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No one in this world was created the same with each ther.

Every individidual is made differently

in which those differences we have is what every person makes unique. These differencies includes
people’s handicap. Their are individuals who needs a more special kind of attention and
understanding from the people around them. The diversity we have in this world is nothing but a
normal thing that was already been in here since then.
In the movie Every Child is Special”, there was this kid name Ishan. Ishan is a kid who has
dyslexia, a condition that makes a person have a difficulty in learning in which it primarily affects the
skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Unlike Ishan’s brother who is very
good in studying and one of the top students in their shool, Ishan on the other hand is always bullied
and receives scolding from his teachers for being bad at school. Even Ishan’s parents is having a hard
time communicating with him. All of those happens because of all the people around him even his
parents, didn’t know that Ishan has dyslexia which is the reason why he is having a hard time learning.
Because of Ishan’s performance at school his parents decided to transfer him into another school in
which he meet their a teacher who has the same condition he has. If it wasn’t for that teacher, Ishan’s
parents would have still be clueless and wont know about Ishan’s true condition. Because also of that
teacher, Ishan was able to follow and show to everyone what he really is good at. Ishan showed them
that even if he is bad at some things, there is an area which he is good at and that is arts specifically in
This movie made me realized how specially each and every person this world has. And that we
should be observant enough to know and be aware of the people around us. We should always keep
and bring with us respect, understanding, and kindness which we can offer to everyone. All of us
deserved to be understood and be respected despite the condition we have.
As a future educator, I will surely bring with me a lot of patience, respect, undesrstanding, and
kindness as I don’t know what conditions my students have or the things they are going through. If
they are having confusions with the things they want I will do my best to be able to lend them a
helping hand and make them feel that it is normal to have confusions sometimes. I will surely do my
best as well to help and encourage them to show the world the talents and skills that they possess as
children who are all unique in their own way.

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