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1. She has to speak French for years.

be able
been able

Mark 1.00 cout Of 1.00

The correct answer is: been able

2. l hope | veill to meet you next month.

been able
be ableayr

Mark 1.00 cout Of 1.00

The correct answer is: be able

3. They haven't to find their lost keys yet.

be able Xx
been able

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: been able

4. My brother has always to cook delicious meals.

be able
been able.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: been able

5. We wvill to finish the project on time if we work hard.

be able.ys
been able

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

1. dictionary / often / use / The / the / students

The students often use the dictionary [a

2. me/ Paul / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework

[ Paul sometimes helps me with my homework Iv

3. visits / Jonathan / usually / dentist / the

jonathan usually visits the dentist iu

4. 1/fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without

| often fish for hours without catching anything $

5. try/ police / keep / The / order / always / to

The police always try to keep the order pe

6. see/ usually / Jennifer / out / goes / a / to / concert

Jennifer usually goes out to see a concert Iv

Y. often / money / Sally / her / borrows / friends / from

Sally often borrows money from her friends ju

3. angry Y/ Our / teacher / English / usually / is

Our English teacher is usually angry Ia


Meet Alex, a 12-year-old soccer player from Manchester, England. Since a very young age, Alex has shown immense
talent and passion for the sport. He started playing soccer whenhe was just five years old and quickly became the
star player of his local team.

Alex's skills on the soccer field have not gone unnoticed. He has been scouted by several professional soccer clubs,
and at the age of 10, he joined the youth academy of a renowned Premier League team. His dedication to training
and hard work has paid off, and he continues to impress both coaches and spectators with his incredible
performance during matches.
In addition to his soccer career, Alex is also a diligent student. He understands the importance of balancing
academics and sports, and he always ensures that he completes his schoolwork before attending soccer practices
and matches.

When asked about his dreams for the future, Alex confidently expresses his desire to play for the England national
team one day. He looks up to famous soccer players and draws inspiration from their journeys to success.


O.- Alexis 14 years old.

Right — Wrong Doesn'tsay

Wrong «í
Doesn't say
Alex started playing soccer when he was six years
“ old Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
(2) Right X
Doesn't say
2.- Alexis currently part of a Premier League team. Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Doesn't say

2 WTONg «$
Doesn't say
Alex's coaches and spectators are not impressed with
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
” his performance.

The correct answer is: Wrong

2 WrOng «$
Doesn't say

4.- Alex neglects his studies to focus on soccer. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Wrong

Right af
Doesn't say

5.- Alex's dream is to play for the England national team. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

Right .f
Doesn't say

6.- Alex draws inspiration from other soccer players. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

2) Doesn't say X
7.- Alex's soccer journey started in London, England. Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Wrong

Meet Jamie, a 15-year-old musical prodigy from New York City. Jamie's love for music started at a very young age
when he would hum along to tunes, he heard on the radio. At the age of 6, he began taking piano lessons and quickly
showed exceptional talent.

Now, at 15, Jamie is an accomplished pianist and composer. He has won numerous piano competitions and has been
invited to perform at prestigious events. Jamie's passion for music extends beyond the piano; he also plays the violin
and guitar.
In addition to his classical training, Jamie enjoys experimenting with different genres of music. He has composed
original pieces that blend classical, jazz, and pop elements, showcasing his versatility as a musician.
Despite his remarkable talent, Jamie remains humble and dedicated to his craft. He practices several hours a day and
often spends his free time composing new melodies. Jamie dreams of becoming a professional musician and sharing
his music with the world.

O.- Jamie is 12 years old.

ARight BWrong CDoesn'tsay


Wrong X
Doesn't say
Jamie's love for music started when he was a
1.- teenager.
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Doesn't say

Wrong X
Doesn't say
> Jamie has only played the piano in his musical
- Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Doesn't say

Wrong «f
Doesn't say

3.- Jamie has never won any piano competitions. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Wrong

Wrong X
Doesn't say
Jamie's compositions are limited to classical music
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Doesn't say

Right y
Doesn't say
5.- Jamie spends most of his free time composing music. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

Right y
Doesn't say
6.- Jamie aspires to be a professional musician. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

Wrong =f
Doesn't say
7.- Jamie lives in Los Angeles. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Wrong



In the last few months, | have [been ] playing chess regularly. | [started ] playing this captivating game since my
friend introduced it to me. For hours each week, | have been [ practicing] in strategic moves and challenging
opponents. It's been a wonderful experience, and my skills have [ improved ] significantly. For the past few
weeks, | have been [playing ] with my family and friends, making unforgettable memories. Chess has [ become ]
a favorite pastime, and | cherish the moments spent playing it. | look forward to [ continuing ] this enjoyable
hobby for many more months to come.

What time does the bus leave?

C The bus leawes at 9:00 AM.

Where do they live>

C They live in Nev York.

How often do you go to the gym?

(so to the sym three times a wesk.,

Do you have any siblings>

C Yes, | have one sister.

What does she do for a living?

C She is a teacher.

Where does he vvork>

C He works at a hospital.
Put the words in correct order

before /|/a/ cup / always / coffee / have / breakfast / of

[1] [always] [have] [a] [cup] [of] [coffee] [before] [breakfast ].

after / school / | / my / usually / do / homework

[1] [usually] [do] [my] [homework] [after] [school ].

Put the words in correct order

at / | / weekend / my / often / go / hiking

[1] [often ] [go] [hiking] [at] [my] [weekend ].

the / for / she / gym / goes / every / morning / to / workout

[She] [goes] [to] [the] [gym] [every] [morning] [for] [workout ].

Rewvrite the sentences in the correct order.

de Rarely / gym / goes / because / busy / she / is / to / the / so

[She] [rarely] [goes] [to the gym] [because] [she is so shy]

7 Take/ usually
/ to / the / work
/ you / do / bus
/ ?

[Do] [you] [usually] [take] [the bus] [to work?]

=> Am / happy / myY/to f/f | / see / friends / always

Ol am] [always] [happy] [to] [see] [my friends]

4. Swiniming / they / in / winter / go / rarely / the

[They] [rarely] [So ] [swimming] [in] [the winter]

Base form Simple Past Past Participle


drink drank l drunk

drive drove el driven

wear wore
write wrote sí written

sing sang sung SÍ

swim swam X
Select one:

* This is the news. There has been an earthquake in Japan.

* Thisis the news. There has been an earthquake in Japan last night. Y

“This is the news. There has just been an earthquake in Japan.

Mia Rodriguez is a 15-year-old aspiring artist from a small town in the countryside. She has always had a passion for
art and started drawing at a very young age. Her parents noticed her talent and encouraged her to pursue her
interest in art. Mia's preferred medium is acrylic paint, and she loves creating vibrant and colorful paintings.
She finds inspiration in nature, animals, and everyday life in her town. Mia often spends hours in her backyard,
sketching and observing the birds and flowers that surround her. Recently, Mia participated in a local art
competition, and her painting won the first prize. lt was a proud moment for her, and it gave her the confidence to
showcase her artwork to a wider audience. Mia dreams of becoming a professional artist one day and hopes to have
her own art gallery to exhibit her creations. Apart from painting, Mia enjoys visiting art museums and galleries in
nearby cities to learn from renowned artists.
She also takes part in art workshops to improve her skills and learn new techniques. Mia's art teacher has been a
great mentor, guiding her on her artistic journey. Mia's artwork has gained attention on social media platforms, and
she has started receiving requests for commissioned pieces. She feels grateful for the support she has received from
her community and is excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in her artistic career.

Wrong X
Mia has been interested in art since Doesn't say

she was a child. Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

Wrong =$

- - Doesn't say
Mia prefers using watercolors for her
2.- Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Wrong

Right .s

Doesn't sa
Mia finds inspiration in nature for her Y
+ art Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

Wrong X
- o o Doesn't say
Mia's painting won a prize in a local art
4.- competition. Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

Right «f
Doesn't say
Mia wants to become a professional
artist in the future. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

Wrong «f
Not mentioned
Mia's art teacher has not been helpful
in her artistic journey. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Wrong

Right .S
Doesn't say
People are noticing her work on social
media. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

1. Yesterday at 3 PM, Sarah (watch) a movie.

was watchingas

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: was watching

2. What (you do) at 7 o'clock last night?

was you doingX
were you doing

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: were you doing

3. While 1 (cook) dinner, the phone rang.

were cooking
was COOkingas
Choose the correct option (FOR / SINCE)

1. | have lived in this city 2010.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: since

2. They have been friends they were children.

for X

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: since

3. | have known him a long time.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: for

4. She has been studying English two hours.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: for

1. Read the text below. For each question, decide if it is "True" or
My working day starts very early. From Monday to Friday | get up at half past three and | have a shower and
a cup of coffee. | usually leave the house at ten past four because the car always arrives a few minutes early.
| get to the studio at about five o'clock and start work. My programme Good Morning Britain starts at seven
o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then | leave the studio at a quarter past ten. After that, | go shopping
and visit some friends. | get home at three o'clock. A woman helps me with the housework and the ironing. |
read a newspaper and do some work.
Then my husband gets home at half past five in the evening and | cook dinner. We stay at home in the
evening. We don't go out because | go to bed very early. We usually watch television and then | go to bed at
half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine o'clock.
| think my job is very interesting but | don't like getting up very early.

1. The person is a woman.

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: TRUE

2. She is a television journalist.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: TRUE

3. She drives her car to work.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: FALSE

4. She goes home after the programme finishes.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: FALSE

5. She is in the house alone till her husband arrives home.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: FALSE

1. Read this blog post about differences in British and English eating habits
and answer the questions (True of False) below:

[...] Among the most important meals of the day, the BRITISH certainly include breakfast. Most people begin
their working time early and have no time to make breakfast, but at the weekend, it consists of: eggs, bacon,
beans, sausages, porridge (one sort of barley parrot) and milk, juice or coffee (absolutely different from what
we Italians are accustomed to, it is similar to a barley beverage rather than coffee). They might eat yogurt,
toast, jam and butter. In the regions near the sea, smoked cod or smoked fish are also consumed during the
Lunch is, instead, like a snack. Few British have the opportunity to go home to eat lunch, so their meal is
made up of a sandwich or a wrap (a kind of piadina) that can be stuffed with what you want: tomatoes and
tuna, ham and “Mozzarella” (which has more of the consistency of a pasta cheese), chicken, all seasoned with
sauces in quantity.

It can be said that dinner is the only meal actually “cooked" by the British. It consists of hot food, mostly
main courses, rarely soups or unique dishes (spaghetti with meat for example). The meat or fish to be served
is accompanied by potatoes or other vegetable-based side dish , often in cream (eg peas, mushed peas). The
dinner time is around 18:30 and 19:30 depending on the working needs of the individual households.
Typically British, finally, are the pies, even salted, and the pasta with beef or lamb.
Are these sentences true of false about BRITISH PEOPLE and their diet (according to this text)?

1. They eat a rich breakfast every day. | FALSE v|./

2. British coffee is different from the Italian version. | TRUE v|./

3. Fish is on the family breakfast menu in London. | FALSE v|./ 4, They often have only a sandwich for

lunch. | TRUE v|.y/

5. They like dressings (mayo, ketchup, etc.) on salads and sandwiches | TRUE v| y

6. Lunch is the most important meal during the day. | FALSE v|./
The Young Gardener

In a quiet neighbourhood, there is a young gardener named Sophie. She is just 11 years old, but her love for plants is
undeniable. Sophie's family noticed her passion for gardening when she started growing small flowers and herbs in
her backyard.
Sophie's parents supported her interest and helped her set up a small garden. As Sophie spent time caring for her
plants, she learned about different types of flowers and how to tend to them. Her garden soon became a colorful
and thriving oasis.
At school, Sophie's friends admired her gardening skills, and she often brought fresh flowers to her teachers. Her
teacher even allowed her to give a presentation about gardening to the class. Sophie loved sharing her knowledge
and inspiring others to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Now, at 11 years old, Sophie dreams of becoming a professional botanist one day. She hopes to study plants in-
depth and contribute to scientific research. Sophie's ambition is to protect and preserve the environment by
understanding and promoting plant life.
Despite her young age, Sophie remains dedicated to her garden and is grateful for the support she receives from her
family and friends. She believes that gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature and wants to continue
growing her knowledge and her garden.

Right «f
Doesn't say

1.- Sophie is an 11-year-old gardener. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

Right af

Doesn't say
2.- Sophie's family supported her interest in gardening.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

B Wrong «f
C Doesn't sa
3.- Sophie learned about gardening at school. y
MAnarele 1 MA mit nf 1 nn
B Wrong «f
. . o C Doesn't say
4.- Sophie wants to become a professional musician.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B Wrong

Right «/
. o . Doesn't say
5.- Sophie's ambition is to protect the environment.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Right

B Wrong «f
C Doesn't sa
6.- Sophie believes gardening is a terrible way to connect with nature. y
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

e Doesn't say af
7.- Sophie's favorite plant to grow in her garden is a sunflower.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When l arrived at the party, everyone and dancing.

(27 were singing

was singing

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: was singing

We volleyball at the beach when the sun went down.

was playing
were playingas

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: were playing

While he his bike, he fell and got a bruise.

were riding
was ridingas
She her favorite song on the radio when | called her.

were hearing
was hearingas

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Choose the correct use of Will

| will help you carry those heavy bags.

Offer assistance.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Offer assistance

| will have tea, not coffee

Offer assistance
Showing preference.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Ifit rains, | will stay at home.

- Hypothetical situation./

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Hypothetical situation

| will pick you after school if | can.

+, Showing preferenceX

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Willingness

Choose the correct option (FOR / SINCE)

Tom has been working at the company 5 years.


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: for

They have been married 2009.


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

She has been waiting at the bus stop half an hour.



Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: for

We've been friends a very long time.



Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


IN FO RMATION a) Sarah is selling textbooks for high school students.

b) The textbooks being sold are brand new and unused.
For Sale. Used Textbooks c) High school students can purchase used textbooks from Sarah. X
for College Students.
Various subjec ts Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

available. - The correct answer is: a) Sarah is selling textbooks for high
Contact Sarah school students.
at 333-1234,
a) The local supermarket is closed and not accepting job applications.
b) The job opportunity is only for full-time positions.
ADVERTISEMENT c) The local supermarket is hiring a part-time position with flexible
hours. «/
Job Opportunity. Part-time
cashier needed for local Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
supermarket. Flexible hours. The correct answer is: c) The local supermarket is
Inquire within hiring a part-time position with flexible hours.

Choose the correct option.

A lot of novels into other languages.

3. aretranslated y

b. amtranslated

Cc. is translated

d. aretranslate

a. is Cheese made

b. ¡ts made cheese

Es is it cheese made

d. cheese is made Xx

The correct ae=nswer is: is cheese made

Choose the correct option.

