Ethical Culture and Class Practice of Teaching Low-Level Japanese University Students English Speaking

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■ 研究ノ―ト

Ethical Culture and Class Practice of Teaching Low-level

Japanese University Students English Speaking

Ran FAN *

Teaching low-level Japanese university students English speaking is challenging. Teachers face students
with different personal experiences, learning backgrounds and purposes. Students do not only need to
improve their linguistic ability. Their motivations are changeable. Psychologically, they are very sensitive
and easily frustrated. Therefore, the class is sometimes low efficient. The goals of the course design are
hardly achieved. However, many teachers are making great efforts to create an English speaking class
helpful for their low-level students. Seigel’s definition of the mind may be inspirational for teachers.
Teachers can design some tasks to make students aware of how the mind works and help students
evaluate their class performances objectively and critically. This article discussed the ethic of an English
class from the mind’s perspective. It is also regarded as the theoretical basis to guide task-based class
practice. After one academic semester, the teacher enlightened students’ awareness of energy and
information flow when they speak English. Students began to think about what is happening to them.
They became proactive and self-regulated.

low-level students; ethical culture; mind

Teacher: “Why do you want to go there?”

Section One
Student: “many people, famous.”
Student Characteristics
However, the reading ability of many students is
Limiting to my English speaking class, low-level not as low as their speaking ability. For instance,
students have the following characteristics. From most students have no comprehension problems
the linguistic perspective, they have problems with when reading the following passage (https://www.
clear pronunciation and proper intonation. Their, although they may not know
grammar knowledge is limited. Their vocabulary some words.
size is small. Some of the students are good A man from Australia buys lettuce in a
communicators when they speak Japanese. supermarket. The lettuce is in a plastic bag. The
However, they can only passively answer teachers’ man brings the bag home. Something is moving
questions with a few English words. The following inside.
example came from the teacher-student free talk The man and his girlfriend think that it is a
in my class: worm. Then they see a tongue. They know that
Teacher: “Where do you want to travel?” the animal is a snake. It is 20 centimeters long.
Student: “NY.” A hole is in the bag. The snake can get out. The
Teacher: “Why?” man quickly puts the bag into another plastic
Student: “sightseeing.” bag.
Teacher: “Which place do you want to go?” The snake is venomous. It is very dangerous.
Student: “the Time square.” Officials say that the snake travels 870

Osaka Seikei University, Faculty of Global Tourism and Management

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kilometers. It gets in the bag in a wrapping As a foreign language teacher, I have spent
factory in another Australian city. (105 words) more than ten years helping university students or
(Level 1; 22-04-2021 15:00) adult learners from different countries learn
Classroom observations proved that most Chinese, English, and Japanese. At the same time,
students finish reading the news within five I am a foreign language learner, spending more
minutes. There are few vocabulary and grammar than ten years learning English, Japanese and
obstacles. French. This long-time practical experience of
From motivational and psychological learning a language and teaching how to learn a
perspectives, low-level students have high language makes me reflect much on what an
expectations of improving their speaking ability. English speaking class for the low-level Japanese
Quite a few students regard native teachers as students is and why the students should join the
their models. Therefore, the gap between students’ class. I will discuss the three points by class
speaking level and the level of the native speaker observations in this section: (a) course design, (b)
models is so large that it leads to students’ teacher-student relationship, (c) students chaos.
pressure (Iimuro & Berger, 2010). Some students
become too nervous to say anything under the 2.1 Course Design
pressure. They perform poorly. When students Recent teachers face students with different
experience frustration several times, they become personal experiences, learning backgrounds and
reluctant to do speaking activities. Some students purposes. More and more teachers pay attention
expect to learn how to speak a language from to the ideology of respecting students’ humanity
native teachers. As a result, they choose to listen and individuality when they design a course.
more instead of practicing speaking in class. In my Teachers may find that a teacher-driven course
English class, most students have such learning design is not always efficient.
experiences. First of all, students’ motivation is not stable. In
My students have little confidence in speaking my class, students’ motivation is changing. During
English. Through the informal talks between the the three-to-four-year language learning period in
teacher and students, I find students have three university, many students are willing to speak
worries: (a) They think their pronunciation is not when they start learning a language. However,
good enough, (b) They want to express their they lack to keep moving on to discuss various
thought in English. However, they can neither topics. Some students go on language learning
think of corresponding English words nor organize after a one-year quit. More commonly, students
a sentence. They think they need to enlarge their choose a language course in their first year and
vocabulary, (c) They are afraid of using the wrong stop learning when they step into the 2nd year. All
grammar when speaking. However, by observing these make a step-by-step course design hard to
their performances in class, I find many students carry out. Even in a 90-minute lesson, students’
underestimate their speaking ability. They pay performances are different. Some of them focus on
more attention to form rather than meaning. They the beginning 10 minutes of a class and are easily
are unwilling to challenge speaking more than distracted afterward. Some students get interested
basic vocabulary and simple expressions. in the class content after warming up activities.
Therefore, the low-level students in my class are Some students lose interest somewhere during the
those who have linguistic problems as well as the progression of the lesson.
high affective filter (Krashen, 1982) when they Furthermore, teachers cannot fully understand
speak English. students’ needs, although they are empathetic to
students when designing a course, choosing
Section Two materials, and organizing activities. Teachers and
Ethical Culture of the English Speaking students may have a generation gap or knowledge
Class Teaching Low-level Japanese gap. Students may not clarify what they want to
Students obtain in an English speaking class. Many students

