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Article in Annual Review of Clinical Psychology · March 2010

DOI: 10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.121208.131258 · Source: PubMed

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1 author:

Matthew K Nock
Harvard University


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ANRV407-CP06-15 ARI 18 December 2009 20:0


Review in Advance first posted online
on January 4, 2010. (Changes may

still occur before final publication

online and in print.)


Matthew K. Nock
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138;
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010. 6:15.1–15.25 Key Words

The Annual Review of Clinical Psychology is online self-harm, self-mutilation, self-destructive behavior, suicide

This article’s doi: Abstract

People have engaged in self-injury—defined as direct and deliberate
Copyright  c 2010 by Annual Reviews. bodily harm in the absence of suicidal intent—for thousands of years;
All rights reserved
however, systematic research on this behavior has been lacking. Re-
1548-5943/10/0427-0001$20.00 cent theoretical and empirical work on self-injury has significantly ad-
vanced the understanding of this perplexing behavior. Self-injury is
most prevalent among adolescents and young adults, typically involves
cutting or carving the skin, and has a consistent presentation cross-
nationally. Behavioral, physiological, and self-report data suggest that
the behavior serves both an intrapersonal function (i.e., decreases aver-
sive affective/cognitive states or increases desired states) and an inter-
personal function (i.e., increases social support or removes undesired
social demands). There currently are no evidence-based psychological
or pharmacological treatments for self-injury. This review presents an
integrated theoretical model of the development and maintenance of
self-injury that synthesizes prior empirical findings and proposes sev-
eral testable hypotheses for future research.


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ANRV407-CP06-15 ARI 18 December 2009 20:0

puzzling twist to this story. People often be-

Contents have in ways that are inconsistent with this or-
ganizing principle and in some cases do things
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2
that are completely antithetical to it. One of the
most confounding such behaviors is the perfor-
DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3
mance of non-suicidal self-injury (hereafter re-
Directly Self-Injurious Behaviors . . . 15.3
ferred to as “self-injury”), which refers to the
Indirectly Harmful Behaviors . . . . . . . 15.4
direct and deliberate destruction of one’s own
Studying the Continuum
body tissue in the absence of lethal intent—a
of Self-Harm Behaviors . . . . . . . . . 15.5
behavior seemingly at odds with a desire for
ASSESSMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5
health and longevity.
Presence of Self-Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5
Self-injury has been described throughout
Monitoring Self-Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6
recorded history. One of the earliest written
Conceptualizing Self-Injury . . . . . . . . 15.6
reports of this behavior appears in the biblical
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

story of a man possessed by a demon who
AND COURSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6
was “crying out and cutting himself with
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

PHENOMENOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.7
stones” and subsequently was cured by Jesus
Understanding Unobserved
via exorcism. Other descriptions of self-injury
Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.7
have appeared in clinical case descriptions,
Characteristics of Self-Injury . . . . . . . 15.8
anthropological accounts, and in artistic and
literary sources over the years (see Favazza
MODEL OF SELF-INJURY . . . . . . 15.9
1996; Favazza 2009). Scientific, clinical, and
Functions of Self-Injury . . . . . . . . . . . .15.10
societal interest in self-injury has increased
General Risk Factors
significantly in recent years. For instance, in
for Maladaptive Behaviors . . . . . . .15.12
the past 10 years alone, the number of scientific
Specific Risk Factors for
papers published annually on this topic more
Self-Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.13
than tripled (from 117 in 1998 to 386 in 2008;
using the terms “self-injury,” “self-harm,” or
PREVENTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.17
“self-mutilation” as keywords) (ISI Web of
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.18
Knowledge 2009). Understanding why people
engage in self-injury is an essential scientific
goal for several reasons. First, this behavior
causes significant psychological and physical
INTRODUCTION harm to self-injurers and often is distressing to
All animals are believed to be imbued with an their friends and family. Second, beyond this,
innate drive for self-preservation. This cona- understanding why people engage in direct
tus, or natural impulse to survive and adapt forms of self-injury may provide the added ben-
over time, has been an organizing principle efit of illuminating why people do things that
for philosophers and scientists for thousands are harmful to themselves more broadly, such
of years, figuring prominently in our under- as engaging in unhealthy behaviors including
standing of evolution and in the entire range smoking and abusing alcohol and drugs. This
of animal and human behaviors (Dawkins 1976, review examines what is currently known about
Lorenz 1963, Wilson 1978). In the interest of self-injury, highlights gaps in our understand-
Self-injury: the direct our own survival and that of our genes, we ing of this behavior, presents an integrated
and deliberate select the healthiest mating partners we can theoretical model of self-injury that synthe-
destruction of body find, make enormous sacrifices for our children, sizes past findings and makes several novel
tissue in the absence of
and make decisions every day aimed at keeping hypotheses, and proposes an agenda for future
V I E intent
E W ourselves alive and well. However, there is a work on this perplexing behavior problem.

15.2 Nock



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CLASSIFICATION AND behaviors. Within this general class, most re-

DEFINITIONS searchers and scholars draw a clear distinction
between behaviors in which bodily injury is
One of the greatest obstacles in the study of self-
the intended purpose of one’s behavior (i.e.,
injurious behaviors is that researchers and clin-
directly self-injurious behaviors) and those in
icians often use vague and inconsistent terms
which it is an unintended by-product (i.e., in-
and definitions for the different phenomena
directly harmful or risky behaviors).
under examination. For instance, it is not un-
common to see terms such as “suicidality” or
“deliberate self-harm” used to refer to differ- Directly Self-Injurious Behaviors
ent types of self-injurious thoughts and behav- Within the class of direct self-injurious behav-
iors across different studies. Even if the focus is iors, an important distinction is made between
restricted to studying non-suicidal self-injury, phenomena that are suicidal in nature, in which
one sees various terms across studies, includ- there is some intent to die from the behavior,
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

ing “self-mutilation,” “self-harm,” “deliberate and those that are non-suicidal, in which there
self-harm,” “cutting,” and “parasuicide.” For- is no intent to die (see Figure 1). Because deter-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

tunately, over the past several years, as research mination of a person’s intent during self-injury
on self-injurious thoughts and behaviors has is based primarily on self-report—which is an
increased, scientists and clinicians have begun imperfect method that is likely to include bias,
to make more careful distinctions and to use inaccuracy, and ambivalence about dying—the
clearer and more consistent terms and defini- convention used by most researchers and clini-
tions for these behaviors. cians is to classify behaviors in which there is any
At the broadest level, all behaviors that are evidence of any intent to die (i.e., at a “nonzero”
performed intentionally and with the knowl- level) as suicidal. This errs on the side of classi-
edge that they can or will result in some de- fying ambivalent behaviors as suicidal in nature,
gree of physical or psychological injury to one- but does so intentionally so as not to underes-
self could be conceptualized as self-injurious timate risk and likelihood of death in any case.

