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words is what you really need to start

you need to start doing your homework
and understanding
words if you put an s in front of
words it becomes swords and that's what
are they are cutting they can cause you
trouble humans are word control
creatures so we need to establish what
words mean
again when we talk about law
there is a roman maximum in law that
says for he that would be deceived
let him simply meaning if you were so
ignorant as to be deceived then that's
your business
that's your problem so you need to do
your homework and find out
what the words mean especially in
relation to law
and government because there is a whole
world of occultism that is operating
throughout the world in which you use
certain words and when those words are
used in a
court they don't mean the same thing at
understanding law and the words of law
there are two things that this planet
water and earth water and land
consequently there are two kinds of law
the law of the land
and the law of water
you've heard the term law of the land
but in point of fact that's precisely
what this word
means law of the land because it is the
people who live
on land and that is opposed to
something else called the law of the
high seas or the law of
water you need to understand the
the law of the land is the law of the
culture that lives on the land
and so consequently the law of the land
is different in every country you can do
things in america you can't do in russia
you can do things in africa you can't do
in england
so the law of the land is the law of the
culture that lives on that particular
however there is a higher law that
dominates the entire world
it's called the law of the water of the
law of the high
seas the law of water is referred to as
the law
of money it doesn't matter what color
you are
where you're from or where you live
is money and anytime you're doing
banking or using money you are now
under the law of water maritime
if you go back in history in ancient
history where all of this
began back in the land of cana
and i've heard you probably have heard
in the bible the land of cana
the canaanites were phoenician
phoenician bloodline and in the ancient
phoenician language
cana meant merchant banker
the very word merchant comes from murr
for the sea for water as a mer
maid we have merchant
merchant bankers let me give an
example of the difference between the
law of water and the law of the land
the law of water as i said is a law of
banking money
as opposed to the law of the custom of
the people of the law of the land
the statue of liberty must be put in
water it could not be put on american
as such it had to be put in the harbor
because it's not the statue of
freedom it's a statue of liberty
liberty is what a sailor gets when he
pulls in the port on
ship he gets liberty he's not free
so america is not the land of the free
in the home of the brave we're not free
or brave period we're not free
this is not a free country
now let me give you an example of how
this law
of the water works why is it that you
have to go to court
people are always concerned about going
to court you go to court because you
play basketball and tennis on a court
how do you play tennis on a court do you
play with a racket
why that's what it is it's a racket
and make no mistake they do not pick
by chance these words are very serious
they do not use words and terms
with no avail these words are very
when you go into a court what's the idea
of going to court
it's a game like basketball the whole
idea in a court
is to put the ball back in the other
guy's court
one team gets up and they throw the ball
over to that
team of lawyers that team gets up and
throws the ball back into their court
and consequently it's a ballgame
and the judge is wearing a black robe so
he is the referee
the judge is the referee he doesn't care
which side wins or loses because he's
going to get paid anyway
so he couldn't care less he's merely
there as a referee
and that's why he wears a black robe
and that's another interesting subject
we can get into later
but the judges are as a referee
between two teams the judges that
we are told rules from the bench
the word bench in latin is a bank
therefore the judge rules for the bank
where do you find banks you find banks
on both sides of a river
they're called river banks and what does
a river
bank do it directs the flow
of the current see
the juice consequently your money is
current see because it's the flow the
cash flow
and give you an example of how this
when a ship pulls into a harbor all
are referred to as female air ships
rocket ships sailing ships are always
why there's a very good reason maritime
banking law says all ships are female
they're carrying items
they're carrying items for money and so
consequently they are under maritime
admiralty law admiralty is where we get
the word admiral
admiral of the navy
let me give you an example of how this
works when a ship pulls into harbor
it parks at the dock and it ties off at
the dock
the captain has to provide for the
port authorities a certificate of
manifest because yesterday the ship was
not here
but this morning the ship pulled in so
it has manifested
so consequently all the products the 800
million dollars worth of tvs or
toyotas have manifested so each one
of those items coming off of that ship
has come
off of water and each and they has come
in a ship
and consequently on a ship all ships
have a captain
the word captain comes from a latin word
money so the captain represents the
money that's on board the ship
and as i said the captain has to present
to the port authorities
a certificate of manifest
for each and every item how much is that
way what color is it how many doors does
it have etcetera
and consequently the captain
presents a certificate of manifest
the ship is sitting in its birth and
wherever a ship sits when it docks is
called this birth
she sits in her birth birthing a ship
consequently all the items as i said
coming off that ship represent money
they came in on water their maritime
admiralty product
and this is true all over the world now
when you were born your mother's water
and when your mother's water broke you
came out
and this is why you have to have a birth
because you are a maritime admiralty
under international law you are
considered your body is considered a
admiralty product your mother
delivered you this is why if you go to
sears and buy a
refrigerator they will ship it to you
they will deliver it that's why you were
in your delivery
room your mother was delivering a
maritime admiralty you came down your
mother's birth
and once you uh and as you're taking one
of the
up the televisions or the cars off the
ship and it falls down and breaks
that's all right sometimes they're still
born so consequently you've lost money
on that one
therefore you have to have a death
