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Applied Futures Toolkit Peery How to Use The Toolkit This toolset is designed to operationalize the integration of design thinking and futures studies within organizations. Tt provides a structurt ‘frapework adaptable to various organizational contexts, from large-scale corporations to startups. The toolset includes modules for strategic planning and inplenentation, facilitating both intensive workshops and extended sessions. Users are encouraged to adapt and share their experiences with the toolkit to contribute to its ongoing developrent. For detailed instructions and further engagonent, please rofor to https: // and About Applied Futures Applied Futures is a framework for integrating strategic foresight into innediate practice. The Framework combines the best of futures studies with design thinking. This Toolset is a subset of the tools used by Futures Facilitators during the process. Applied Futures goes beyond traditional double-dianond of design thinking and strategic foresight in that it includes tools for integrating the two disciplines and building a high-performing tean of anbassadors who can spearhead the futures thinking into their company's way of working This approach signifies a shift in how organizations navigate digital innovation, blending interdisciplinary insights with practical implenentation. It sexves as a strategic guide ‘through the complexities of the digital future. To learn more, visit: httos:// oe Mme eg Bl Colay- 1] TST Bal La) imagine it, design it, and execute it. It isn’t something you await, TUL Mae hal m+ 1 ed 4 Contents en) 2) 03) 04) 05) 26) 07) 8) 09) ‘TDOARRT Overview of the Journey ‘The Team POO Research Plan Megatrend Analysis PESTLE Analysis Futures Tineline The Futures azsar Team Retrospective IDOARRT SR ae ao ted ‘tool for organizing and facilitating effective and purpose-driven meetings or workshops. IDOARRT, an Creo ck re Roles, Rules, Tine, is a conprohensive approach that ensures clarity, focus, and productivity in collaborative sessions. Structure: ee eee Cee ee eCum st oe Ce tres caot ener areca eres) SSCS Ce tue ec ees Ce ay pe OneCare ray Seu eC eR Reece Cd poecercd Ce eee eros penton erst eee keer trs Agenda: Outline the topics and activities Sec eet coe Cet evtt cc Prnenecoaret eto Ce cm eC ra peeineen crete) Pereiseeiay Rules: Establish ground rules for the meeting to Se Cree creer pea erase irente nce y poste eee Rca) allocations for each agenda iter. ‘Application: eee eC a UL eR nsu structured meetings, workshops, or collaborative ecru remo acictstie ae Ser erent Omen e eet ats Se ee ec ocr Been steeorieeczeetisty ee ad eee eC ra Rrra effectiveness of mootings and workshops, onsuring a geese teeres cae aS yield tangible outcones. IDOARRT eT T= od a-Si aalg This 12-month journey is one of exploration and Pe Sera eee ar ea See ee oe aed safety. Such groundnork is crucial in cultivating @ culture where trust and open conmunication thrive, fostering the profound collaboration necessazy for ‘the complex task of futures thinking and doing. Overview of the Journey Discovery & > tneertainties The Team Canvas re CeCe cs errr ee conan eee ees peas trent amres stra Ron eserinnss ee encore rer nar peat ar nie prams EPion st eeomcy Sesh eis me eerste eects peered Pe eee See Corot eens erreur eects contribution of each tean senber, leveraging Sec te Common Values: Identify and articulate core Sterne rar etree er ees Po teeer eevee ter others nt need eraser nsrremt reer collaboration and workflow. Purpose and Vision: Discuss and consolidate the Sect ttn eter Rrra oe ee Cem aa ee rt SoS eee es Then collaboratively, the tean discusses goals, Cet eae eee eS ener eet a ete nearer es Cee rere eC eeu mica orecrn