Ethical Culture and Class Practice of Teaching Low-level Japanese University Students English Speaking

are aware of what they dislike. However, they are energy and information flow. Energy and
not clear about what they want. Not to mention information flow happens inside a person’s body
that students’ needs often change. A course design and between persons through communication.
that satisfies all students does not exist. Siegel (2016) also mentioned that feelings and
Efficiency is difficult to evaluate in my English thoughts are the actualization of the mind.
speaking class. Through creating some topics, I Similarly, in my English speaking class (see Figure
expected to exchange thoughts with students. 1.), students and I are two independent entities
However, students hardly spoke a complete containing energy and information.
sentence. In order to make our communication
smooth, students expressed what they wanted to
say in Japanese. Then I helped students to
organize English sentences. This method reassured
students. However, the effort of changing Japanese
to English cost a lot of lesson time. I doubt how
much students’ English speaking ability can get
improved in this way.
It is hard to ‘teach’ students what to speak in
English. First, we speak English sharing
information and thoughts without consciousness
(Pinker, 1994). When my students asked me to
repeat what I said, I could not repeat the
sentences I used at the last minute. For students,
it is harder to repeat teachers’ sentences than
make their sentences. Therefore, how do we ‘teach’
students to speak under the condition that we
cannot control the strings of words to flow? We
Figure 1.
can record all the spoken sentences and ask
Illustration of energy and information flow in an
students to do imitation drilling. However, it is
English speaking class.
doubtful that students can generate productive
sentences through such drilling because drilling
may lead students to focus much on form. In Energy and information flow inside my body and
addition, many students do not have knowledge of the body of each student. Then we interact. We
some topics I prepared for them. Therefore, I exchange our feelings, thoughts, and memories by
spent much time in my class helping students do speaking English. An English speaking classroom
research. The progression of a lesson is slow. provides teachers and students a place to
experience how the mind works. In this sense,
2.2 The Teacher-student Relationship teachers can guide students to be aware of how
I expect to engage students to prepare an energy and information flow when they speak
English speaking lesson with me, appreciate the English in class.
beauty of a language together, and exchange each
other’s interests and thoughts. However, this ideal 2.3 Student Chaos
cooperative relationship is hard to build if we still My students have high expectations of speaking
organize a class according to what a traditional English like native speakers. However, Rome was
teacher-centered class requires us to do. not built in one day. Students have to take a hard
Siegel (2016)’s description of the mind is journey to grow up from low-level speakers to
inspirational for me to understand the teacher- high-level speakers. Siegel (2016)’s observations on
student relationship from a new perspective. He how his patients’ mind works may vividly describe
proposed that the mind is a system in which how low-level learners feel on the journey. “Rigidity

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and chaos were the common patterns of distress