and it's always signed by the doc
the doc has to sign your birth
certificate and your death certificate
all of these words and terms are
admiralty banking words
and therefore if you understand lawyers
and judges and courts and government
are all under international maritime
admiralty law all religions
all churches in the world operate on the
maritime law
this is why all churches are divided
into denominations
like 20s and 50s and hundreds
serious this is why they're called
denominations because
all churches are nothing more than the
product of maritime admiralty banking
it's an extraordinary story of
a cult treason
high treason and crimes against the
state make
no mistake about it there has never been
a country
on the face of the earth as far back
into history as you can go
there has never existed a country
in which the people rose up and demanded
their right to be free
never the concept of human
spiritual intellectual and physical
freedom is a totally uh
concept that has never ever existed on
the earth
the only time that has ever come into
existence was the founding of this
where it was understood that we were
sovereigns and we owned our bodies
and consequently since 1868
we're now on the international maritime
admiralty law
think about this when cowboys and indian
movies when the cowboys would ride into
they get off the horse they were wearing
how come they could walk into a bar
carrying guns
and if two guys got in an argument they
could go out on the street
and draw on each other in front of the
sheriff's office and the sheriff would
do nothing
how come how come that men could go out
in the street and shoot each other in
front of everyone
and had nothing be done about it the
reason why is because before 1868
all americans were considered sovereigns
and that's one of the nice things about
being a sovereign is you have the right
to be yourself
and consequently you need to understand
that in
one last point i'm going to make before
i introduce your speaker
that in 1868 there was a corporation
founded in anyone can incorporate a
in 1868 there was a company incorporated
and in that particular company the
founders of that company
called it they referred to it as the
united states corporation
and they stipulated that anybody who
would be a member of that corporation or
work for that corporation would be
not an employee but a citizen so today
if you are asked are you a citizen of
the united states
what you think you're being asked is are
you lawfully in this country to
do business that's not lawfully what's
being asked
they didn't ask if you're in america
lawfully they ask you a specific
question are you
of your own volition out of your own
mouth testifying that you are a citizen
of the united states
because in that way citizen of the
united states means you are an
employee of a foreign corporation
operating on the international maritime
so today the president of the united
states of the president of a privately
company the company is called united
and the word president is always a word
that is using corporate law
banks have presidents all companies have
presidents so there's a corporation
called united states privately owned
and it has a president president bush is
not the president
of america president bush is the
president of a privately owned
company privately owned out of england
and you need to understand words and
because i believe that there is a divine
presence in the universe that men call
god in one day that divine presence is
going to move on the earth and we're
going to see freedom come back to this
and when it does you you're going to
need to understand
words and terms and how they have been
to trick you
ah the government it loves you and wants
to keep you safe and well
it even wants to make paying taxes fines
and court costs
easier for you how well
you'll need to meet your straw man
he was born the same day you were he
looks like you
has the same name and lives in your
house but you never knew he existed
you will have even paid his parking
tickets more taxes
the worst part he's been dead from day
from every birth certificate a legal
or legal fiction is created with the
same name
to confuse little old you into thinking
it's you
so there is a human you and a paper you
or as it's commonly known a straw man
so when it seems like government
officials court clerks or the police are
speaking english
they aren't they're speaking legalese
designed to make you agree to verbal and
written contracts without even knowing
about it
all stunned from black's law dictionary
for example when the police say do you
you'll say yes what they are really
is do you stand under our authority
oopsie daisy you just created a verbal
contract with them
oh you clever government
did you know that whenever you register
something you are handing over
title to the person you register it with
that's right
whenever you register something with the
government they assume it belongs to
registered your car super now you are
the registered keeper of your vehicle
and the government can crush it when you
don't pay your um
straw man's taxes expecting a new bundle
of joy
well then you need to register your
little darling with a birth certificate
then they can start the process all over
again and create a new straw man for
your little one
isn't that great so when junior grows up
he'll be able to generate revenue just
like you have
when you notify on your baby by signing
the birth certificate
your child becomes a ward of state and
if the government doesn't like what
you're doing
they'll assume it's okay to take the
child away or make
new rules for things they don't like not
enough school
smacking your child shouting too loudly
and it's off to social services for the
little one
when you get a bill it's sent to you but
belongs to your straw man
not you that's why bills fines and
summons start with mr
mrs or ms sometimes you'll see your
surname in capitals
just like on a gravestone that's because
your straw man is dead
and just a silly piece of paper created
before you could comprehend or even
consent to it
when you go to court you represent your
straw man
so you the human take on any costs
fees taxes and fines involved for the
straw man
the healing you doesn't even need to pay
but you made a contract with the court
by appearing on behalf of your legal
personality or straw man
just like the government knew you would
well don't worry the government doesn't
want you to know anyway
if you knew you'd stop paying things
like council tax and parking tickets
because when you go to court you are
representing your straw man
you are you alive and made a flesh and
your straw man or legal personality is a
piece of paper
created from your birth certificate and
think it's you what a silly billy
would you like to know more well then go
over to
get up get informed and get real

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