Reflection Reflection Paper On "Every Child Is Special"

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Reflection Paper on “Every Child is Special”

Have you heard the famous adage that goes “children are blessings from God”?
Definitely yes, but a certain question arises pertaining to children with special needs, are they a
blessing or a curse? The popular Bollywood movie entitled “Every Child is Special” will address
that inquiry. It is a heart- touching movie portraying the special needs of the main character
Ishaan Awasthi. The movie revolves around the story of a poor kid diagnosed with learning
disability - dyslexia and his heroic teacher that changed the course of his life. Ishaan is having
dilemma identifying letters and numbers which leads to being unable to read and write
properly. This disability is unknown to his parents and teachers thinking that he is just stupid
and tardy. In this, he is forced to be sent to a disciplinary school hoping to straighten his
misbehavior. It sadly displays hostility instead of sympathy he badly needed.

Being surrounded by people who cannot understand his condition makes him solitary.
We must highlight the fact that to be good and responsible parents, we must not be the first to
weigh down our children but console them in their tough times. Investing time and effort in
determining the reason behind his actions. Parents must have a lot of patience, unconditional
love, and genuine care to manage the well-being of their offspring. The mistreatment can
imprint a huge scar on the child’s heart and mind feeling the sense of being unwanted.

Fortunately, the appearance of his knight and shining armor disguise as his substitute
art teacher, Mr. Ram Shankar Nikumbh arrived. An angel sent from heaven who acts as his
guardian in school. The outstanding characteristics of the teacher are the best example to be
embodied by educators. An increasing number of children are enrolled in special education.
Teachers must like Mr. Ram who is persistent in supporting the young boy lending extra time
and effort in teaching the learning areas he is not good at. A commendable act of service
wherein finding mediums to teach the students in their respective learning preferences. A
second parent that can truly depend on. Our friendly gestures toward these children will feel
them accepted and treasured.

To answer the aforementioned question, children with special needs are indeed a
blessing. Undeniably, we may have more difficulty in managing them than normal children but
they are precious and unique in their own ways. Protect them from the cruel society that
constructs negative criticism uttered by heartless people who have not seen their worth. We
must instill in mind that they are sensitive with just a little roughness. In order to make them
feel secure, always be good-tempered. If you happen to be friends or acquainted with people
who have hatred for special children, educate them. Be a person of moral dignity having
respect for the diversity of children. Take into account that every child is a blessing from our
Almighty Father. We must do our utmost best to change their perspective into huge

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