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Cities of Sigmar - Freeguild Guard © WARSCROLL © Freeguild Guard‘ ‘TheFreeguild Guard form the backbone ofthe military forces ofthe fre citfes. Armed with swords, ‘whatever other weapons they can scavenge, these soldiers form all of stel and broad shields against the ‘enemies of mortalkind. MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage Freeguild Halberd a 1 + rs 1 1 Freeguild Spear Pa 1 4 - 1 Freeguild Sword ” 1 4 4 : 1 PITCHED BATTLE PROFILE Unit Size: 10 Points: 80 Battlefield Role: Batleline Base size: 25mm, DESCRIPTION ‘A unit of Freeguild Guard has any number of ‘models. The unit is armed with one of the following weapon options: Freeguild Halberd; reeguild Spear; or Freeguld Sword and Shield, SERGEANTS 1 model in this unit ean bea Sergeant. Add I tothe Attacks characteristic of DRUMMER: | in every 10 models in this unit can be e Drummer, Add 1 to run and charge rolls for units that include any Drumm STANDARD BEARERE I in every 10 models inthis unit can be @ Standard Bearer, Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of units that include any Standard Bearers, ABILITIES Massed Rankst The regiments of the Freeguild Guard are organised and disciplined ‘Add 1 tot ols for attacks made by this unit if ‘thas 10 or more models, Parry and Block: Wielding a shield in batle offers protection from enemy attacks Ada 1 to save roll fr attacks that target a unit armed with Freeguilé Swords and Shiels. ‘Wall of Spears: Only the foolish dare charge a ‘regiment bristling with spears and pikes. Add 1 to wound rolls fr attacks made with Freeguild Spears that target an enemy unit that made a ove inthe same turn. Qupes, Hwan, Crs oF Stow, Fapecuip, Frrecviin Guan Cities of Sigmar - Freeguild Handgunners © WARSCROLL © Freeguild Handgunners ‘ Armed with long-barrelled wheellockfirearms,these soldiers are drilled to hammer the enemy with relentless, raking volleys of metal shot. Should any foes survive, they switch to daggers and gun butts to finish them off MISSILE WEAPONS: Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage Long Rifle 30" 1 4 * a 2 Repeater Handgun 1s" DB 4“ » a 1 Freeguild Handgun 16" 1 4 eG a 1 ‘MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage Dagger 1" 1 3+ 3 : 1 PITCHED BATTLE PROFILE Unit Size: 10 Points: 100 Battlefield Role: Batleline Base size: 25mm, DESCRIPTION A unit of Freeguild Hendgunners has any number of models, each armed with a Freeguild Handgun and Dagger. MARKSMAN: I model in this unit ean be a Marksman, A Marcsmani may replace their Freeguild Handgun with one of te following ‘weapon options: Long Rifle; or Repeater Handgun. Tn addition, ad 2 to hit rolls for stacks made with that model's Freeguild Handgun STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 10 models jn this unit can be a Standard Bearer, Add I to the Bravery characteristic of units that include any Standard Bearers PIPER: | in every 10 models inthis unit can be Piper. Add 1 to run and charge rolls for units that include any Pipers ABILITIES Stand and Shoots As the enemy charge, these warriors make one last shot, praying i wil be enough to blunt their advance. fan enemy unit finishes a change move within 3" ofthis unit, this unit can eceive the Unleash Hell command without the command being Jssued and without a command point being spent, Steady Aim: Taking a deep breath and steadying their hands, each gunner draws a bead upon a single target. ‘Add 1 to it yolls fr attacks made by this unit it ‘thas 10 or more models, there are no enemy ‘models within 3” of his unit, and this unit has not made a move inthe same tur, Crack Shot: Tales are told of hatles won with 4 single, well_paced shot from a long rifle Enemy HEROES do not benefit from the ut, Sit rule for attacks made with a Long ie. k apes, Hwan, Crs of Stoaan, Fcump, Farscuitp Haxpousvens Cities of Sigmar - Freeguild General © WARSCROLL © Freeguild General Freeguild Generals inspire thelr soldiers to acts of astonishing bravery with thelr mere presence. Master ‘ducliss and peerles strategists, they are as comfortable crossing blades with the foe as they are issuing decisive ‘commands that Iead to glorious victory. WEAPONS: Range ‘Zmveihander " 3 Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage 3 Ea 2 D3 PITCHED BATTLE PROFILE” DESCRIPTION ‘A Freeguild General isa single model armed with a Zweihander ABILITIES Decapitating Swing: A single strike from a Zweihander can take the head clean off the shoulders. If the unmodified hit rol for an attack made witha Zweihander is 6 that attack inflicts 1 ‘mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. Inspiring Leader: This officer isa respected and consummate commander Add | to the Bravery characteristic of friendly COMMAND ABILITIES Hold the Line: This warrior stands strong in the face of the enemy and inspires their fellow soldiers to do the same. ‘You can use this command ability in your hero phase. Ifyou do 50, pick up to 3 friendly Frsxguup units wholly within 18 hit ols and wound rolls for attacks made by ihose units i they did not make a normal move, up, retreat or make a charge move inthe same ium, A unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per phase, nC Ss Fagin a Pn Gv Cities of Sigmar - Freeguild Greatswords © WanscRou, © Freeguild Greatswords ‘s Greatsword units are composed of the best and most experienced warriors of the Freeguild regiments. Clad in finely wrought plate armour and wielding two-handed greatblades, they carve a bloody swathe through anything in their path. PITCHED BATTLE PROFILE” Unit Size: 10 Points: 150 Batflefield Role: None Base size: 25mm Notes: Battleline if genera is DESCRIPTION ‘A unit of Freeguild Greatswords has any umber of models, each armed with a Zweihander WEAPONS: Range GUILD CHAMPION: 1 model in this unitean bbe a Guild Champion, Add 1 to the Atacks characteristic ofthat models melee weapon, STANDARD BEARER: | in every 10 models in thie uit can be a Standard Bearer. Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of units that include any Standard Bearers HORNBLOWER® 1 in every 10 models in this unit can be a Homblower. Add I torus and charge rolls for units that include any Hombiowers Attacks To Hit ‘Zmveihander " 2 ToWound Rend Damage 3 Ea a 1 ABILITIES Decapitating Swings A single strike from a Zweihander can take the head clean off the shoulders. 1 the unmodified hit rol for an atack made witha Zweihander is 6 that attack inflicts 1 ‘mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. Oathsworn Honour Guard: These veteran ‘warriors will not allow the enemy to clase upon an officer in their guard Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by this unit itis wholly within 18" of any friendly F He PERN) Onven, Homan, Crmms oF SicMman, FREEcuD, FREEGUILD GREATSWORDS

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