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For the items in this section, you will listen to two short conversations. Listen carefully and
mark the choice that best answers each question. Before you listen to each conversation,
you will have 10 seconds to have a look at the question and the three alternatives. (2 pts.
each; 4 pts.)
1. Where does the conversation take place?
a) Library b) Exam hall c) Bookstore
2. Where does the conversation take place?
a) Cafeteria b) Office c) Park
For the items in this section, you will listen to two dialogues. As you listen, mark the choice
that best answers each question. Before you listen to each dialogue, you will have 15 seconds
to have a look at the questions and the three alternatives. (2 pts. each; 4 pts.)
3. What does the professor imply?
a) Dan should listen more carefully and take notes next time in class.
b) She will tell the students about the presentation in detail in their next class.
c) Dan should ask a classmate to share their notes on the presentation with him.

4. What does Greg mean?

a) He can’t go because he has to work and attend a meeting.
b) He has already seen that film with some other friends.
c) He will join them because he wants to see the movie.

For the items in this section, you will hear an interview with a paleontologist. You will hear
the interview only ONCE. As you listen, mark the choice that best answers each question or
completes each statement. Before you listen to the interview, you will have 45 seconds to
have a look at the questions and the alternatives. (2 pts. each; 6 pts.)
5. Which of the following did NOT encourage Nizar to become a paleontologist?
a) A book about dinosaurs
b) His father’s occupation
c) His curiosity about the history of life

6. According to Nizar, what makes an expedition successful?

a) Finding a large dinosaur fossil in a region
b) Discovering the biggest number of bones
c) Managing to dig up a complete skeleton
7. The Sahara expedition example shows that the biggest challenge is _____________.
a) shortage of money
b) extreme heat
c) sandstorms

For the items in this section, you will listen to a lecture on language development in
children. You will hear the lecture only ONCE. As you listen to the lecture, mark the
alternative that best answers each question. Before you listen to the lecture, you will have
45 seconds to look at the questions and the alternatives. (2 pts. each; 6 pts.)
8. When do babies start to sound different?
a) A few weeks after birth
b) At around four months
c) After they are ten months old
9. Which of the following is an example of a baby’s first sentence?
a) Juju.
b) Juice.
c) I want more juice.
10. What does telegraphic speech mean?
a) Using only the most necessary words
b) Speaking in simple but full sentences
c) Forming structures like the past tense
Answer Key

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. a

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