Self-Injurious Thoughtsand

Suicidal Non-Suicidal
(intent to die) (no intent to die)

Suicide Suicide Suicide Threat/

Ideation Attempt Gesture Self-Injury

Suicide Plan Self-Injury



Figure 1
Classification of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. Copyright 
c 2009 by the American Psychological Association. Adapted with
permission. Source: Nock MK, ed. 2009a. Understanding Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Origins, Assessment, and Treatment. Washington, DC:
Am. Psychol. Assoc. The use of APA information does not imply endorsement by APA. E W
R • Self-Injury 15.3




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Suicidal phenomena can be further classi- et al. 2007, Silverman et al. 2007). This re-
fied into three primary types. Suicide ideation view, and the area of scholarly work described,
refers to having thoughts about killing oneself; is focused on direct self-injury; however, it is
Suicide ideation:
thoughts of killing a suicide plan refers to the consideration of a useful to briefly discuss indirect forms of self-
oneself specific method through which one intends to harm and to consider how they relate to direct
Suicide plan: die; and a suicide attempt refers to engagement self-injury.
consideration of a in potentially self-injurious behavior in which
specific method there is some intent to die.
through which a Non-suicidal phenomena also can be further Indirectly Harmful Behaviors
person intends to kill
classified into three primary types. A suicide Although directly self-injurious behaviors are
threat or gesture refers to behavior in which performed by only a small segment of the gen-
Suicide attempt:
individuals lead others to believe they intend eral population, we all engage in behaviors that
engagement in
potentially to die from their behavior when really they indirectly cause us some degree of bodily or
have no intention of doing so. The purpose psychological harm. We may drink alcohol, eat
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

self-injurious behavior
in which there is some of the behavior is instead to communicate dis- high-fat foods, smoke tobacco, and so on. These
intent to die from the tress and/or to seek help from others (Nock & behaviors typically are not performed with the
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

Kessler 2006). Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI; intention of causing ourselves harm, but in-
Suicide threat or or “self-injury”) refers to direct and deliberate stead are performed because they result in plea-
gesture: behavior in
destruction of body tissue in the absence of any sure, enjoyment, or sustenance, and the result-
which a person leads
others to believe they observable intent to die. Self-injury thoughts ing harm is an indirect and unintended side ef-
intend to die from a refer to having thoughts of engaging in the be- fect. Such behaviors typically are not referred
behavior when they havior but not doing so, which itself is typically to as self-injury or self-harm, but rather as in-
have no intention of only studied as a precursor to self-injury. directly self-damaging, self-defeating, or sim-
doing so
There is not yet a formalized system for fur- ply unhealthy behaviors (Baumeister & Scher
NSSI: non-suicidal ther classifying subtypes of self-injury; however, 1988, Twenge et al. 2002, Vazire & Funder
there is general agreement among researchers 2006). In an earlier review of such behaviors,
and clinicians that the behavior typically varies Baumeister & Scher (1988) distinguished be-
on a scale from mild (e.g., low frequency and tween two types of self-defeating behaviors:
severity), to moderate (e.g., more frequent and (a) tradeoffs, in which some level of injury/harm
severe, perhaps requiring medical attention), to is a known and acceptable consequence of a be-
severe (e.g., high frequency, severe injury, and havior that has desired benefits (e.g., drinking
resulting impairment). Several recent empirical alcohol, smoking tobacco), and (b) counterpro-
studies provide some initial evidence for such ductive strategies, in which a person engages in
distinctions (Klonsky & Olino 2008, Whitlock goal-directed behavior but uses a strategy that
et al. 2008). A distinction also is made among results in injury/harm that is neither foreseen
researchers and clinicians between self-injury nor desired (e.g., learned helplessness, procras-
as it is performed among typically developing tination, self-handicapping) (Berglas & Jones
people and self-injury (a) performed stereotyp- 1978, Steel 2007, Vohs et al. 2008). Risk-taking
ically among people with developmental dis- behaviors are a third type of indirectly harmful
abilities (e.g., high-frequency head banging) or behavior (or alternatively could be conceptual-
(b) resulting in major injury among those ized as a type of trade-off) in which rather than
with psychotic disorders (e.g., single-episode performing a desired behavior in which a per-
castration, eye enucleation). Further detail son accepts a high likelihood of a small amount
regarding the classification of direct forms of of harm (e.g., smoking), a person engages in a
self-injurious behaviors is provided in other pa- pleasurable behavior in which there is a small
pers devoted specifically to this topic (Nock likelihood of a large amount of harm (e.g., sky-
& Favazza 2009, Nock et al. 2008d, Posner diving, bungee-jumping).

15.4 Nock



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Studying the Continuum measurement strategy used in any given case

of Self-Harm Behaviors will differ based on whether the purpose of
assessment is (a) to determine if a person has
On one hand, there is a clear distinction be-
engaged in the behavior, (b) to monitor the
tween direct and indirect forms of self-harm
occurrence of the behavior over time, or (c) to
(e.g., deciding to have a cigarette after dinner is
understand what factors may be influencing
a far cry from choosing to end one’s own life),
the onset and maintenance of self-injury (see
and as a result, the literatures on these two dif-
Nock et al. 2008d).
ferent classes of behavior are largely nonover-
lapping. On the other hand, these behaviors
share common elements: They all represent at- Presence of Self-Injury
tempts to modify one’s affective/cognitive or
As in most areas of psychopathology, the pres-
social experience, they cause bodily harm, and
ence of self-injury is assessed primarily using
they are associated with other forms of mental
a person’s self-report, either by clinical inter-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

disorders (e.g., depressive, anxious, externaliz-

view or rating scale. Like suicidal behaviors,
ing disorders). To date, few attempts have been
self-injury occurs in the context of a wide range
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

made to integrate findings from these disparate

of different Axis I and II mental disorders
literatures in order to achieve a common under-
(Herpertz 1995, Hintikka et al. 2009, Nock
standing of why people engage in self-injurious
et al. 2006); therefore, assessment of the pres-
behaviors. However, the commonality of these
ence of self-injury should occur whenever a
behaviors raises the question of whether these
clinical interview is conducted and not only in
and other potentially harmful behaviors should
the context of specific mental disorders such as
be considered on the same continuum. And per-
borderline personality disorder (of which self-
haps more importantly, can research findings
injury is a criterion). A common concern is
from these apparently diverse areas be inte-
that asking about the presence of self-injury
grated in a way that provides increased insight
will have an iatrogenic effect by giving in-
into why people intentionally behave in ways
dividuals the idea to engage in this behavior
that are harmful to themselves (see Hayes et al.
when they would not have otherwise thought
1996, Marsh et al. 2009, Nock et al. 2010)?
to do so. However, recent research has shown
Throughout this review, links are made be-
that asking questions about self-injurious be-
tween research on direct self-injury and indi-
haviors does not increase the likelihood of self-
rect forms of self-harm, as well as between self-
injurious thoughts or behaviors or even lead to
injury among animals and humans, and between
increased levels of distress (Gould et al. 2005,
those with developmental disabilities and those
Reynolds et al. 2006), so such concerns appear
without, with the assumption that the cross-
unwarranted. Nevertheless, it is recommended
fertilization of ideas and integration of findings
that the assessment of self-injurious thoughts
across these currently disparate areas will lead
and behaviors follows the assessment of less-
to significant advances in our understanding of
sensitive constructs such as the presence of
why people harm themselves.
depressive and anxious symptoms in order to
gradually work up to questions that may be
more difficult to discuss. A number of psycho-
ASSESSMENT metrically sound measures are available to re-
Similar to other forms of psychopathology, searchers and clinicians interested in assessing
the assessment of self-injury involves the use the presence of self-injury, including the Sui-
of multiple measurement methods, including cide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (Linehan
structured and semistructured interviews, et al. 2006a), the Self-Injurious Thoughts and
rating scales, and performance-based tests Behaviors Interview (Nock et al. 2007a), and the
(Hunsley & Mash 2007). The method and Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (Gratz 2001). E W
R • Self-Injury 15.5




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ANRV407-CP06-15 ARI 18 December 2009 20:0

