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Chapter 1: Connector & Predictor Report

❖ Text to Self:
• When I first read the book the first few words of the book reminded me of
a normal class after a break or after you have just got in class; everyone is
talking about what they did, something that happened, or even just a casual
conversation, this reminded me of our class.
❖ Text to Text
• A text-to-text connection I made is related to another book I have read
called________________ in which the book mentions a boy trying to
impress a girl. As soon as he saw her his jaw dropped and everything, he did
was either to get her attention, get to know her, or just admire her. This is
related to the text because Will (the main character) is also doing the same
thing the boy in the other book which I read did, he is trying to impress the
girl sitting beside James (his best friend).
❖ Text to World
• The book talked about the pandemics, disease, and plagues that have
happened in the past. Right now, in our world a pandemic is happening, the
Coronavirus. It's said in the book that a pandemic is a disease that affects not
just a local area but a broad geographic region, maybe a whole continent.
Right the corona virus has spread all over the world almost every single
country has been infected and it is an extremely dangerous disease but thank
fully scientists have found a vaccine. It is related to the book because it
mentions a pandemic and what it is a there is one happening in our world
right now.
As the predictor in chapter 2 I expect It will talk about the trip to where his father
works and how they got there. I think his father will surprise Will since in the text
behind the book it said he was surprised.
Chapter 2: Character Analyst

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