VPD HAW Hamburg

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Geneststraße 5 · 10829 Berlin

Mail über Kontaktformular

auf www.uni-assist.de
Muhammad Ammaz
Talhat Ibn Al Mouzaffar, 7 PISES, Riyadh, 12334
12328 Riyadh

Your uni-assist applicant number: 2967092

Dear Muhammad Ammaz,

we are very pleased that you have decided to study in Germany.

We have evaluated your application for preliminary evaluation documentation (Antrag auf
Vorprüfungsdokumentation; VPD), you will find the results attached to this letter. The VPD
contains information regarding your qualification to study in Germany, which is very important for
your application.

With this letter, you can apply for a visa for study applicants in the visa section of the German
Embassy / German consulate in your home country. However, there is no legal right to obtain a
visa on the basis of this letter.

Please note: this letter is not a letter of admission, it only announces the results of the check
on your educational background. You also have to apply directly at HAW Hamburg within the
application periods. (https:/www.haw-hamburg.de/en/study/applications.html).

Please hand in your VPD and all further required documents to the enrolment office of HAW
Hamburg in time.

You can find further information for your application at HAW Hamburg and the necessary
documents here: https:/www.haw-hamburg.de/en/study/applications/international-applicants/

uni-assist has carried out the pre-check of your documents with the greatest care and accuracy.
Should you however feel that we have made a mistake in our pre-check, please write to us.
State the reasons for your complaint and please include your application number. uni-assist's
management will look into your complaint and get back to you in writing. If you still disagree with
this response, we will forward your application to the respective university. The university will
then issue you a decision vested with legal capacity.

Kind regards,
Your uni-assist-Team

This letter was processed automatically and is valid without personal signature.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
for an application for
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW

Lastname: Ammaz
Firstname: Muhammad
Date of birth: 18.10.2005
Place of birth: Lahore
Nationality: Pakistan
Applicant number: 2967092

sent the following set of documents to uni-assist.

School certificate:
Country: Vereinigtes Königreich
General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level / Advanced
Certificate: Subsidiary Level (bzw. Candidate Statement of Provisional
Date: 30.06.2023
Grade: 2,2

E v a l u a t i o n * :
These documents certify that Muhammad Ammaz has the university entrance
for all types of university offering the academic discipline(s) given here
For the following subjects:
künstlerische, technische, mathematische, naturwissenschaftliche sowie medizinische
with an average mark of 2,2.
The certificates attesting to this entrance qualification were received on 30.06.2023.

This Vorprüfungsdokumentation is valid for one year after issuing date.

* One or more of the certificates that have been taken into consideration for the identification of the German entrance
qualification to higher study may not be listed here. The university can find detailed information regarding all relevant
documents in uni-assist's university portal under the above applicant number.

Berlin, 24.10.2023

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk

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