He play football when he was young.

use to

D. usedto

c. did use to

d. used
Choose the correct option.
l like public speaking. Novv 1 love it.

dontuseto Xx

didn't used to

c. did use to

d. didn't use to

The correct answer is: didn't use to

Choose the correct option.

What time did you go to work?

a. useto

b. usedto X
Cc. usual

d. used

The correct answer is: use to

The film was directed Quentin Tarantino.

b. for X

d. from

The correct answer is: by

What is your favorite hobby?
Le MdeeMaNernay>

My favorite hobby is painting. | enjoy creating colorful artwork. )

Do you have any hobbies that you do with your friends?

Yes, | like playing board games with my friends. )

Why do people have hobbies?

People have hobbies to relax, have fun, and pursue their interests outside of work or school. )

4. Are hobbies important?

(Ves, hobbies are important because they provide a way to de-stress and enjoy life outside of daily responsibilities)
5. How do you find time for your hobbies?
(1 try to find time for my hobbies by setting aside a few hours on weekends or after work/school to do what | enjoy.

You study hard if you want to get good grades.
Sust Are Do
ANSWER - Sus t

1. She > a new dress yesterday.

2. They |[ have visitea >] y, their grandparents durins the holidays.

3. He SÍ his homework already.

4. Last year, we to Europe for vacation.

5. The company launched a new product this month..


1. Will you attend the party tonight?
Yes, [I will]
2. Will she bring her guitar to the picnic?
No, [she won't ]
3. Will they visit the museum this weekend?
Yes, [they will ]
4. Will you have time to finish your homework?
No, [Il won't]
5. Will he buy a new car next year?
Yes, [he will ]

Yes. y
1. Will you attend the party tomorrow?

No. temente) >

2. Will it rain this weekend?

ves. y
3. Will she visit her grandparents next month?

4. Will they buy a new car this year?

No, | they won't] .y
5. Will you have time to help me with my project?
No, lwon't O

1. will you attend the wedding next month>
Yes, lo will SÍ
2. will she have time to call you later>

3. will they visit
xr the zoo this summer?

a. will you buy
» a nev phone soon”?

5. Will he learn
Y to play the guitar?

Yes. y
1. Will you come early?

No, [won't Y los

2. Will the wasps sting me?

Yes, they won't +|>X :; The correct answer is: they wvill
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
3. Will Jack play basketball verorrr==

No, he won't Y los

4. Will you and Sam go to the concert?

Yes, we will e ¡as

5. Will that noise stop?

Yes, it will Y as

' Choose the correct answer.

1. Are you cooking dinner? | love you] X meals.

2. We planned v ./ our visit very carefully. We saw everything!

3.1 gave
£WYE | Xx hersome flowers for her birthday.

4. Our apartment was very cheap when we bought if inthe1980s — y] Y

5. Do you want to play volleyball before or sir

after | X we go swimming?
1. What is the main ingredient in pizza?

[=>] y
2. Which of these is a form of public transportation?

1. Are you Sam's brother?

b)That is correct, lam. v|yY

2. We're leaving at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

a)Thatis too early! vv |syY

Read the statements and select the best option.

You study hard if you want to get good grades.
Must Are Do


1. The book I'm reading is very 7 lcar't put it down.

A) interesting =/
B) interested

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: A) interesting

2. She is always in learning new languages.

A) interesting
B) interested uf

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) interested

3. The documentary on marine life was incredibly -

A) interesting =y
5) interested

4. He became more in art after visiting the art museum.

A) interesting
5) interested uy

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) interested

5. The lecture on space exploration was fascinating and kept everyone

4) interesting
5) interested ay

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) interested

6. Ifind science fiction movies very and engaging.-

24) interesting y
5) interested

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: A) interesting

T. She was in joining the hiking club to explore new trails.

4) interesting
5) interested uy
1) She put some cookies and a banana in a bag for his

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: lunch

2) Juan took a bus to the museum and got off outside the entrance.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: main

3) He at the children eating some sandwiches.



Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

4) The lions were sleeping under a tree because it was very



Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: hot

5) Tim some photos of the elephants.


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

1. You apologize for your behavior, it was inappropriate.

Aj) oughrt to

8) must Xx

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: A) ought to

2. We finish this project before the deadline.

A) ought to X
5) must

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) must

3. He study hard to pass the exam.

Aj) oughrt to
B) must <f

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) must

4. They consider the consequences of their actions.

A) OUBht TO «af
5) must

5. We follow the rules and regulations of the organization.

A) ought to X
8) must

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) must

6. You call your parents; they might be worried about you.

A) ought to
B) must X

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: A) ought to

7. Students attend all the mandatory classes to maintain good academic standing.

A) oughtto X
B) must

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: B) must

Complete the email from Alex to her friend Jane. Write ONE word for each space. For
questions 1 - 10, write the words.
Example: Y am

Dear Jane,

| (0) _am_ sorry but | won't be able to come to your party (1) «/ Saturday. | have a family event on the (2) / day. My cousin is

getting married, and the whole family is invited to the wedding.

| know that | promised to (3) «/ you decorate and set up for the party, but | can't miss my cousin's wedding. It's a special occasion and |
can't (4) Y it
Ifyou need (5 «/, help with the party preparations, | suggest you (6) v/ my sister, Sarah. She loves organizing events and she's really

good (7) «/ it. She offered to help you out.

| hope you (8) y/, my absence, and | promise to make it up to you after the wedding. We can plan a day to hang out (9)

«/ or do something fun.

| hope your party goes well and that you have a great time. I'll be thinking of you and wishing | could be (10J were | «/, with you all.

Take care and enjoy the party!

Best wishes,


Hi Diana!

During my summer vacation, | went on (0) the trip to the mountains with my family. We stayed in (1) y/ cozy cabin near a beautiful lake, The

weather (2) [was | ./ warm and sunny (3) | most | / ofthe time, perfect for outdoor activities. One day, we decided
to go (4)|on | / ahike in

the nearby forest. lt was (5) |an | / amazing experience.

The trail was beautiful and led (6) |us — |./ through thick trees and colourful flowers, We saw (7) many | / wild animals, including deer and

rabbits, The view (8) | from | ./ the top ofthe mountain was absolutely breathtaking.

In the evenings, we (9)| would — | ./ sit by the stunning and roast marshmallows, lt was so quiet and peaceful.
1 (10) | will | / cherish these

memories forever,

Good luck!

Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button and choose the correct



How deep is your love

! know your eyes in the morning sun

| feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
wanna feel you in my|[ —armsagain |
And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love, then you
And it's me you need to show

How deep is your love , is your love

How deep is your love
| really mean to learn

"Cause we're living in a world of fools

Breaking us down when they all should let us be
we belong to you and me.

l believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You re [the light in my deepesk . darkest hour
Youre the savior when 1 fall
And you may not think | care for you
when you know down inside that | really do
And it's me you need to show

How deep is your lowe, ¡is your lowe

How deep is your lowe, | really mean to learn
“Cause we're livins in a world of fools
Breaking us dowm when they all should let us be
[we belong to you and mE
1. l enjoy eating fruits Y apples and bananas.

2. She has various hobbies, “Y painting and gardening.

3. Many animals, Y dogs and cats, make great pets.

4. He has skills in different areas, “f cooking and carpentry.

5. We like to visit places with natural beauty, “Y Mountains and lakes.

6. although v|ay its raining, I'll still go for a walk.

7. although Y|af Vmtired, | wantto finish this book.

althousgs “|.f she studied hard, she didn't pass the exam.

9. although vY|ayf its cold outside, he's wearing shorts.


-I think children ought to [ practice vu different sports.

“Teachers ought to [_ consider vw ]w their students usually hawe jobs.

-Parents ought to [ be vw] patient with their children.

-l| think the government ought to [| »e v=]jw harder with criminals.

-I| think young people ought to [ be vu polite with elders.

-I think old people ought [ke

to v—]x care of their health.

“Teenagers ought to [_suay | different languages.

-Children ought to[ez vw] all kind of food their parents give them.

| think girls ought to [ tearn_ vu personal defense.

. Fill in the blanks with the correct information.

Come join us this Saturday morning at

Riverside Gardena for an outdoor yoga
and meditation session.
From beginners to experienced From: Frank
practitioners, are welcome to To: Grace
Pl pick you up at your home at 8.00am punctually
participate. There's no cost to join - it's
on my motorbike, so we can head to the venue
completely free! Bring your yoga mats or
together and make the most of the morning
towels. Contact us at
session. 1"! bring all the supplies we need, including
yoga mats and towels. ,

Where? Riversade Gardens.

when? [Saturday
Saturday 7 x morning.

Travel there by2| Motorbike

Motorbike x.

Bring? Yoga mars] X and towels.

Pick up at? ¡A X am
Choose the correct option.
When iPods invented?

3. Were .s
b. was

Cc. are

d. is

Choose the correct option.

When was this museum ?

a. build
b. builded

C. built ag

d. be built

Choose the correct option

A Did they use to be married?

B Yes, they .

did y


Fill in the information on the Reservation Form.
Abby Road
25th July

TO: Music Gold Records

Subject: Ticket Inquiry - Luke Spiller Concert at The Lyceum Theatre

| am writing to inquire about purchasing two tickets for the upcoming Luke Spiller concert at The Lyceum Theatre. My son, Nick, is a crazy fan of Luke Spiller and
has been waiting for so long this event. Nick's birthday is just around the corner, and | can't think of a better gift than surprising him with two tickets to see his
favorite artist perform live. As he has always admired Luke Spiller's incredible talent and mesmerizing stage presence, this concert would be a dream come true
for him.

Frank Burton

Music Gold Records


Singer: Y

How many tickets: Y

Son's name: Y

Waterloo, London

16th January

TO: The Lion King

Subject: Ticket Inquiry- Comedy Show at The Old Vic

lam writing to inquire about purchasing four tickets for an upcoming comedy show at The Old Vic. | am planning a fun-filled evening with my friends and would love to treat them to a delightful theatre

As a devoted fan of comedy, ! believe The Old Vic would be the perfect venue for an unforgettable night filled with laughter and entertainment. | am particularly interested in a comedy show featuring
the talented David Mitchell, His incredible wit and humor have lefta lasting impression on me, and | believe that his performance at The Old Vic would be an absolute treat,


The Lion King


Where: The Old Vic

Event: | ComedyShow |X

How many tickets: | four — [Y

Artists: | David Mitchell Y

From: | Arianna y

8th October

TO: The Ritz London Hotel

Subject: Reservation Inquiry - Suite Presidential for Our 10-Year Wedding Anniversary

My wife and | are excited to celebrate our upcoming 10-year wedding anniversary, and we are looking for the perfect location to make this milestone truly memorable, The Ritz London Hotel has always
been on our list of dream destinations, and we believe that staying in the Suite Presidential would be the ultimate way to mark this special occasion,

We would like to request a reservation for the Suite Presidential from November Sth, with a checkout date of November 10th, This five-night stay would allow us to immerse ourselves in the timeless
elegance and sophistication of The Ritz London Hotel while celebrating our love and commitment to each other.

David Jones

The Ritz London Hotel

Name of writer: David Jones

Request: Suit XK

xr 100 [ga v.

Check out: x

| Study Centre |
4 o should put things back in the right Placas rehan ell booka
place. A)

2 You should put things back in the right IN FRONT

place. _

p Student's
ents bag
3 You must walk in this place. Bes Mrs Wade in office

00 E

4 You must walk in this place. chool hall

5 You cannat go in through here. TO ART ROOM


Class 4B
* DURING LESSONS — No history cies voce |

¿Year 6 trip to Science Museum

Bus leaves Saturday 8.30 am.
Fill in the information on the Reservation Form.

Rose Cottage
26 March
TO: Weston University Library
My teacher, Robin Gibson, has told me to read Understanding Science before my exam on 17th April. | am on holiday
in Horthfleet at the moment but I'll return to my home at 22 King's Road, Weston on 9th April. l'd like to get
the book the next day and keep it for one week. It's by SJ Renshaw. Tank you.
Mary Jones


Name of the book: Understanding science

Name of writer: S) Renshaw v|y

When do you want the book?| 10thApril Y iy

For how long? 1Week Y y

Student's name: MaryjJones v|y

Student's address: 22king's Road v|y


What is the word for each description?. The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in

the word.


O. If your child is a boy, he is this Ss _


1) This is your mother's brother. Ulnde |

2) She is your father's mother. G [randmother |

3) This is the person a man is married to. W | ife Y

4) This ¡s your father's sister. Alunt y

5) If your child is a girl, she is this. D | aughter Y

Francisco Pardo
My dad was a self-employed builder. He had his own business and wanted me to go and work with him, so 1 left high
school at sixteen. | didn't like working as a builder, though - | was bored, so | started looking for something else. | bought
a book about computer programming and read it from start to finish. Ten years later (and after a lot more reading and
working with computers). | work for a computer company. | absolutely love it!

Bistra Nikolovo
l really liked school, but | thought that when 1 left college, that was the end of learning. Then | discovered online studying.
Last year | took courses on Shakespeare, in Italian, and on astronomy - l've always been interested in the stars! This year
l'm doing Spanish and film making. | don't want to stop as | really enjoy learning this way!

Samantha Jones
I finished school without any real skills and | had my daughter when | was eighteen. When she started high school, 1
found that it was really tough helping her with her math homework. Il had to do something about it, so | took a night
class. My teacher was amazing. and | was really surprised that | could do the work. In the end, | went to college and
studied teaching. I'm still doing that now - | work in an elementary school."

Why did Francisco leave high school at sixteen?

He wanted to work as a builder.
He was bored with school.
His dad asked him to work with him. ug

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: His dad asked him to work with him.

What kind of courses did Bistra take last year?

Business and marketing.
Shakespeare. Italian, and astronomy. =f
Literature and history.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Shakespeare. Italian. and astronomy.

Why did Samantha decide to take a night class?

She wanted to help her daughter with homework. .f
She had a daughter.
She wanted to study math.

How did Bistra feel about learning after college?

She thought learning was unnecessary.
She believed learning was only for young people.
She enjoyed online studying and wanted to continue. «/

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: She enjoyed online studying and wanted to continue.

What did Francisco do after reading a book on computer programming?

He started his own computer company.
He continued learning and now works for a computer company. «/
He worked in construction.
Rlnulo A AA cc LA A

Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to each school day: English, art, science,
mathematics, gym, and history. His father packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas.

His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English teacher says that he is a good pupil, which Lucas
knows means that she thinks he is a good student.

His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler. Lucas likes art. It is his
favorite class.

His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work with his classmates a lot,
which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle, works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun.

Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The principal, or the headmaster as some call him,
likes to walk around and talk to students during lunch to check that they are all behaving.

The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math. Kyle has trouble getting a good grade in
mathematics, but the teacher is very nice and helpful.

His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising. History is his last class of the day. Lucas has a hard time staying awake. Many
lessons are exhausting. and he is very tired after doing gym.

What is the class that is Lucas” teacher tells him he is a good pupil?

English .f

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: English

What class that Lucas goes to is all about exercising?


GyM «f

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is the one where Lucas draws on paper with pencils and crayons and sometimes uses a
Art «í

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Art

Who is the person that check on the students during lunch to make sure that all the students are
well behaved?
Principal/Headmaster «/
| just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic, | never wanted it to end. | spent eight
days in Marseilles, France. My best friends, Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a beautiful hotel room in
the Latin Quarter with balcony and it wasn't even expensive.

We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was the museum. | was always interested in art, so that
was a special treat for me. The museum is so huge, you could spend weeks there. Henry got tired walking
around the museum and said “Enough! | need to take a break and rest.”

We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the beach. The French food we ate was delicious. The wines
were tasty, too. Steve's favorite part of the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he would be happy if he
could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much fun that we're already talking about our next

What city did they go to for their summer vacation?

Marseilles uy

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Marseilles

How long was the summer vacation?

Eight days <gf
Two weeks
One week
Eight weeks

What did their hotel room have”?

¿A balcony sg
A wie Ofthe metro
4 bottle of wine
A retrigerator

Mark 1.00 cout of 1.00

The correct amswer is: ¿A balcony

Who got tired walking in the museum?



HiemnNny ug

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Henry

What did Sstewe enjoy the most?

The Latin Qhuiarter

The Cafes
The hotel breaktast ay

The wine and food

You will listen a tour guide talking about a town in Scotland.

Guide's name JIM

1.- Banks open from: | 9:30 v |

2.-to: | 4:00
3-closed on:
Bus to city entre:

5. cost pence

What is the man's name?

Park James

Mark Johnson
PAark Jones

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

veer is: Mark Jones





Where is the man from originally?

The family is Íírom Spring City.
He's originally from Springville.
He's from Chicago.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.01 )

Th 's from Chicago.






What does the man do for a living?

He writes software programs.
He builds computers.
He is a computer science teacher.
What does the man do for a living?
He writes software programs.
He builds computers.
He is a computer science teacher.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: He writes software programs.

How many people are in his family?


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: eleven

Where did they find the family cat?

The cat waes behind the car.
The cat wes inside a bOXx.ay
They found the cat under the truck.


«The difference between “among” and “between” SÍ

«is that we generally use “between” for two people or things, rw

«whilst we use “among” for more than two people or things. Í

«Among all the subjects you study at school, which do you think is the most boring?
¡Among all the subjects | study at school, | think Math is the r ngst boring.

*Among all the places you've ever been to, which do you think was the ugliest?
I think Spain is the ugliest. Al

$ Gerard: [Hey Cherry], have you finished your homework?

4 Cherry: Yes, | have. [Il completed it ] right [after school].

$ Gerard: That's great. | haven't started mine yet. | got caught up with other tasks.

4 Cherry: Don't worry, you still have time. [Have you prepared ] for the [upcoming exams?].

$ Gerard: Yes, | have. l've been studying every evening.

4 Cherry: [That's impressive ]. l've also been revising, but | feel a bit anxious.

$ Gerard: We've put in the effort, so I'm sure we'll do fine.

Q Cherry: 1 hope so. Did you [ find the history questions] challenging?.

$ Gerard: Yes, some were tough, but | tried my best to answer them.

Q Cherry: That's all we can do. Let's stay positive and do [our best ] on the exams!

ÁÉA Annie: [Hey Marc] . it's lunchtime already. Have you eaten yet?

Marc: [Not yet] . | haven't had lunch. What about you?


Annie: 1 haven't eaten either. Let's grab something together.

Marc: Sounds good. Have you tried the new café that opened last week?

Annie: [ Yes, 1 have]. Their sandwiches are delicious!

Marc: Oh. really? 1! haven't been there yet. Let's go today.

Annie: Sure! [I've also ] heard they have [great salads ] .

Marc: That's perfect. Il haven't had a salad in a while.

Annie: Great! l've been craving their chicken salad.

Marc: —Alright. let's go there. [ ! haven't tried their ] food before.

1 Peter: Hey Emily, have you heard about the incredible holiday destination in Sweden?

0 Emily: Oh, no! Tell me more, Peter. ( What's the place like? ) A

$ Peter: It's a picturesque spot near a beautiful lake. The scenery is incredible!

Q Emily: That sounds amazing! (uve always wanted to explore Sweden ) «f What's the name of this place?

$ Peter: ( It's called "Lakeview Retreat." ) “f | heard it's perfect for nature lovers and anyone looking to unwind.

Q Emily: Count me in! | love spending time in nature and soaking in the tranquility of lakeside views.

$ Peter: You'll absolutely love it, Emily. The surroundings are so serene and peaceful.

Q Emily: ( Any activities to do around the lake? ) Y

$ Peter: Yes, there are plenty of fun activities like fishing, boating. and hiking trails. It's a dream destination for adventurers.

Q Emily: Wow, it sounds like there's something for everybody at Lakeview Retreat.

$ Peter: Definitely! And the best part is that it's not overly crowded, so you can truly enjoy the beauty of nature.

| can't wait to capture some beautiful photos there. ( Nature's wonders always ) “/f make for
Q Emily:
stunning shots..

That's right! Let's plan our trip soon and (| experience ) uf, the enchantment of Lakeview
) Peter:
Retreat together


Yesterday, while walking in the park, | heard someone playing beautiful music on a guitar. | stopped to Listen X and itwas a

talented street musician. Anyone passing by couldn't help but Hear X the incredible melody. The sound was so captivating that
people stopped to enjoy the performance. | noticed a little girl dancing to the rhythm, and her joy was evident to anyone watching. It
was amazing to see how music can touch people's hearts and bring strangers together. !'m grateful for those moments when we
pause to Listen X and appreciate the simple joys that surround us.

In English, "anyone" and "someone" are pronouns used to refer to unspecified individuals. However, there is a subtle difference in
their usage. 1) Anyone X- ¡is used in negative sentences and questions, such as "Is there 2) anyone X atthe door?" or "Il didn't
see 3) Anyone X atthe party." On the other hand, 4) someone X ¡is employed in positive statements, like "| saw 5) someone
X waving at me" or "There's someone waiting for you outside." Both pronouns are versatile and can be applied in various
situations when referring to unknown or unspecified people. They add flexibility to our language, allowing us to communicate
effectively in different contexts.


Listen and 1) Hear X are two verbs often used to describe the act of perceiving sounds, but they have distinct meanings. When

we 2) Listen X ,we actively pay attention to the sounds around us, making a conscious effort to understand or interpret what

we are hearing. For example, in a classroom, students 3) Listen X to their teacher to comprehend the lesson. On the other

hand, 4) he] X simply refers to the ability to detect sounds without necessarily focusing or actively trying to understand them.
For instance, if a loud noise occurs nearby, we 5) X itwithout consciously intending to do so.
Example: | help people to learn things.
T eacher

1. | show customers the menu and bring them their food.

w re
2. People come to my shop to buy medicine.
eO Hemist

3. |! will repair your car for you.

mM [sae
4- If you want to change the colour of your room, 1 will
do it for you.
5- | help my boss by answering the phone, making
appointiments and writing letters.
s [O

12:00 DA ASI Paris 1s Boardinge

12:15 TS 3056 Rome 23 Fimal Call

12:30 LIA FAO Mew ore 10 On time

y CA Bl Porladiriol 28 <Cancell=ed

13:00 TE ADS Berlin a =a Boardin

13:15 LP SO0=>- Tio kar 3656 Del=yedi

13:30 QA 8034 Sydney 17 On Time

13:45 TB 5120 Amsterdam 24 On Time

14:00 LN 3092 Singapore 12 Departed

14:15 QA 7198 London 14 Final Call

o Choose the best answer for each question:

Twelve o'clock
uarter past twelve
E E Y Yes Y
Quarter past one
Mark 1.00 out of
Can you still catch the Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
1.- When is the flight to Rome? 1.00
flight to London?
TB 3056 to Rome
QA 6178 to Madrid ./ Half past one
LN 9087 to Tokyo Quarter past twelve

Mark 1.00 out of ASA

2.- Which flight is cancelled? 1.00 7.- When is the flight to Tokyo? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct The correct answer is:

answer is: QA Quarter past one
6178 to Madrid

YeS «í QA 4523 to Paris

No LN9087 to Tokio

Mark 1.00 out of QA 7198 to London «/

Can you board the flight to Which flight is making a
3.- Sydney? 1.00 8.- final call? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct The correct answer is:

answer is: Yes QA 7198 to London

Two o'clock as

uarter past two

Q P YeS al
Quarter past two

When is the flight to Mark 1.00 out of 9 Can you board the flightto mark 1.00 out of 1.00
1.00 -
: Singapore? Berlin?

QA 4523 to Paris X
Half past twelve ./
TB 5120 to Amsterdam
Half past one
LN 3092 to Singapore
Quarter past twelve
Mark 0.00 out of
When is the flight to New
5.- Which flightis departing? 100 10 5 add A
” York?
The correct answer ¡s:
The correct
Half past twelve
answer is: LN
3092 to Singapore

1. What has the daughter forgotten to bring on holiday?

aw» ”T 8
(Cormare, sa

Time Flight Destination Gate Remarks
10:45 XZ 3265 Guayaquil 17 Departed

10:50 SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed

11:00 SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed

11:05 RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
11:10 XxZ 6005 Los Angeles o5 Final call
11:20 QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
11:25 TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
11:25 ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding

11:30 XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding

11:35 XZ 0569 Quito 27 Gate change

Choose the best answer.

1. Can you get on the flight to Guayaquil?

a) Yes b) No <c) $6f youw'"re quick

2. Can you get on the flight to LA>

a) Yes b) No Cc) lf you're quick

3. When is the flight to Beijing?

a) eleven past twelve b) twenty past eleven Cc) twenty to twelve

4. Where is the flight to Seoul?

a) Gate twelve b) Gate twenty-four Cc) Gate twenty-five

5. When is the flight to Quito?

E m]x
a) eleven past thirty-five b) Quarter to eleven Cc) twenty-five to twelve

6. Which flight left from Gate 347?

a) a flight to Buenos Aires b) a flight to Mexico City c) no flight

7. When is the flight to Moscow?

c) half past twelve

le Ja
a) eleven twenty b) half past eleven

8. Where is the flight to Los Angeles?

a) Gate five b) Gate fifteen Cc) Gate fifty

Time Flight Destination Gate Remarks

13:00 BA 456 London 22 On time

13:15 LH 123 Paris 15 Delayed

13:30 AF 7389 Berlin 30 Boarding

13:45 TK 567 Istanbul 18 Cancelled

14-00 EK 321 Dubai 25 On time

14:15 QR 6783 Doha 20 Final call

14:30 KL a10 Amsterdam 12 Departed

14:45 UA 432 New York 28 Delayed

15:00 EY 876 Abu Dhabi 10 Boarding

15:15 SQ 345 Singapore 35 On time

Choose the best answer.

1. Can you still board the flight to Paris?

a) Yes b) No <) f you're quick

2. Is the flight to Istanbul canceled>?

a) Yes b) No

2. When is the flight to Abu Dhabi
al two titeen blthree hiteen dithree o clhodk

le =]w
4. Which flight departed?
al Berlin bi London CC Ameterdanm

5. When is the Flight to Singapore?
al aj Quarter past three bthree o'olock Cl Oiuiarter to three

6. ls the light to Neve York deloayed?

aj Yes bi Ho

F. Which flight is on tine?

a) Paris b) Dubai 3) London

2. Wihere is the flight to Doha?

a) Gate 20 b) Gate 25 Gate
Cc =0

[a w]w
2. When is the Fight to Amsterdani?
al Quarter past two E) Half past two chthree ocho dk

[. +]w
Vancouver Island's Pacific Rim Whale Festival

In British Columbia, people have festivals that celebrate the things that make their hometown special. Every year, about 20,000
grey whales swim past the west coast of Vancouver Island. The whales travel from Mexico to the Arctic and back again. The whole
trip is about 16,000 kilometres. Every March, the people who live around the Pacific Rim National Park have a festival to celebrate
the whales' journey. The festival is the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. The whales travel very close to the shore as they swim north.
This allows people to gather together to watch the whales from land and from boats.

Nanaimo's Bathtub Race

On the east coast of Vancouver Island, you can see people moving through the water in a strange type of boat. During the
Nanaimo Bathtub Race, people have a big race in boats made from bathtubs! The city of Nanaimo is home to the oldest and most
famous bathtub boat race in the world. The race started as a silly event in 1967. Today, Nanaimo's World Championship Bathtub
Race is a serious sport that brings racers and visitors from around the world.

Vancouver's Dragon Boat Festival

Vancouver is home to another famous festival on the water. This is the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon boat racing started in China
more than 2,000 years ago. lt was brought to Vancouver during the World's Fair called Expo 86. The Dragon Boat Festival came
back to Vancouver in 1989 to celebrate the many cultures living together in the city. The festival begins with a ceremony. The
ceremony wakes up the dragon and gives the people and boats the dragon's strength. Each boat has a dragon's head on the front
and a tail on the back. The boat holds a team of about 20 people. The people in the boats paddle to the beat of a drummer. The
drummer sits at the front of the dragon boat.

-How many grey whales swim near Vancouver Island every year?
No one knows.

Where do the grey whales start their annual trip?

Wancouver Island.
The Arctic.
They start somewhere in the open ocean.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Mexico

-According to the reading. why is it easy for people to see the whales?
The people use binoculars.
Thes whales swim close to land..y
The people are also swinmming in the water.
They fly over the whales in helicopters.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Thes whales swim close to land.

Where does the Nanaimo Bathtub Race happen?

Far off the north coast of Vancouver Island.
On the South Shore of Vancouver Island.
On the west side of Vancouver Island.
On the east side of Vancouver Island..y
-What is special about every boat in the race?
Each boat can carry three people.
Every boat is made from a bathtub..y
Every boat gets a safety inspection.
All the boats have sails.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Every boat is made from a bathtub.

-How did the Nanaimo Bathtub race change over the last 50 years?
The race became less popular.
There were not bathtub boats in the beginning.
The race started as a funny event, but it became a serious race..y
In the beginning, all the boats were sailboats.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The race started as a funny event, but it became a serious race.

-Where did dragon boat racing begin?

British Columbia.
The east coast of Canada.

-How does the dragon boat festival begin?

