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Hello teacher.

Today my partner Alexis Salazar

and I Olivia Avilés are going to talk about
ancient versus modern.
O: Hi Alexis, today I was walking through my
living room and I saw my old TV, I can't believe
how big it is.
A: Hello Olivia. What is the difference between
your devices?
O: Well, as you know. One of my technological
devices is the television. I have about 2 in my
house but they have a normal screen, but to be
honest this old TV is bigger and wider than my
other TV. Also, the old TV is older and heavier
than the new one I have.
A: Wow, now you remember that I have
something similar to yours in my house. I'm
talking about the cell phone. I found my father's
old cell phone. This old mobile phone is heavier
and bulkier than the current mobile phones that
we all have. It looks so big.
O: To be honest, the story my grandmother told
me about her past, those cell phones were more
expensive than today's cell phones. Also, I
remember that computers of the past were
slower than today's, of course, because they are
older than today's.
A: Yes, a day ago I found my mother's wired
headphones. These wired headphones are
more difficult to use. My mother's wired
headphones are outdated, uncomfortable, and
useless than our current wireless headphones. I
can't believe technology has improved so much.
O: You're right Alexis, well I'm going to go for a
walk. See you later
m: see you

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