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MATTHEW Matthew breaks the silence of 400 years between Malachi’s

prophecy and the announcement of the birth of Jesus.
Presented Jesus as KING TO THE JEWS Matthew links us up with the Old Testament. On every page he is
trying to connect the Gospel with the prophets and show that all of
their teaching is being fulfilled in the person and kingdom of Jesus
WRITER: Matthew also called Levi
----- a publican or a tax collector at Capernaum under the Roman Israel was under the domination of the Roman Empire. And no
Government; man of “the house of David” was allowed to sit upon the throne for
----- was called by Jesus and became one of Jesus’ twelve disciples over 600 years.
and eventually became an Apostle. Herod was not the king of Israel but a Governor of Judea,
----- a Jew. He was well acquainted with Jewish history and appointed by the Emperor of Rome.
customs for he speaks of farming, fishing and housekeeping Joseph, the carpenter who became the husband of Mary is the man
of his people in the seven parables in Chapter 13, thus, he is who really had the throne–rights of the house of David. As can be seen
no doubt a Christian Jew. (Matt. 9:9; 10:3) in this genealogy in Matthew I especially Jechonias (Jeconiah) in v.11.
TITLE: “Matthew” means “the gift of the Lord” But even if Joseph could have been Jesus’ father according to their
TO WHOM WAS IT WRITTEN? (Matthew 15:24) flesh, He could never have occupied the throne, for Gods word bared
To the Jewish people – to answer questions they had about the way. because there had been a curse on this royal line since the
Jesus. Since the Old Testament closed with God’s people looking for days of Jeconiah (Jeremiah 22:30). Joseph was in the line of this curse.
their long promised King, their Messiah. So Matthew’s Gospel shows Hence if Christ had been Joseph’s son, he could not have sat on
that Jesus was that King as he quotes from the Old Testament more David’s throne.
than any of the other Gospel writers for he wanted to show the Jews But we find another genealogy in Luke 3 in Mary’s line, back to
that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah David through Nathan (Luke 3:31).
and he is the coming King. Genealogy- is the history of the descent of an individual or family
WHERE WAS IT WRITTEN?: from an ancestor.
Anywhere in Palestine, Syria, Antioch in 50-70 A.D. There are two genealogies of Christ:
---- From the Legal descent, Joseph’s side -- Matthew
It is important for us Christians to see the thread of prophesies 1:1-17 -- Mathew traces Jesus’ line back to Abraham and David to
about Jesus the Messiah even throughout the Old Testament. For show that he was a Jew; and coming from David shows Jesus as of
those of us who are non-Jews (Gentiles) we must also realize that Jesus royal descent, the King, the Messiah, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
came as Israel’s Messiah as well as the World’s Savior. In other words the promised ruler of Israel.
“Jesus is the Way for every person in the world to come to God.”
----- From the Lineal descent, Mary’s side -- Luke 3:23--38
MAIN PEOPLE: Jesus and the Disciples
-- Luke traces Jesus’ line back to Adam to show that He belonged
OUTLINE: to the human race as of human lineage, the ideal man, born of
Jesus’ Birth and Childhood – 1-2 woman.
Jesus’ Teaching and Healing Ministry – 3-20
Why are we concerned about genealogies?
Jesus’ Crucifixions and Resurrection – 21-28
They give us the key to the whole Life of Jesus. They show us,
from the very start, that He was not just another man, but that he
Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the whole world at this time
descended from a royal family, and that there was a king’s blood in His
was expecting the advent of the Great One – a King who would rule the
veins. If He were not a King, He could not claim the ruleship of our
earth from David’s throne and just like David’s reign.

And if He were not a Man, He could not know “our sorrows” and PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM- 3:1-16:20
“be acquainted with our griefs.” At long last, after 30 years of preparation of his ministry, Jesus
COMING OF THE KING: As presented by Matthew to the Jews. is now ready for it. But before coming out, a forerunner had made his
The Gospel written by Matthew is opened with the genealogy of way, out of which again fulfills a prophecy from Israel 40:3 This is
Jesus. (And there is a purpose in writing the genealogy.) They give us John the Baptist introduced by Isaiah -- a voice. This voice-is to herald
the key to the whole life of Jesus: the coming of Jesus Christ –to prepare/to pave his way.