that seemed to “organize” my patients’ lives and
fill them with suffering (Seigel, 2016, p.n.d.).” In my
class, I engaged students in several speaking tasks.
I observed their performances and reminded
students aware how they felt. Through frequent
teacher-student formal and informal talks, students
and I knew better how our mind works when we
spoke English. We began to accept the chaos and Figure 2.
became more motivated to try different ways to Illustration of the pronunciation practice
change the disorder to good order. The following
section three will discuss my class practice in
detail. aloud to their partners. In this process of thinking
and practicing, the students and I discussed the
questions: How did we evaluate our pronunciation
Section Three
and intonation? Were there any problems? How
Class Practice
could we solve the problems? Students found these
The class practice is task-based because the steps helped them to assess their pronunciation
task-based teaching approach engages students in and intonation with less anxiety and more
class and cultivates their motivation and self- objectiveness. They also became more proactive in
regulation (Ellis, et al., 2020). All the tasks were exchanging each other’s methods of improving
group activities with two or three students per pronunciation.
group. Students felt free to find their partners. The
course lasted for 14 weeks. The final speaking test 3.2 Story-telling Task
was in the 15th week. Students were required to do Many stories have clear structures and
self-assessment after the final test. Seventy first interesting contexts. They are good materials for
and second-year Japanese students participated in teachers and students to exchange feelings and
the tasks. emotions. Moreover, research have shown that
story-telling is helpful for English teaching and
3.1 Pronunciation and Intonation Task learning (Kiernan, 2005; Fan, 2022) I applied the
My students worry that their English pronunciation story-telling task in my speaking class. Through
is full of Japanese accent. They think they have group work, students were required to finish the
serious pronunciation problems. In order to release following subtasks.
their stress, the purpose of whether students can Subtask 1: Reading a Story Aloud
pronounce standard English pronunciation and Reading aloud engaged students to self-check
intonation was not emphasized. The task aimed to and learn pronunciation and intonation. Students
exchange what students and I felt when appreciating read a story to their partners and listened to their
the beauty of a foreign language’s pronunciation partners read the same story back. Then they
and intonation. The following steps in Figure 2 listened to a native speaker’s reading and find the
were done by integrating listening with pronunciation appropriate pronunciation and intonation.
practice. Teachers may think they should give students’ a
First, students were required to read a short wordlist and teach students pronunciation.
article silently and think carefully about how the However, since students’ levels are different, it is
article was pronounced in mind. Then they listened students’ responsibility to create their wordlists.
to a native speaker’s reading two or three times. By reading a story aloud, students can pronounce
Next, they compared their pronunciation and old words (refers to the words many students
intonation of the article in mind with what the know the meanings but they do not know how to
speaker pronounced. After that, they tried to read pronounce. That is one of the reasons they cannot

Ethical Culture and Class Practice of Teaching Low-level Japanese University Students English Speaking

use the words when they speak), and new words Relative adverb: I joined the Matsuri when I
correctly. My class proved that most students was in elementary school.
could do this subtask independently without Infinitive: God made a milky way to separate
teachers’ support. them. (Emphasis added)
Subtask 2: Understand the Meaning of the Story After several repetitions of the subtask, students
Many low-level students cannot comprehend a felt less nervous. They accepted the fact that their
story when they are reading a story aloud. mind could be chaotic when they retold a story the
Therefore, this subtask involved students’ first several times. They also learned from the
concentration on understanding the story they had teacher (me) and peers how to paraphrase and
read aloud. Through group work, students and I organize sentences. I reminded my students to be
exchanged how we understood the story. Students aware of the process of their mind changing from
were allowed to explain their understanding in chaos and inflexibility to clearness, good order, and
either Japanese or English in this step. In this flexibility. When some students unconsciously
process, many students who were easily distracted applied the vocabulary and grammar knowledge
from reading English started to concentrate on the which they learned in high school and was not
parts of the story they could understand. Or some used by their peers, I also reminded them to be
students began to think about why they aware of the unconsciousness. In order to keep
misunderstood some parts of the story. I reminded their interests, different groups were also
my students to be aware of the feeling of distributed to different stories. Students were
concentration and provided possible reasons why required to explain their stories between groups.
their misunderstanding occur based on my own They also created questions to test whether their
experience of learning a foreign language. story was understood by their peers or not. This
Subtask 3: Retelling the Story activity helps students focus on meaning of a story
Students were required to retell a story to other and forget about form. Moreover, some students
students and me when they were sure they learned how to ask questions through active
understood the story. This step is necessary participation.
because many students who thought they 3.3 Final Speaking Test and Self-assessment
understood the whole story could not retell the In my English speaking class, assessment is
story in their own words. When analyzing regarded as a transitional phase, guiding students
students’ self-checklists they filled after the to summarize what they felt about their speaking
subtasks, I found it hard for many students to performances in the last semester and get ready
paraphrase and organize a story. Nor is it easy to for the next-step challenge. A simulation of the
use some words from students’ self-made wordlists final test was done on the 13 th and 14 th weeks
to retell a story. during class. It is more meaningful than the final
Therefore, in this retelling process, teacher- test because I designed it to enhance students’ self-
student and student-student communications are awareness of what they have obtained from the
necessary. Each student retold the same story to course. In the simulation, students were required
me and the other students. They exchanged to read several words (within 1 minute) and a short
different ideas about paraphrasing and organizing passage (within 1 minute) that they learned in class.
a story. By these means, vocabulary and grammar Then every two students were grouped. Each group
knowledge students have learned were enforced did a two-minute group discussion with their
(Krashen, 1982). Students gradually deepened their partner. Their performance videos were recorded
comprehension of vocabulary and grammar. For and posted online. The videos were open to other
instance, students realized that the following students to comment freely. They also finished the
sentences were used to express what they wanted self-assessment in front of me after posting videos.
to say properly: At the same time, I did the teacher assessment
Attributive clause: The girl and the boy who and exchanged evaluation differences with students.
cannot meet could meet on that day. In this way, students can obtain more objective

