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Nathaniel V.

(GE-104) Mathematics in the Modern World
TF 5:00-6:30 PM




Fibonnaci Sequence



Nature: A pure Math magic!

Man has always been captivated by nature's amazing structures and complex
patterns. It seems like nature always finds its way to stun humanity with its beauty
and magic but there is no denying mathematics' existence among its many wonders.
The primary basis that controls the phenomena seen in the natural world is
mathematics, the language of patterns and relationships.

One of the most striking displays of mathematics in nature is the Fibonacci

sequence, a series of numbers where each term is the sum of the two preceding
ones. This sequence is very rampant and known in nature, from the flowers and its
petal arrangements coloring the meadows of the earth to the arrangement of the
leaves on its stems dangling in the winds all connects to the principle that the
Fibonacci Sequence is representing. This really reflects the mathematical order
present in nature.

Then came the tessellation who seems to be the manifestation of perfection.

Covering spaces with sheer perfection with its repetitive shapes creating a
masterpiece. All I can say is that tessellation is the master tiler from combs of the
bees to the spirals in the sunflower core and even in the driest of the land surface.
Tessellations seem to always find ways to amuse us all.

Fractals, another mathematical concept, are self-repeating patterns that

exhibit intricate detail at every level of magnification. They are found in phenomena
such as the branching of trees to the striking lightning bolts which mirrors the
complexity found in the natural world.

Truly the world is a sight to see with the marvels of nature and the math
magic it exhibits. It provides us with an outline for understanding the patterns,
structures, and processes that define the world around us. As we continue to grow
and learn math, we are slowly uncovering the mysteries that nature holds and the
interrelation between Math and Mother Nature unraveling harmony it orchestrates
cause truly we can say that nature is pure math magic.

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