ‘This plot fails, but snother one succeeds and Superman is temporarily

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