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I. Objectives: At the end of a 60 minute period, the students are expected to:

A. explain the process in solving right triangle

B. solve the dimensions of a right triangle independently
C. express ideas freely

II. Subject Matter: Solving Right Triangles

Reference : Advance Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics, pp. 215 – 216
Materials : Tag boards, chalks, charts, illustrations
Value : Cooperation

III. Teachers Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Drill

Class this morning we will have a contest.

First one to get the correct answer, has the points.
Given the figures, find the value of the 6 trigo-
nometric functions of the angle ᶿ. You are given
20 seconds.
√3 √2 cosᶿ = √1
1. √ tanᶿ = √
2 2
ᶿ 1. sinᶿ =
1 √3 √3

ᶿ 5
4 3 4 3
2. 2. sinᶿ = cosᶿ = tanᶿ =
3 5 5 4

√5 1

3. ᶿ 3. sinᶿ =
cosᶿ =
√5 tanᶿ =
√5 √6 √6 √5
B. Review

Get your assignments and exchange with your


1. sinᶿ =
2. cosᶿ =
3. tanᶿ = √ 2
4. tanᶿ =
5. cosᶿ =

C. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
Do you like cakes? Yes, we do.
Do you notice that some cakes are cut /
sliced diagonally? In these manner it forms
a triangle.
Have you ever wondered what measurement

of angle does it form?
Well today, we will be learning how to solve
triangles, particularly right triangle.
2. Presentation
Read the problem:
The diagonal and shorter side of a
rectangle are 190 cm and 120 cm,
respectively. Find the measure of the
angles, the diagonal and the sides of the

3. Comprehension Check-up
What are asked in the problem? The measure of the angles and the
sides of the triangle.
What are the given facts?
Diagonal of the rectangle is 190 cm
shorter side is 120 cm.
4. Analysis
Let us find visualize the problem. c = 190 ᶿ
Who can illustrate it on the board. 120 = a

Very good, so this is the diagonal
and the shorter side. Again, what are
we looking for? The angle measure between the
diagonal and shorter side and the longer
side and the other acute angle.
In short, we will be solving the right
triangle. We will find the angles and its
sides. So, what and how will be do that? We will use the trigonometric functions.

Correct! What specific function shall

we us in this case? Cosine ma’am.

Why cosine? Because we have an adjacent side and

hypotenuse of the triangle formed.
Alright! Cosine =

120 12
substituting it, we have cosᶿ = cosᶿ =
190 19

What shall we do with the obtained

cosine ᶿ? Use the Table of Values or the
calculator to have the angle measure.
Very good! Using the calculator,
we have cosᶿ = 50o 49” Shift – cosine – ( )
ᶿ = 50O 49”
Now we have the theta, how will
we obtain the other acute angle? We use the fact that it is a right triangle,
and the remaining singles will be equal
to 90o.
Brilliant! We shall name the other
angle β. Since θ and β are complementary
angles, we have:
β = 90o – 50o 49”
= 39o 11” β = 39o 11”

Now we have the angle measures,
what else do we need to solve? The longer side.

What trigonometric function shall we

use? Sine Function, because we have θ and
the hypotenuse, what we are looking for
is the opposite side of θ.
Correct! Sine θ =

Substituting the given:

Sin 50o 49” =

What shall we do with this? Cross Multiply

b = sin 50o 49” (190)
= 0.7751 (190)
= 147.27 cm
What is the answer?
The longer side is 147.27 cm.
Can we have other solutions? Yes ma’am. Through the Pythagorean
theorem. C2 = a2 + b2
Very good! So we have:
C2 = a2 + b2
substituting the given:
1902 = 1202 + b2 1902 = 1202 + b2
continue, - 120o – 1202
1902 – 120 2
= b22
b = √ 190−120

= √ 36100−14400
= √ 21700
= 147.30 cm
Do we have the same answer?
Yes, ma’am. It is only a matter of
What will be our final answer?
(rounded to the nearest tenths) 147.3 cm is the longer side.
Θ = 50o 49”
Now, what are the dimensions of the C=190 cm
a = 120 cm
triangle? Illustrate it. Β=39o 11”
b = 147.3 cm

Very Good! Any questions? None so far.

Do you understand? Yes we do.

5. Comparison and Abstraction

In your groups, solve the given.

Discuss thoroughly. Group leader get your

Using the given solve each triangle.


a a a
1. L = 38o 1. sin L = tan L=
cosβ =
β n b n
C or h a 29 O 29
a = 29 cm h= b= =
a sin L tan 38 47.10

29 O
h= b= 37.12 β=51o59” or 52o
sin 38
L h = 47.10 ∴ a=29 cm L=38o
b b=37.12 cm β=52o
c=47.10 cm

2. L = 32o
a a a
a = 48 cm 2. sin L = tan L= cosβ =
n b n
48 O O 48
h= b= =
sin 32 tan 32
h = 90.58 b=76.82 =58o
β=90 – 32 = 58o ∴ a=48 cm
b=76.82 cm
c=90.58 cm
3. L = 28O10’
a b
c = 32.7 3. sin L = cah L=
c h/c
a = sin L (c) b = cos L (c)
= sin 28o10’(32.7) =cos 28o10(32.7)
a = 15.44 b = 28.83
β = 90o – 28o10’ = 61o50’’
∴ a = 15.44 cm L = 28O10’’
b = 28.83 cm β = 61o50’’
c = 32.7 cm
4. β = 64o50’’
a = 40 cm
a b
4. cos β = tan β =
c a
c= b = tan β (a)
cos β
40 cm
O “’
= = 85.13
cos 64 50
c = 94.06 L=90 – 64O50O=25O10”
∴ a = 40 cm L = 25O10”
b = 85.13 cm β = 64o50”
c = 94.06 cm
6. Practice Exercises
Work on the given individually.
c a
a = 12 cm b C2 = a2 + b2 tan L= β=90o-42o43”
b = 13 cm β = √ 122+ 132 = = 46o17”
a 13

Show your solution on the board. C = 17.69 L=tan-1
L= 42O43”
∴ a = 12 cm
b = 13 cm
c = 17.69 cm
L = 42O43”
β = 46O17”
7. Generalization
Now class, how do we solve a right
triangle? To solve a right triangle is to find the

measure of its 3 angles and the lengths
of its sides.
And what do we use to solve it?
The trigonometric functions, the sum of
the angles of the triangle and the
Pythagorean theorem.
8. Fixing Skills
In your groups, solve for the triangle. First
one to give the correct answers gets the point. Use tan β =
c= √ a2 +b 2 L=90O - 35O12”

your tag boards for the final answer. β
= √ 42.532 +30 2 = 54o48”

a 30
= c = 52.05 cm
1. b = 30 cm tanβ
β = 35o 12” a = 42.53 cm
a b
2. C = 37 ft cos β = sin β =
c c
β = 29o a = cos β (c) b = sin β (c)
= cos 29 (37) = sin 29(37)
= 32.36 ft b = 17.94 ft
L = 90O – 29O
= 61O

D. Evaluation

Get one whole sheet of paper and answer /

Analyze carefully.

A kite in the air has its string tied to the ground.

If the string is 50 m and its inclination to the horizon
is 60o, find the height of the kite above the ground.
Find also the distance to the point perpendicular
above the kite.

E. Assignment

Answer in 1 whole sheet of paper, page 214.

Test Yourself no. 7 – 9.

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