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Time as a Spiral

Unravelling the Threads of Future Possibilities

by R.A.Frederickson

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

“When we realize that we are the ocean,
we are no longer afraid of the waves.”

- Dogen Zenji

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

A Few Thoughts
Reflections on Change, Time & Futures

Whether as a guest speaker, facilitating a Design Futures workshop,

leading a project, or in casual conversation, I’ve used the Futures Cone
as a warm-up to introduce the notion of multiple alternative Futures.

Its efficacy as a tool in challenging the idea of a single, homogenous

mono-future can be helpful, notwithstanding other contextual factors.
And yet I’ve noticed that each time I used it before, I’ve walked away
feeling skeptical about the Futures Cone as an affective way of shifting
mindsets raised on linear, clock time. Why all the straight lines? Where
are the discontinuities? What about the recursive nature of change? Etc.

Thus, my curiosity was piqued, and I wondered how my alchemy of Art,

Design, and Futures might approach things differently. What follows are
some of my questions, ideas, and creative explorations about the potential
role & impact of visual imagery in elucidating the concept of the plurality
of futures. The designs are exploratory - not prescriptive. Enjoy :)

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

What I’ve been pondering

How might we evoke an intimacy of

scale, depth & feeling about
the plurality of futures?

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

Visual Language as Metaphor
My musings on the affect of imagery

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

The Spiral
The inspiration for my creative exploration

Inspired by this natural symbol of growth, I aspired

to create a visual language that felt alive in some
ways. A visual language that communicated the
nuances of change, complexity, nonlinear, what’s
hidden, recursion, patterns persisting, the time you
stubbed your toe, a warm hug from a friend, standing
before the ocean, blaze of a forest fire, a butterfly
going home, etc. - LIFE!

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

The foundational aspects of my visual language

Lines Layers Color, Texture & Form

Spirals, Movement, Trajectory, Cyclical Depth, Merging, Scale (Macro, Messo, Micro) Emotional hues, frayed textures, patterns

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

The guiding parameters for creative direction

1. Interconnectedness 5. Multiplicity of Scales

2. Cyclical Patterns 6. Dynamic Balance

3. Complexity 7. Deep Resonance

4. Continuity & Evolution

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

1. Interconnectedness
The visual language should convey that change at any level is not isolated;
personal changes (micro) influence and are influenced by community dynamics
(meso) and broader societal shifts (macro).

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


2. Cyclical Patterns
The visual language should suggest that change often occurs in cycles or spirals
rather than linearly, with recurring themes and patterns over time.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


3. Complexity
The visual language should reflect the complexity and intricacies of the change
process. It involves multiple factors, agents, and systems interacting in varied
and sometimes unexpected ways.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


4. Continuity & Evolution

The visual language should reflect a continuous process of change, with each
phase naturally evolving into the next - reflecting a natural progression,
adaptation and evolution.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


5. Multiplicity of Scales
The visual language should convey that change occurs simultaneously across
different scales, from individual to global, each with its nuances, yet
contributing to collective evolution.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


6. Dynamic Balance
The visual language should suggest a balance between stability and change,
indicating that equilibrium is interrupted by significant moments of

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved


7. Deep Resonance
The visual language’s colors, textures, and forms should depict change
intellectually and resonate emotionally & aesthetically, reflecting the felt
change experience.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

Creative Provocations
Guiding & evoking deeper introspections

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

A brief reference guide

Plurality of Futures Scale & Depth

Note: the diagrams shown above will be seen in the design explorations to come: I
consider these as “frames” that overlay our lived experience of change. A simple
“cut-out” of a shape to help facilitate understanding rather than as definitive
representations of reality.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

2. What might happen that’s
different than what we expect?

Future B
1. What do we
Future A expect to happen?

Present Macro Scale


Future C
Meso Scale

Micro Scale


3. What do we want to happen?


Plurality of Futures Scale & Depth

The diagram serves as an abstraction to intimate the notion of This diagram represents the levels and scale regarding the impact of change
multiple, alternative futures. Two of arrows in the representing the within a future. Although the layers are distinct and seperated, the levels of
different multiple futures curves to convey the recursive & cyclical change are happening simultaneously. This model is meant to highlight the
nature of change - the remaining straight arrow helps convey the distinctions of change among the levels for understanding sake. All levels are
sense of “forward” progression also. The numerical notation is a meshed and interconnected in reality.
suggested sequence for exploring alternative futures.

