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Investigating the Agrarian Reform Issue

Name: Maria Decyrel S. Baidiango

Section: BSTM 3-A

Instructions: Interview six people (three from each side) about what they see as problems or hindrances
to the full implementation of agrarian reform and what solutions they can recommend for these. List
down your significant observations and synthesize the interviewees’ remarkable responses.

Side 1: A tenant who cultivates another person’s agricultural land

Side 2: An owner of an agricultural land that is tilled by a tenant.

Tenant Landlord
Background Information on the Name: Cherry Ann Ybanez Name: Rosita Camarillo
Interviewees (name, рlасе, age no.
of years being a tenant/landlord) Place: Bantayan Island Place: Cambaro, Mandaue City

Age: 30 Age: 80

No. of yrs. being a tenant: 10 Years No. of yrs. being a landlord: 67


Tenats may encounter Unfair Agrarian reform may face

renting practices, such as landlords resistance from landowners who
Major Problems charging exorbitant prices for small fear losing their revenue and land.
repairs or neglecting to return They can also doubt the
security deposits without cause, government's capacity to pay them
may be experienced by tenants. a just price for their land. One way
Furthermore, some landlords could to address this issue is to provide
place unjustifiable limitations on landowners different ways to
their renters, such caps on the generate revenue, such support
number of visitors or pet bans. and guidance for starting their own
Strengthen land tenure security by Following redistribution,
giving tenants legal titles or landowners might not know how
Possible Remedies certificates of landownership, their property will be used in the
ensuring their right to remain on future. They might also be unclear
the land and benefit from its use. about zoning and land use planning
Tenants may face insecurity of laws. Engage landowners actively
tenure, fearing eviction or in land use planning procedures,
displacement due to unclear land incorporating their views and
ownership rights, a lack of legal concerns into decision-making. This
documentation, or rising land can impede investment decisions
values. and limit their alternatives for
using the residual landholdings.
Tenant Landlord
Background Information on the Name: Janice Bracero Name: Yolly Generoso
Interviewees (name, рlасе, age no.
of years being a tenant/landlord) Place: Sogod Cebu City Place: Cambaro, Mandaue City

Age: 31 Age: 61

No. of yrs. being a tenant: 5 Years No. of yrs. being a landlord: 30


Tenants may become quite Beneficiaries of land reform

irritated with landlords when there frequently lack the tools and
Major Problems is poor communication or a lack of knowledge needed to properly
response. Landlords might be manage and use the land they have
unresponsive to maintenance just been awarded. Provide
requests, dismiss tenant farmers with loans and funding
complaints, or enter the property options so they can invest in
without giving enough notice. infrastructure development,
Tenants may feel that their needs equipment, and inputs.
are not being given priority as a
result, and problems may take
longer to resolve.
Due to a lack of knowledge about Transitioning from vast
their rights, eligibility, and the landholdings to smaller farms or
Possible Remedies processes involved in land other sources of income may
acquisition and distribution, provide issues for landowners.
tenants frequently feel left out of Establish landowner support
the land reform process. Increase centers that give access to
openness and communication by resources, information, and
giving renters easily accessible professional guidance on financial
information about their rights, the planning, alternative income-
land reform procedure, and the generating strategies, and property
support services that are available. management. They might not have
the resources, expertise, or skills
needed to adjust to the changing
economic reality.
Tenant Landlord
Background Information on the Name: Kai Corpus Name: Lowella E. Tormis
Interviewees (name, рlасе, age no.
of years being a tenant/landlord) Place: Looc, Mandaue City Place: Cambaro, Mandaue City

Age: 23 Age: 50

No. of yrs. being a tenant: 2Years No. of yrs. being a landlord: 13


Due to a lack of knowledge about Transitioning from vast

their rights, eligibility, and the landholdings to smaller farms or
Major Problems processes involved in land other sources of income may
acquisition and distribution, provide issues for landowners.
tenants frequently feel left out of
the land reform process.

Tenants should be given easy-to- Give landowners alternatives to

access information about their lump sum payouts, like investment
Possible Remedies rights, the land reform procedure, opportunities, land-based
and the programs that are available annuities, or ownership in
to support them.. agricultural companies.


What do you think is the problem or ownership in the Philippines? Is it plausible issue with land to
have a a genuine and successful agrarian reform program in the Philippines? What do you think should
be done? Explain your answer.

The Philippines' lengthy history of uneven land ownership presents a complicated and varied challenge
for agrarian reform. A disproportionate amount of agricultural land is controlled by a small number of
powerful landowners, which feeds social instability, poverty, and inequality. The emergence of the
hacienda system in the 19th century and Spanish colonial control are to blame for this concentration of
land ownership. Previous attempts at agrarian reform have mostly failed as a result of political
interference, corruption, and poor execution. However, by tackling the issues of political will, successful
implementation, farmer support, and corruption, the Philippines has a chance to develop a true and
fruitful agricultural reform program. Reduced poverty and inequality, higher agricultural output, social
stability, and economic growth are all possible outcomes of such a program helping to create a society
that is more egalitarian and just.

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