It starts with races with only the fastest boats.
It begins with a ceremony so that the rowers can be strong../
The festival begins with music
The festival begins with a movie about Expo 86.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: It begins with a ceremony so that the rowers can be strong.

-How do the people in the boat know to paddle together.

They all paddle to the beat of the drummer at the front of their boat../
They watch the person in front of them.
They stay together because of experience.
All the paddlers count the number of paddle strokes per minute.

Dida you enjoy the MmMowier Yes,

ll does
lo did

Pilar DOI court a OO

The correct an=wer = 1 did

Will she join us for dinner? Yes,

she did
she do

she does
she willuy

Have you ever been to Paris? Yes,

l havesy
l does

Which word can complete the sentence?

Il haven't seen him .

Select one:

a. Yesterday

b. Last night

Cc. Yet af
. Are they going to go shopping this afternoon? Yes, | They
They are
are | Xx

. hot are you going to do | tonight

tonight X


1. Neve been to Peru . He | went

went M there in 2812,

. | Have you ever tried * sf opera singing?” No, but 1*d Like to.

. “Hove you ever seen the bond in concert?” o, | thavere

I haven’t | Xx


European (1) (TRADER) brought the first slaves from Africa to the new colonies in the 16005, After (2) [| arriving

(ARRIVE) in the New World, they were bought by white masters and had to work on large cotton and tobacco farms in the South.
They didn't get any money for their work and (3) | Living
Living | (LIFE) conditions were very bad, The economy of the South was (4)
dependent — [ (DEPEND) on slaves. Slave work was very difficult. Most women cooked, cleaned the house and raised the

children of their white masters. Men were trained to be carpenters or masons. Most of them, however, were farm (5] labourers

X (LABOUR) who planted and harvested crops. Not all Blacks in America were slaves. “Free Blacks" lived and worked in big
American cities but they had very few rights, Expressing (6)| political
political (POLITICS) views, carrying guns and (7) meeting

(MEET) with white people was forbidden. Americans in the northern states thought that (8)| slavery
slavery A” (SLAVE) shouldnt be

allowed in a free country. As time went on more and more people joined in the fight to liberate slaves. These (9) abolitionists

X- (ABOLISH) helped slaves escape to the North through secret routes. This system was called the Underground Railway. In 1860

Abraham Lincoln won the (10) election (ELECT) and became President of the United States, He was (11)| strongly


(STRONG) against slavery. Many southern states withdrew from the union and formed their own country - the Confederate States
of America. lt was the beginning of the Civil War, which lasted until 1865. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the
Emancipation Proclamation. The northern states won the Civil War and American slaves were free,
David's first experience at the 1 airport
airport [ was memorable, Excitedly, he embarked on a journey
to visit his family in a distant country.
As he

arrived attne2,| airport

airport he was amazed by its modern facilities; lt was the newest3] airport
airport | he had ever seen, Standing
near the

massive windows, he watched many 4 aeroplanes

aeroplanes take off and land, marveling at their size and power,

When it came to choosing the best 5 airline

airline X for histrip, David spent time researching
the options. He found the best6) airline
airline | that
offered excellent services and comfort during the flight, Although he was on a budget, he managed to find the cheapest flight that suited his needs,
This allowed him to save money for other activities during his visit,

Lately, David had dreamt of this journey, and now it was becoming a reality. He was filled with anticipation and nervousness, but also a sense of
adventure, As he boarded the] aeroplane
aeroplane |, heknewthat this experience atthed airport
airport | wasjustthe beginning of an exciting and
life-changing adventure ahead.


15:00 LH 2025 Paris 12 On time

15:15 BA 3078 London 25 Soarding

15:30 AF 40965 Madrid 183 Delayed

15:45 TK 7123 Istanbul 32 Fimal call

16:00 QR 5067 Dubai 12 On time

16:15 EK 60983 New York 27 Delayed

16:30 sQ 8190 Singapore 20 Departed

16:45 QF 7112 Sydney 10 On time

17:00 TK 9045 Rome 23 Cancelled

VAS LH 4098 Seniin 16 Boarding

o Choose the best answer for each question:

Quarter past three

Half past three Yes
2 Quarter
to four «/ 2 Noy
Can you board the flight to
1.- When is the flight to Istanbul? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 "e > Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The correct answer is: No

Quarter to four

BA 3078 to London Half past four

+ 5Q 8190 to Singapore «/ Quarter past four
LH 2025 to Paris 2. Quarter
past five «/

2.- Which flight is departing? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 7.- Whenis the flight to Berlin? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: The correct answer is:

5Q 8190 to Singapore Quarter past five

> Yesf 2 TK 7123 to Istanbul «/

No BA 3078 to London
Ifyou hurry 50 8190 to Singapore
Can you still catch the flight to
E Sydney? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 8.- Which flight is making a final call? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

e. Fouro'clocky/
Quarter past four o Yes X
Half pastfour No
Can you get on the flight to
4.- Whenis the flight to Dubai? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 " Madrid? Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The correct answer is: No

Four o'clock

2 TK'9045 to Rome ./ Half past four

AF 4096 to Madrid * Quarter
past four «/
EK 6098 to New York Quarter past five

5.- Which flight is cancelled? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 10. Whenis the flight to New York? Mark1.00 out of 1.00

rana am one
qa mn ea era
a 2. aaa
paras es0Rr e ca
amo e ar 2. oneme
asas penosa ecc ee
qe za > one
qna a ón ea
Cqeco amrias paramentos A er
Caen usos rarmeaes crcenes
Yes y PE 8034 to Buenos Aires «/
No BO 5120 to La Paz

SR 7198 to Paramaribo
Mark 1.00 out of
4 Can you get on the flight to
1.00 6.- Which flight is departing? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer The correct answer is: PE

is: Yes 8034 to Buenos Aires

Quarter past three af

Two o'clock Half past three
Quarter past one Quarter past three «/
Quarter past four
Mark 1.00 out of
When is the flight to Buenos When is the flight to Buenos
1.00 Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
"Aires? "Aires?

The correct answer The correct answer is:

is: Quarter past Quarter past three

BR 4098 to Santiago
EC 5067 to Bogota X
UY 9045 to Montevideo Yes «yl
Mark 0.00 out of
Which flight is making a final a Can you still catch the flight to
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
call? Lima?
Yes y/ UY 9045 to Montevideo «/
No CL 7123 to Lima
GY 3092 to Asunción
' Can you get on the flight to E
" asunción? 1.00 9.- Which flight is cancelled? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer The correct answer is: UY

is: Yes 9045 to Montevideo

Two o'clock
Half past two
Quarter past two
Half past three
Three o'clock af
Quarter past two «/
Mark 1.00 out of
5.- When is the flight
to Caracas? 100 10.- Whenis the flight
to Santiago? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


eco amore
ers ea ne
ezo arras mera ao es
Casas meras naa caes
deco armas one
ens encore sra
qezo samies emgae ee
ea ae
aos moda ame carcees
Eight o'clock
2) Quarter past eighta/
o Yes
Half past eight

When is the flight to Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Can you board the flight
.. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
London? to Singapore?
The correct answer ¡s:
The correct answer ¡s: Yes
Quarter past eight

Half past eight

EK 6097 to New York
* Quarter past eighta/
5Q 8195 to Singapore
Quarter past nine
2) 1H 4092 to Berlina/
When is the flight to Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
2.- Which flight is departing? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The correct answer ¡s: Quarter
The correct answer ¡s:
past eight
LH 4092 to Berlin

e BA 3098 to London./
QR 5065 to Dubai
TK 7198 to Istanbul
2 Ifyourre quickX
Can you still catch the Which flight is makinga — masoocurorio0
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
” flight to Sydney? final call?

% Seven o'clocky/
Quarter past Seven
Half past Seven
When is the flight to + NoX
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Can you get on the flight
4.- Dubai? A Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
to Madrid?
The correct answer ¡s:
The correct answer is: Yes
Seven o'clock

2. TK 9042 to Romew/
Quarter past ejght
AF 4123 to Madrid
2. Quarter past seveny/
057111 to Sydney
Quarter past nine
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 When is the flight to New
5.- Which flight is cancelled? Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Luke: Hey Arianna, C what do you do for a living? ) Y

Arianna: |'m currently working as a marketing assistant in a digital agency.

Luke: That sounds interesting! How long have you been in this profession?

Arianna: ('ve been in this field for about three years now. ) Al

Luke: Have you always wanted to work in marketing?

Arianna: Yes, ever since | was in college, | knew ¡it was the right career path for me.

Luke: That's great to hear. (m still trying to figure out what | want to do. ) Y

Arianna: Don't worry, it's normal to take your time. You'll find your passion eventually.

Luke: Thanks for the encouragement. By the way, ( do you have any plans for the future? ) l

Arianna: Yes, l'm considering taking some additional courses to enhance my skills.
Luke: That sounds like a good idea. | wish you the best of luck in your career!

Arianna: Thanks, Luke! ( l appreciate your support. ) /

Michelle: Hey Mike, did you know that we are flying in the best aeroplane next week?

Mike: Really? That's amazing! (always wanted to experience a luxurious flight. ) Y

Michelle: Yes, it offers the latest entertainment system and the most comfortable seats.

Mike: | can't wait! ( How long will the flight be? ) A

Michelle: It lasts around 8 hours, but don't worry, we will have plenty of entertainment options on board.

Mike: That's great! By the way, ( are you excited about the trip? ) Y

Michelle: Oh, absolutely! | have been looking forward to it for weeks now.

Mike: Me too! | am already thinking about all the things we will do once we arrive.

Michelle: Same here! ( We should plan our itinerary soon. ) Y

Mike: Agreed! Let's make the most of our trip and create unforgettable memories.

What time should the man telephone again?

What was the weather like on the picnic?

dd dg d
IdJIdIG¿ 9
1d43d9 dG 9
IdJd0dg 9

How much are the shorts?

£5 £15 £20

When are they going to have the party?

July 11 July 18 July 25

XxX c
Jobs for students with Sunshine Holidays

WORK IN: Children's summer camps

DATE OF JOBS: 15th June - 20th| sugust | Y.

-S years old.


STAFF WILL EARN: £ Y per week.


You will hear Robert talking to his friend, Laura, about a trip to Dublin.

1. Who has already decided to go with Robert?

Family members
Tennis partners.
Colleagues. «f

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Colleagues.

2. They"I! stay in

a hotel.
a guest house.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: a university.

3. Laura must remember to take

a map.
a camera.
a contas

4. Why does Laura like Dublin?

The shops are beautiful.
The buildings are interesting..s
The people are friendly.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The buildings are interesting.

5. Roberts excited about the trip to Dublin because

he cant wait to go to the music festival.
he lowes the food there.
he wants to go to a new art exhibition.
Are they planning to visit the museum tomorrow? Yes,

they didX
they does
they are
them do

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: they are

She to the museum yesterday.

/ visited
planned / visit ,/

Put the words in correct order:

1. She / break / takes / 12 o'clock / always / a / at
She always takes a break at 12 o'clock l

2. We / at / finish / six and forty-five / work / sometimes

We sometimes finish work at six and forty-five /


When a person dies their body decays. Skin and flesh (1) [ disappear v]Y and as time goes on only a skeleton is left. A mummy is

the (2) [ dead vv body of a person or an animal that has been (3) [ preserved w]v by wrapping cloth or other material

around it. The ancient Egyptians mummified their dead for many (4) [esteiioy)X . They believed that they had to preserve the
body for life after death. The soul of the dead would be (5) Reuniteg)* with ¡ts body in the afterlife. At first, they started (6)
ad" dead people in hot sand. Later, they built special tombs. Egyptians wanted their relatives to feel (7)
ontortanie)” after death. Bodies were (8) MS in cloth to stop bacteria and other (9) ham”
Confortable wrapped harmful
substances from getting to them. Embalmers dehydrated bodies and (10)LeomorP all liquids in them. A substance called
natron was used to cover the bodies. It extracted moisture from the skin and flesh. (11) E» organs, including the brain,
were removed; the heart was usually left in the body. Mummies often received a face (12) Er . Mummies were then

put into coffins, made of wood or stone. Relatives (13) od them and buried them under ground. The extracted

organs were put into jars and (14) E) next to the mummies. Sometimes animals were also mummified and put next

to their owners. Poor people did not have the money for such (15) X procedures. Mummifying pharaohs and
noblemen, on the other hand, proved to be a special and (16)
finish a mummy

Ifitis rainy tomorrow, we (1) Will y X. have the picnic indoors. We will bring all the delicious snacks and watch movies

instead, However, ifthe weather (2) | Is

Is v|X nice, we will definitelygo for the picnic in the park. We (3) will
will v| X havea
great time and enjoy the outdoors. Sarah will visit her grandparents
this weekend if she (4) ñas, X the time. She (5)
Loves is
is will

v|X spending time with them. However, if she (6) v | X. too busy with work, she (7) v|X have to

postpone her visit. Ifwe have enough money, we will buy a new car. The one we want is fast and stylish, andit(B)| Make
make Y

X our daily commute much more enjoyable. But, we (9)| Need

Need y|*X to save more money first to afford it.
vIWW+Jk 111 "WIMNkwI! VWIIY 1YWY WII Lkik 111 1 WkkyWYY YIYW 1L/110

Had |
¡ft (1) Hlady enough money,
I would buya new car. The car
| wantis fast and stylish, and itwould make my daily commute

much more enjoyable, However,

| (2)! needed w| X to save more moneyto afford it. If (3) | gets v|X araise atwork,
| could
| a get

buy the car sooner, My best friend, Lisa, loves traveling. If she (4) | had v | /. more vacation days, she would visit many

countries. She dreams of exploring exotic places and experiencing different cultures, But her job is demanding, and she (5)
hatos Xx to plan her trips carefully to fit within her limited vacation time.

permit, curriculum, enroll, laboratory, scholarship

1. The school has a new “$ thatincludes coding and robotics.

2. Students need to ff ¡n advance to secure a spot in the course.

3. The science $ ¡s equipped with the latest technology for experiments.

4. She received a full «f to study engineering at the prestigious university.

5. The teacher will af, the students to use calculators during the exam.

advocate exacerbate resilient opulent diligent

1. She showed .f dedication to her studies and achieved top grades.

2. The mansion's “f ¡interior was adorned with expensive artwork and chandeliers.

3. The human spirit can be incredibly Y even in the face of adversity.

4. His careless remarks only served to “ff the tension in the room.

5. As an animal rights “of, she actively campaigns against cruelty to animals.

nostalgia elusive sanctuary excavate harmonious

1. The old house had a |harmonious X charm with its vintage furniture and decorations.

2. Archaeologists will excavate / the ancient ruins to uncover hidden artifacts.

3. The ancient temple served as a sanctuary / for weary travelers seeking solace.

4. The concept of time is elusive f and we often wish we could hold onto the past.

5. After moving to a new country, Maria felt a deep sense of nostalgia X for her hometown.

Faculty, attend, teaching assistant, dormitory, undergraduate, tuition fee

1. Its a small [faculty] we only have twelve teachers.

2. Students [attend] classes from Monday to Friday.

3.l'man [undergraduate] in my first year at university.

