Heal ID (Kelompok 30) - Operation Plan

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Heal ID

healthcare, simplified
Heal ID
Operation Plan
The Overview

0 - 6 months : Development Stag

mockup desig

beta & user testin

insight gathering

6 - 12 months : Acquisition & Experimentation Stag


business model applicatio

acquisition channels iteratio

acquiring partners

12-16 months : Fund Raising Roun

v1.0 iteratio

user feedback gatherin

seed funding leverag

The Overview

16-20 months : Growth Stag

pivot when necessar
growth hacking
growth marketin
recurring user insight data collection

20 - 24 months : Balance & Prioritization Stag

choosing between
growth marketin
growth hacking
operational spendin
research & developmen
human resource development
Development Stage

Designing a pre-signup landing page with pre-

register to get certain promotion savings when
pre-registered, can guarantee insights on whether
users are interested in our products or not.

Furthermore, adding a survey & user insight

gathering method to the user allows us to gather
specific, niche, qualitative research for free and
benefits the user in the future with promotion

insight gathering 0 - 6 months

Development Stage

9:41 PM

We also like to give a teaser & showcase our MVP

design & mockup on our landing page website, to
allow users to have a feel of what our product will
offer when we launch, and what we might develop in
the near future.

This also allows the users to see our value proposition

and also lets Heal ID know, whether our product has
enough potential or not.

mockup design 0 - 6 months

Development Stage

9:41 PM
9:41 PM

Log in, get insured and prepare yourself to

start your health journey with us.

let the user fiddle Login

with our web app
or sign in with

Forgot password?

Not a member yet? Sign up

to gather reactions & insight through recording movements & actions*

beta testing 0 - 6 months

Development Stage

The main focus here is to develop & test fast to gather niche insights
through usability testing, surveys and opening feedback reviews

0 - 6 months
Acquisition Stage

One of our partners would be doctors who own their own

clinic , mini healthcare center, rehab center or place that

allow them to practice their medical services on patient.

We would want to empower the “SME” provider of

healthcare maximize their healthcare service potential in

healthcare service, patient queuing management &

reservation system.

acquiring partners 6 - 12 months

Acquisition Stage

Another one of our partners would be small pharmacy

who don’t have a system to help with their

administration & finds it difficult to manage which

queue or medicine to prioritize first.

We want to empower pharmacy and maximize their

potential in medicine delivery.

acquiring partners 6 - 12 months

Acquisition Stage

Another one of our partners would be small healthcare

centers who have emergency units & inpatient service

who don’t have a system to help with their

administration & finds it difficult to manage which

patient & queue to prioritize for diagnosis first.

We want to empower small healthcare centers and

maximize their potential in inpatient services.

acquiring partners 6 - 12 months

Acquisition Stage

Experimenting registration and download acquisition

with two social media ads channels to see which one is

more effective for acquiring new potential users

acquisition channels iteration 6 - 12 months

Fund Raising Round

After our launch, we will be looking for potential and

willing investors that are willing to help us in raising
funds for growth hacking, growth marketing, human
resource development and operational development.

We will join exhibitions, conferences and any events

that allows exposure & networking with investors.

fund-raising 6 - 12 monmt
Fund Raising Round

After launching, users will get the chance to give user

feedback & reviews through the app store & play store.
Through those reviews & feedback, we will start
iterating our product details & improve our user
experience through developing products & features
that can further help the users.

v1.0 iteration 6 - 12 monmt

Growth Stage

We will try to hack our growth through reiterating our

product contiuously & also retain our existing user
through customer service and inner ecosystem
referrals & cashback promotions.

growth hacking 16 - 20 months

Growth Stage

During this stage, we want to boost our marketing to reach a

lot of users and raise our brand awareness through creating
more content and collaborating with potential brand
ambassadors & influencers (health practicioners).

Why I choose
Heal ID?

growth marketing 16 - 20 months

Balancing & Prioritization Stage

During this stage, we will consider which aspect we should

focus on based on many key metrics such as customer

acquisition cost & rate, customer bounce & uninstall rate,

usability rate, usability failure rate, user insights, user

behavioural analysis, product iteration update rate and many


With those metrics, we will decide on the next step where

we will define the areas we need improvement, pivoting,

reduction and increasing.

20 - 24 months
Our Operation Expenditure Projections

click to view the full sheet

Our Capital Expenditure Projections

click to view the full sheet

health, simplified

Thank You

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