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DH 23

Etiology of Periodontal Diseases Assignment

Due Week 13
60 Points

This assignment deals with developing a patient-focused explanation, which includes:

Content (3-page minimum)

 Description of how periodontal disease begins and progresses through the stages (gingivitis and periodontitis).
 Make certain to address each of the following: the primary etiology factor, local contributing factors, systemic
factors. Patient-focused Explanation: Put your presentation in language that an average patient can understand.
FAQ Page
 Identify three frequently asked questions patients may have about periodontal disease and answer them.
 These need to be separate questions, not included in the body of your page

APA format.

 Title page
 Formatting
 References page

Any late work will be graded subject to the instructor's discretion and a point deduction of 5% per calendar day (maximum
of 5 calendar days) from the grade achieved will be imposed. No work will be accepted that is more than 5 calendar days

Please use:

 Reputable sources
 Proper citation format
 Organized format
 Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling (I highly recommend using Grammarly)
 Write in your own words
Etiology Assignment Rubric-60 points

0-2 3-5 6-9 10

Nearly all of the citations Some of the citations are Most of the citations are well Citations are accurate, complete,
APA Citation are incomplete, unclear, constructed incorrectly. constructed – complete, clear, and clear and concise. Follow APA
and vague or zero points if Citations are incomplete, concise APA citations. guidelines.
not cited. unclear, vague, and do not
follow APA guidelines.

Information is not Information is somewhat Information is adequately The information is well organized.
Format & organized. No format is organized. May lack some organized. Most material Organizes material in a clear,
Organization followed. Organization clarity or constancy. organized in a clear, precise, and precise, and appropriate manner and
(Presentation of and structure detract from Introduction, body, and/or appropriate manner. Content is is easy to follow. Content is written
Ideas) the assignment. Content is conclusion are missing. written with an introduction, body, with a well thought out introduction,
missing structure of an and conclusion. body, and conclusion.
introduction, body and

It is not possible to It is possible to understand Description of how periodontal Clear description of how periodontal
understand the description some of the description of disease begins and progresses disease begins and progresses
of how periodontal disease how periodontal disease through the stages is mostly clear. through the stages. Adequately and
begins and progresses begins and progresses Adequately and accurately accurately addresses each of the
Content through the stages. through the stages. Content addresses most of the following: following: the primary etiology
Content does not is too brief or does not the primary etiology factor, local factor, local contributing factors, and
adequately address the adequately and/or contributing factors, and systemic systemic factors.
primary etiology factor, accurately address the factors. It is possible to
local contributing factors, primary etiology factor, understand most of what the
and systemic factors. local contributing factors, student is stating.
and/or systemic factors.

Patient- Major points are not Some major points are Most major points are stated Major points are stated clearly on the
Focused identified or supported or stated clearly and are well clearly on the level of patient level of patient understanding and
Explanation are not presented on the supported but may not be on understanding and are well are well supported.
level of patient the level of patient supported.
understanding. understanding.

Questions and answers are Questions and answers are Questions and answers are mostly Questions and answers are relevant,
FAQs irrelevant, unclear, and/or not all relevant, mostly relevant, clear, and accurately clear, and accurately presented. They
inaccurate. unclear, and/or partially presented. are written as separate questions, not
inaccurate. included in the body of your page.
Mechanics - Grammatical, punctuation, Major grammatical, Minor grammatical, punctuation, Technically flawless. Mechanically
Grammar, and spelling errors punctuation, and spelling and spelling errors. and grammatically correct.
Spelling, pervasive and distracting. errors.

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