4. There are two students in every room in the [dormitory] .

5. Peter works as a [teaching assistant] at UBE University.

6. The [tuition fee] is £30,000 for foreign students.

Drag the correct word and drop it into the text.

Lucas has been working (1) [as] a teacher for many years, and he has been doing a (2) [ terrific ] job in his profesion. His
passion for education and dedication to his students (3) [ have ] been evident throughout his career, Lucas (4) [ has] always
worked diligently to create a positive and engaging learning environment in his classroom.

Though he has faced (5) [some] challenges that initially (6) [terrified ] him, such as managing difficult situations or dealing
with students with special needs, Lucas has never (7) [ given ] up. Instead, he has sought guidance and professional
development opportunities to become a better teacher,

There have (8) [ been ] days when things went terribly wrong, but Lucas has always remained resilient, learning from those
experiences and trying to improve his teaching methods, He (9) [ takes ] great pride in seeing his students succeed and grow
academically and personally.
Drag the correct word and drop it into the text.
John has worked as a (1) [spy] for many years. His (2) [job] involved gathering secret information
for the government. Over
the years, he has (3) [ had] many thriling and dangerous missions. However, the life of a spy can De (4) [terribly]
challenging, and t has (5) [taken] a toll on John's personal life, He has (6) [ missed] many important family events and
gatherings due to his (7) [work]. Despite the difícultes, John has always been dedicated to his job and (8) [ worked]
diligently to protect his country. The experiences he has gained as a spy have shaped him intoa resilient individual, Even
though he has(9) [retired ] from his spy career now, he still recalls the moments of tension and excitement during his
missions. John's (10) [ work]as a spy has been an important part of his life, and it has lefta lasting impact on him.

Faster - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

On Easter Sunday Christians around the world (1) [ celebrate] the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, The Jewish, religious teacher
and son of God was (2) [ executed] by the Romans about 2000 years ago. Three days after he had died, he returned to life
again and (3)[ rose] to heaven. Many Christians
think that, like Jesus, they will also rise to heaven after(4) [ death] . That
why Easter is celebrated with (5) [ joyful] music and symbols of new life, like flowers and new clothes, The name Easter may
come from “Eostre”, an Anglo-Saxon (6) [ goddess] . Every year a spring festival was celebrated in her (7) [honour] . In most
Christian churches Easter is celebrated sometime between March 22 and April 25, It falls on the first Sunday after the first full
moon in spring. Easter(8) [marks] the end of a time of prayer and (9) [ fasting] that we call Lent. Itis believed that during
this time Jesus Christ went through the (10) [ desert] for forty days without food. The last week before Easter is called Holy
Week. lt begins on Palm Sunday, the day on which Jesus (11) [ entered ] Jerusalem, His followers threw palm (12) [ leaves]
on the streets. On Holy Thursday, Jesus had his Last Supper with his disciples or (13) [ followers] . The next day, Good Friday,
Jesus was nailed to the (14) [ cross ] .At3 o'clock in the afternoon church services around the world recall the last hours of his
(15) [ suffering ] . On Easter morning (16) [ resurrection ] is celebrated. On the evening before, many people take part in
processions with candles in the hands. On Easter Day the fasting period is over and people get together with their families and
friends and have big meals.
Drag the correct word and drop it into the text.
Marlene has been studying chemistry at the university for the (1) [ past] four years, She has (2) [worked] hard and diligently
to excel in her studies. During her time at the university, she has (3) [ learned ] various complex concepts and conducted
experiments in the laboratory. Marlene has always (4) [ been] passionate about chemistry, and her dedication to the subject
has been evident in her exceptional grades. Alongside her studies, she has also been interning at a chemical company to gain
practical experience, The company has (5) [ appreciated ] her enthusiasm and commitment to learning. Throughout her
academic journey, Marlene has (6) [ faced] challenges, but she has remained resilient and determined to achieve her goals.
The knowledge she has (7) [acquired] and the experiences she has gained during her (8) [university] years have prepared
ner well fora promising career in the field of chemistry. With the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills,
Marlene (9) [is] ready to make a positive impact in the chemical industry.


The cat quickly climbed up the tall tree. (ascend)

The cat sscendeg y upthe af, tree.

She has to many countries, but France ¡is her favorite.

a) traveled ./
b) travelling
c) travel
d) travels


1] ¡pa a A 5 o


ha — + "BN

Pri pls

Geocaching is an outdoor (1) [ activity] , in which you must wander around in the countryside trying to find (2) [ hidden ]
containers with small (3) [ treasures] in them. The locations of these containers are posted on the Internet by people who
have (4) [ actually] been there. In order to go geocaching on your own you need a GPS (5) [ device] or a mobile phone
app that tells you where you are, Type in the coordinates and (6) [ navigate ] your way to the cache. There are many (7) [
websites] that post information about the location of a geocache. They offer information on what kind of cache to look
for, the geographical (8) [ features] of the area or how difficult it is to find it. Once you have found the cache you can (9) [
sign] alogbook, that records your (10) [ presence] and shows that you have located the geocache. If you decide to keep
the treasure you must put something else in its (11) [place] so that other people can find it. Caches can contain a wide
range of (12) [items] including badges, stickers, sweets or even money. The geocache (13) [community] is growing
every day. Itis (14) [ estimated] that there are about3 million geocaches around the world, on all continents, even

tentative eloquent vigilant resilient emulate

1. The team made a [tentative ] effort to secure a victory in the final match.

2. Her [eloquent] speech moved the audience and left a lasting impact.

3. The security guards remained [ vigilant] throughout the night to prevent any unauthorized entry.

4. The human spirit can be incredibly [ resilient] even in the face of adversity.

5. Aspiring writers often [emulate ] the writing styles of their favorite authors in their early works.

Which city is for its historic landmarks?

a) famous «/
b) infamy
c) infamous
d) famously
Can you please pass me salt for the recipe?
a) few
b) a few
c) the few
d) little X

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: b) a few


They will need to reschedule the meeting for next week. (postpone)

They will need to y// the meeting for y week.


We should have gone to the beach today. (regret)

We “Y not «f, to the beach today.


Tea ¡s one of the world's (1) (most) popular beverages. According to a legend, it originated in China thousands of years (2) ago Y, when
leaves from a tea bush fell (3) into [y ahotwater
pot of the Chinese emperor, At first, only wealthy British families (4)| were Y” ableto

afford drinking tea, which was brought from India by merchants and traders. Some people even locked it up to prevent it from (5) | being Y

stolen. There are many ways to drink tea. (6)| while. — [Y most people just drink their tea pure, others add milk or a lemon.
The most common
forms are black and green tea. Vanilla or fruit flavouring (7) lis. [Y often added
to tea to give It a special taste, Some people
brew their tea in

tea bags, others pour boiling (8) water |Y over crushed tea leaves, Tea drinking has a long tradition in Britain. Every Briton drinks
about 5 cups of tea per day, or about 1,700 cups a year - the largest per capital consumption in the world, Traditional afternoon teatime goes (9)
back (Y tothe 19th century. Many families celebrate this custom in an exclusive way, with expensive china and silver spoons. Tea has a

stimulating effect (10) on Y your body, because it contains

(11 | more Y caffeine
than coffee. Its great for those who are afraid of putting
on too much weight as ¡t has only 4 calories per cup.
Complete the letter from Denisse to Andres. WRITE ONE WORD.

Hello Andres,

lam writing to tell you that unfortunately | will not be able to attend the concert on Friday (1) «/. this month. It turns out that |

have to keep a medical appointment (2) ./ day. My doctor needs to do some routine exams and | can't put it off. (3) 1] Y

hope you understand the situation. (4) o] «/, would love to make planes with you for another day. (5) ./ you tell me (6)

«/, day would you be available? It's always fun spending (7) «/ With you and we can find some other interesting

activity to do together.

Take (3) ./ and see you soon.

A hug


Complete the letter from Angie to Liz. WRITE ONE WORD.

Hello Liz
How are you? How are you doing in your life and in college?

Example (0) am

And had
lamfine, | (0) _am_ in the city of Pajan where my sister, (1) X adapting to the changes, with the studies | (2) * to leave my
At doesn’t
birthplace, and settle in this city. | am studying (3) 7 x the University of Guayaquil but online, the pandemic still (4) 255 PX allow the
My I
return to face-to-face classes, and in (5)[YY X. free time | make cookies, jam, milk delicacy (6) 7] X also enjoy watching Korean dramas or
Philippine novels, they are very different to the Latin series. | also choose to research animals, or home remedies. Sometimes | don't (7) Have

X. time, since they leave me some tasks or | have to help at home.

Well, as for my parents, | visit them on weekends, but | go back every Monday. | am (8) | Very
very| X happy to have the opportunity to study and

demonstrate my abilities or skills. | say goodbye (9) | With

yy¡H X a big hug from a distance.

See you (10) SoomXK

Dear Abby,

1(1) Hope Xx you are fine. Thank you for the pictures you “have
have X sent me in your previous mail. They are (3) beautiful *X and bring
me some good a emoribX 15)Le X writing you because | am planning lo) Xx visit New York next week and it (7) Lrouid x
memoriesS am to would
be great if (8) y *X can manage to have a dinner together. Is (9) Lo Xx okfor you?
you that

Looking forward for your reply!


A message to a new friend

Hi Lucia

How are you? It was so nice to meet you last week in Sydney at the sales meeting. How was the rest of your trip? Did you
see any kangaroos? | hope you got home to Mexico City OK. Anyway, | have the documents about the new Berlin offices.
We're going to be open in three months. | moved here from London just last week. They are very nice offices, and the
location is perfect. There are lots of restaurants, cafés and banks in the area. There's also public transport; we are next to
an U-Bahn (that is the name for the metro here). Maybe you can come and see them one day? | would love to show you
Berlin, especially in the winter, You said you have never seen snow - you will see lots here! Here's a photo of you and me at
the restaurant in Sydney. That was a very fun night! Remember the singing Englishman? Crazy! Please send me any other
photos you have of that night. Good memories, Please give me your email address and | will send you the documents.

Bye for now


Choose if the sentences are true or false.

1. Mikel and Lucia were friends from school. FALSE v| y

2. They work for a company that sells things. TRUE v|y

3. The new offices are in a very good location. TRUE v|y

4. There is a metro next to the offices. TRUE v|y

5. Mikel has never seen snow before. FALSE v| y

6. Mikel and Lucia had dinner together. TRUE _v]yY


m email l address.
7. Mikel doesn't have Lucia's TRUE v|r< Ñ The correct answer is:
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

8. Lucia wants to send Mikel some documents. FALSE v|y

A message to a pen pal

Hi Tom,

| hope this letter finds you well. It's been a while since we last wrote to each other, and | thought it's time to catch up. How
have you been? l've been busy with my studies and work, but ! finally found some time to write to you. | want to tell you
about my recent trip to the mountains, Last month, | went hiking with my family, and it was an amazing experience. We
stayed in a cozy cabin near a beautiful lake. The scenery was breathtaking, and we even saw some deer and a bear from a
safe distance. During the hike, | took lots of photos to capture the stunning landscapes. l'Il send them to you soon so you
can see the incredible views. Have you ever been to the mountains? If not, | highly recommend it. The fresh air and peaceful
surroundings are so refreshing. By the way, | remember you mentioned your interest in learning a new language. l've
started taking Spanish lessons recently, and it's been both challenging and fun. | can now have basic conversations and
understand simple texts. Maybe we can practice together someday. Let me know how you've been and if you have any
exciting plans for the upcoming holidays. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Take care and talk soon!

Best regards,


1. Sarah and Tom write to each other frequently. TRUE v|X

2. Sarah recently went hiking in the mountains. TRUE v|yY

3. They stayed in a hotel during their trip. FALSE v| y

4. Sarah saw a bear up close during the hike. FALSE v| xy

5. Sarah will send Tom some photos of the trip. FALSE v| X

6. Tom wants to learn a new language. TRUE v|yY

7. Sarah is learning French. TRUE v| X

8. Tom is suggesting to practice Spanish together. TRUE v|X

A message to a new friend

Hi Mark,

I hope this message finds you well. lt was great meeting you at the conference last week in London.
Did you have a safe trip back home to New York? | wanted to let you know that | have the
presentation slides from the conference. They have some valuable information that | think you'll find
useful for your project. Let me know if you want me to email them to you. By the way, | heard you
enjoy hiking. There are some beautiful hiking trails near my city. Maybe you can plan a trip here
sometime, and | can show you around. Here's a photo of us from the conference. lt was a productive
and enjoyable event. Good memories indeed!

Looking forward to staying in touch and sharing more insights.

Take care,


1. Emily and Mark met at a music concert. FALSE v| y

2. The conference was in New York. FALSE v|y

3. Emily has the presentation slides from the conference. TRUE viy

4. Mark wants to go hiking with Emily. TRUE viy

5. Emily and Mark have known each other for years. FALSE v|y

6. Emily will send the presentation slides to Mark. FALSE v | X

7. Mark and Emily are planning another conference. TRUE v|X

8. Emily and Mark have only met once. TRUE viy

Hi Sarah,

l hope this message finds you well. | wanted to say thank you for the lovely time we had at the beach
last weekend. The weather was perfect, and it was great to catch up with you. | wanted to ask if you'd
be interested in going on a hiking trip next month, There's a beautiful national park about two hours
away from the city, and | heard the trails there are amazing, | think it would be a great opportunity for
some outdoor adventure and to enjoy the stunning views. By the way, do you remember Mark from
our college days? He's organizing a reunion party next week. It will be at a trendy restaurant
downtown. | hope you can make it!

Let me know your thoughts about the hiking trip and the reunion party.

Take care,


1. Emily and Sarah had a great time at the beach last weekend. TRUE viy

2. Emily is planning a hiking trip for next month. TRUE v|y

3. The national park is located in the city. FALSE [y

4. Mark is organizing a reunion party. FALSE Y | X

5. The reunion party will be held at a restaurant. TRUE v|yY

6. The hiking trip will take place next week. TRUE v|X

7. Emily and Sarah were college roommates. FALSE v [y

8. Sarah ¡s not interested in the hiking trip. TRUE v|X

1) Which blouse does the girl decide to buy”?

— >

They a lot of progress in their project recently.

a) made

2 b) have made «/
c) makes
d) make

Yesterday, she her keys at home and couldn't get into her car.
a) has left
b) left
c) leaves
d) had left X

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct a nswer is: b) left

By the time | arrived at the party, they all the pizza.