Matthew 1:1 From the genealogy of Jesus Christ we have known So the King’s coming must be announced to the people
after all that Jesus came from the line of Abraham which prove that (Matthew 3:2, 3).
he really came from the lineage of the chosen people of God. As with It was the duty of this herald to go before a King; as a Roman
King David, it gives proof that he descended from a royal family; thus Officer before his ruler. He is commanded that the roads be prepared
proving to us that he had all the right to become the King of Jews and over which his Master would travel. And John the Baptist did this –he
King of our lives. He has all the power to claim his ruleship over our showed that the spiritual roads of the lives of men and nations were full
lives. of chuckholes of sin and sharp turns of iniquity and needed rebuilding
From Abraham to King David –14 generations and straightening. And many people responded with his call as they
---- From David to the deportation to Babylon until the Babylonian followed him in water baptism.
exile—14 generations *Jesus also went to him for baptism and in here we see the
--- From Babylon until Jesus’ birth –14 generations King stepping from his personal and private life into His public
THE NATIVITY – The Birth of Jesus – Matthew 1:18---2:12, Micah Jesus, although the Son of God and sinless still went into baptism –
5:2, Isaiah 9:6 is now to be fulfilled. i.e., to fulfill all kinds of righteousness.
All the maps of the world and all the calendars of time tell of ----- After baptism -- the heavens were opened and the Holy
Christ’s birthplace and birthday. We are also given names and dates Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and alighted and a voice from
(Matthew 2:1) so that the Gospel does not begin with, “Once upon a heaven was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am
time” but starts in “Bethlehem in Judea”. Thus Christianity is an well pleased.”
historical religion. The Gospel narrative sets its record in the solid God is even declaring Jesus as His Son suited to become King in His
foundation of history. We are not building our faith on a myth, but Kingdom.
substantial fact. Chapter 4—Jesus was then led by the spirit in the wilderness and faced
At long last, as the whole world at this time was expecting the his first major conflict of His public ministry.
advent of a great One – a king who would rule the earth from Satan offered Jesus a shortcut to that universal kingdom which He
David’s throne – (Matthew 2:1) He was now born in Bethlehem of had come to gain through the long and painful way across, but Christ
Judea. came as Savior first then a King How strong is the temptation to take
Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem to visit Jesus and worship a short cut to our ambitions: Jesus stood victor, His shield undented
him and honor as King. - Persian Magi and astrologers/ scholars and and untarnished. He went forth to conquer all other temptations until
students of stars. his final victory and ascension to heaven as Lord of all. (1 Corinthian
They were inquiring about the King of the Jews (2:2) and not the 10:13)
Savior of the World. He was able to pass the test by proving himself worth of the
The wise men were guided and led by a star seen in the East and service of his Father.
had halted over a manger in Bethlehem to tell of Christ’s birth. They The King’s Cabinet Mtt. 4:18 – 21
were led to a person not a creed. Jesus not only preached Himself but He gathered others
The adoration of the wise men foreshadowed Christ’s universal around Him. It was necessary to organize His Kingdom and put it on a
dominion (Philippians 2:10; Psalm 72:8) Galatians 4:4,5. wider and more permanent basis and He must have subjects. He
would reflect His light through human instruments. He says in

Matthew 5:14, “Ye are the light of the world.” Jesus still has a great The root of this law is kindness. If human society would have
message for the world, and He needs us to carry it. Spiritual ideas its standards as theirs, the world would be set in order. One day filled
can’t stalk alone in the world and be of any value. They must be with it would be a bit of heaven. Love will reign instead of lawlessness.
clothed with men and institutions who will serve as hearts and brains, ----- The Sermon on the Mount sets forth the Constitution of the
hands and feet to carry them out. – He was calling men into his Kingdom as Jesus defines the nature and limit of the Kingdom, the
companionship to train them to carry on His works – to continue and condition for entrance; its laws, its privileges and rewards.
extend His mission on Earth. Where did Jesus find His helpers? Not ------ Fourteen times the King says, “I say unto you” this will reveal
in the Temple, among the doctors, or priests, nor the colleges of Jesus’ authority as He deals with the Law of Moses. Men must not
Jerusalem; instead, he found them on the seashore mending their nets only keep the law outwardly but in spirit as well. And notice the effect
for in I Corinthians 1:27 (read) on the people in Matthew 7:28,29.
A list of the Disciples – Matt. 10:2—4; Great Message to the The King’s Power –as Jesus preached and taught, he proclaimed
People – Mtt. 10:7 (His mission started) Consider Mtt. 10:32,33 that the Kingdom of God is at hand which was true because the King
Himself was there.