The reliability, validity, and clinical utility of these events for research purposes (Wallenstein
these and other measures are reviewed in detail & Nock 2007). Recent technological advances
elsewhere (Nock et al. 2008d). have significantly improved the capabilities for
These measures assess the presence of self- monitoring self-injury, as reported in several re-
injury in the prior days, months, years, or life- cent studies on the real-time monitoring of self-
time and typically gather additional informa- injury using electronic diaries (Muehlenkamp
tion such as the age of onset of the behavior, et al. 2009, Nock et al. 2009).
recency of the last episode, and the methods
of self-injury that the person has used. Because
self-injury currently is considered a harmful be- Conceptualizing Self-Injury
havior but not a mental disorder in the Diag- The final goal of assessment is to understand
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders how the behavior develops and is maintained
(DSM; Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. 2000), the pres- and to provide guidance regarding how the
ence and characteristics of the behavior are the behavior can be brought under experimental
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

only things assessed consistently across studies, control. As a small step in this direction, several
as researchers do not have an agreed upon set assessment measures include items that obtain
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

of symptoms to assess. There has been long- the self-injurer’s report of why the individual
standing interest in including self-injury in engages in this behavior or inquire about the
the DSM (Favazza 1996, Muehlenkamp 2005, immediate antecedents and consequences of
Pattison & Kahan 1983), and if this occurs, it the behavior in an attempt to understand the
consequently will lead to modifications in the factors that may influence its occurrence. For
assessment of self-injury. instance, the Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Inter-
view (Linehan et al. 2006a), the Self-Injurious
Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (Nock et al.
Monitoring Self-Injury 2007a), and the Functional Assessment of Self-
The vast majority of studies of self-injury have Mutilation (Lloyd et al. 1997) are three com-
focused on assessing the presence of this be- monly used interview-based measures that ask
havior, and few have examined the form of about the antecedents and consequences of self-
this behavior over time. Therefore, methods injury in an attempt to understand the common
for monitoring self-injury over days, weeks, and precipitants and potential reinforcers of the be-
months are not well-developed. The few stud- havior. Of course, self-injury is a complex and
ies that have done so provide a useful start- multidetermined behavior that is influenced by
ing point for future research. Monitoring of a wide range of factors, and ultimately measures
self-injury is especially relevant in the context of self-injury must expand further to include
of treatment, and some of the most useful ap- potential causal factors as they are revealed.
proaches to monitoring this behavior have been
developed by researchers studying treatment
of self-injurious behaviors. Linehan and col- PREVALENCE, AGE-OF-ONSET,
leagues have reported on the use of the Sui- AND COURSE
cide Attempt Self-Injury Interview to moni- Estimates of the prevalence of self-injury have
tor the presence and frequency of self-injury varied broadly across studies. Studies among
at four-month intervals within the context of community samples suggest that approximately
a treatment study (Linehan et al. 2006b) and 13%–45% of adolescents (Lloyd-Richardson
on the use of a “diary card” to measure self- et al. 2007, Plener et al. 2009a, Ross & Heath
injurious thoughts and behaviors on a daily ba- 2002) and 4% of adults (Briere & Gil 1998,
sis in clinical settings (Linehan 1993). Notably, Klonsky et al. 2003) report having engaged in
the use of diary cards to record daily thoughts self-injury at some point in their lifetime. These
E W and behaviors also can be useful for monitoring rates are even higher among clinical samples

15.6 Nock



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ANRV407-CP06-15 ARI 18 December 2009 20:0

of adolescents (40%–60%) (Darche 1990, Di- adolescents than among adults. The fact that
Clemente et al. 1991) and adults (19%–25%) this is true for lifetime rates as well suggests that
(Briere & Gil 1998). The wide variation in the either (a) rates have increased in recent years,
estimated rate of self-injury is in large part due (b) people are less likely to report self-injury
to the fact that measures of this behavior have as they get older due to forgetting or report-
not been included in any of the large-scale epi- ing bias, or (c) both of these factors influ-
demiologic surveys that are used to generate ence the reporting of self-injury. Anecdotally,
prevalence estimates for mental and physical clinicians, teachers, and other health profes-
disorders (e.g., Kessler et al. 2005) and so re- sionals report that self-injury appears to have
searchers have had to rely on estimates gener- increased dramatically in recent years. Empiri-
ated from small, regional studies that vary re- cally, surveillance systems that maintain infor-
garding the definition of self-injury used (i.e., mation on the number of hospital presentations
rates are higher when a broader definition is for cases of nonlethal self-injury (i.e., both suici-
used), the assessment method used (i.e., rates dal and non-suicidal) show an increasing trend
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

are higher when rating scales are used rather in these behaviors over the past 10 to 20 years
than interview), the frequency of self-injury re- (Cent. Disease Control 2008, Hawton et al.
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

quired to meet criteria (i.e., rates are higher 2003, Nock et al. 2008b). However, no longitu-
when only a single episode is required), and the dinal data are currently available on prevalence
characteristics of the sample and recruitment rates of non-suicidal self-injury in particular, so
methods (i.e., rates are likely higher among un- the trends and course of this form of self-injury
dergraduate psychology majors responding to remain unknown.
an ad for a study of self-injury than in the gen-
eral population). Obtaining accurate estimates
of the rate of self-injury in community and clin- PHENOMENOLOGY
ical samples is essential for understanding the
scope of this problem, allocating services and
Understanding Unobserved Behavior
other resources, and for monitoring changes in The symptoms of many mental disorders, such
this behavior over time. as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major
Notwithstanding these limitations, several depressive disorder, are persistent when the
conclusions can be drawn from existing stud- disorder is in the acute phase—typically last-
ies. First, whatever the actual prevalence of ing weeks, months, or years at a time—and so
self-injury, this behavior occurs at an alarm- the nature and characteristics of these disor-
ingly high rate, as even the lower-bound es- ders can be studied fairly easily. However, disor-
timates obtained from existing studies suggest ders or clinical behavior problems characterized
that self-injury occurs more frequently than a by the repeated performance of harmful acts,
wide range of other mental disorders (estimated such as alcohol and substance use, eating disor-
lifetime prevalence), including anorexia and bu- ders, impulse-control disorders (e.g., pyroma-
limia nervosa (<2%), panic disorder (<2%), nia, compulsive gambling, intermittent explo-
obsessive-compulsive disorder (<3%), and bor- sive disorder), and self-injury, are much more
derline personality disorder (2%) (Am. Psychi- difficult to study because these behaviors are
atr. Assoc. 2000). Second, the age-of-onset of episodic in nature and typically are performed
self-injury consistently is reported to be be- in private, outside the view of scientists and
tween 12 and 14 years (Nock 2009b). Suicidal clinicians. Moreover, it is unethical to elicit or
thoughts and attempts also typically begin dur- even observe these behaviors in the laboratory,
ing adolescence, suggesting that this is a time as doing so would mean causing or allowing
of high risk for self-injurious thoughts and be- people to harm themselves, which violates the
haviors more generally (Nock et al. 2008a,b). fundamental purpose of clinical research. As a
Third, rates are consistently higher among result, scholars, scientists, and clinicians have E W
R • Self-Injury 15.7




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been left to formulate theories about the oc- Some of the characteristics of self-injury,
currence of a behavior that they have rarely (if such as the frequency and severity of the be-
ever) observed empirically. This has been done havior, vary depending on the population be-
EMA: ecological
momentary assessment by asking people to provide their retrospective, ing studied. For instance, studies using com-
aggregate self-report of episodes of self-injury. munity or school-based samples of adolescents
This approach has provided useful information and adults report that most people who en-
but is limited by a wide range of reporting er- gage in self-injury do so only a few times (e.g.,
rors and biases. In order to address this limi- <10 lifetime episodes) (Whitlock et al. 2008),
tation, researchers have begun using ecological whereas studies using inpatient psychiatric sam-
momentary assessment (EMA; Shiffman et al. ples report that the majority of self-injurers
2008) methods to study self-injury as it oc- have engaged in the behavior much more fre-
curs in real-time outside the research laboratory quently (e.g., average of >50 episodes in the
(Muehlenkamp et al. 2009, Nock et al. 2009). past year) (Nock & Prinstein 2004). In a recent
Such approaches can yield previously unavail- EMA study among self-injurious adolescents
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

able data about the characteristics, precipitants, from the community recruited to participate
and consequences of this confounding behav- in a study of this behavior, participants re-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