2 ajate X
b) have eaten
c) had eaten
d) eat

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: c) had eaten

. Present perfect and simple past

1. What have “/ you have af for breakfast this morning?

2.| Have “f you ever eaten af frogs?

3.Shel| has f always thought “f ofhim.

4. Has “f he ever been «f to Paris?

5. How much have Y they | taken Y ?

Complete the sentences with the correct words:

sultace purchase customer arrive delicious

1.lneedto | purchase | «y some new clothes for the upcoming party.

2. The | customer «/ was unhappy with the service at the restaurant.

3. This cake looks | delicious «ff. Ll can't wait to try it.

4. The train will | arrive f, at the station in ten minutes.

5. Don't forget to pack your | suitace | ./ before we leave for the vacation.

Complete the sentences with the correct words:

celebrate borrow prepare arrive complain mistake

1.Jack likes to | complain | ./ about the weather being too hot in the summer.

2. We are goingto | celebrate | ./ our friend's birthday with a surprise party.


3. Can | borrow / your pen? | need to take some notes.

4. Itwas a big mistake | ./ to miss the important meeting yesterday.

5. The train is scheduled to fat the station in 10 minutes.

6. Before the exam, students need to «/ by studying the course material.

Improve cancel enroll survey obtain schedule

1. Sarah wants to| improve | ./ her English speaking abilities, so she practices every day.

2. The company had to| cancel «/, the event due to unforeseen circumstances.

3. To participate in the workshop, you needto| enroll «/ in advance.

4. The government conducted a| survey | ./ to gather public opinions on the new policy.

5. He managed to| obtain /f ascholarship to study abroad.

6. The conference] schedule | ./ ¡is packed with various interesting sessions.

Read the text and WRITE ONE word for each space.

Hello Douglas! how are (0) you? | hope (1) | You

You | X are doing well, lam (2)| writing
writing | X you this email because
1 (3) wantX to tell you
that you (4) Have
Have * a medical appointment scheduled with us for Tuesday, August 1 st /2023, with the aim of being able to provide you with
information about all (5) Our X services.

Our health insurance services have a cost from $100 to $5000 depending on the medical
coverage that the client wishes, we are waiting for you (6) A * our offices,
Address: Av. Carlos Julio Arosemena km 1/2

We appreciate your visit.

Dear Mrs. Viviana

|(0)_send_ this email, | hope you are well. | am writing to inform you that | will not be able to attend dance classes pin X this week.
Unfortunately, | (2) have * atrip with my family and | will not be able to attend classes.

1(3) cannot X attend because all my family agreed for the first time that we will have vacations on the same date, and we cannot miss the

together (5) if
opportunity to be (4)|togetherX *. ¡tis possible, | would appreciate it that we can continue classes next week.

In less than a week. Maybe Thursday or Friday could work for both of us. | hope there (6) is not X problem, so could you contact my parents
to discuss my excuse for absence? My parents will be (7) waiting * for your call. You can contact my parents at 598-1012 or email (8)Lt) X mom usually gets home at 7:30 pm and my dad ¡is available all afternoon.

Greetings from Barcelona!
HI Alex,

How's it going? | hope this message finds you well. lt was great to meet you at the language exchange event last week. | had a fantastic time
chatting with you and practicing English and Spanish together.

By the way, how was your weekend trip to the mountains? | heard you love hiking, and the mountain trails in that area are stunning, Did you
manage to reach the summit?

| wanted to let you know that | have some exciting news. | got accepted into a Spanish language course at a language school here in
Barcelona! I'll be starting the course next month, and !'m really looking forward to improving my Spanish skills.

Also, | have attached a couple of photos from the language exchange event. It'salways nice to capture those moments, Ifyou have any
photos, I'd love to see them too.

Take care, and I'm looking forward to our next language exchange meet-up.

Hasta luego,


1. Alex and Maria met at a language exchange event. Y

2. Alex went hiking in the mountains over the weekend. A

3. Maria will start her Spanish course next month. A

True v

4. The language exchange event was in Barcelona.

True v

5. Maria and Alex exchanged photos from the event.

False v| >
6. Maria is excited about the language exchange meet-up.

7. Maria and Alex are both learning English. True v


8. Maria is from Barcelona. False v|X

A message to a new pen pal

Hi there,

My name is Sarah, and I'm from Canada. | recently saw your profile on the pen pal website, and | thought it would be fun to become pen pals.
| love learning about different cultures and making new friends from around the world.

| live in a small town called Maplewood, which is surrounded by beautiful forestsand lakes. It's a peaceful and friendly place. | have a big
family, including three brothers and two sisters. We often have family gatherings and enjoy spending time together,

'm a big fan of outdoor activities like hiking and camping. Last summer, | went on a camping trip to the Rocky Mountains, and it was an
amazing experience. | would love to hear about your favorite hobbies and places you like to visit.

l also enjoy reading books, especially mystery and adventure novels. Do you have any favorite books or authors? Maybe we can exchange
book recommendations.

l'm looking forward to hearing more about you and your life in your country. Tell me about your favorite traditions, holidays, and any
interesting events that happen in your town.

Please write back soon!

Best wishes,


1. Sarah is from Canada. True v|y

2. She saw her pen pal's profile on a social media website. | Fal5e “|

3. Sarah lives in a big city. False v| y

False v|y
4. She has four brothers and one sister.

True vis
5. Sarah enjoys outdoor activities like hiking.

True vl| y
6. Last summer, she went camping in the mountains.

7. Sarah prefers romance novels over mystery novels. False v| y

8. She is not interested in learning about different cultures. | False Y|/

Invitation to a BBQ Party

Hi Mark,

| hope this email finds you well. lt was great catching up with you last weekend at the park. | wanted to let you know that
'm hosting a BBQ party at my place next Saturday, and I'd love for you to join us,

The party will start at 1:00 PM and will go on until late in the evening, We have a spacious backyard with a nice garden,
perfect for outdoor gatherings. I'll be firing up the grill and preparing some delicious burgers and sausages. There will be
plenty of food, drinks, and good company.

You're more than welcome to bring a friend or two along. It'll be a great opportunity to meet some new people and have a
fun time together, We'll also have some outdoor games like badminton and frisbee, so be prepared for some friendly

Please let me Know if you can make it, so | can plan accordingly. Ifyou have any dietary preferences or restrictions,
just let
me know, and I'll make sure we have something suitable for you.

Looking forward to having you at the party!

Best regards,


1. The email is an invitation to a BBQ party. [ False v]x

2. The party will take place on a Sunday. [True v]x

3. Emily's backyard is not suitable for outdoor gatherings. [ False v]y

4. Mark can bring a few friends to the party. [true v]y

5. There will be no outdoor games at the party. [ False v]y

6. Mark should call Emily to confirm his attendance. [| True v]v

7. Emily won't accommodate any dietary preferences or restrictions. [ True v]x

8. Emily will be grilling burgers and sausages for the party. False v]X
Weekend Plans

HI Alex,

How's it going? | hope you're doing well. !'m writing to see ifyou're up for some fun this weekend,

| heard there's a new movie theater that just opened in town. They are showing the latest action movie that everyone's
talking about. | know you're a big fan of action movies, so | thought you might be interested. The movie starts at7 PM on
Saturday. Let me know if you want to go, and lll book the tickets,

Also, there's a new restaurant that opened up near the theater, They serve delicious Italian food, and | heard they have live
music on weekends. It could be a great place to grab dinner before the movie. What do you think?

Ifyou're busy on Saturday, we can do something else on Sunday. There's a local park nearby where they have a beautiful
lake, We can go for a walk, have a picnic, or even rent a paddleboat. It's always so peaceful there,

Let me know what you think and iFyou're available, Looking forward to hanging out!



1. Alex and Sarah are planning to go to a movie theater on Saturday. | Fa! w


2. The new movie is a romantic comedy. True v|X

3. The restaurant near the theater serves Italian food. False v|X

4. They will have live music at the restaurant on Saturday. True vi

5. If they can't go out on Saturday, they can do something on Sunday. | "We Y|W

6. There's a lake in the local park. True viyY

7. They can rent a paddleboat at the lake. True vi

8. Alex and Sarah have never hung out before. False v|W/
1) Where is the girl's book?


1. If you want to get the job, you will be vlf confident in

the interview when you're speaking.

2.1 »f nervous If I was going for an interview


3. Anna's car| broke down Y laf while she was driving

to work.

4. sofia may vlaf be able to come to the concert she will tell me next week.

5. My grandmother was married for 10 years before she | had v]v


Well done, Emily! You've shown great improvement in your algebra and calculus skills, Keep up the good work! Your understanding of statistics is
also commendable.

However, we noticed that you struggled with geometry this term. Geometry can be challenging, but don't worry, with practice and additional
support, you can improve. We encourage you to review the concepts covered in geometry and seek extra help from your teacher or fellow
students if needed.

Overall, you've performed well, and we're pleased with your progress. Keep up the effort and keep challenging yourself!

Instructor's name: Mr. Smith

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the instructor's name?

Mr. Smith «/
Emily Johnson
Mr. Johnson
2. Which area did Emily struggle with the most?
Geometry «/

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer ¡s: Geometry

3. What mark did Emily obtain in calculus?

20 el

4. Did Emily pass the course overall?

YeS af

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Yes

5. How many marks were available for the entire course?

100 af

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: 100

6. In which area did Emily excel the most?

Calculus af
Well done, Javier, on all your hard work this term. You are always active in speaking activities, and this is great. | always enjoy
reading your writing too; you have very good ideas. You can see from your marks that reading is not a problem for you.

Sometimes you still make small grammar mistakes, and | think you can improve your vocabulary. | recommend you review
many of the language points we studied this term. There is extra language practice in your online workbook.

The area you need to work on the most is listening. | know this is difficult for you. | recommend more practice at home. Listen to
English TV shows, podcasts and radio as much as possible. | can give you a list of things to listen to.
l've enjoyed working with you. Have a nice holiday, and good luck for next term!
Instructor's name: Erin Gibbs

Signed: Erin Gibbs

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the teacher's name?

Erin Gibbs «/
Javier Martella
We don't know.

2. What was the worst area or skill for Javier?

Grammar - vocabulary X


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Listening

3. Is this the first English level?


We don't know
NO af

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: No

4. What mark do you need to pass the writing part of the course?
60 per cent
75 per cent
50 per cent as
5. What does the teacher think of Javier's writing?
She thinks he needs to work more on it.
She thinks it's difficult for him.
She likes it. «s

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: She likes it.

6. What does the teacher recommend to Javier?

Being more active in speaking activities.
Listening to lots of different things. «y
Revising reading texts.

Complete the sentences with the correct word

bus bicycle taxi train subway borrow

1.ltakethe [train] to work every day because it's faster than driving.
2. My friend likes to ride her [ bicycle] to school because it's good exercise.
3. We missed my school-bus, so we had to take a [ taxi ].

4. | hadto [borrow] a car to my best friend to go to the party.

5. The [subway] station is just a short walk from my apartment.
6. | prefer takingthe [bus] when traveling long distances because ¡it's more comfortable.

Complete the sentences with the correct word

lend carpool tramway motorcycle boat airplane

1. | prefer taking the [ airplane] for long-distance trips as it saves a lot of time.

2. His passion for speed led him to purchase a powerful [ motorcycle ].

3. Let's [ carpool] to the office tomorrow to reduce our carbon footprint.

4. The [tramway] system in the city is efficient and helps ease traffic congestion.

5. | planto [lend] my favorite book to my friend so they can enjoy it too.

6. We went for a relaxing ride on a [boat] in the lake during our vacation.
language pronunciation vocabulary sentence conversation

1. English is a widely spoken [ language ] around the world.

2. She has a difficult time with the [ pronunciation ] of some words in French.

3. | have been trying to expand my [ vocabulary] by reading more books.

4. Can you construct a [ sentence] using the word “happy”?

5. We had a long and enjoyable [ conversation ] about our plans for the weekend,

AA The Truman Show

Truman Burbank is a 29-year-old (1) [ insurance ] salesman who lives in a comfortable town called Seahaven, which is (2) [
located] on an island, probably off the coast of Florida. Truman is a sincere and very nice person who begins to (3) [
suspect] that there is something very strange going on his life, and little by little, he learns the (4) [truth ] . Ever since he
was born, Truman has been filmed for a live television show that is (5) [broadcast] 24 hours a day to the rest of the world,
and thus, everything and everyone that he thinks he knows is, in (6) [fact] , part ofa giant television studio designed to
(7) [show] his life. Truman begins to discover the (8) [ reality] of his world when the television producers of "The Truman
Show" begin to make silly (9) [ mistakes] that give Truman an idea ofwhat is really happening, After listening to a radio
broadcast that seems to be broadcasting everything he is doing, and then seeing workers who look like they're fixing his
own (10) [ office] building as ¡fit were part of a movie set (which it ¡s!), Truman (11) [ decides] he needs to get away from
Seahaven. He tells his wife and best friend that he wants to go to the island of Fiji, where the family of a girl he once liked
very much had apparently moved, Thus, the (12) [ producers ] of the show must think of every possible way to (13) [
convince] Truman that it would really be much better if he stayed home in Seahaven, without of course, (14) [ despite ]
to him that his whole world ¡s actually a giant TV studio, Eventually though, Truman becomes determined to leave the island
that he has never left before, (15) [success] his horrible fear of water (which began as a child when he thought he saw his
father (16) [ drown ] in a storm). As each way off the island is mysteriously blocked--- from car to bus to boat---Truman
comes increasingly closer to finding out the true (17) [ nature] ofthe world around him
ty has”
has X had a wonderful babysitter for the past two years. She found
oteher ep through a recommendation

from care


(4) for
for over
over |X Mary's two children, Sarah and Tim. She has

been there for them (6) o X day after school, helping them with their homework,
and engaging them in fun activities,
Since the first day she started, Mary noticed that her children felt comfortable and happy around the babysitter, The babysitter
(7) has Y|X
has Created a warm and nurturing environment that X. the children adore.
(8) | that


whenever she is away for work or other commitments. For the past few months, the babysitter has also been helping with light
household chores, which has been (10) an
an y X. additional relief for Mary,

(1) was
Fabian's birthday was v|X a special occasion (2) | for
forv X. him and his loved ones. The celebration started earlyin the

morning, and since then, the excitement had been building up. Fabian's mom prepared a variety of delicious snacks 6)

X. the guests. They were all set (4) X. the table, readyto be savored by everyone. One of the highlights of the party

was the enormous jelly cake that Fabian's sister had made for (5) him X. .The vibrant colors and sweet taste delighted all

the guests, The cake was a hit!

the day, the refrigerator was filled (6) with
añ A refreshing drinks and desserts, ensuring everyone stayed

wr and satisfied, Fabian's friends and family had to celebrate with (7) o


surprised him with a(9) ne
Nicole (1). has v|y been pursuing her studies diligently (2) | for v|./_ the past few years. She enrolled in college four years

(3) ago Y / to pursue a degree in psychology. Since then, she has been fully committed to her academic journey. (4)

For Y the past two years, Nicole has (5). been v /, actively participating in various research projects as part (6) | of y

«/ her course requirements. She has enjoyed the opportunity to apply her theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Since the beginning of this semester, Nicole has been attending specialized workshops and seminars to broaden (7) | her y

/ Understanding of different psychological concepts. These additional learning opportunities have (8) been v|y

instrumental in shaping her academic growth.

