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KDDL 3 Session 3B

Manifestation through the Heart of Effimah Technique 2:10:20

First, whatever the thing is that you would like to manifest, be it a thing, an
object, a condition in your life, a healing or a different job or a relationship or…
whatever it is that you’re looking for, behind everything that we think we desire,
there is a set of qualities of experience that we feel that that thing or that
occurrence would bring to us and it’s the feeling that we seek most that draws us
to… we think its from this, you know, we’ll get this, we’ll feel this.

If we can find the feeling behind it, whatever it is you’re trying to manifest, and
then take it a little deeper, behind the feeling there’s a vibration, an inscription, a
sound. There is a sound. Sometimes you can feel it before you can hear it.
Sometimes you won’t be able to hear it but you can feel it as a vibration.

If there is something that you think you want, bring the idea of it, inhale it and
expand it into your heart of effimah. Let is sit there and kind of move around, and
just breathe through it, and see if you can sense a vibration to it. It is there but it
may take a little practice to sense it in the heart of effimah.

When you start to be able to feel the vibration of it there, it may feel first like a
feeling, and then behind the feeling there’s a deeper level where that vibration is
and that vibration has a sound, sometimes it’s a silent sound that you won’t be
able to hear even with inner hearing. But when you can sense out the vibration in
your heart of effimah, you start to feel it, you think you have that vibration, then
inhale into the crystal, the rainbow crystal inside your heart of effimah.

Grab that vibration with the inhale [breathes in] Inhale it into your rainbow
crystal then hold. Hold it there, feel it charge, and then we’re going to exhale it
except we’re going to double it and make two. And your going to send one-
equalling the same vibration-send one down each arm and into the palm chakras.
Big exhale [exhales].

Have each of them in a little ball of plasma sitting in your palms, same vibration
and encryption. Then put the palms together and line them up in front of your
heart of effimah. Inhale [inhales] into your heart of effimah and blow out a spark
from the rainbow crystal right in to the place where the two balls of plasma with
the encryption are in your palms. [exhales]

And watch them pop into a triptec-which means the two become three—and that
means they begin to phase, so you’d have the two encryption balls that you sent
down each palm, and then when you blow that spark out it makes the third so it
forms a triptec…1,2,3, and that’s a phase set, so it begins to phase and spark and
build quantum.

Once you create the triptec in your palms, then simply inhale it back in [inhales]
to your heart of effimah and expand it out as a film on the outside of your heart
of effimah. And let that encryption begin to magnetise that vibration that you had
desired to manifest.

The first key to creating plasma seeds that work is finding the vibration of the
encryption behind them. So that’s a little beginning of introduction to
manifesting through the heart of effimah.

Guardian short piece

It is always helpful to remind ourselves that a theory is simply a set of ideas

about something. That all ideologies are simply theories of creation and cosmos
to explore and that we each have the power to choose the heroic truth through
which our greatest heroic potentials may be embraced, nourished, sustained and

Do we choose to view ourselves and humanity as being purposefully created

from stardust or as being randomly raised from pond scum? The choice of which
theory to believe belongs to each of us. I personally opt for the theory that
inspires the most potential. I believe in stardust principle. Stardust theory. We’re
made from the stars. That’s my personal preference of theory.

One of the most important idea sets interwoven throughout the guardian
material is; when adequate information, intelligent consideration, chosen
thought, and congruent action come together, conscious manifestation happens,
and reality unfolds. And when we choose well, reality is given the opportunity to
smile back at us in acknowledgement.

For me personally, it is a great honour and privilege to work with the guardians
in service to the eternal life agenda. It’s also a privilege, honour and gift to share
the guardian material teachings with you in service to the beautiful silken waves
of consciousness that you are and the eternal authentic selves that you will
evolve to become.

Thank you so much for the opportunity…

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