Family - and - Friends - 6 - Workbook Pag1-6

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Workbook Starter Welcome back! 2 Unit9 Survival m% My writing: an advice text 80 Unit? Art project 6 My writing: a story R Fluency Time! 3 2 Unit2 Sports adventures! 4 Unit 10 Around the world! 84 My writing: a concept map 20 My writing: an advert 90 Unit 3 It's festival time! 2 Unit 11. Space travel! 2 My writing: a letter 28 My writing: a poem 98 Fluency Time! 1 30 Unit 12. Holiday time! 100 My writing: an opini 106 Unit4 Transport of the future! 32 ly writing: an opinion essay My writing: a process diagram 38 14 108 Unit The greatest inventions! 40 Time! i My writing: a biography 46 cree a Unit6 You've won a computer! 48 Class play: The Mystery of the My writing: a research report 54 lama ana Pe psec ony 56 Grammar Time 116 Unie Zan AOI) ob Everyday English phrase bank 124 My writing: personalized text 64 Dictionary 126 Units It’s a mystery! 66 ; My writing: a tourist information Irregular verb list, 135 leaflet nR Julie Penn Cheryl Pelteret OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS VETTEL Lesson One Story 1 Write the names. ‘ Fin is the DSD Club leader and he is? ‘s brother. He welcomes everyone back to the club. is Ed's sister. * and® are her cousins. There is a new person in the group. His name is ® and he is from Canada. ‘The children show Tom some photos of the things that the DSD Club did last year. " decides to join the club.® gives him a T-shirt and a cap. 2. Look and complete the sentences. (costumes firstaid football future helped park play river seats time ) The children were actors in a* play __ last year. When Fin’s car broke down, they made new 2 for the performance. b The children cleaned up the? in the wildlife * - Later, they were on TV. ¢ They did a® course. Then they * aman who was in trouble. d_ They watched a” match. They had the best * in the stadium, € The children made a? capsule. They buried it for people to find in the 2 Starter Welcome back! 3 Read and circle the incorrect words. Write correct sentences. 1 Last year, the children made new costumes for a(holiday)) Last year, the children made new costumes for a play. 2 Jim had the old costumes in his car. 3. There was a map of the country in the children’s time capsule, 4 The children did a lot of work at the river because it was very clean. ‘Aman fell off his horse and the children helped him. 6 The man was a really good piano player. N Jim invited the children to watch a film. 4 Answer the questions. Where did Kate and Ed go on holiday? They went to Spain. Who had a holiday in France? What does’DSD' mean? Who is the new member of the DSD Club? Where does Tom come from? aun What sport does Tom play? 5 Complete Tom’s emai capsule cleaned Clubs cousins joined learnt _ year ece = Hi Jack, Hows life in Canada? I'm having a good time here. At first, it was difficult because I didn't know many people. But today, Fin and Libby took me to the DSD + Club and I met their? Ed and Kate. They're very friendly. They do lots of exciting things at the club. Last? ; they did a play and they also made a time * They ® upa river and they * first aid. I think it's @ great club, 501” today, I'm wearing the DSD* and T-shirt now! Write soon! Tom Welcome back! Starter Lesson Two Grammar | 1 Read and circle. Dale: Hi, Jake. It's Dale. How are you? Jake: Hi, Dale. I'm OK. "I watch /{f'm watching)the match on TV, but? don’t enjoy / I'm not enjoying it much. My team ? doesn’t win / isn't winning. Dale: I can’t watch TV right now because my sister * does / is doing her homework in the living room. Jake: § Does she always do / Is she always doing her homework on Sunday afternoon? Dale: No. *She usually finishes / She's usually finishing her work on Saturday but, this time, she's late. Jake: Well, you can watch the game with me, if you like.” Do you want / Are you wanting to come over here? Dale: Oh, no, thanks. °I'don't like / I'm not liking football on TV. °T usually fall / I'm usually falling asleep when I watch a match on TV. 2. What was happening when the storm started? Write sentences. Use the past continuous. two boys / kick / a football Two boys were kicking a football the woman / read / a book ‘two children / ride / bikes the woman / drink / coffee the man / carry /a shopping bag the ducks / eat / bread oununa 3 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous. 1 Hannah called whileI_was doing (do) my homework. 2 We (play) football when I hurt my knee. 3. Robbie was having lunch when Max (arrive). 4 Dad had an accident while he (drive) to work. 51 (look) out of the window when I saw a beautiful bird in the garden. 6 They were having a picnic when it (start) to rain, 7 Jenny (study) when Annie (phone). 8 We (travel) to London when the train suddenly (stop). 4 Starter Present simple and present continuous, and past simple and past continuous on Three Grammar 2 1 Complete the table. (J Iregulor verb lst pase 135) N Read and circle. 1. Tve broke /6) 2 Ispoke / spoken to my sister this morning. 3. I swam / swum to the island yesterday, 4 I've did / done my homework already. 5 Late / eaten a sandwich for lunch. 6 I've ridden / rode a camel. w Complete the sentences. (J) lregular verb lst page 135 1 took (take) these photos Susan hasn't (fly) ina They (wear) costumes last week. plane before. for the play. You've (ride) ahorse! ve (see) this film three times. year. Irregular past forms Starter 5

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