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ways of evaluating their performances. Some students could not understand what group
The simulation was done in a loose time set to work brings to them and often chatted in Japanese.
facilitate teacher-student’s communication. Students Some students wanted to try a task but they
were expected to be fully aware of what they have hesitated a lot. Some students were easily
achieved, what they should make more effort to do distracted. If we forced them to finish the prepared
next, and what a self-assessment means to them. It tasks of each lesson, students got bored or refused
is helpful for them to understand and reflect on to do any task.
their mental state of energy and information flow Teachers should know that all the negative
when they speak English. feelings of their students lead to students’ rigidity
The final test was carried out with a strict time and chaos of the mind. This de-ease of the mind
limit. Again, most students felt the chaos and (Seigel, 2016) happens to many students as well as
inflexibility. The test aims to make students aware teachers themselves. Through self-awareness and
that they need to challenge more speaking tasks self-reflection, teachers could become more tolerant
on different occasions. They need to experience of a less cooperative class. Then teachers should
and understand the chaos in their mind happen apply some tasks to guide students to know how
very often and arbitrarily. When the chaos occur, the mind works and cooperate with students to
students should try different ways to explain the experience the gradual change from chaos to good
meaning of their English speaking to others. They order. With frequent practice and teacher-student
should focus on the process rather than being communication, students will be aware of what is
obsessive with the negative feelings. happening and gradually begin to control
themselves positively. Furthermore, teachers
should not ‘teach’ students to speak (for instance,
Section Four
ask students to imitate the conversation drilling)
or interrupt students. Teachers should provide
As noted in section two and section three, my enough time for students to practice and challenge
English speaking class paid much attention to themselves so that students can obtain more
students’ mind enlightenment rather than teaching strong impression of their energy and information
them how to speak English. The current English flow in their bodies and between persons.
speaking class is a complicated and dynamic
system where students’ motivations, needs, and
Section Five
performances are changing, it is impossible for
teachers to make a universally effective course
design. More importantly, the class practice Through my class observations and reflection on
introduced in section three proved that students low-level Japanese students’ English speaking
could become more motivated and self-regulated if classes at university, I discussed the ethical culture
they were provided some knowledge of and my task-based class practice based on the
understanding how energy and information flow in mind theory proposed by Seigel (2016) in this
person and between persons. article.
I also noticed that the current time setting of an The first section describes the characteristics of
English speaking lesson is 90 minutes. That is too the low-level students. They have linguistic
long for my low-level students. Although I problems as well as motivational and psychological
prepared several step-by-step speaking tasks problems. All these problems hamper the students
integrated listening and reading for one lesson, I from speaking English in class. The second section
still met many difficulties engaging students. Many discusses the ethics of my English speaking class
students were not used to listening to English, from three points: (a) course design; (b) teacher-
reading long English passages, and speaking more student relationship; (c) students chaos. Because an
than five simple English sentences. Some students English speaking class is a complicated and
lacked sufficient linguistic ability to discuss topics. dynamic system, a universal teacher-driven course

Ethical Culture and Class Practice of Teaching Low-level Japanese University Students English Speaking

design does not exist. In order to decrease

students’ anxiety and cultivate their autonomy,
teachers should prepare for the inefficiency of the
course design and avoid stressing the learning
purposes of linguistic aspect to students. More
importantly, teachers should create a more
cooperative class atmosphere and engage students
in various speaking tasks. During supporting
students to finish the tasks, teachers should
communicate with students frequently and guide
students to concentrate on what students are
performing, forgetting about form. The idea of
whether students have improved their speaking
ability should not be taken too much attention in
class. Based on the mind theory proposed by Seigel
(2016), one important course purpose is to make
students aware of how energy and information
flow from chaos to order when they speak English.
Students would carry the feeling to continue their
self-learning of a foreign language in the future

Ellis, R. & Skehan, P. & Li, S. & Shintani, N. & Lambert, C. (2020).
Task-Based Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Fan, R. (2022). Designing an Academic Presentation Course:
Analyzing the Learning Components of TED-Talks. [Doctoral
Dissertation, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies].
Iimuro, A. & Berger, M. (2010). Introducing Autonomy in a
University English Course. Polyglossia, 129-130.
Kiernan, P. (2005). Storytelling with Low-level Learners:
Developing Narrative Tasks. In C. Edwards & J. Willis (Eds).
Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching. 58-
68. Palgrave macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9780230522961_6
Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language
Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.
Pinker, S. (1994). The Language Instinct. Penguin Books. http://
Seigel, D.J. (2016). Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human.
W. W. Norton & Company; Illustrated edition (October 18,

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