The Kingdom Laws: Matthew 5; 6; 7 Two Components of the Healing Ministry of Jesus:
(After Jesus had proven himself worthy of service to His 1. Faith on the person being healed
Father, He started his public ministry in Capernaum. He preached: 2. Power of Jesus
“Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)
Jesus, the King proved the special miracles which He wrought
Now every kingdom must have its laws and standards to control its
(Matt. 8 -- 9). He met human needs. There are twelve astonishing
subjects. The Kingdom of Heaven is no exception. He sets forth the
miracles in these two chapters, we read, “And all the people were
laws of the kingdom that describes the character of its subjects. He
amazed, and said, “Is not this the son of David?” (Matthew 12:23)
elevated the Ten Commandments in the nth degree.
The critical scribes now thrust themselves into the scene and
The two summation of the Ten Commandments:
passed their hostile judgment on the actions of Jesus (Matthew 9:3).
1) Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and stregnth.
The Kingdom was proclaimed “at hand” because the King Himself was
2) Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Jesus declared, “He came not to destroy the Law or the Ten
Commandments, but to fulfill it.” The Kingdom of Heaven: Matthew 10:13
The old law was good in its day. And with Jesus coming, he did --- This is the theme of this book.
not destroy this old law but treated it as rudimentary and not as --- Kingdom of God is the Kingship of God over his creation
perfect and final. For he says, “Any reform that starts on the outside --- In Exodus 19:6 -- God said, “Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of
and works in is beginning at the wrong end.” “The only way of getting priests, and a holy nation.”
a good life is first getting a good heart.” (inward change) Israel at first was a theocracy. God was their King; they
So, Christ starts on the inside and work out. formed His kingdom.
“Jesus preached the Sermon that contains the Laws of his --- Jesus likened the kingdom of Heaven to (Matthew 13)
Kingdom on the lofty pulpit of the mountain. (Matthew 5, 6, 7) And The Sawer, a Dragnet, Leaven in the Dough
these teachings are embodied in His sermon on a Mount. The teachings The Fares A Hid Treasure
of this Sermon overtop all human teachings and if we actually practice A Mustard Seed A Pearl of Great Price
it in our lives. ----- These parables, called the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven
If we let this rule operate in our lives, it will change all of our (Matthew 13:11), described what the result of the presence of the
personal relations, heal our social wounds, and solve every dispute Gospel of Christ in the world will be during this present age until the
between nations and set the whole world in order. time of His return when He will gather the harvest (Matthew 13:40-
----- Kingdom of God in the past present and future.

---- If we are to have a kingdom on this earth, with the laws, which now turned the general question into the sharp personal inquiry.
Christ set down, then we must have the King, Someday Christ will --“But whom say ye that I am?” (V. 15)
come in power and great glory and establish His throne on this earth. The general question, “What men think ye think of Christ?”
We will have peace when the Prince of Peace reigns! So, what men think determines what they do and are. The ideas men
(transformation-inward change –become a new being creation.) hold about industry, wealth, government, morals and religion mold
Rejection of the King: society and alter lives. So what men think of Christ is the master
The sad story reads that “Christ came on His own and His own force in he world today and more than anything else influence its life
received him not.” John 1:11. and thought.
The kingdom was first presented to the rightful heirs –the Life's most Important Answer
children of Israel, but they refused the offer, rejected the King and ---- V.16 “Though art the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” replied
finally crucified Him. Peter. --- It grasps Christ as the Messiah, the fulfillment of the
In Matthew 21:43, Jesus announced that the Kingdom shall be prophesies of the Old Hebrew prophets. This confession is great
taken away from the Jews and given to another nation of which because it exalts Christ as the Son of God and lifts Him above
offended the rulers, and they sought to lay hands on him. (Matthew humanity and crowns Him with deity. He reveals or disclose to these
21:46) handful of disciples new truths about His teachings.
*Why did they refuse the Kingdom? ---- V.18 –He said to Peter and Disciples, “Upon this rock I will build
*The world today is intensely longing for the golden age. A this rock” and this is what Christ was going to do – build a Church of
millennium of peace and rest – is the great desire of diplomats and which He Himself was to be the chief cornerstone. This CHURCH
rulers but they want it in their own way and on their own terms. was born on Pentecost (Acts 2).
They try to bring it on their own efforts. And this was just so with the Entrance to Jerusalem -- Triumph of the King:
Jews in the days of John the Baptist.
---- Matthew 21:1 –28:20 --- Passover Feast – Holy week
The Church Promised: On the morning of Psalm Sunday there was a stir In Bethany,
---- Only in Matthew’s Gospel is the “Church” named. When the and along the road leading to Jerusalem.
kingdom was rejected we find a change in the teachings of Jesus. He ---- Colt was used by Jesus as he entered Jerusalem which signifies
began to talk about the church instead of the kingdom. (Matthew humility.
16:18) Church comes from the Greek word “ecclesia” which means ---- people were then gathering in crowds.
