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Submarine Fleet — projects that could change history — Encyclopedia of safety Page 1 of 8

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Submarine Fleet — projects that could change history

17.10.2013 Category: Defense Author: admin

History knows many cases where the ideas and projects that are not embodied in the life, could
significantly change the history and development of the world's population as a whole.
One of those thoughts was designed on paper, but to the construction and production, and so the
case is not reached — is the idea of creation of transport and amphibious submarines.

In the Russian Union is, in principle, as in the other countries at the start of the second World War, the
submarines could either act on his own intended use, or to transfer to the place of destination or a
small group of airborne agents.

At the end of 1941, when the Red Army troops were surrounded on the Crimean peninsula in the
town of Sevastopol, they began supporting ammunition, food and military units for the evacuation of
the civilian population surrounded the town. Deliveries of supplies and ammunition, and the
evacuation of people produced by surface ships, but due to the massive opposition and the
complete domination of the enemy both at sea and in the air, the loss of surface ships of the Union
of Russian steel tragic, virtually no one vorachivalsya after relief operations. And then connected to
the operations of submarines, during the siege, they delivered more than 4,000 tons of food and
ammunition, was evacuated about 1,500 man with relatively low losses.

Experience in the use of the submarine fleet for the delivery of food and ammunition, and for the
transfer of large numbers of people, led the Union of Russian Navy Command to the idea of creating
a new class of submarines to transport amphibious troops and transporting huge loads. Projects
have been proposed creation of underwater barges to transport huge loads of different tonnage,
which could be moved to the place of destination ordinary submarine or underwater tug Project 605.
Underwater barges on the project could be built in bolshennom amount due to the simplicity of the
barge itself. Problems by creating underwater barges actually not there, but there was the problem of
transportation barges to the place of destination, due to the inability to solve this problem of rapidly
the Navy abandoned the project. 2019/12/09
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At the end of July 1942 started the development of 607 — small cargo submarine. Underwater ship
project could deliver up to 250 tons of cargo and 100 tons of fuel, there were folding loading cranes
for loading and unloading cargo. But unfortunately, in 1943, when the project was quite ready for
production, the situation on the fronts radically changed, and the need for a similar cargo boat was
gone, and the project was shelved. But here it should be noted that the project was absolutely ready
to go into mass creation, and no problems for the implementation of the project has not been found.

After the war, in order to frisky response to the evolving threat to the Union of Russian Rubin Design
Bureau (CDB-18) in 1948, commissioned by the Navy command, drafted 621 — amphibious transport

It was absolutely brand new concept of building a submarine with 2 decks:

— Capacity 1550 tons (10 is able to board the tanks, 12 trucks with 3 trailers, four passenger cars, 12
85-mm artillery guns, two 45-mm guns, three aircraft LA-11, ammunition, fuel and provisions.
— Troopers in the amount of 750 people;
armament Underwater Docks:
— two twin 57-mm anti-aircraft automatic guns;
— one 25-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun;
— machines for rockets, ammunition 360 units;
The same design bureau was developed in 1952 by the project 626, which was a smaller version of
Project 607 for airborne transport operations in the Arctic criteria.

The main characteristics of the project 626:

— lifting capacity of 300 tons (up to 5 tanks and the fuel in store for them, or landing in a total of 165
man, or ammunition, and provisions)
— armament: two 533-mm torpedo tubes, ammunition four torpedoes, two anti-aircraft machine
In 1956, the Design Bureau "Rubin" has developed project 632 — underwater minelayer capable of
carrying up to 100 minutes of new PLT-6, to transport 160 tons of mixed fuel. Stockpiling or
performed in the "wet" form, or "dry" form. 2019/12/09
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Project 632 will soon passed CDB-16, because of the heavy workload of the CDB-18. By 1958, the
project was ready for mass production, but the Central Committee of the Communist Party sees the
seven-year program from building ships and submarines and 632 project did not get into it, and the
project was shelved.
His place is taken by the project 648, designed by CDB-16 in 1958 on the basis of the project 632.
Underwater boat could carry up to 1,000 tons of fuel, 60 tons of drinking water, 34 tons of provisions
to ensure 100 per person for 3 months.