For the past month, Nicole has been preparing for her final exams. She has spent countless hours (9) | in v|y the library,

studying and reviewing her notes. With determination and hard work, she aims to achieve excellent grades. (10) | Since Y /

her childhood, Nicole has had a passion for understanding human behavior, and her dedication to her studies is a testament to
her commitment (11) to “iy making a difference in people's lives through her work in psychology.


[high jump]

[rowing] [biathlon] [car racing] [cycling]

aunt - breakfast - quickly - classroom - surprised - having

My name's Emily. Morning is my favorite part of the day. | wake up every morning Y and
head straight to the kitchen. My mom is always there, preparing a delicious | breakfast «/ for me. She

makes pancakes, my favorite!

After / breakfast, | rush to get dressed for school. | put on my school uniform and grab my
backpack. Then, I'm ready to go. Mom and | leave the house together, and we walk to school. She
says, "Have a great day, Emily!" and | give her a big hug.

| enter my «y/ and see all my friends. We chat and laugh before the teacher arrives. One
day, the door opens, and | was so y/ to see my aunt |/, Mrs. Johnson, standing there!
She's our new substitute teacher. lt was a funny surprise!

cottage fireplace garden chalet mountains retreat kitchen ocean

1. The [cottage] ¡s just a short walk from the beach.

2. In the seaside cottage, you can enjoy [ocean ] views from the living room.

3. The [ fireplace] in the mountain chalet creates a cozy atmosphere.

4. The [kitchen] is fully equipped with modern appliances.

5. The private [garden] at the cottage is perfect for outdoor meals.

6. The [ mountain] chalet offers breathtaking views of the nearby peaks.

7. The spacious open-plan living area in the [ chalet] includes a well-equipped kitchen.

8. The chalet is an ideal accommodation for people seeking an adventurous [ retreat ].

kitchen balcony downstairs families outside thirty garden train

1. The [ kitchen ] in the flat has everything you need.

2. Four people can sit on the [ balcony] at the flat.

3. The single beds are in the bedroom [ downstairs ].

4. [ families ] will love the flat.

5. At the farmhouse, you can have a barbecue [ outside ].

6. It takes [ thirty ] minutes to drive to the supermarket.

7. If you want to go to the city, you can take a [ train ].

8. You can only use mobile phones in the [ garden 1].

The Giant Panda

The giant panda is a bear that lives in central China. It is special because of lts black and white fur. Pandas belong
to the most(1) | endangered w!Y' species of

our world. About 2000 pandas

live in the wilderness
and 300 live in (2) | various w/Y/ zoos around the world, Recently, there have been(3)! compaigns v|V

in many countries to save the giant panda. The animal has been driven away from ¡ts natural habitat because of deforestation, intensive farming and the
creation of new(4) | settlements 4" , The giant panda can reach
a height of up to 1.5 metres and weigh
up to 150 kg. Pandas have bodies like bears, but

scientists do not know why they grow a thick black and white (5): fur ww . Itkeeps them warm during the cold winter months and the white colour protects

them from possible enemies in the snow-covered mountains in which they live, Pandas have large teeth, which they need to eat bamboo, their (6) | basic y

y food, Because it is low in nutritional value it does not give pandas much energy to move around for longer periods of time, Giant pandas can live up to 20
years in the wilderness
and 30 years in zoos. They start (7) ' reproducing v Y” between 4 and 8 years of age. When panda cubs are born, they are very tiny, only

about a thousandth the size ofthe mother, and blind, Like all mammals, they get their food from their mother, whom they stay with for up to three years before
being able to (8) | survive wiY alone. Pandas have beenan important
(9) | species | throughout history. They first became known in the western world

during the middle of the 19th century. In the 19605, the Chinese government (10) | realized 4" ithad to do something to protect the giant pandas from

becoming (11) | extinct y .Since then they have set up 40 reserves in which the animals are protected. In the 1970s, pandas played a role in the

opening of Communist China to the west. They were sold to zoos in other countries. Today, about 45 pandas live in zoos outside China. Zoologists are putting
millions of dollars
into (12) | breeding Y” the animals in captivity. When they get older, they are released again into their natural habitat,
My Trip to Paris

Hi everyone,

| just got back from an amazing trip to Paris, and | wanted to share my experience with you all. Paris is such a beautiful city with so much to see
and do. During my trip, | visited famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.

The architecture in Paris is stunning, and | couldn't stop taking photos of the beautiful buildings. | also enjoyed trying the delicious French cuisine,
| had croissants and café au lait for breakfast, escargot and coq au vin for lunch, and créme brúlée for dessert. The food in Paris is absolutely

One of the highlights of my trip was taking a boat cruise along the Seine River. It offered a unique perspective of the city, and | got to see many of
the famous landmarks from the water.

The weather was lovely during my trip. lt was sunny and warm, perfect for exploring the city on foot. | also took the opportunity to sit in one of
the charming Parisian cafes and people-watch.

Overall, my trip to Paris was fantastic, and | can't wait to go back someday.

1. The writer visited Paris for the first time. TRUE v |Y

2. The Eiffel Tower is not a famous landmark in Paris. FALSE v [Y

3. The writer took a boat cruise on the Seine River. TRUE v|Y

4. The weather during the trip was rainy and cold. FALSE v Y

5. The writer tried French croissants for breakfast. TRUE v Y

6. Parisian cafes are charming. FALSE v [X

7. The writer visited the Louvre Museum but not Notre-Dame Cathedral. TRUE v|X

8. The writer didn't enjoy the French cuisine. TRUE v[X

Hi Alex,
How are you doing? | hope this letter finds you well. I'm really excited to finally

write to you after our teacher introduced us as pen pals. It's great to have a friend
from a different country!

l live in Paris, and it's a beautiful city with so much history and culture. Have you

ever been here? | would love to show you around if you decide to visit someday.

| heard from our teacher that you love sports. lim a big fan of soccer, and ! play for
a local team here. What sports do you enjoy playing or watching?

l also enjoy reading books, especially mysteries and thrillers. Do you have any

favorite books or authors?

In your last letter, you mentioned that you enjoy cooking. That's fantastic! What's

your specialty? | would love to try one of your recipes.

Anyway. Um looking forward to hearing more about you and your country. Tell me

about your favorite hobbies, places you like to visit, and your family.

Please write back soon and share more about yourself.

Take care,

1. Alex and Sophie live in the same city. TRUE v|X

2. Sophie wants to show Alex around her city. TRUE v|y

3. Alex enjoys playing soccer. FALSE v| X

4. Sophie's favorite genre of books is romance. TRUE Y] X

5. Alex likes cooking and has a favorite recipe. TRUE _v|y

6. Sophie wants to know about Alex's family. TRUE v|y

7. Sophie and Alex are classmates. TRUE v|X

8. Sophie lives in Rome. TRUE v|X

Hi Tom,
| hope this email finds you well. It was great to see you at the party last weekend.

Did you enjoy the music and the food? | had a fantastic time.
By the way, | have some exciting news to share. | got a new job! | will be starting at
the marketing company next month. It's a big step in my career, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Remember the trip we planned to the mountains? Well, it's still on! | booked the
cabins, and we're all set to go next weekend. It's going to be an adventure, and |
can't wait to go hiking and explore the beautiful scenery.

Oh, and do you remember the dog we saw at the park? | couldn't resist adopting
him. He's the cutest little pup, and | named him Max. He's been keeping me busy,
but | love having him around.

Anyway, I'll be sending you the details of our mountain trip soon. Let me know if
you have any preferences or ideas for our itinerary.

Take care and talk to you soon!


1. Tom and Sara saw each other at the party last weekend, | 'RYE_Y|4

2. Sara got a new job in marketing. FALSE v | X

3. The trip to the mountains got canceled. TRUE v] X

4. Sara adopted a dog and named him Max. TRUE v|y

5. Tom is going to plan the itinerary for the mountain trip. | 'RYE Y|X

6. Sara will send the details of the trip to Tom. FALSE v | X

7. Sara is not excited about her new job. TRUE v|X

8. Tom and Sara will go hiking in the mountains. FALSE v| X

Hi David,

l hope this email finds you well. | wanted to talk to you about our plans for the

weekend. As you knovwv, its my birthday on Sunday, and | zhoughrt it would be great

if we could ger together and celebrate.

l was thinkins of having a small party az my place on Saturday evening. We can

have a barbecue in the backyard and enjoy some delicious food. The weather

forecast says it's going to be sunny, so it should be a perfect day for ourdoor


Uwe invited some other friends as well, so it will be a fun gathering. We can play

some games, listen to music, and just have a good time. lf you want, you can bring

your guitar, and we can hawe a little sing-along session too.

Let me know if Saturday works for you, and if there's anything specific you'd like zo

contribute zo the party, like drinks or snacks. l'm sure it's going zo be a memorable

day, and l'm looking forward to celebrating with you.

Take care and see you soon!

Best regards,


1. Sophia's birthday is on Saturday. False TRUE Y] X

2. They are planning to have a party at a restaurant. False FALSE Y] y

3. The weather forecast predicts rain. False TRUE v|X

4. Sophia has invited other friends to the party. True FALSE Y] X

5. They will have a sing-along session with the guitar. True FALSE Y] X

6. David needs to bring drinks for the party. False TRUE Y] X

7. Sophia is not excited about the party. False TRUE Y] X

8. The party will take place in Sophia's backyard. True FALSE Y] X

Choose the correct answer.

1. She is a talented artist and spends hours painting with her Y.

2. My mom is an excellent[ ener y] / ; she makes the most delicious meals.

3. We decided to go to the / to enjoy the warm weather and swim.

4. After a long day at work, he likes to relax in his Y/ and watch TV.

5. | have a lot of homework to do tonight, so I'll be spending most of my evening at my [ desk v] Y.

families adventure - countryside - couples - market - kitchen - exciting - techniques

1. The river rafting adventure is suitable for [families ] and groups of friends.
2. All safety equipment, including life jackets and helmets, is provided for the [adventure ].
3. The river offers beautiful views of the surrounding [countryside ] and wildlife,
4, The cooking class is open to individuals and [couples] who love food.
5. You'll get to use fresh ingredients from the local [market ] in the cooking class.
6. The cooking class is held in a charming [kitchen] with a warm and friendly atmosphere.
7. The river rafting adventure promises a fun and [exciting ] experience.
8. In the cooking class, you'll learn cooking [techniques ] that you can use at home.

1. What can't the woman find?


Hi Sarah,
| hope this message finds you well. I'm excited to share my recent trip to London with you. The city has been incredible, and |
have had a fantastic time exploring its historic landmarks.

During my stay, | have visited many famous places, including Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London. The view from the
top of the London Eye has been amazing , and | have taken a lot of photos.
| have also tried some delicious British cuisine at local pubs and restaurants. The fish and chips and traditional afternoon tea
have been my favorites!

One day, | joined a guided tour to explore the neighborhoods of Camden Town. It has been fascinating to learn about the
vibrant street art and music culture of the area.

The weather has been a bit unpredictable, but overall, | have had a wonderful time in London.
| can't wait to catch up with you soon and share more stories from my trip.

Take care,


e The writer's name is Michael.

True y


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: True

+ Michael recently visited Barcelona.

False «f

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: False

e Michael visited Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London during his trip.
True y


e The view from the top of the London Eye was disappointing.

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: False

e Michael tried some delicious French cuisine at local pubs and restaurants.

False «sf.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: False

e Hejoined a guided tour to explore the neighbourhoods of Camden Town.

True f
e The weather in London has been perfect during his stay.

False «/

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: False

e Michael can't wait to catch up with Sarah soon and share more stories from his trip.
True «/


1.- 2.- h
[scissors] [punch] [sticky notes]
y Gi e
9 do
a » JE,
5.- 6.- 7.- Ss 8.- Y
[Bulldog clip] [Scotch tape] [envelopes]

9. _ 10.- Mí.
[staples] [office knife] [pencil sharpener]

Choose the correct answer.

1. We have v | ./ butit's too expensive to use so we usually put our clothes outside in the sun.

2.1 «/ in London, but! live and work in Italy now.

3, After gota degree v|./ I wenton a job interviewin Colombia.

4. I'm really bad with numbers, so | don't like Math v y atall.

5. Children between the ages of 14 and 16 usually go to high schoo Y.

Dear Students, please remember that the science fair project proposals are
due next week. Make sure to submit your project idea to the science teacher
by Friday. Good luck with your projects! Mrs. Johnson.

Why did Mrs. Johnson write this message?

To remind the students to bring their textbooks to class

To ask the students to bring their permission slips
To inform the students about the upcoming science faira/

The Wright Brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright are famous for inventing and building the world's first successful airplane, They were born in Ohio, USA, in the late 1800s.
While they had many interests, it was the (1) ........... of flight that truly captivated them, As young boys, they experimented with various flying
machines and dreamed of taking to the skies.

In their early adulthood, they established a bicycle shop to support their passion for aviation. They believed that by studying the (2) ............. of birds
and applying their knowledge to aircraft design, they could achieve powered flight.

They faced numerous challenges and setbacks along the way, but they were (3) ............. to make their dream a reality. After years of testing and
refining their prototypes, they finally achieved success on December 17, 1903, when their aircraft, named the Flyer, made its historic flight at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina.

At that (4 ac. air travel was considered an impossible feat, The Wright Brothers' achievement revolutionized transportation and paved the
way for modern aviation. They (5) ............. a legacy of innovation and courage that continues to inspire generations of inventors and pilots.

con ep

Pare 1.00 cur of 1.00

The correct ans=wwer is: idea


Mark 0.00 court Of 1.00

The correct anm=wer i= principles

obliged E

Park 0.00 court of 1.00

The correct am=awer is: aOdieterminR=d


Pilark OOO cat O 71 OO

The correct am=>w er is: stage

esta lblis held

Ráiark OOO cut Ot 71 OO

The correct amn=wser is: created

The Pyramids of Egypt

The Pyramids of Egypt are among the most iconic (1) ............... in the world. These ancient structures were built as tombs for pharaohs
during the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egypt. The largest and most famous pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for the
pharaoh Khufu.

