Refflection Paper

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My Puhunan: How a Pinay garbage collector became a millionaire

The story of this amazing woman who has spent her whole life turning trash into treasures is
very moving. Even though she didn't go to college, the fact that she went from being poor to being
wealthy shows how strong and determined she is. She worked hard and used her imagination to make
sure her family had a nice place to live and send her kids to college. Her unwavering dedication to
making the best out of bad situations is a powerful lesson that with passion and creativity, anyone can
get through even the hardest situations. Her story shows that everyone has amazing potential that can
be unlocked with hard work and drive.

My Puhunan: Frito, ang kwento ng pag-asenso

This man's story as an entrepreneur in the world of food shows how important it is to work
hard and believe in yourself. He started out as an employee in the food business. He worked hard to
improve his skills and knowledge until he was ready to go out on his own. Through trial and error, he
worked hard to perfect the taste of fried pata and fried whole chicken. This shows how dedicated he
is. He stands out because of how carefully he runs his business. He uses science, math, and marketing
techniques to carefully plan and run his business. Even though he had failed twice before, he kept
trying without help from anyone else. This shows how strong he is. His story shows that setbacks and
difficulties are often necessary for success to reach its full potential.

Jack Ma's Life Advice Will Change Your Life

Jack Ma's advice that you should make mistakes when you're 25 and not worry about falling
is based on his own journey. The story of his life shows that success doesn't always come easily. Even
though he didn't come from a rich family or have an easy time in school, he kept trying even after a
lot of rejections and mistakes. A bank loan of $3,000 was used to start Alibaba, which was a risky
idea at first. Those first few years without money were hard, but what set him apart was his
unwavering optimism and commitment to helping others solve issues. Jack's words show how
important young people are and how important it is to do something. He says it's important to believe
in yourself even when others don't see your point of view. A deep view of business is that you should
work for the good of others and find happiness in their happiness. Jack's understanding that times of
worry for others can be chances to grow reminds us that hard times can also be times of innovation
and success. His journey shows how important it is to be strong, optimistic, and never give up on your
The Boss: The legacy of Henry Sy Sr.

A poor Chinese boy in Manila transformed 10 centavos into SM, the Philippines' largest
company, showing how hard work and dedication can pay off. Despite the war destroying his father's
business, he stayed and had huge hopes. His company grew rapidly over 60 years because he worked
hard, planned well, and took prudent risks. He concentrated on numbers and growth and worked hard
to be innovative and come up with new ideas, which made the company successful. Even if it took a
while for others to understand his motivation and lessons, business was usually the major topic of
conversation, showing his dedication. His capacity to trust relatives and outsiders helped him build his
kingdom. This narrative inspires because it illustrates how hard effort, inventiveness and teamwork
can turn a little start into a big accomplishment that will last centuries.

"Rated K" features the story of "KA REY HERRERA"

This strong person's story shows that human will is unbreakable. After being diagnosed with
stage 4 cancer at 46 and having little money, he accepted his fate. But a goat encounter and his quest
to study about natural treatments altered his life. He discovered that plants and roots could heal him
due to his determination and intelligence. This saved his life and gave cancer patients hope. Despite
his low education, he became a successful company owner. With the motto "galing muna bago bayad"
(healing first, payment afterwards), he created a profitable business selling herbal cures that work for
many. He was able to buy land and become a prosperous farmer after this transition, helping his
family. His tale shows that believing in yourself, working hard, and letting nature heal you may
improve your life. It's about how one person's determination may change countless lives.

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