ior, which added to existing retrospective self- ported having thoughts of engaging in self-
report data can provide a more complete picture injury approximately five times per week and
of how, when, and why people do things to hurt engaged in the behavior one to two times per
themselves. week (Nock et al. 2009). This study also re-
vealed that when present, thoughts of self-
injury typically (∼85% of the time) last less
Characteristics of Self-Injury than one hour. The severity of physical injury
The most commonly used method of self-injury also varies across samples, but is more diffi-
described across virtually all studies is cutting or cult to quantify given that most studies rely on
carving oneself with a sharp implement such as self-report of the extent of one’s injuries (e.g.,
a knife or razor, with most self-injury occur- rated on a 0–4 scale or described qualitatively).
ring on the arms, legs, and stomach (Favazza Nevertheless, even among community or
1996, Klonsky & Muehlenkamp 2007, Nock school-based samples, many self-injurers report
& Prinstein 2004, Whitlock et al. 2008). Most moderate to severe tissue damage as a result
people report using multiple methods of self- of their behavior (Nock et al. 2007a, Whitlock
injury, and other common methods include et al. 2008).
scratching or scraping the skin until it bleeds, Thoughts of engaging in self-injury typi-
burning the skin, and inserting objects under cally occur when the person is alone and ex-
the skin (e.g., safety pins). In most instances, this periencing negative thoughts or feelings (e.g.,
last behavior involves inserting and removing having a bad memory, feeling anger, self-hatred,
objects from under the surface of the skin; how- or numbness) in response to a stressful event
ever, in some cases such objects are left there (Nock et al. 2009). The presence of negative
and ultimately may be removed via surgical in- thoughts and feelings immediately prior to en-
tervention (Shiels et al. 2009). Other methods gaging in self-injury has been reported consis-
less frequently reported include hitting oneself, tently across studies and supports the widely
biting oneself, picking at wounds, and pulling held belief that self-injury is performed in most
out one’s hair. However, some of these behav- cases as a means of self-soothing or of help-
iors are more normative in the general popula- seeking (i.e., with the end goal of enlisting oth-
tion (e.g., biting one’s lip, picking at a wound) ers to help one cope with negative thoughts or
and so their inclusion in some studies could help feelings) (Klonsky 2009, Muehlenkamp et al.
to explain the surprisingly high prevalence es- 2009, Nock et al. 2009). Although people
V I E who engage in self-injury are more likely
E W timates obtained in some studies.

15.8 Nock



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than noninjurers to have drug and alcohol use behavior outweigh the negative consequences,
disorders (Herpertz 1995, Nock et al. 2006), the behavior is maintained.
those who engage in self-injury report using
drugs or alcohol during less than five percent
of self-injurious thoughts, suggesting that self- AN INTEGRATED THEORETICAL
injurious thoughts and behavior typically occur MODEL OF SELF-INJURY
during periods of sobriety (Nock et al. 2009). Scholars, scientists, and clinicians have strug-
Interestingly, when self-injurious thoughts oc- gled for centuries with the question of why peo-
cur, adolescents report simultaneously having ple do things to intentionally hurt themselves. A
thoughts of using drugs or alcohol and of en- wide array of theoretical models have been ad-
gaging in bingeing and purging approximately vanced over the years proposing that self-injury
15%–35% of the time (Nock et al. 2009), sug- is performed: to demonstrate control over urges
gesting that these behaviors may represent dif- about sex or death (Cross 1993, Friedman et al.
ferent forms of behavior that serve the same 1972), to define the boundary between self
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

function. and other (Simpson & Porter 1981, Suyemoto

The most obvious negative consequence 1998), to end dissociative episodes (Herpertz
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

of self-injury is the physical harm involved; 1995, Miller & Bashkin 1974), or to protect
however, somewhat paradoxically, most self- others from one’s own anger or rage (Simpson
injurers report feeling little or no pain dur- & Porter 1981, Suyemoto 1998). In addition,
ing episodes of this behavior (Favazza 1996, clinical and colloquial explanations often de-
Nock & Prinstein 2004). This is surprising be- scribe the influence of low self-esteem or the de-
cause cutting, burning, or otherwise injuring sire to manipulate others. Unfortunately, most
one’s own body would seem to be a very painful of these theoretical accounts lack any empiri-
event. However, this decreased pain sensitiv- cal support. On the other hand, most empir-
ity has been confirmed in multiple behavioral ical studies of self-injury that have attempted
studies in which relative to noninjuring con- to identify correlates and risk factors for this
trols, those with a history of self-injury show behavior by comparing samples of self-injurers
less pain sensitivity and higher thresholds to with matched noninjurers have been fairly athe-
various types of pain (e.g., pressure, thermal) oretical to date. This work has yielded a long
(Bohus et al. 2000, Kemperman et al. 1997, list of factors that are associated with self-
Russ et al. 1999). Potential explanations for injury; however, it has been unclear how or
this decreased pain sensitivity are that it re- why they may lead to self-injury either alone
sults from habituation to physical pain, the re- or in concert with each other. For instance,
lease of endorphins during self-injury, or the a diverse set of factors including a history of
belief that one deserves to be injured (Comer childhood abuse, the presence of a mental dis-
& Laird 1975, Goldberg & Sakinofsky 1988, order, poor verbal skills, and an identification
Nock et al. 2006); however, the actual mecha- with Goth subculture are associated with the
nism is not known. Regardless of why it occurs, presence of self-injury (Klonsky & Moyer 2008,
the absence of painful consequences for engag- Nock 2008, Nock et al. 2006, Young et al.
ing in self-injury makes treating this behavior 2006); yet, it has not been clear how or why this
even more difficult. Self-injurers do report sev- particular set of factors leads to self-injurious
eral negative consequences of this behavior, the behavior. This section describes a theoreti-
most prominent being feelings of anger, guilt, cal model that integrates these seemingly di-
and shame about having engaged in this behav- verse findings and describes how they may lead
ior (Klonsky 2009). Theoretical models of self- to the development and maintenance of self-
injury propose that despite these negative con- injury. In describing this model, I review re-
sequences, this behavior is reinforcing in several cent empirical findings that support different
different ways, and that when the rewards of this components of the model and outline several E W
R • Self-Injury 15.9




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Regulation of affective experience

Distal Risk
Vulnerability Factors
for high
emotional/ High aversive emotions Stress Response NSSI-Specific Vulnerability
cognitive High aversive cognitions Factors
Stressful event triggers
reactivity Poor distress tolerance Social learning hypothesis
over- or under-arousal
Self-punishment hypothesis
or X Social signaling hypothesis NSSI
Stressful event presents
Childhood Pragmatic hypothesis
Interpersonal unmanageable social
abuse/ Pain analgesia/ opiate hypothesis
Vulnerability Factors demands Implicit identification hypothesis
Poor communication skills
Poor social problem-solving
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

