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Surigao del Sur State University

Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300

Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Vanessa Elrose P. Lagua BSEd Filipino-III

1. Cite at least 3 major differences in the 21st century and the previous century/ies
in the context of literacies and give a brief explanation of each.
 The difference between the immersing application of technology in
the 21st century and the previous century in the context of literacies

 Technology has been a big part or our daily lives since then, it
really influences people in many different aspects and one of
which is on people’s literacy particularly in our educational
system. With the help of technology, literacy has been refined,
advanced and developed unlike before that people particularly
the students used to have this what we called traditional
literacy, though there still presence of technology but not totally
improved that is why there were many students who
experience difficulties in their learning process. Education
before was considered as permanent and learning was
teacher-centered because all the knowledge depend on what
the teachers taught to their students, it is also the stage where
we called it, from written to digital because nowadays there is
what we called digital literacy wherein we can learn everything
through anything with the help of technology. We can be
literate in our own ways because there are lots of things that
we can be used as our sources for our knowledge and that to
become literate individuals.

 The difference between the accelerating gap of the learners in the

21st century and the previous centuries in the context of literacies

 Learners nowadays are wittier, smarter, more intelligent, savvy

and wiser because they are more advanced, innovative and
more developed than those students before who only depend
for some little information from some few sources, unlike
nowadays that people can learn a lot of things with the help of
technology and also from those social media platforms. Even
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

those younger ones are very smart and that is also because of
this what we called digital literacy and the technology itself in
which it makes people think forward and become cutting-edges
of this generation where numbers of learners accelerate in this
21st century.

 The difference between the growing and developing status of our

economy in the 21st century and the previous centuries in the context
of literacies.
 This generation produces wiser, more competitive and more
intelligent people as product of this 21 st century in which it is
what our world needs. That is why it is very evident that those
are just one of the reasons why our economy grows and
develops, it is because of people’s literateness. If we are
educated and literate enough we can be productive and helpful
to our own country and to the world because we can share
ideas and great plans for the betterment and improvements of
our economy. We can also be proud of ourselves because we
are one of those people in our country who contributed a lot for
the economy’s growth and that is why it is being said by many
people nowadays that, being educated really means a lot, not
just for our own selves but also for the welfare of our country.

2. Pick at least 3 aspects of the 8 literacies that are most essential to focus on
during these times of the "new normal" and expound each of them.

 Media Literacy
 It is one of the most essential to focus on during these times of
the “new normal” because media literacy helps us people to
know, be aware and mindful about the current events or news
that are happening across the world especially that we are all
facing a pandemic. Since every source of informations
nowadays come into many forms, through media literacy we can
be able to find answers and solutions to our problems and any
other social issues and it also encourages all people to be
involved in a global media setting.
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

 Financial Literacy
 It is one of the most essential to focus on during these times of
the “new normal” because it helps us people to have knowledge
and understanding that is necessary to have in making
responsible decisions when it comes to financial matters.
Especially during this times of pandemic that everyone of us
especially every families across the world needs to have a wise
budget plan and balance their money in order suffice and
support the needs, funds and income of the family every day.

 Arts and Creativity Literacy

 It is also one of the most essential to focus on during these
times of the “new normal” because it helps all of us create
things for us to find joy and fun especially that some of us are
stress and depress because of what the pandemic has to bring
on us that is why, doing this helps us to be diverted into
positivity since art in its different forms brings good vibes to
everyone. Also, through arts and creativity literacy, we can also
find good opportunities from it because we can be able to find
out and discover the other side of us or simply the hidden
talents we have within ourselves and also, we can find money
out from those artworks that we made and from that we can be
able to transform this new normal into positivity and productivity.

3. Why is there a need to learn and enhance new literacies? Cite relevant
There is a need to learn and enhance new literacies because it really
gives us big advantages and great opportunities especially nowadays that we
are facing many hurdles in our lives. If we know and understand many things
and mindful about what is happening around us, it can be a big help, we can’t
be ignorant and uninformed instead we will be the opposite. Best and relevant
example for this situation is the current condition that we have right now, this is
the pandemic. Learning and enhancing those new literacies is very important
during these times because it is very helpful for us in many aspects just like
what I have mention in the previous item in which it all explains and describes
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

the importance, benefits and advantages of those literacies on people’s lives

during this time of pandemic and the “new normal”.

4. What does being "literate" mean to you as a college student? Present

reasonable arguments.
Being “literate” means a lot for me as a college student, not just about
being literate by means of the ability to read, write and communicate effectively
towards other people but also being morally literate enough as a human person
and can understand and appreciate the world around us. Being a literate
person helps me to figure out things and understand everything considering
also the advantages and disadvantages of it. And as a college student, it is very
helpful for me on many aspects especially that I always face a lot of issues
whether it is about my studies, my social issues, about myself and also about
those issues happening around me, at least, being literate enough would help
and guide me to handle out things because I have this knowledge that would
support my thoughts and ideas to become reasonable, rational and practical at
all cost.

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