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Classics 273 Final Examination, May 6,2011, Page 2 of


31. Candidi- means glowing white. [Candidi/asis; Candida)

p R A

32. Gravido- means pregnantor heavy. [Multi/gravida; Gravid/a) 34. Sebo- means sweat. (Seb/aceous; Seb/orrhur)

33. Cholecysto- means gall bladder. [Chole/cyst/itis; Chole/cyst/opexy) 35. Gero- or Geronto- mean old. (Ger/iatrics or Geront/olog/V)F 36. -gnosis means knowledge. (Dia/gnosis; Pro/gnosisl


37. Osm/o- and Olfact/o- mean nose. [Osm/ ia; Olfact/ory)

6 38. Nephro- and Reno- mean kidney. [Nephr/itis; Ren/al) ft (Dromo/mania; Syn/drome) tr 39. Dromo- means to run.
40. Helminth/o- and Vermi- mean worm. [Helminth /ic;Yermi/ form)

S p


eronrn/i- means pipe. (Bron chi/al; Bronch/itis)

f b ft p ft

42. Myelo- means spinal cord or bone marrow. (Myelo/gram; Multiple Myel/oma) 43, Dipso- means to thirst. (A/dips/ia; Poly/dipsia)
44. Docho- and Ducto- mean duct or canal. [Doch/oma; Duct/us)

45. Lieno- and Spleno- mean spleen. (Lien/oma and Spleno/megaly)$ 46. -poiesis means to make or produce. (Hemato/poiesis; Erythro/poiesis)

47, Sphygmo- means pulse. (Sphy:gmo/gram; Sphygmo/meterJ 48. Iatro- means to treat or cure. (latro/genic; Ped/i?trics)



f rnfryo- means young. fEmbryon/ic; Embry/opathic)

ft ft $ ft F

50. Rub-, Rubello-, and Rubero- means rusty. (Rub/or; Rub/ella; Rub/eola)
51. Myx/o- and Blenno- mean to mucus. (Myx/oma; Blenn/oma)

52. Presbyo- means new. [Presby/opia; Presby/acuria)

53. Pharmac/o- means drug. [Pharmac/ology; Pharmaco/mania)

54. -crine means to secrete. (Endo/crine; Holo/crine; Exo/crine) Y]

@)Sinistro- means right. [sinistro/cardia; Sinistr/ocular)

56. -asthenia means strength. (My/asthenia;

$ B Neur/asttrenia) (b ft

57. Pyelo- means pelvis [of kidney or organ). (Pyelo/nephritis; Pyelo/gram) 58. Cranio- means head. (Cran i/al; Crani/oplasty)

59, Steato-, Lipo-, and Adipo- mean fat. (Steat/oma ,Lipf oma,and Adip/oma){t 60. -metr/y means the process or procedure of measuring. (Opto/ mett/y;Feto/metr/y) 61. Tachy- means fast or rapid. (Tachy/cardia; Tachy/pneal

p 6

62. Colpo- means penis. [Colp/itis; Colpo/scopy)


63. Edema- means bad or harmful. fEdemat/ous; Lymph/eaema)

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