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A Research Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School
Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements for the SHS track and strand
TVL/Industrial Arts
Major in Automotive Servicing and Electrical Installation Maintenance

Kim John G. Actub

Kenji E. Alion
James Philip P. Alitsa
Virgel L. Escalera
Aljon Rey L. Lahoy-lahoy
Gian Mark P. Molo
Reynante L. Paladon
Jomar C. Taro

October 2023
Chapter 1

Background of the study

Student life is disorganized if there is no proper time management. The

importance of time in a student’s life is never to be neglected. Most successful

students who are toppers or rank holders plan a schedule that meets their

academic and leisurely pursuits. Students need to learn the art of discipline to

manage time successfully. Apart from studies, most students participate in

various co-curricular activities and hobbies in their daily lives. Proper time

management makes it possible to complete all activities smoothly. Students

undergo stress and anxiety around the exam season. Time management makes

us more relaxed and confident about our performance in exams. Good time

management is essential if you are to handle a heavy workload without

excessive stress. Academic stress is the psychological state of a student as a

result of ongoing social and self-imposed pressure in a school setting that

exhausts the student’s psychological reserves (Zhang et al., 2022). Time

management helps you to reduce long-term stress by giving you direction when

you have too much work to do. It puts you in control of where you are going and

helps you to increase your productivity (Shah, 2016).

Time management can affect academic stress. According to some

studies, poor time management skills can lead to increased stress levels, as

students may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their studies and other

responsibilities. By developing good time management habits, students can

better prioritize their tasks, reduce stress levels, and improve their overall

academic performance. Conversely, students who perceive control of their time

report significantly greater evaluations of their performance, greater work, and life

satisfaction. Therefore, time management is an important skill for students to

cope with academic stress and achieve their goals (BYJUS, 2023).

Furthermore, this study will help to explore the relationship between

students time management and academic stress. It would seem that there is a

greater need to understand and control changeable components of students'

attitudes given the relationship between time management and academic stress

have been established for a long time. College instructors have believe that

cognitive ability and interactions between professors and students are the main if

not the only, factors influencing student time management. However, there are

consequences for teachers, administrators, and students if the students don’t

have time management and is more likely to be stressed academically. Our main

goal in this study was to ascertain whether students academic stress is in fact

connected to their learning as indicate by time management.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Time Management Academic Stress

Figure 1. The conceptual paradigm of both variables

Figure 1 shows the relationship between independent and dependent

variables. The independent variable is the Time Management of grade 11

students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades. On the other hand,

dependent variable is the academic stress which refers to the second to the level

of stress felt by the respondents during the first quarter of the school year 2023-


Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study aims to find out the significant relationship between

time management and academic stress among the grade 11 students of Baguio

National School of Arts and Trades.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of time management of the grade 11 students of Baguio

National School of Arts and Trades?

2. What is the level of academic stress of the grade 11 students of Baguio

National School of Arts and Trades?

3. Is there a difference between time management and academic stress

among the grade 11 students at Baguio National School of Arts and



Ha. There is a significant relationship between time management and

academic stress among grade 11 students of the Baguio National School of Arts

and Trades.

Ho. There is no significant relationship between time management and

academic stress among grade 11 students of the Baguio National School of Arts

and Trades.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the grade 11 students at Baguio National School of

Arts and Trades of school year 2023-2024. The conduct of the study covers the

said school year. Correlation research design is used to determine the

relationship between time management and academic stress of the respondents.

Further, the respondents of the study excludes other grade levels of the said


Definition of Terms

Time management - is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your

time between different activities.

Academic stress - is defined as the body's response to academic-related

demands that exceed adaptive capabilities of students.

Related Studies and Abstract

Relation between stress, time management, and academic achievement in

preclinical medical education: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ahmady et

al. (2021)

Vol. 10, Issue 1, Page 32,

135 medical students, Iran

When the right intervention strategies are used, failing kids can be helped to

succeed in the classroom. Typically, specific student personal characteristics are

assessed and subsequently correlated with an outcome measure in study on

student learning and behavioural outcomes. Among these, study abilities, such

as time management, are a factor affecting both stress and academic


Time management, collaborative teaching work and educational inclusion.

Sagredo et al. (2020)

Vol. 1, Issue 78,

10 student teachers, Chile

Time management for collaborative work is possibly one of the determining

aspects for the development of inclusive educational work. In this research article

a study is presented whose objective was to know the time management for
collaborative work by teachers of regular education and special education of

educational establishments with the School Integration Program.

Validation of questionnaire on time management in Mexican university students.

Roblero (2020).