Underwater boat Project 648 could pass under the water fuel, aviation fuel could take seaplanes, to
evacuate up to 100 people and carry up to 120 man landing.
But because of the problems of transfer of fuel and oversized enthusiasm for nuclear propulsion
devices project in 1961, were frozen. There is a project 648M with 2 nuclear power reactors 6000l /
s. each, which increased the autonomy of diving up to 25 days and provides work-electronic diesel
engines up to 80 days. But it did not help the project take place under the sun.
Follow-up project, which was approved by the Navy command — Project 664.
The project is a large nuclear Underwater boat — mine layer with transport and amphibious
capabilities was launched in 1960, works produced CDB-16. The boat can carry up to 350 people
landing group or up to 500 people for 5 days. The boat can carry up to 1,000 tons of fuel, 75 tons of
drinking water, and 30 tons of provisions. 2019/12/09
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But soon, because of the difficulty performing all the functions of a submarine in one case — mining,
transportation of goods and people, in 1965, work on the project stopped. This coming from a
priority project of the construction of submarines is one hundred percent frozen.
The main char
acteristics of the project:
— displacement of 10,150 tons;
— speed of 18 knots;
— depth of 300 meters;
— endurance 80 days;
— length of 141 meters;
— width of 14 meters.
The Navy needed a submarine ships, capable of secretly delivering cargo and troops, work on the
design of submarines of this class were continued. V1965 years, work has begun on the project 748
— amphibious transport submarine.

Boat on the project to fulfill delivery of up to 1,200 people, or 20 pieces of equipment, as one of the
options — delivery to the specified point reinforced Marine battalion with 3 floating tanks PT-76, BTR-
60 2, 6 mortars. But the customer, the Ministry of Defence, the order is not accepted, and the project
was shelved.
The main characteristics of the project:
— displacement of 11,000 tons;
— speed of 17 knots;
— depth of 300 meters;
— endurance 80 days;
— length of 160 meters;
— width of 21 meters.
In 1967, the design work on the bolshennomu transport and amphibious assault ship underwater —
mine wavetraps were continued, the new project has the serial number 717, continued to engage in
the CDB-16 project-based 748 and 664. It was to be the greatest at the time submarine with the
ability to deliver a secretive 800 people and 4 armored personnel carriers, or up to 20 tanks and
armored personnel carriers could make evacuation of civilian populations, and the wounded troops. 2019/12/09
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In reviewing the draft in 1972, the Ministry of sborony brings a new requirement for underwater
cruiser — rescue crew of sunken ships and submarines. Consideration of the revised draft was
moved to the end of 1976.
At that time the Russian Union priority was building missile submarines, and as it turns out, for the
construction of submarine project 717 had to use the power of built submarines with nuclear
weapons on board, and nuclear reactors. Because the Ministry of Defence to stop the project 717,
and the more he was not considered.
The main characteristics of the project:
— displacement of 17,500 tons;
— speed of 18 knots;
— depth of 300 meters;
— length of 190 meters;
— width of 23 meters;
— draft of 7 meters;
— team of 111 people;
— endurance 75 days, with troops 30 days, with the wounded and civilians — 10 days;
— 6533-mm torpedo tubes, 18 units of ammunition;
— Two mine pipe, 250 units of ammunition;
— two 23-mm anti-aircraft gun mount;
In this era ended with troop-carrying submarines, but history knows more projects the creation of
submarine tankers to deliver fuel to inaccessible places and ships at sea.
For example, in 1960, designed the submarine project 681 tanker, he first intended to support fleet
and civilian fleet tonnage 24,750 tons, and 2 nuclear reactors. 2019/12/09
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In 1973, CDB 16 started designing a tanker submarine project 927, but none of the projects in the
establishment and did not go.

Was again expressed interest in the underwater tankers in 90 years, CDB-16 start designing
underwater tanker capable of delivering fuel in the Arctic criteria. The tanker can carry up to 30,000
tons of fuel and transport up to 900 standard cargo containers. Fully loaded tanker in 30 hours. But
the monetary crisis and the destruction of the Union of Russian left project no chance of realization
in the metal. 2019/12/09
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© 2019 Encyclopedia of safety 2019/12/09

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