Regulation of social situation

Figure 2
Integrated theoretical model of the development and maintenance of self-injury. Copyright 
c 2009 by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Reproduced with permission. Source: Nock MK. 2009b. Why do people hurt themselves? New insights into the nature and function of
self-injury. Curr. Dir. Psychol. Sci. 18:78–83

as yet untested hypotheses suggested by this has been described previously (Nock 2009b)
model. and is expanded upon in greater detail here.
The proposed theoretical model makes
three major propositions (see Figure 2).
First, self-injury is repeatedly performed Functions of Self-Injury
because it functions as an immediately effective A functional approach proposes that behaviors
method of regulating one’s affective/cognitive are caused by the events that immediately
experience and/or influencing one’s social precede and follow them. This perspective,
environment in a desired way. Second, the risk which is rooted in the tradition of behavioral
of self-injury is increased by factors that create psychology, has generated major advances
a predisposition to have problems regulating in the understanding, assessment, and treat-
one’s affective/cognitive state or influencing ment of a wide range of mental disorder and
one’s social environment in general (e.g., phys- clinical behavior problems. Indeed, some
iological hyperarousal in response to stressful of the best understood and most effectively
events, poor verbal and social skills). These treated forms of psychopathology are those
general risk factors also increase the likelihood for which a functional approach has served
of other maladaptive behaviors performed for as the guiding model, including anxiety dis-
the same function (e.g., alcohol use, drug use, orders (Barlow 2002), depressive disorders
eating disorders), which is why these disorders (Dimidjian et al. 2006, Martell et al. 2001),
typically co-occur with self-injury. Third, the child conduct problems (Kazdin 2001, 2005),
risk of self-injury in particular is increased by and substance use disorders (Dutra et al.
several self-injury-specific factors that lead a 2008, Hayes et al. 1996). This use of the term
person to choose this behavior, rather than “function” differs somewhat from the collo-
other maladaptive behaviors, to serve the quial use of the term, which typically refers
aforementioned functions (e.g., social model- more generally to the alleged purpose of a
V I E ing, desire for self-punishment). This model
E W behavior without regard for the antecedent and

15.10 Nock



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consequent events that may have influenced confirmatory factor analysis) (Brown et al.
the behavior. 2002, Lloyd-Richardson et al. 2007, Nock &
From a functional perspective, self-injury Prinstein 2004). Moreover, endorsement of
is proposed to be maintained via four possi- these four functions is associated in expected
ble reinforcement processes. These processes ways with clinical correlates of this behavior.
differ according to whether the reinforcement For instance, scores on measures of negative
is positive or negative, and whether the conse- thoughts are uniquely associated with self-
quent events are intrapersonal or interpersonal. injury to escape negative thoughts, whereas
As such, self-injury may be maintained by in- scores on measures of social problems are
trapersonal negative reinforcement, in which uniquely associated with the interpersonal
the behavior is followed by an immediate de- functions of self-injury (Nock & Prinstein
crease or cessation of aversive thoughts or feel- 2005). However, because people are not able
ings (e.g., tension relief, decrease in feelings of to accurately report on all of the processes
anger). Self-injury also may be maintained by influencing their behavior (Nisbett & Wilson
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

intrapersonal positive reinforcement, in which 1977, Wilson 2009), it is important to consider

the behavior is followed by the occurrence or self-report data only a starting point for un-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

increase in desired thoughts or feelings (e.g., derstanding why people engage in self-injury.
self-stimulation, feeling satisfied from having The case for this functional model would
“punished” oneself). In contrast, self-injury can be significantly strengthened with the existence
be maintained by interpersonal positive rein- of experimental data showing that the presen-
forcement, in which the behavior is followed tation and removal of stimuli believed to re-
by the occurrence or increase in a desired so- inforce self-injury could decrease and increase
cial event (e.g., attention, support). Finally, self- this behavior the expected direction. Experi-
injury may be maintained by interpersonal neg- mental studies conducted among people with
ative reinforcement, in which the behavior is developmental disabilities who engage in high-
followed by a decrease or cessation of some so- frequency (stereotypic) self-injury show exactly
cial event (e.g., peers stop bullying, parents stop this pattern (Iwata et al. 1994). Although self-
fighting). injury among people with developmental dis-
This four-function model of self-injury abilities often is considered to be a completely
can help to organize and understand de- different phenomenon than that observed
scriptions of the behavior, and it has been among normally developing people due to dif-
supported by self-report, behavioral, and ferences in form (e.g., high-frequency head-
physiological data collected across a wide banging in front of others versus low-frequency
range of studies, samples, and contexts. For cutting in private), the functions of the be-
decades, clinical accounts of self-injury have havior appear to be quite similar across these
described the tension-releasing properties groups. A notable distinction, though, is that in-
of this behavior and sometimes describe trapersonal functions (especially intrapersonal
the use of self-injury as means of signaling negative reinforcement) are most frequently
to others that one is in need of help or reported in normally developing populations,
support (Favazza 1989, 1996; Pattison & whereas social functions appear to be most im-
Kahan 1983; Strong 1998; Walsh & Rosen portant in those with developmental disabili-
1988). More recently, empirical studies have ties. There also is some consistency across the
more systematically examined the reported apparent functions of self-injury in humans and
functions of self-injury using structured inter- that seen in nonhuman primates. Specifically,
views and rating scales, and such studies have in both groups self-injury is associated with a
shown consistently that the motives reported decrease in elevated physiological arousal (i.e.,
for engaging in self-injury fit closely with the return to baseline) following the experience of
a stressor (Dellinger-Ness & Handler 2006, V I E
four-function model outlined above (e.g., in E W
R • Self-Injury 15.11




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Novak 2003). Other similarities between hu- and/or interpersonal vulnerability factors that
man and nonhuman primate self-injury, such limit their ability to respond to challenging
as typical onset during adolescence, increased and stressful events in an adaptive way and
prevalence following childhood adversity and thus increase the odds of using self-injury,
proximal stressors, and responsiveness to so- or some other maladaptive behavior, to regu-
cial support and medication effects, under- late their affective/cognitive or social experi-
score the importance of synthesizing re- ence. In doing so, this model suggests a nat-
search on self-injury from these different areas ural link between research on the functions
(Dellinger-Ness & Handler 2006, Novak of self-injury and other maladaptive behaviors
2003). ( Jackson et al. 2003, Koob & Kreek 2007, Nock
Recent observational studies have provided 2009b, Wedig & Nock 2010) with the rich lit-
additional evidence of the proposed reinforce- erature on diathesis-stress/vulnerability-stress
ment processes. Laboratory-based studies have models of psychopathology (Hankin & Abela
demonstrated that self-injurers show decreased 2005, Kessler et al. 1985, Monroe & Simons
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

physiological arousal following imaginal ex- 1991).

posure to self-injury (i.e., listening to prere- The vulnerabilities proposed to increase
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

corded scripts of self-injury episodes), support- the likelihood that someone will engage in
ing the intrapersonal negative reinforcement self-injury map onto the associated func-
function (Haines et al. 1995, Welch et al. 2008). tions of this behavior. If people engage in
Community-based self-report studies have re- self-injury primarily as a means of decreasing
vealed improvements in family relationships aversive affective/cognitive experiences, then
following adolescents’ self-injury, supporting self-injurers should possess a predisposition to
the interpersonal positive reinforcement func- respond to stressful or challenging events with
tion (Hilt et al. 2008b). To date, less focus affective/physiological hyperarousal and high
has been placed on examining the intraper- levels of negative thoughts and should show a
sonal positive or interpersonal negative rein- poor ability to tolerate such distress. Similarly,
forcement functions of self-injury, and these if people engage in self-injury as a means of
remain key directions for future work. Over- communicating with others or solving social
all, prior studies have yielded substantial sup- problems, then self-injurers should possess
port for the four-function model of self-injury. poor communication and problem-solving
However, such studies have largely ignored the skills. Recent laboratory-based studies have
question of how or why some people come to revealed evidence of precisely these vulnera-
experience the aversive cognitive/affective or bilities. Relative to demographically matched
social antecedents that precipitate the use of controls, people with a recent history of
self-injury. self-injury show intrapersonal vulnerabilities
characterized by higher physiological arousal in
response to a frustrating task (Nock & Mendes
General Risk Factors 2008), higher self-reported arousal in response
for Maladaptive Behaviors to stressful events (Nock et al. 2008c), greater
Although an increasing amount of work has efforts to suppress aversive thoughts and feel-
examined how the effects of self-injury may ings (Najmi et al. 2007), and a poorer ability to
serve to reinforce the behavior, surprisingly lit- tolerate experienced distress (Nock & Mendes
tle research has been directed at understanding 2008). They also show the hypothesized inter-
how and why some people come to the point personal vulnerabilities, such as poor verbal,
of having to cut their skin in order to cope communication, and social problem-solving
with their affective/cognitive and social expe- skills (Hilt et al. 2008a, Nock & Mendes 2008,
riences. The proposed theoretical model sug- Photos & Nock 2006). Similar vulnerabil-
E W gests that some people possess intrapersonal ities have been reported among those with