Vol. 22, Pages 1-11,

289 First-degree students, Mexico

The use that students make of time Impacts their academic development.

Measuring time management (GT) is an indicator that can determine several

areas of student life.

Academic stress and its sources among University students. Redy et al. (2018)

Vol. 11, Page 1

336 college students, India

The present study brought into light that academic stress still continues to be a

devastating problem affecting a student’s mental health and well-being. Stream-

wise differences in the experience of stress were also highlighted. Management

of the condition thus becomes fundamental at every level namely, personal,

social and institutional.

Predictors of stress in college students. Saleh, D., Camart, N., & Romo, L.


Vol. 8, Page 9,

483 students, USA

Most university students included in this study displayed high levels of perceived

stress and psychological distress and low levels of self-esteem, optimism and


University stress in medical students at the University of Quintana Roo. Garcia et

al. (2019)

Vol.12, Issue 41, Pages 13-17.

71 medical students, Mexico

The bachelor’s degree in medicine has high levels of stress in its students. The

high levels of stress develop significant manifestations in the student, propitiating

the beginning in a future of some addiction, as well as the school desertion or

suicidal thoughts, being focal points of alarm in the students.

Depression, anxiety and academic stress among college students: A brief review.

Bhujade et al. (2017)

Vol. 8, Issue 7, Pages 748-751

College students, India

Briefly describes the research carried out in the last 3 decades especially

regarding stress, anxiety and depression. It focuses stress among college

students, nature of psychiatric morbidity, emotional problems and adjustment,

psychological problems of college students.

Stress among Students and Difficulty with Time Management: A Study at the

University of Galați in Romania. Milojevich & Lukowski (2016).

Vol. 11, Issue 12, Pages 538.

151 citizens, Romania

Students interviewed about stress factors first talk about managing their

time, which is split between learning, revising and assessment periods. Two-

thirds of students reported trouble arranging their work, revision, and preparation

time, regardless of whether this involves finishing projects, writing dissertations,

preparing for exams, or the exams each semester. They feel stressed as a result

of a lack of time. They have difficulty prioritizing their deadlines.

Name:_____________________________________ Age:______ Sex:______
School:______________________________ Grade Level & Section: ________
Directions: Below are the items that refer to the academic stress you have felt.
After reading each statement, please check the corresponding box below.
Rating Scale and Description:
5 Strongly Agree (The statement is always true)
4 Agree (The statement is often true)
3 Moderately Agree (The statement is sometimes true)
2 Disagree (The statement is seldom true)
1 Strongly Disagree (The statement is almost never true)

5 4 3 2 1
1 Examinations and their results
2 Studying for exam
3 Too much to do
4 Amount to learn
5 Need to do well (self-imposed)
6 Essays/Projects
7 To support academics
8 Lack of time for study
9 Timing/Spacing of assignments
10 Need to do well (imposed by others)
11 Worry over future
12 Unclear assignment/s
13 Forgotten assignment/s
14 Unclear lessons
15 Knowing what is important to study
16 Making choices about the career
17 Learning new skills
18 Uninteresting subject/lessons
19 Boring classes
20 Personal health problem while in school
21 Conflict with classmate/s
22 Conflict with school rules and policies
23 Conflict with teacher
Name:_____________________________________ Age:______ Sex:______
School:______________________________ Grade Level & Section: ________
Directions: Below are the items that refer to your time management. After reading
each statement, please check the corresponding box below.
Rating Scale and Description:
5 Strongly Agree (The statement is always true)
4 Agree (The statement is often true)
3 Moderately Agree (The statement is sometimes true)
2 Disagree (The statement is seldom true)
1 Strongly Disagree (The statement is almost never true)

5 4 3 2 1
1 Make a list of the things that I have to do each
2 Make a schedule of the activities that I have to
do on your days.
3 I plan the day before I start it.
4 I write a set of goals for myself for each day.
5 I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish
during the next week.
6 I spend time each day planning.
7 I set and honor priorities.
8 I continue unprofitable routines or activities.
9 I believe that there is room for improvement in
the I way manage my time.
10 I find myself doing things which interfere with my
academic simply because I hate to say -No to
11 I feel I am in charge of my own time, by and
12 On an average class day I spend more time on
personal grooming than doing academic works.
13 I make constructive use of the time.
14 The night before a major assignment is due, I still
working on it.
15 I have a set of goals for the entire quarter.
16 I keep my desk clear of everything other than
what I am currently working on.
17 When I have several things to do, I think it is best
to do a little bit of work on each one.
18 I review my class notes, even when a test is not
about yet to happen
BYJUS (2023). The Importance of Time Management in a Student’s Life. BYJUS.



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