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The Importance of Work

Family Responsibility
Let’s tackle the first question in Chapter 27 of the Gospel Principles to start with. Can anyone
here share their experiences that have taught them the value of work? [Allow the discussion to
run its course here]. It is obvious that for a variety of reasons that work is important in our lives.

The Heavenly Father himself has a job to give him purpose, the overseeing of the whole of
creation. In Genesis 3:19 he commanded Adam and Eve to farm the earth to feed themselves
and their children. In Exodus 20:9 the Lord told the people of Israel “Six days thou shalt
labour,” introducing the idea of the weekend and paving the future for a whole way of life for the
yet-to-be Australian nation. In Australia we have a saying: “I work to live, I don’t live to work.”

[Allow discussion around this idea and how it differs from work ethics in other parts of the

This attitude would not go down well with the Lord though. For example, he told the early
followers of Joseph Young: “Now, I, the Lord, am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion,
for there are idlers among them” (Doctrines and Covenants 68:31).

Family Responsibility
[Ask the class the question: “What are some responsibilities that fathers, mothers and children
have to maintain a home? What can family members do to share in the work? Allow discussion
to revolve around this point].

[Ask someone to read the next paragraph]. I think of the next paragraph that the latter two
points, the spiritual and emotional well-being of their family, are at least the equal of the physical
comfort of the family, especially in this modern world where the Great Deceiver uses things of
the flesh, or things of the physical world, to tempt people away from the teachings of Jesus and
the prophets of our faith. Does anyone agree, disagree, or have any comments to add to that?

[Continue reading from the text, then interject the following comment]. To my mind at least, this
reinforces the need for the spiritual and emotional well-being of the family to be considered at
least as important as needs of the physical world.

[Ask someone to read the paragraph about children and work, then state:] I think this last point
has been lost a bit on members of the “We Generation” that aren’t members of the church. Some
members of this last generation seem to think they are entitled to what they want without any
work on their part. That aside, it is vitally important that you teach your kids the value of honest
labour, praise them for their success, and given some token of recognition for their efforts. Any

[Read the next paragraph]. The last two statements of this paragraph are particularly important
here: Our Heavenly Father does remember families undergoing hardship, he does give them the
strength to carry out their duties, and he will always bless them if they ask Him in faith.
We Can Enjoy Our Work
[Get someone to read the drudgery, choice and attitude paragraphs, then state:] How does our
attitude affect our work? Has anyone here had a truly miserable job that they could easily have
hated, yet somehow managed to turn the job into an enjoyable part of their life?

Getting help from your brethren, and the attitude you bring to your job both help make a job
easier. But most of all, remembering that your service to your fellow beings is a service to our
Lord, is an attitude that will help us turn our attitude to work from negative to positive. It says as
much in Mosiah 2:17in reference to King Benjamin.

God Condemns Idleness

[Get someone to read the three paragraphs that come under this heading]. This section is all
good and well, and I agree with what it says, but I think it is important to remember that what
might appear to be idleness on the part of one man may not be what it appears to be. I think that
Our Saviour’s attitude towards charity and helping those in need should be remembered here.

Work, Recreation, and Rest

This is the section that was written by Aussies! It is vitally important to find the proper balance
between work, recreation and rest. Observing the Sabbath day is extremely important here, not
only because rest is necessary and can be quite enjoyable, but also because observing the
Sabbath honours the Lord and brings spiritual gifts from the Lord to his faithful followers.

The Blessings of Work

I don’t know what to say of this section. Does anyone have any comments?

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