15.12 Nock



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other behavior disorders that can be similarly lead to problems communicating with others or
conceptualized as serving affective/cognitive developing social problem-solving skills, con-
and social regulation functions, such as eating tributing to the interpersonal vulnerabilities de-
( Jackson et al. 2003, Wedig & Nock 2010), scribed above.
drinking (Hussong 2003, Read et al. 2003), and The genetic, environmental, and neurobio-
drug use (Koob & Kreek 2007) disorders. This logical factors that create the vulnerabilities de-
model proposes that these different behaviors scribed above are not proposed to be specific to
are related to self-injury, and to each other, self-injury, but instead cause the arousal, impul-
because they represent different forms of siveness, and poor cognitive/behavioral control
behavior that serve the same functions, and as that lead to the experience of problematic affec-
such, likely share vulnerability factors (see also tive/cognitive and social situations, which then
Hayes et al. 1996, Marsh et al. 2009). set the stage for the use of self-injury and other
The vulnerability factors described above forms of maladaptive coping. The presence of
are proposed to develop as a result of the pres- some of these vulnerability factors (e.g., high
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

ence and interaction of earlier environmen- negative affect, high negative cognitions, poor
tal and genetic factors. Accumulating evidence social skills) increase the likelihood that a per-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

from animal and human studies has linked the son is diagnosed with a depressive, anxiety, or
experience of early stressors with the develop- externalizing disorder, and it is proposed that
ment of psychopathology, and the nature of the these disorders are associated with self-injury
resulting neurobiological effects (e.g., increased precisely because of the intrapersonal and in-
stress response, decreased activity in the frontal terpersonal dysregulation that leads to these di-
cortex) map on well to the occurrence of prob- agnoses. This would explain why these disor-
lems regulating affective/cognitive and social ders are repeatedly shown to be associated with
responses to stress (Kaufman & Charney 2001, self-injury across studies. Several recent stud-
Sanchez et al. 2001, Teicher et al. 2003). It is ies support this conceptualization by showing
critical to keep in mind, however, that the devel- that factors such as high emotion reactivity me-
opment of such characteristics is complex, and diate the association between mental disorders
current data are only just beginning to provide such as depression, anxiety, and externalizing
an understanding of the mechanisms through behaviors and self-injury (Nock et al. 2008c).
which these vulnerabilities emerge. The popu- Following the proposed pathway back even fur-
lar notion that there may be “a gene for” behav- ther, similar factors (i.e., emotional distress and
iors such as self-injury is unrealistic and inac- numbing) have been shown to mediate the asso-
curate given the complex and multidetermined ciation between early stressors (i.e., childhood
nature of both gene-behavior relations and of abuse) and self-injury (Klonsky & Moyer 2008,
suicidal behaviors themselves (Kendler 2005). Weierich & Nock 2008). Taken together, these
In addition, although prior research has shown findings provide initial evidence that distal risk
that the effects of early stressors are especially factors (e.g., genetic risk factors, early stressors)
powerful in the presence of a pre-existing ge- increase the likelihood of vulnerability factors
netic vulnerability (Caspi et al. 2003, Perroud (e.g., high emotion reactivity, poor social skills)
et al. 2008), more recent work has challenged that in turn increase the odds of mental dis-
the reliability of these findings (Risch et al. orders and maladaptive coping skills including
2009), and even if accepted, other data have self-injury.
shown that these moderated effects can them-
selves be further moderated by factors such as
social support (Kaufman et al. 2004). Beyond Specific Risk Factors for Self-Injury
their potential impact on intrapersonal vulner- Most of the correlates and risk factors of self-
abilities, early stressors, such as being raised in injury identified and studied to date predict
a hostile/critical or abuse environment, also can many forms of maladaptive behavior—not just E W
R • Self-Injury 15.13




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self-injury. What has been severely lacking from of self-injury. This remains a vital area of fo-
the literature is a compelling explanation of cus for future research. Initial self-report data
why people choose the behaviors that they do provide support for the social learning hypoth-
to regulate their affective/cognitive experiences esis, as most adolescents and young adults who
and social relationships. The final proposition engage in this behavior report having initially
of this integrated theoretical model is that sev- learned about it from their friends, siblings,
eral specific processes influence the use of self- and the media (Deliberto & Nock 2008). How-
injury as a means of serving the proposed func- ever, more rigorous tests of this hypothesis are
tions. This component of the model generally needed to better understand how information
has not been submitted to empirical testing and from friends, family, and the media can increase,
so the influences on self-injury proposed below and potentially decrease, this behavior.
primarily represent key testable hypotheses for
future research on this topic. Self-punishment hypothesis. People may
choose to engage in self-injury as a means of
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

Social learning hypothesis. Many of the be- affect/cognitive regulation and social influence
haviors we perform are learned by observing because it simultaneously provides a vehicle for
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

those around us (Bandura 1977, 2006). This is punishing oneself for some perceived wrong-
true in the case of both nonpathological behav- doing or responding to general self-hatred or
iors (e.g., learning how to interact with oth- self-deprecation (Favazza 1996, Strong 1998,
ers, dance, and throw a football) as well as po- Walsh & Rosen 1988). Anecdotally, this can be
tentially pathological behaviors (e.g., purging, seen in instances in which self-injurers carve
binge drinking, and drug use). At the broadest words into their skin such as “failure,” “loser,”
level, people’s decision to engage in self-injury and “disgrace.” Empirically, recent studies test-
is likely to be largely influenced by what they ing the potential influence of self-punishment
have observed or learned about this behavior have revealed that (a) self-punishment is among
from others. Indeed, it is well known that the the primary reasons self-injurers give for engag-
behavior of one’s peers can have an especially ing in the behavior (Nock & Prinstein 2004),
strong effect during adolescence and can influ- (b) “self-hatred” and “anger at self” are re-
ence one’s own engagement in a range of mal- ported as the thoughts/feelings precipitating
adaptive and risky behaviors including alcohol nearly half of self-injury episodes in EMA stud-
and drug use, risky sexual behaviors, and self- ies (Nock et al. 2009), and (c) those who engage
injury (Prinstein & Dodge 2008, Prinstein et al. in self-injury report significantly higher levels
2009). The media also can provide a power- of self-criticism than do noninjurers (Glassman
ful means of spreading information about self- et al. 2007). The presence of a self-punitive or
injury, and while often done with good inten- self-critical style may emerge as a result of major
tions, messages about self-injury in the media depression and/or could be the result of earlier
may actually serve to increase the occurrence abuse or criticism from others that results in a
of this behavior. For instance, recent evidence person learning to respond to perceived failures
suggests that there has been a dramatic increase with self-criticism and ultimately “self-abuse”
in the frequency of references to self-injury in in the form of self-injury. Consistent with such
various media including songs, movies, news- a model, a self-reported self-critical cognitive
paper stories, and the Internet (Whitlock et al. style has been found to mediate the association
2009). It is possible that this increase may par- between childhood abuse and self-injury and to
tially explain why rates of self-injury appear to predict self-injury above and beyond the effect
have been on the rise in recent years. This ex- of depression (Glassman et al. 2007). More-
planation is speculative, as this idea has not over, self-criticism has been shown to moderate
been tested, and it is possible that media cov- the association between parental criticism and
V I E self-injury, such that the association between
E W erage is merely the result of an increasing rate

