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Name: __________________


1. List two sources of secondary data

Primary Data is first-hand data that you collect. E.g. survey (other than those at the left).
results or observations.
Secondary Data is collected by some one else. E.g. the weather _____________________
forecast or a library article. _____________________
2. Allison needs data for her project. Circle those which she might use to collect primary data.

Questionnaire Internet Newspaper Experiment Survey Video

3. State whether each is primary or secondary data.

a) number of birthday presents you received last year ___________________

b) average number of births in the month of November ___________________
c) Are there more babies born in the Summer or Winter? ___________________
d) number of hot dogs you can eat in a minute ___________________
e) world record for number of hot dogs eaten in a minute ___________________
f) number of siblings of each student in your class ___________________

Continuous Data can have an infinite (unlimited) number of different

values within a range. E.g. The feet lengths of your classmates could be
any value from 15 cm to 25 cm.
4. The data below (labelled A Discrete Data can have only a finite (limited) number of different values.
to G) are either continuous E.g. Your classmates’ shoe sizes can only be 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5,
or discrete. Print each letter …, 12.5, 13.
in either the ‘Continuous
Data’ or the ‘Discrete Data’ box.
Continuous Data Discrete Data
B. the number of soccer balls sold

C. the population of Canada

D. the amount of rain in May

E. the number of languages Mike speaks

F. the time at which you wake up

G. the speed of a plane

Expectation: i) distinguish between discrete data and continuous data; ii) collect or organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the
data in charts, tables, and graphs; iii) read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary and secondary data presented in charts, tables and graphs
5. a) Go to Create A Graph. (Go to for the link.)
b) Select Line Graph.
c) Select the Data tab along the right and insert an appropriate Graph Title and Axes Labels.
d) Change Source to your name, Items to 5, Groups to 1, and Group Label to Krizia’s Race Times.
e) Choose your colour for the Line and the Point, as well as the Point Shape.
f) Enter the data below in the table on your screen.

Krizia’s Race Results

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Time (minutes) 54.23 54.07 50.98 48.22 45.75

g) Enter 40 as Min-Value and 60 as Max-Value.

h) Select Preview tab to view your graph.
i) To print your graph, select the Print / Save tab. Then select the Print icon and be sure that the print
format is PDF (Adobe Acrobat). Finally click Print to view your image and then select File  Print.
j) Use your graph to answer the following questions.

I) Between which years did Krizia decrease her time the most? ______________________
II) What is Krizia’s mean running time for the five years? ______________________

k) In 2010, Krizia improved her best time by 0.52 minutes (31.2 seconds). She hoped to reduce her time to
45 minutes. By how many minutes did she miss her goal? ______________________

6. a) Click on Start Over at the bottom of the screen and then OK.
b) Select Pie Chart.
c) Create a pie chart (circle graph) by selecting the Data tab and entering the data below.

Students’ Favourite Golf Tournament

Masters U.S. Open British Open PGA Championship
Number of Students 47 27 44 32

d) Select Preview and use your graph to answer the following questions.

I) Which tournament is the most popular? _______________________________

II) Which tournament is the least popular? _______________________________

e) After watching Phil Mickelson win the PGA Championship, many students changed their
votes. Six students who had voted for the Masters, two students who had voted for the U.S. Open, and
four students who had voted for the British Open changed their vote to the PGA Championship. Update
your graph to reflect these changes.

f) How do these changes affect your answers to part (d)? _______________________________

g) Print your graph by following the steps in question 5(i) above.

“Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.”
– William Feather
Expectation: i) distinguish between discrete data and continuous data; ii) collect or organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the
data in charts, tables, and graphs; iii) read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary and secondary data presented in charts, tables and graphs
Try This!
Total Rainfall in April
Total Rainfall (mm)

Actual Total

Mr. Weather
Man Predicted

Day in April

Mr. Weather Man produced the double line graph, above, comparing his prediction of the total rainfall to
the actual total rainfall in April. Use this graph to answer the following questions.
a) Circle the types of data that are being used.

Continuous Discrete Primary Secondary

b) Did it rain more or less than predicted during the first five days? ___________
c) How much total rainfall was recorded by April 12th? 13th? ________________ ________________
d) How much rain fell on April 13th? ___________________________________
e) How much rain was predicted to fall by April 22nd? _____________________
f) On how many of the first 20 days did it not rain? _______________________
g) After April 20th, Mr. Weather Man forgot to record the total rainfall at the end of each day.
On April 30th, he noticed that the total rainfall for the whole month has been 60 mm.
i) Complete the Actual Total Rainfall straight line graph for the last 10 days.
ii) By April 25th, what does your graph predict was the total rainfall? _______________

Did you know?

A rainbow often appears after it rains. When facing the rainbow, the sun
is always behind you and the rain is in front of you. The centre of the
rainbow’s arc is always directly opposite to the sun.

Expectation: i) distinguish between discrete data and continuous data; ii) collect or organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the
data in charts, tables, and graphs; iii) read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary and secondary data presented in charts, tables and graphs

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