Complete List of Instruments For Exam-A.sharma

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Simpsons aural syringe

Mollisons Self Retaining hemostatic mastoid retractor

Hartmanns aural speculum

Farabeuf’s periosteal elevator

Higginsons syringe

Gardiner Browns Tuning Fork

Thudicum nasal speculum. Killians long bladed self retaining nasal speculum

Tilley nasal dressing forceps

St Clair Thomson’s posterior

Rhinoscopic mirror

Tilley Lichwitz Antral Trocar and cannula. Freezes double ended elevator

Ballengers swivel knife.

Mallet and chisel

Luc’s forceps. Lacks tongue depressor

Yankauers suction cannula

Indirect laryngoscopic mirror

Boyle Davis mouth Gag. Dra ns metallic bipod stand with Magaurans plate

Mollisons tonsil dissector and anterior. Tonsillar vulsellum

Pillar retractor
Eves tonsillar snare. Negus artery forceps


Negus Ligature Slipper

St clair thomson adenoid curette. Trosseaus tracheal dilator

Fullers T tube. Chevaliers Jackson t tube

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