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

Explorations of Scale
Global, Communal & Personal

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

2. What might happen that’s
different than what we expect?

1. What do we
expect to happen?


Broad, swirling patterns evoke a sense of motion
and progression on a grand scale, representing the
flow of societal change and the interconnectedness
of global events.
3. What do we
want to happen?
Visual metaphors to inspire reflection
1.Expansive Swirls: These might suggest the sweeping movements of global trends.
Reflect on how these patterns challenge the idea of a single future and instead
suggest a fluid, dynamic range of possibilities. What global movements do you see
as most influential, and how can they branch into various futures?

2.Interconnected Designs: The interconnectedness of the patterns could provoke

thoughts on the deep ties between nations and cultures. How does this
interconnectedness complicate the notion of independent national futures?

3.Vibrant and Subtle Hues: The use of both vibrant and subtle colors can lead to
questions about the visibility of certain global issues. Which global challenges and
opportunities might be underrepresented, and how might bringing them into
focus change our collective future?

4.Abstract Forms: These might invite you to consider the unpredictable elements of
global change. How do these forms inspire you to think creatively about
unexpected changes that could arise and how they might transform the world.

5.Panoramic Scope: The expansive reach of the patterns invites you to consider the
vast realm of possibilities that the future holds. How does considering the vast scale
of global issues influence your perception of your role in shaping the future?

Note: to minimize my own bias here, I leveraged ChatGPT’s analysis of the imagery
to help inform my formulation of the questions. A fun, collaborative effort :)

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

2. What might happen that’s
different than what we expect?

1. What do we
expect to happen?


The vibrant and layered patterns reflect the dance
of relationships and community dynamics. The
interplay of colors captures the vibrancy and
diversity of shared experiences.
3. What do we
want to happen?
Visual metaphors to inspire reflection
1.Mosaic of Perspectives: The collage-like assembly of various shapes and colors in the
image can prompt reflections on the diversity within your community. How do
differing viewpoints contribute to a richer, more varied future than a homogenous,
single narrative?

2.Convergence and Divergence: Where different elements in the image come together
or apart, consider the moments of unity and division within your community. What
alternative communal futures might arise from these convergences and divergences?

3.Shared Histories and New Narratives: The layered appearance, reminiscent of a

palimpsest, might lead you to ponder the layers of shared history in your community.
How can honoring these histories while writing new narratives create multiple paths

4.Texture of Interaction: The varying textures could symbolize the tactile nature of
relationships and connections within a community. How might the 'feel' of these
interactions change as your community grows and evolves?

5.Dynamic Boundaries: The image’s distinct yet intermingled boundaries may

encourage you to think about the edges of your community. How do the boundaries
we draw, both physical and metaphorical, limit or expand the futures we can imagine
and realize together?

Note: to minimize my own bias here, I leveraged ChatGPT’s analysis of the imagery
to help inform my formulation of the questions. A fun, collaborative effort :)

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

2. What might happen that’s
different than what we expect?

1. What do we
expect to happen?


The fragmented human figures and textured overlays
become a canvas for self-reflection, highlighting the
fragmented and sometimes disjointed nature of self-
discovery and personal growth.
3. What do we
want to happen?
Visual metaphors to inspire reflection
1.Fragmented Portraits: The disjointed human forms may prompt you to consider
the different roles you play in life. How have these roles changed over time, and
how might they evolve in the future?

2.Collage of Experiences: The layered collage effect could symbolize the

complexity of your life experiences. Reflect on the pivotal events that have shaped
you. What new layers could be added as you move into unknown futures?

3.Color Transitions: The shifts in color within the image could inspire you to
reflect on significant life transitions. What past changes have you navigated, and
how might you harness the energy of transformation to envision multiple futures?

4.Intersecting Lines: The lines that cross and connect various elements could
represent the pivotal decisions of your life. How have these intersections
redirected your path, and what intersections lie ahead that could lead to
alternative futures?

5.Cracks as Opportunities: Visible cracks might symbolize the unexpected breaks

in life’s continuum. What lessons have you learned from these disruptions, and
how have they prepared you for embracing multiple potential futures?

Note: to minimize my own bias here, I leveraged ChatGPT’s analysis of the imagery
to help inform my formulation of the questions. A fun, collaborative effort :)

© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

Rodney Frederickson
“I love challenging & inspiring creative growth in the next
generation of design leaders through the alchemy of Art,
Design and Futures”

Rodney Frederickson is a Design Futurist, Abstract Artist,

Product Design leader, Coach & Mentor, and Creative
Facilitator with 20yrs+ experience in creating innovative
products, services and experiences.
Rodney is available as a:

• Guest Speaker
• Creative Facilitator
• Coach & Mentor

If you’d like to get in touch with Rodney: -

Art website:
© 2024 Rodney Frederickson. All rights reserved

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