“called out ones”. Because all would not believe on Him, Christ said ----*Procession started – This little parade could not have been
He was calling out anyone, Jew or Gentile to belong to His Church, compared in magnificence with many a procession that has attended
which is His Body. He began to build a new edifice, a new body of the coronation of the King, or the inauguration of a president; but it
people, which would include both Jew and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14- meant much for the world. Jesus for the first time permitted a public
18). recognition and celebration of His rights as Messiah or King. The
Transfiguration: Matthew 17:1-2—-- revelation of His true end was approaching with awful swiftness, and He must offer himself
as Messiah, even if only to be rejected.
The people in their enthusiasm tore off branches from the
Life's most Important Question: palm and olive trees, and carpeted the highway while shouts rang
----- In Matthew 16:13 –When Jesus and His disciples were far away through the air. They believed in Jesus, and with all their warm and
from the busy scene in which they lived, Jesus asked His disciples the Oriental enthusiasm were not ashamed of their King. In answer to
question: “Whom do men say that I the son of man am?” the crowds who asked, “Who is this?” they boldly answered, “This is
----- The disciples gave the answer men were giving. All agreed that the prophet, Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.” It took courage to say
Jesus was an extraordinary person, at least a prophet. So that Jesus that in Jerusalem. Jesus was not entering the city as a triumphant

conqueror, as the Romans had done. No sword was in His hand. ---- After hanging on the cruel tree for six hours, the Savior died, not
Over His floated no bloodstained banner. His mission was salvation! from physical suffering alone but of a broken heart, for he bore the
---- His hour had not yet come. Christ must be Savior first, then come sins of the whole world. We hear his triumphant cry, “It is finished!”
again as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He paid the debt of sin and became the world’s Redeemer!
---- Christ’s authority was brought into question as He went into the
temple and ordered the merchants out, overturning their tables and Redemption Cost a Great Price!
telling them that they had made the House of God a den of thieves. A The mode of the Messiah’s death had been foreshadowed by
bitter controversy followed. Then went the Pharisees, and took various types and symbols in the Old Testament.
counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. (Matthew 22:15). He 1) The brazen serpent in the wilderness signified that He was to be
bade farewell to Jerusalem until He would come again to sit on lifted up.
David’s throne. 2) The lamb upon the Jewish altar that His blood must be shed.
3) His hands and His feet were to be pierced.
The Future of the Kingdom: 4) He was to be wounded and tormented.
----- He delivered His mount Olivet discourse. He foretold the condition 5) His ears were to be filled with reviling, upon His vesture were lots to
of the world after His ascension until He comes back in glory, to be cast and vinegar was to be given Him to drink.
judge the nations as to their treatment of His brethren, the Jews 6) Jesus was put in Joseph’s tomb, & on the third day He arose – This
(Matthew 25:31). is the supreme test of His Kingship.
----- This is not the judgment of the Great White Throne, which is the
judgment of the wicked dead. Neither is it the judgment seat of Jeremiah 15:19
Christ (II Corinthians 5:10), which is the judgment of the saints
according to their works. It is the judgment of the Gentile nations By Jesus’ resurrection –He assured his disciples that the King
concerning their attitude toward God’s people. still lived and that one day He will come back to establish His
---- Much of Jesus’ discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 is devoted to His kingdom on earth.
second coming. He exhorts men to be ready, in the parables of the
faithful servant, the 10 virgins and of the talents. A World Wide Commission
Jesus announced His program and a crisis hour was struck in
The Death and the Resurrection of the King: the history of Christianity. The climax is found in His great
We have been passing through some of the highlights in the life commission, “All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go
of Jesus; now we step into the shadows as we enter Gethsemane. We ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
see the Son of Abraham, the Sacrifice, dying that all the nations of Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
the earth might be blessed by Him. Jesus was slain because he observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am
claimed to be the king of Israel. He was raised from the dead because wit you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
he was the King (Acts 2:30-36). Although a large number of ----- On what mission were they sent?
disciples believed in Jesus and followed Him, the opposition of the To over run the world with armies and make men submit
Jews were bitter and they determined to put Him to death. On the under the sword?
grounds of blasphemy, and of claiming to be the King of the Jews, No, but to “make disciples of all nations”
thus making Himself the enemy of the Roman Emperor, Jesus was
delivered up by Pilate to be crucified.
---- Matthew is not alone in his record of the terrible circumstances of
the Savior’s passion; but He makes us feel that in the mock array, the
crown of thorns, the scepter, the title over the cross, we have a
witness though it be only scorn, to the kingly claim.

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