Entrep Exam With Answers Q1

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Entrepreneurship a. Screening c.

Midterm Examination b. Opportunity d. seeking
___8. It is the buyer of goods or services
Name:______________________________ produced or rendered by the business
Section:___________________ called?
Date:_____________________ a. Market c. competitors
b. Business d. Customers
MULTIPLE CHOICE ___9. It is a type of 3s which process of
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space cautiously selecting the best
provided before each number. opportunity. What type of 3s is this?
___1. The following are the ways on how to a. Screening c. seizing
identify target market; except; b. Opportunity d. seeking
a. is the market problem needs capital? ___10. It is an attainment of rapid growth. What
b. is the market problem urgent? type of Rs is this?
c. is the market problem pervasive? a. Responsiveness c. Range
d. will the buyers pay to have this problem b. Reach d. Resources required
solved? For items 11-20, Write T if the statement is correct and F if the
___2. This is a type of market needs which statement is wrong.
problems don’t have yet undefined _____11. A customer profile is a description of the
solutions characteristics of the person or company that is
a. Target Needs likely to purchase a product or service.
b. stated needs _____12.one of the target market goal is to collect,
c. market problems record, and analyze information about customer.
d. silent needs _____13. Knowing about your competition will
___3. Market is consisting of three different types help you define your target market.
of customer. Which among these customers _____14. Groups of customers within a large
are the one who have already purchased the market who shows common characteristics are
product? known as market research.
a. target users _____15. Questionnaire or survey observation and
b. prospects focus group are some of the ways to collect a
c. existing customers primary data.
d. target market _____16. It is information collected for the very first
___4. __________is a type of customer who have time to fit a specific purpose is called primary data.
not yet purchased the product but are _____17. Indirect competition is a type of
considering it. What type of customer is this? competition from a business that makes only small
a. target users amount of money.
b. prospects _____18. Newspaper articles and statistics is one
c. Target market way to find secondary data.
d. existing customers _____19. It is a data found in already published
___5. It is an existing inefficiency, awkward source called secondary data.
workflows or non- optimal solutions in market _____20. Direct competition is a competition from
called? a business that makes most of its money selling the
a Target Needs same or similar products or services
b. stated needs ___21. It is viability into the future, called?
c. market problems a. Profitability c. Income
d. silent needs b. Sustainability d. Stocks
___6. It is an entrepreneur’s business idea that ___22. What do you mean with profit?
can potentially become a commercial a. Income minus expenditure
product called? b. Viability into the future
a. Screening c. seizing c. Viability for defined period
b. Opportunity d. seeking d. Money
___7. It is the first step and is the most ___23. Viability means___________?
difficult process of all due to the number a. Viability into the future
of options that the entrepreneur will b. Viability for defined period
have to choose from. What type of 3s is c. Money
this? d. Ability to survive
___24. It is a steady earnings market, ___34. The entrepreneur should bear in mind that a value
expected to pay regular dividends to proposition has to be direct in addressing the
shareholder, called? problems of the customers.
a. Profitability c. Income ___35. After you create your value proposition, you have to
b. Sustainability d. Income Stocks figure out how to advertise or promote certain unique
___25. Niche Viability means? features of the product/ service that you’re trying to
a. Viability into the future sell.
b. Viability for defined period For items 36-45, Classify each of the following costs as fixed or
c. Viability in single specialized variable. Write F for Fixed and V for variable.
environment _____36. Salary of the marketing officer
d. Ability to survive _____37. Raw materials
___26. Below are examples of stock, which _____38. Other supplies in production monitoring the inventory
among these is one example of income of all products.
stocks? _____39. Salary of the production personnel who get paid
a. High-tech companies based on quantity of output
b. Utilities such as water company _____40. Depreciation (expenses of the building)
c. Cost-cutting and good management _____41. Fuel used for machines in production
d. Steady earnings _____42. Salary of warehouse personnel in charge of
___27. How does money flows in growth _____43. Packaging materials
phase? _____44. Mobile phone expenses of top executives
a. phase, money flows into the _____45. Utilities (light, water, gas) in the production
company from investors Department
b. The money return to the investors For items 46-50, Match column A to column B.
c. The money flows into investors
d. None of these Column A Column B
___28. What is step cost? 46. Refers to the identity of a
a. As volume increases, new fixed company, of a product, of a A. Branding
costs are incurred. For example, a service, or of an entrepreneur.
larger factory or an additional layer 47. The process of integrating the
of management. strategies formed from the
b. As volume decreases, new fixed marketing mix to give an identity to B. Intangible
costs are incurred. the product or service. Elements
c. Loss of efficiency, reliability or 48. The supervision of the tangible
performance. and intangible elements of a brand. C. Brand
d. The money flows into investors 49.It includes the perception and
___29. What do we mean with Robustness? relationship of the customers with D. Brand
a. Viability across a range of brand. Management
environmental conditions. 50. It includes the product itself,
b. Viability into the future packaging, price and its location. E. Tangible
c. Viability for defined period Elements
d. Viability in single specialized
___30. It is measured by its long-term survival
and its ability to sustain profits over a “Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping, work
period of time called? while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and
a. Robustness c. profit dream while others are wishing.” – William A. Ward
b. Viability d. Income stocks
For items 31-35 Prepared by
Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the
statement is wrong. Subject Teacher
___31. Marketing is all about knowing the customers.
___32. Unique selling proposition states why customer should
buy a certain product or service.
___33. Vale proposition refers to how you will sell the product Parent/Guardian’s Name & Signature:
or service to your customer.

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. T
12. T
13. T
14. T
15. T
16. T
17. T
18. T
19. T
20. T
21. b
22. a
23. d
24. d
25. c
26. b
27. a
28. a
29. a
30. b
31. T
32. F
33. F
34. T
35. T
36. F
37. V
38. V
39. F
40. V
41. V
42. V
43. F
44. V
45. V
46. C
47. A
48. D
49. B
50. E

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