15.14 Nock



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parental criticism and self-injury is especially self-injury are causally related to self-injury
strong among those with a self-critical cognitive or instead are a consequence of repeated self-
style (Wedig & Nock 2007). Self-punishment, injury (i.e., people come to identify with a be-
self-criticism, and self-deprecation are some- havior that they have repeatedly performed). A
what complex constructs that do not lend them- causal explanation is plausible, as people may
selves to easy empirical investigation; however, come to identify with self-injury over time or
several studies have provided potential models to develop a positive attitude about it because
for doing so (Comer & Laird 1975, McCloskey their peers engage in the behavior (i.e., social
& Berman 2003). Available anecdotal and em- modeling), because the behavior is perceived to
pirical evidence suggests that these constructs satisfy the intended function (e.g., social signal-
may prove vital to understanding why people ing), or through some other mechanism. These
inflict harm upon themselves. This represents questions await empirical testing in future
an essential direction for future research. studies.
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

Implicit attitude/identification hypothesis. Social signaling hypothesis. A fundamental

When faced with the option of choosing one question that must be addressed in under-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

of several different behaviors that all serve the standing the potential interpersonal functions
same function, people’s decision also may be of self-injury is: Why would people cut their
influenced by their implicit attitude about, or skin as a means of communicating with others
identification with, the available options. By rather than using language or some less harm-
way of example, if I want to decrease feelings of ful means of expression? A proposed explana-
anxiety, I am unlikely to drink a glass of scotch tion is that people use self-injury as a means of
because I do not perceive myself to be a scotch communicating or signaling distress because it
drinker. Instead, I am likely to go for a mo- is more effective at eliciting help from others
torcycle ride because I identify more with that than milder forms of communication, such as
behavior (i.e., that’s what I do, I am a biker). speaking, yelling, or crying. Surprisingly little
A growing body of evidence suggests that the research has focused on the social communica-
implicit associations and identifications a per- tion/signaling function of self-injury, perhaps
son holds are predictive of subsequent behavior owing to concerns about invalidating or further
(Greenwald et al. 2009), and it is possible stigmatizing those who engage in the behav-
that people decide to engage in self-injury as ior; however, support for this hypothesis comes
a means of emotion/cognitive or social reg- from two sources.
ulation because of their implicit associations First, clinical descriptions of self-injurers
about this behavior relative to other possi- have depicted the use of self-injury as a means of
ble behaviors. Consistent with this hypothe- communication and help-seeking when words
sis, one recent study revealed that people with fail to adequately do so (Conterio et al. 1998,
a recent history of self-injury possess more Favazza 1996, Strong 1998, Walsh & Rosen
favorable implicit attitudes about self-injury 1988). This idea has been captured most con-
and have a stronger implicit identification with cisely (and most famously) in one patient’s de-
self-injury than do matched controls (Nock & scription of self-injury as a “bright red scream”
Banaji 2007). Within the context of the model (Conterio et al. 1998, p. 67; Strong 1998).
presented in Figure 2, these findings suggest Second, theoretical and empirical work from di-
than when individuals desire to regulate their verse areas has illustrated the different ways in
emotion/cognitive or social experience, their which behavior can provide an effective means
implicit attitude/identification regarding dif- of communicating and influencing others when
ferent coping strategies influences which one the faculty of language is absent (Hauser
they will choose. Data so far are cross-sectional, 1996, Maynard Smith & Harper 2003), lim-
ited (Iwata et al. 1994), or is an unacceptable or V I E
and it is not yet clear if implicit cognitions about E W
R • Self-Injury 15.15




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ineffective means of communicating one’s dis- abilities for word generation (Photos & Nock
tress (Kleinman 1982, Nichter 1981). This 2006) and emotional expression (Gratz 2006),
work has been helpful for understanding the suggesting a poorer ability to produce a clear
development and expression of multiple forms and effective verbal signal. Moreover, families
of psychopathology such as depression (Gilbert of self-injurers show higher levels of hostil-
2006, Nesse 2000, Price et al. 2004, Watson ity and criticism than those of matched con-
& Andrews 2002); anxiety (Clark 1989, trols (Wedig & Nock 2007), suggesting poten-
Guarnaccia & Farias 1988, Hinton et al. 2007); tial problems with the reception of weak verbal
and care-eliciting behaviors such as somatiza- signals. In addition, adolescents who engage in
tion disorders, some personality disorders, and self-injury report higher levels of peer victim-
self-injury (Hagen et al. 2008, Henderson 1974, ization and identification with Goth subculture
McGuire & Troisi 1998, Nock 2008), and it (Hilt et al. 2008a, Young et al. 2006). Although
provides an useful point of departure for future these findings are consistent with the conditions
empirical work on the social signaling function under which the proposed escalation can occur,
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

of self-injury. the proposed escalation process has not yet been

Drawing from this earlier work, it has been well studied among those who engage in self-
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

proposed that self-injury can develop through injury, and this represents another area ripe for
a process of escalation in which the failure of future examination.
weaker signals (e.g., talking) to achieve some
desired social outcome leads individuals to es- Pain analgesia/opiate hypothesis. In addi-
calate the strength of their social signal (e.g., tion to obtaining a better understanding of what
yelling) or change from verbal to physical forms leads some people to engage in self-injury, it is
of communication (e.g., crying → gesturing important also to consider why many people
→ self-injuring), which if reinforced will be do not—it is violent and painful. The antici-
strengthened and maintained over time (Nock pated pain and gruesome nature of the behavior
2008). Such a process can occur both for the are likely to deter many would-be self-injurers
purposes of signaling distress (e.g., social pos- from engaging in it. However, people without
itive reinforcement) and for signaling strength this aversion may be less likely to experience
(e.g., social negative reinforcement). As an ex- such a barrier. Consistent with this idea, peo-
ample of the latter, an adolescent may respond ple who engage in self-injury typically report
to teasing from peers by first ignoring it, then by experiencing little or no pain during episodes
escalating to verbal requests to stop (e.g., speak- of self-injury (Nock & Prinstein 2005). The
ing → yelling), then to physical forms of com- cause of this paradoxical finding has not yet
munication such as dressing in a more threaten- been determined, but it has been confirmed in
ing manner (e.g., Gothic style, characterized by several laboratory-based studies showing that
black, death-themed clothing and jewelry), and compared to noninjurers, those who engage
ultimately engaging in self-injury as a display of in self-injury have a lower sensitivity to pain,
strength or resilience (Nock 2008). In general, meaning that it takes them longer to expe-
this process of escalation bears some similarity rience stimuli as painful, and they can toler-
to that proposed in coercion theory, through ate pain longer relative to noninjurers (Bohus
which aggressive and antisocial behavior has et al. 2000, Kemperman et al. 1997, Russ et al.
been proposed to develop (Patterson 1982), but 1999).
the process differs in that it does not necessar- It is possible that this lower pain sensitiv-
ily involve intensification by both members of ity is present before a person ever engages in
a dyad. self-injury or that it develops over time via ha-
Several studies provide preliminary evidence bituation to repeated self-injury, although life-
for this escalation model in the development of time frequency of self-injury is not related to
V I E the experience of pain, which argues against
E W self-injury. Self-injurers show deficits in their