ty ku peer ee aon ee eee core tet) Peeprerentrtr pees eet retreat er ire cc ene screed eee eater establishing the ‘hy’ behind the tean's efforts Ce Cae no Ceca otro ee ec ero a eo rec ee ou eerste et as Se eo orcas Becerecevr mest CEU ee scr Ce ee Coe eu ms) pireeeeren ts pee eo The Team Canvas is intended to foster an Cee ea Cet U ROE or ico Dec ecco BTM eT Values & Guiding Principles How will you nork togethex? Research Plan SOROS Ree Ce os arene a erene tt ene ae rnreraney Sen U Rs ces moe eee Comey Structure: ee Ce Crane cae ee eee Crete eee eect) orermreeermrenetcart rm Pret eee Stes Cece Sruccr meres erect Tio Se ae uote TS Cede ee CeCe pepe Sentero ee RSet og peers Outcomes: Define expected results, like See ees a eeenr cert rere renter Trad Cree eos Instructions for Use: ee aor aet ee eGo Petes Paotibcertewstteston icin ote nvolvenent.. + Set a realistic tineline and resource plan. Application: Ideal for initiating futures studies See eee beets cere oreo rcs exploring potential futures. Research Plan Stakeholder Analysis ‘Timeline Megatrend PNT WE See SC aU Re ed eet e erin ee ret sete examination, and implication assessment of major ee es ee ero cog Pore ereh reset et ores etre ty Structure: eee ere rere eur eee ee eeeeeea eer oc Soe a eC ae eceeetncrnen reer tears tens eee eae pecenre rer CeCe er erat) fon research and foresight studies ee ee oe re eee ecrec ot coer ene eect te eee a eee ee er er are currently influencing global or industry- peeer sree eres Cite caters tae ee Berard Se ee road peer errenrrs tien Cue el Caecum user peer eee ee ee ir eerie eae estore etatee Pot oe oe ee coos ote eee ss oe) eee este eee gs eee Assists in aligning organizational strategies CooL ta ce cys ‘The Megatrend Analysis Canvas helps participants to Preston scm ee re significant trend, paving the way for informed Seer eet et ener reas aCe i Wau eid climate change Decreasing social ‘cohesion Resource scazeity Rapid technological development ‘Aging populations Growing middle class, Population growth Volatile business lenvizonment Usbanisation Poner shift to global south PESTLE PNT WE ona Oee cece See Ser ree cases eee era) Pere treresme meen erate ee ee reece ccna fediosecrte waiearnseeaccrersmin creat eset eee mec ets e tstr Peers Structure: The canvas is divided into six sections, ee eee tao section includes space for detailed notes and Piatra ace wee mre ct Sec eee ees for additional notes. pases! Poenees Social eoresrrety arene eer Summary Area presen Prete eee Pasa eure Cora tocar erm sete Craes arene ee eee eee ret mcnrar= rg your organization. Use the guiding questions to ateestnnser ees CO eee eee cet erst) Coe ce eee toe ase Summarize Findings: In the summary area, ee cer eae rey Pore re ere ier hicetrmtty potential impact on the organization Action Plan: Based on the analysis, suggest pene arco en are tiiect i pestis Poe Strategic Planning: Ideal for aligning business strategies with external environmental factors, crea tere een eT SC eireecieryy risks and opportunities in the business ees cece ee ete e eoy Peer eerrtr nen neta eee scars accordingly. + Project Managenent: Assists in considering See non cee tactics Sa eee ene OOM eC rest nc emery) eS eee cee eeeeretr sae sees PESO Oo SCR UR Sica ras eee ee eer cy Peaster reeincrctinn sy a ae TS Political Futures Timeline eat Raed eae ee owe evolution of identified trends, developments, and changes across different tine horizons. This canvas Peretti Us um rC era me eeurt from the research may unfold in the short, modium, Sec ecoe Structure: eee eae eco peek RCT on RC eee Re eka oot neSC RT Met ec eas ne) Seon ee ee oreo ences) Ce oe kee aed Peeieatenet ee es aerencent eetrers Instructions for Use: 1. Review Research Findings: Begin by reviewing