The construction of the pyramids required (2) ................ engineering skills and extensive manual labor. The Egyptians used sophisticated
techniques to precisely align the pyramids with the cardinal points of the compass. The stones used in the construction
were (3)... cut and transported from quarries along the Nile River.

The pyramids served as monumental structures that symbolized the power and authority of the pharaohs. They were also believed to
facilitate the pharaoh's journey to the afterlife. Inside the pyramids, lavish burial chambers and treasures were placed alongside the
pharaoh's mummified remains.

Today, the pyramids continue to be a major tourist attraction, attracting visitors from all over the world. They are a testament to the
ingenuity and architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians.

arma ct=


Perlamkk DO arte AE MO

The COrnrect amn=w*=r i= lan-JAmark=


rermartka ble

Prlamrk OOO ae at ADO

Th=e Correct am=w'=r i=5- intric=ate

a meto ly

ca na
ca rnetifñiol

Pilareke 100 wat Pa D0

The Correct ==: careful

Marie Curie

Marie Curie was a renowned scientist born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. From a young age, she showed a keen interest in biology and
physics. Determined to pursue her passion, she moved to Paris to study at the Sorbonne University.
During her studies, Marie faced numerous challenges, but she was (1) ............... to overcome them. Her groundbreaking research led to
the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. Despite the difficulties, Marie always found a (2) ............... to continue her

At that (3) auna , the scientific community was predominantly male-dominated, but Marie's dedication and brilliance set her apart.
She became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and she later received a second Nobel Prize in a different field,

Marie's discoveries had a profound impact on the world of science. She (4)................. new avenues for research in radioactivity and
revolutionized the field of medicine, Her legacy (5) ................ a source of inspiration for aspiring scientists worldwide.


Hiark D0LO0 court Of. 00

The correct an=".er is: determin+==3



Hiark D0LO0 court Of. 00

The correct anm=w' er is We


a LA


Mark DLO0O court Of 1.00

The correct an=w' er is era

esp lored
disc coOwered

open e-d

Pi=ark 00 omt Of 1-00

The correct an=w er is di=co"enrned



Pi=ark 00 omt Of 1-00

The correct anm=w er is: persaizt=


Ecuador is a captivating country located in South America. Its diverse geography and rich cultural heritage make it a fascinating destination. From
the majestic Andes Mountains to the enchanting Galapagos Islands, Ecuador offers a wide range of (1) for travelers to explore.

The indigenous communities of Ecuador have a deep connection with their ancestral traditions and are known for their vibrant (2)
craftsmanship. Their colorful textiles and intricate artwork are highly prized and reflect the country's cultural diversity.

Ecuador is home to the remarkable Amazon Rainforest, which teems with an incredible variety of wildlife. This unique ecosystem provides a (3)
for scientific research and ecotourism. Exploring the lush rainforest is an awe-inspiring experience.

In addition to its natural wonders, Ecuador hoasts a rich historical heritage. The city of Quito, with its well-preserved colonial architecture, is a
UNESCO World Heritage site. Its historic center is a (4) to the country's past and showcases its architectural splendor.

Ecuador's cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors, combining indigenous ingredients with Spanish influences. Ceviche, a popular seafood dish, and
llapingachos, are just some of the mouthwatering dishes that (5) the local gastronomy.

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or a food lover, Ecuador offers an unforgettable adventure for every traveler.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: landscapes

race cars

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: festivals


2. playgroundX

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: habitat


reminder te

Wark D_ 00 cut of 1.00

The correct answer is: testament

represents >

Wlark O_00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is exemple"

My Favorite Hobby: Cooking

Cooking has always been my favorite hobby. | developed an interest in it when | was a child, watching my grandmother prepare
delicious meals in her kitchen. She taught me basic cooking techniques and shared her secret family recipes. Since then, | have been
experimenting with different ingredients and flavors to create my own dishes.

One of the things | love most about cooking is the opportunity to be creative. | enjoy combining various ingredients to invent new
recipes. Sometimes, | like to challenge myself by trying out dishes from different cuisines around the world. It's exciting to explore
different flavors and cooking styles.

Cooking also allows me to share my passion with others. | often invite friends and family over for meals, where | get to showcase my
culinary creations. It brings me joy to see their smiles as they savor the food | have prepared. | also enjoy exchanging recipes and
cooking tips with other food enthusiasts online. It's a wonderful way to connect with people who share the same interest.

To improve my cooking skills, | constantly seek inspiration from cookbooks, cooking shows, and online tutorials. | also like to attend
cooking classes to learn new techniques. Practice is key, so | try to cook regularly and experiment with different ingredients and
methods. Making mistakes is part of the learning process, and | embrace them as opportunities to grow and improve.

Overall, cooking is not just a hobby for me; it's a way to express myself and bring joy to others through delicious food. Whether I'm
cooking for myself or for others, the kitchen is where | find solace and unleash my creativity.

What inspired the author to develop an interest in cooking?

Learning from a family member

Atrending cooking classes
Watching cooking shows

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Lesrnins from a family member

What does the author enjoy most about cooking?

Making money by selling homemade food

Collecting cookbooks as a hobby
The opportunity to De creative.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: The opportunity

to be creative

How does the author seek to improve their cooking skills?

Taking professional cooking coursesXx

Hiring personal chefs for private lessons
Trying out different recipes regularly

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Trying out different recipes regularly

What does cooking allow the author to do?

Travel the world to explore different cuisines

Become a professional chef in a renowned restaurant
Share their passion with othersas

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: Share their passion with others

How does the author view cooking as a hobby?

Itis a tedious and borins activity with limited enjoyment

It is a technical skill that requires years of formal education
It is a way to express creativity and bring joy to others

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: lt is a way to express creativity and bring joy to others

1. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: €

1. Which present has the girl bought her mother?

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: €

1. Rakeem has a lot of English homework. Y

2. He did badly on an exam.

3. He wants to find a part-time job. Xx

4. Rakeem needs some extra money. Y

5. He doesn't think it's a good idea to talk to his family.

6. He can't sleep because of his problems. | irue v|

7. Talia thinks that the English teacher is a good person to ask for help.

3. Talia says that Rakeem needs to stay at home tonight. Xx


q.- yl 2 e 3.- 4.-

[electric guitar] [accordion] [flute]


5.- 7.- 8.-

[trombone] [keyboard] [banjo]

9.- 10. A 11.- 12.-

[double bass] [harmonica] [trumpet] [violin]

Choose the correct answer.

v |./ are my favorite fruit.

2. “Would you like to t. of w|./ this cheese?” “Thanks. Mmm ... it's very good.”

3. In my country, we eat v|./ products like cheese and eggs for breakfast.

4. Can you buy six| ca v|./ cola, please?

5. We have a new! fridos

1 It was a great mcccnccnn for a barbecue.

day «$

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: day

2 RV cccccnnnnas a big table and some chairs in the garden.

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: put

3 Ravi had SOME cocccmccccn of chicken to cook on the barbecue.

pieces «Y

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: pieces

4 Everybody ..... and chatted while they were eating their food.
laughed .f


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: laughed

5 Nobody wanted tO ..ccccon.. because they were having such fun.

leave «$

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: leawe


The bicycle
is (0) _a _ cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (1) was v|./. made about one hundred
and ninety vears ago. Atfirst, bicycles were

expensive, Only rich people

(2) could w| / buy one,

These early bicycles looked very different from the ones we have today. Later (3) | when v|/' bicycles became cheaper, many people

(4) (1:MULTICHOICE:-buy-buys=%100%bought) one, People started riding bicycles to work and in (5) their Y y/ free time. Today, people use cars more than

bicycles; cars are much (6) faster v|./ and you don't
get wet when it rains!
The Fastest Athlete in the World

Usain Bolt (0) _was _ born in a small town in Jamaica. He lived there with his family
(1) For
fs YX fifteen years. The family lived a simple life,

and Bolt's passion for running was evident from an early age. He would race with his friends in the fields and dream of becoming the (2)
Fastestal A athlete in the world.

As Bolt grew older, his talent (3) y// more apparent. He started training seriously and soon caught the attention of coaches and

scouts. His dedication to the sport paid off, and he was offered opportunities to train with top coaches and teams. In pursuit of his dreams, Bolt
(4) X to different countries to compete in international events. The journey to becoming the fastest athlete was not (5)
l a V eled * . * . . . *


He faced challenges, setbacks, and tough competition along

In the way. However, his determination and unwavering focus allowed him to overcome
all obstacles. Bolt's first major breakthrough came (6) at | X. the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where he achieved a triple gold medal victory in the

100 meters, 200 meters, and 4x100 meters relay events. This marked the beginning of his legendary career as the fastest man on Earth.


The sailing boat Tara, (0) _was _ partofa science project to learn about the air, sea and ice in the Arctic. The scientists could
not build a camp on the Arctic ice because it was too dangerous. (1) X decided to use Tara as a camp instead and (2)

ipIn September 2006, the scientists salled the ship into the ice. Thisis(3) when
yen” X the ship stayed for many months.

Moved until
Soon Tara was caught in the ice. The boat (4) X. with the ¡ce, and travelled over 5,200 kilometres, (5) X

that time the boat crossed the North Pole, The scientists could hear the ice making strange noises (6) But X they did

not worry too much. On the 500th day in the ¡ce they (7) X. had a small party. Then, (8) X four days
Already still

later, the ice broke and Tara was free,

Jahan Begum (0) _was _ born on a farm in the hills, She lived there with her family (1) X. thirteen years. The family
grew their own food and (2) Kept X animals. But then one year it didn't rain so they decided to move to (3) another

X country.

l Thragh
ra l % their
eir ] l
The journey (4) X the mountains was long and difficult. (5) X. first home in the new country was a tent.

Then Jahan's brothers made a house with wood and stones so the family had somewhere better to live.

Now, (6)
Each X day Jahan makes things like hats and socks out of wool. She sells (7) them Xin the market to get

money for food. She is happy with her home and her work, but she (8) Still X hopes to return to her farm in

the hills one day.


Michael, a young businessman, was having a busy day at work. He went out for lunch and accidentally left his wallet on the
restaurant table. Inside the wallet were his credit cards, ID, and some cash. When he realized he had lost it, he felt panicked and

Later that day, Sarah, a kind-hearted waitress at the restaurant, found the wallet while cleaning the table. She immediately
checked the ID to find the owner's contact information and called Michael to inform him that she had found his lost wallet.

Michael was relieved and grateful when he received Sarah's call. He went back to the restaurant to collect his wallet, and he
thanked Sarah for her honesty and kindness.

a hilichael accidental let his w"wea=allet atte restaurant.

Doesn't =anyr

Pilar 0.0 cut o or A LOMO

The correct an=wer is: Right

2 =arah found the we=sllet mwmhile serving cu=tonke

Doesnt =ay

Prl=ark 0.00 out Ot a 0H:

The correct an=weer is: Ris ht

3 The wvealet contained only credit card=.

Does=sn Tr an

Pilar 0.0 cut o or A LOMO

The correct an=wer 15: WWromne

4 Sarah returned the wallet to Michael the nmext day.
Doe=n"t =ay

Prlarik OOO Out Oi A ONO

The correct answer is: WWromnae

S MPMichael was thanktul to sarah tor findin his weallet.

Do=s=n"t =ay

MRilark O.00 cout Ot 1.00

The correct answer is: Right

6 The restaurant is located ne=ar Michaels workplace.

Do=s=n"t =ay

MRilark O.00 cout Ot 1.00

The correct answer is: Doesn't say

Alittle Surprise!
Sarah!s boyfriend was Joe Smith, They loved each other, They were very happy together, but Sarah wanted to get married,
Joe wanted to get married too, but he
was afraid,
Sometimes they talked about getting married, "Let's get married in June," Sarah said. “June is a beautiful month for a wedlding;* "June?"Joe asked, "This June?
Lets not get married inJune, Let's walt alítle longer.
Sarah waited,. and walted, She was very patient, but she wanted to get married, Sarah!5 parents wanted herto get married, too they llted oe, Joe's parents
elso wanted them to get married because they liked Sarah, Suddenly Sarah had an idea, "Joe Smit'5 parents wll help me!" she thought,
The next morning Sarah telephoned
Joe Smit's parents. 'l need your help," Sarah told them, "Joe Smith wants to get married, but he's afraid, Lets plan a
or Joe Smith and me, lt will be this Saturday. Invite your fam, but don't tell Joe about the wedding.
Next, Sarah telephoned Bob Smith, Bob was Joe 's best friend," need your help," Sarah told Bob. "TellJoe that you're getting married this Saturday. Invite him to
your wedding, Bob wasn't really getting married on Saturday. ltwas a trick
Joe and Sarah were getting married on Saturday, but Joe didhyt know!t
On Saturday morningJoe put on his best ut, he walked into the courthouse and looked around, He saw his friend Bob. He saw his girlfriend Sarah, Then he saw
his parents, relatives, and friends, He saw Sarah's family and friends, SuddenlyJoe Smith understood, This was not Bob's wedding! This was Joe Smits wedding!
Joe Smith began to shake, but he didnt run away. Twenty minutes later
Joe Smith and Sarah were husband and wife,
19 Joe wanted to get married, but he also wanted more time.

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: CORRECT

20 Sarabh'"s parents wanted thern to hawe mary children.


hark 0.00 cut of 1.00

The correct an=wer is ODOESH'T MEMWTICEA

21 The parents had the idea to get thern married with a little trick.


Mark 0.00 cut of 1.00

The correct an=wer is IMECORRECT

22 Bob helped Sarah with a plan to get Joe to come to “his wedding”.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: CORRECT

23 Joe understood that was not Bob's wedding when he saw the priest and Bob's family.


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The correct answer is: INCORRECT

1. Often / she / writes to me

She often
often writes
writes to
to me
me | x

2. play football / on Saturday afternoons / The boys / always

The boyalways
Lehe-boy always play football onSaturday
playfootbalton Saturday ———————] z

3. usually/ arrives late / The bus

| The
The bus
bus usually
usually arrives
arrives late
late | K

4. goto bed / often / 1 / before 11

| I ften go tobed
¡ftengoto bedbefore
before 11
11 | A

5. never / drinks coffee / She / in the evenings

sj never drinks
She Irimks-coffe-in-tl l
coffe in the evening |

6. It / rains / in the summer / often

| If
If often
often rains
rains in
in the
the summer
summer | K

7. read books / slovvly / | / always

| Il always
always read
read book
book slowly
slowly | x*

MyMsually /
father usally father /
goes to workgoes byto bus
/ by bus

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