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What are conjunctions?

What are clauses?
These are parts of sentences. There are 2 types: subordinate clause and main
Subordinate Clauses
These are parts of sentences that don’t make sense on their own.
Main Clauses
These are parts of sentences that make sense on their own.
What are conjunctions?
Conjunctions are words that are used to connect phrases or sentences
together. They make longer sentences. There are 3 types…
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses that are equal
to each other.

There are seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. They
can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS.
Subordinating Conjunctions
These join parts of sentences like clauses. They appear at the start or the
middle of a sentence. They introduce subordinating clauses.
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses.
Joining words: My uncle is not only a doctor but also a pharmacist.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Mary couldn’t find her favourite t-shirt __ she wore a jumper.
2. The bus was late _______ of traffic.
3. Are you tall __ short?
4. Will you come to my party ____ __ you have homework to do?
5. ______ you clean your room, your friends can’t come.
6. ___ ____ are we busy, ___ we are also hungry.
7. I can’t find my toothbrush, ___ I’m already late.
8. He came to school, ________ he could have stayed at home.
9. Jon did his homework, _______ not wanting to.
10. __ Sannah wore a coat, she wouldn’t be cold.

If because but despite even if or so although not only…but unless

We write each pair of sentences into one, using a
1. They are scared. I am excited.
1. I am going to the shop to buy bread. I am going to the shop to buy apples.
1. I was late. The reason is that I missed the bus.
1. My mum said I need to clean my room. I have homework to do.
1. Do you want fish & chips? The other option is pizza.
See you next lesson.

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