the Pere ee eee erecta) eee ci mete economic changes, etc. ee ROR ery erro sce ratty influenced the current state. Current State (0 Years): Describe the current status of the identified trends or developnents. Short-Term Future (+1 Year): Project the pierreeest een retrn a racer et) a ee Pere eee ence eee eer nes ee Ce ete cs ers Te eC Roe aero et etme tt ast Presence tee era Distant Future (+30 Years): Explore speculative, Long-range forecasts and their far-reaching pores Application: petirelreeea asthenia peet ere rs eee ete ies Secester eer reso eras sre eo ee eo csckr ioe etee re eerer caer eens Lay] meet Bazaar Cee ee eee as erotic mee acc ee otr econ unique and engaging tool designed to catalyze See oe ec cess teoe ere OO E actus) step outside conventional thought processes and SOR Coe cuca ce tiey Sores Certo tay Ce ea ee Pinon ener st erm errer ie tir ierr tats workshop. Participants bring in everyday itens or “junk” and transform those into artifacts representing different future scenarios. This process encourages a playful yet insightful Omran m Oca peas oer eer eee iss Se cea ce Cece econo bring itens that they find intriguing or pereeeretre se terre fitters Collaborative Design: In groups, participants discuss and brainstoze ideas, then create Petree en eet ome et Soe eet ee ees freer ne eer inaree vera tt es cere ee ee ote c easter Uemreres ea ee rere) Sees ee Towers Scores ‘Application in Workshops and Organizations: "The Cie een ar ee SC ct ee reset seerser emp tsetteccttreemetc inter ese ecco and public engagenent initiatives, Its use ‘encourages participants to think deeply about eee eee oe eet Prem Ueer i comers cay Pec ec ctr tec aa Applied Futures Toolkit, it serves as a hands-on Sees ue es ei ys futures thinking in a dynamic and engaging manner Bea ac tty Read more & download the Manual, Slides, & Printouts Bt Tage spective ee eee Cee strategic tool designed for post-project reflection. It facilitates a conprehensive review ec eee ‘the successful elenents and azeas needing ee eee id Seu Cr ete on Cans res ee ee eo got eee eee tg os different categories of feedback: fata teeee reer ns) Set ns cee toe mot pre acs ieeer eeescee en oc Culm nc necrna ener eseeencerss - What Didn't Work: Here, participants note down ‘the project's challenges. This coluan is crucial POerece a eres ecto Ce Cee Reino ni smear teres Etoetcir eattoc} eC ee estoy solution-oriented. Tt is whore the team Peers t SCs metro TTY ee eeu Crna Sn Scan poeta en ec ae emote capes Individually, tean members reflect and provide inputs in each coluan-starting with “what ee Ceo eC ras Facilitate a group discussion to expand on the PIECE eee ee ee rc ca + Develop an action plan based on the "Ideas for Sao ey Bcc orsceetescd pipreet neusth ee seeetenceirtts oe eee! Cashes terres ere cua ene ee Pre ererots ecb street ES trerserieterteninrs eer re mes ntorttes ee eS ceo Pe eee es eee ee) Se ee a See Oeics eee nc processes, team dynamics, and project management eetastey Cote ae Oe Cee] Seen ace ee Cac csi) ‘ongoing experiences and outcones, ensuring that the ae sere ion crested Penerics Team Retrospective Ideas for Inprovenes Ressources POO te eo Roe Rist ces) pete ces [sree escsci es. saison eee nee a Ct csc Re eae cae Cen East emnee meng ‘The Futures Bazaar — tips; //mv,bbc, Thank a (ole We thank you for taking the tine to explore our See ee coer tea co era ea Looe! Sire eee corir rms arent Pe err cece aranvey Peete cre cetrsnartrest airs Poesthrtceaet riers ti stccersae ore titted oe ae sree aa rere eee coerce Sec eoe ee oe ccc ee eee eo c Saeriiets teirerkcn resi teers str it] eit toe ee Ree eee Pro eres c ne oot) CCRC en sr! eee rea eect tty Se Sue SPERM tHE SEC ene)

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