15.16 Nock



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ANRV407-CP06-15 ARI 18 December 2009 20:0

the habituation hypothesis (Nock et al. 2006). INTERVENTION AND

Regardless of the cause of this lower sensitivity PREVENTION
to pain, it has been suggested that the mech-
The good news about the intervention and
anism of this effect is the presence of elevated
prevention of self-injury is that the majority of
levels of endogenous opiates in the body. En-
people who engage in this behavior with some
dogenous opiates (endorphins) are released in
regularity report receiving psychological or
the bloodstream following bodily injury; they
pharmacological treatment (Deliberto & Nock
reduce the experience of pain and also can lead
2008, Favazza & Conterio 1988). The bad news
to a feeling of euphoria (Van Ree et al. 2000).
is that there currently are no evidence-based
The analgesic effect of endorphins is adaptive
interventions or prevention programs for
from an evolutionary perspective, as it allows
self-injury (Klonsky & Muehlenkamp 2007,
an organism to continue to function following
Muehlenkamp 2006, Nock et al. 2007b). To be
injury. It is possible that some people are pre-
sure, a range of different psychological treat-
disposed to have higher levels of endorphins
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

ment approaches have been modified to target

in the body or that repeated self-injury leads
self-injury, including different forms of behav-
to higher baseline levels of endorphins, thus
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

ior therapy (Lynch & Cozza 2009), cognitive

decreasing pain sensitivity and increasing feel-
therapy (Newman 2009), and psychodynamic
ings of pleasure, both of which may serve to
therapy (Levy et al. 2007). Although several
increase the likelihood of self-injury. There is
clinical trials have shown that people receiving
some evidence that opiate antagonists such as
several specific forms of these treatments
naltexone decrease engagement in self-injury;
demonstrate a decrease in self-injury, the
however, this finding has not replicated con-
change observed in the experimental condition
sistently across studies (Plener et al. 2009b,
has not been significantly greater than in
Sandman 2009). The role of pain and endor-
the control condition (Linehan et al. 2006b,
phins in self-injury represents one of the most
Rathus & Miller 2002, Tyrer et al. 2003).
intriguing, but as yet understudied, aspects of
The sole exception is a study by Wood and
colleagues (Wood et al. 2001) that reported
that adolescents randomly assigned to a specific
Pragmatic hypothesis. Finally, and most par- group therapy were significantly less likely
simoniously, people may choose to engage in than those assigned to a routine care condition
self-injury over other self-regulating strategies to repeatedly engage in self-injury. However,
because it is a rapid, effective, and easily im- a recent attempt to replicate this effect by the
plemented method of regulating one’s affec- same group yielded the opposite result—that
tive/cognitive and social experiences. These as- those in the group therapy condition were
pects of the behavior are especially important to more likely to have engaged in self-injury after
consider in the case of adolescent self-injury, as the intervention (Hazell et al. 2009). Similarly,
adolescents are less likely than adults to have the a fairly wide range of psychologically based
coping skills required to deal effectively with prevention programs have been developed
stressful situations, are less likely to be skilled for implementation in the community and
at effectively communicating concerns to mem- in educational settings; however, evidence
bers of their social network, and are less likely for their efficacy or effectiveness is lacking
to have access to other maladaptive methods (Lieberman et al. 2009, Whitlock & Knox
of affective/cognitive regulation (e.g., alcohol 2009). This means that there currently is no
and drugs). In contrast, adolescents have ready compelling evidence for the effectiveness of any
access to the use of self-injury, which can be of the psychological intervention or prevention
performed quickly, quietly, and in private in programs being provided to those who engage
virtually any setting (e.g., home, school/work in self-injury. This is among the most essential V I E
restroom). directions for future research on this topic. E W
R • Self-Injury 15.17




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There currently is no evidence-based phar- Overall, however, systematic reviews of phar-

macological treatment of self-injury; however, macological interventions for self-injury have
there is preliminary evidence that several dif- concluded that evidence of effectiveness is en-
ferent types of medications may be useful in couraging but still preliminary. As is the case
decreasing self-injury. Most research on phar- with psychological intervention and prevention
macological interventions for self-injury to date approaches, the development and evaluation
has focused on the effects of medications target- of effective pharmacological treatments repre-
ing the serotonergic, dopaminergic, and opi- sents a high-priority area for future research on
oid systems, with the goal of improving mood, self-injury.
decreasing impulsive-aggressive urges, and de-
creasing the potential pleasurable effects of en-
gaging in self-injury (for reviews, see Plener CONCLUSIONS
et al. 2009b, Sandman 2009). The majority of Self-injurious behavior has confounded
published studies on the pharmacological treat- philosophers, scientists, and clinicians for
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

ment of self-injury are individual case studies thousands of years. Until fairly recently, most
or small sample case series showing somewhat of what has been known about the prevalence,
by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

modest decreases in self-injury, which must be characteristics, potential causes, and treatment
balanced against the limitations of the designs of self-injury has been based on anecdotal
used and the likelihood that many null stud- information and clinical case reports. The
ies with similar designs have been done but not dramatic increase in systematic and rigorous
published in the literature. The most encour- research on self-injury—perhaps resulting
aging findings to date have been among stud- from the apparent increase in the prevalence
ies demonstrating the effects of selective sero- of this behavior—has led to exciting advances
tonin reuptake inhibitors (Markowitz 1992), in the understanding of why people hurt
partial agonists for dopamine and serotonin re- themselves. Although impressive gains have
ceptors (Nickel et al. 2006), and opioid an- been made, there is still much to learn about
tagonists (Roth et al. 1996, Sandman et al. why people intentionally and repeatedly harm
2003). These findings fit nicely with the the- themselves. Future research on self-injury will
oretical model of self-injury presented pre- not only advance the understanding, assess-
viously, as these pharmacological agents are ment, and treatment of this behavior problem,
believed to decrease the high aversive arousal but will also improve the understanding of
hypothesized to lead to self-injury and to elim- self-harm more broadly and of how to decrease
inate potential pleasurable effects of the behav- such behaviors in order to help people live
ior resulting from the release of endorphins. healthier and more adaptive lives.

1. Self-injury has appeared throughout recorded history but appears to have increased dra-
matically in the past several decades, which has led to increased interest from scientists,
clinicians, and the public.
2. It is important to distinguish between directly self-injurious behaviors (e.g., self-injury,
suicide) and indirectly harmful behaviors (e.g., alcohol and substance use); however, these
different forms of self-harm commonly co-occur, and it may be useful to consider them
on a continuum of self-harm behaviors.


15.18 Nock



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3. Self-injury typically begins in early adolescence and is most prevalent among adolescents
and young adults. It most often is performed in private, using a sharp implement to cut
or carve the surface of the skin, and varies significantly in frequency and severity.
4. Self-injury appears to serve two primary functions: (a) an affective/cognitive regulation
function in which self-injury leads to an immediate decrease in an aversive internal state or
increase in a desired state, and (b) a social regulation function in which self-injury leads
to a desired increase in social support or removal of some undesired social situation.
Self-report, physiological, and behavioral data support such a model.
5. The risk of self-injury is increased by general factors that predispose individuals to have
problems regulating their affective/cognitive or social experiences (e.g., distal factors
such as childhood abuse, proximal factors such as physiological hyperarousal in response
to stress) and by self-injury-specific factors (e.g., social learning) that lead a person to use
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6. Downloaded from

self-injury rather than some other method of self-regulation.

by HARVARD UNIVERSITY on 01/05/10. For personal use only.

6. Despite the scope and significance of this problem, there currently are no evidence-based
psychological or pharmacological treatments for self-injury.

1. What is the prevalence of self-injury in the general population? How does this rate differ
across groups? And how has this rate changed over time?
2. Is repetitive self-injury best conceptualized as a mental disorder, a symptom of a mental
disorder, or simply as a harmful behavior?
3. Accumulating evidence suggests that self-injury functions primarily as a means of de-
creasing aversive affective and cognitive states. What is the mechanism through which
this occurs (e.g., distraction, endorphin release)?
4. What are the processes or mechanisms through which interpersonal factors (e.g., social
modeling, support from others) influence the development and maintenance of self-
5. What psychological and pharmacological intervention and prevention approaches can
decrease the occurrence of this behavior?
6. How can findings on self-injury best inform (and be informed by) research in related
areas such as self-injury among animals, stereotypic self-injury among those with devel-
opmental disabilities, and indirectly harmful behaviors?

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. 2000. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision.
Washington, DC: Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. E W
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