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class 8 ANNUAL examination

Chameleons can change their skin colour, but not because they choose to. The chameleon
changes colour to help it avoid its enemies. It is a form of camouflage, a disguise that allows it to
blend in with its surroundings. The change is actually determined by environmental factors such
as light and temperature.

Bright sunlight darkens the skin. On cool nights, the colour fades to a creamy colour. The colour
changes when the chameleon is excited, angry or scared. The colour change is rapid and
increases when the chameleon is handled, injured, or approached by another chameleon. There
are many types of chameleons. Almost half of them are found on the African island of
Madagascar. Others occur mostly in the Sahara desert, with a few in western Asia and southern
Europe. Chameleons live in trees, where they usually eat insects. Very large chameleons can even
use their sticky tongues to catch birds.
(i)What is the reason for a chameleon to change its skin colour?
A) To attract its prey
B) To communicate with other chameleons
C) To blend in with its surroundings
D) To show off its beauty

(ii)What factors determine a chameleon’s colour change?

A) The food it eats
B) The time of day
C) Light and temperature
D) The size of the chameleon

(iii)How does bright sunlight affect a chameleon’s skin colour?

A) It lightens the skin
B) It darkens the skin
C) It turns the skin blue
D) It has no effect on the skin colour
(iv)In which type of habitat do chameleons primarily live?
A) Underwater
B) Desert
C) Grasslands
D) Trees

(v)What do chameleons usually eat?

A) Plants
B) Small mammals
C) Fish
D) Insects
(Vi)How do chameleons catch their prey?
A) By using their claws
B) By using their teeth
C) By using their sticky tongues
D) By using their tails
(Vii)Where are almost half of all chameleons found?
A) Africa
B) Asia
C) Europe
D) Australia
(Viii)What happens to a chameleon’s skin colour when it’s excited, angry, or scared?
A) It turns yellow
B) It turns blue
C) It changes rapidly
D) It remains the same
(IX)What is the purpose of a chameleon’s camouflage?
A) To attract its prey
B) To communicate with other chameleons
C) To avoid its enemies
D) To regulate body temperature
(X)Can chameleons catch birds with their sticky tongues?
A) Yes
B) No

2.Educating boys and girls together has always been an important and stressful issue. Many
parents believe that the educational process can be more effective if the classes are divided
according to the gender of the students. Although same-sex schools are considered too
conservative and strict in today's times. Nevertheless, there are still supporters of this manner of
education. Some parents are not in favor of a co-educational system as they feel that the presence
of the opposite gender distracts the attention of students and prevents them from concentrating
on studies.

On the other hand, supporters of co-education feel that as boys and girls are different, it is a
valuable experience for both genders to communicate with each other. Moreover, the earlier boys
and girls begin to communicate, the sooner they acquire social skills, which are crucial to
communicating freely in the world. Further, if there are girls in the class, boys may well possibly try
to behave better in order not to lose face in front of the girls.

Apart from all that has been mentioned above, educating boys and girls together helps them
understand and mutually respect each other from an early stage in life. This can possibly help in
building a generation that doesn't suffer from gender bias and is open to a healthy competition
even between the two genders.

Question 1.

Why according to the writer are some parents not in favor of the co-education system?

2.Why are socializing skills important?

3.Same-sex schools are considered what?
4.What according to the writer helps the girls and boys develop mutual respect for each other.
5.Find words from the passage that mean

a. traditional

b. paying attention

c. vital

d. unfairness

3.Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper telling him/her about your reasons for supporting
their campaign to stop the construction of a car park on an open playfield near your school.
Mention how useful the park is for the children in your locality.

.1. They live on ……………………. sixth floor.
2.Who is ……………………. tallest student in your class.
3. She works at ……………………. bank.

4. I went to ………………….. hospital to see Sam yesterday.

5. Who broke …………………… window?

6. Somebody has spilled juice on ……………………… carpet.

7. There is something under ………………………. bed.

8. We had …………………….. nice holiday.

9. It was ………………….. best holiday I had.

10. Where is ………………………. nearest restaurant?

11. Saturn is ………………….. planet.

12. Which is …………………….. planet nearest to earth?

13. I watched …………………… horror movie yesterday.

14. …………………… horror movie that I watched yesterday wasn’t really good.

15. We run …………………… restaurant in town.

16. I missed …………………….. train because I was waiting on ………………….. wrong platform.

17.She has ……………interesting book on leadership.

18.Savita wants ………….. little more sugar.

19.My aunty gave a balloon to ……………child who was in the street.

20. …………. people in India are honest.

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals given in brackets.

1. My father works hard so that his family______live well. (should/ may)

2. We_______respect other's sentiments. (ought to/ need to)

3. Run fast lest you______miss the trophy. (would/ should)

4. Raman_______not sit before me.(dare/need)

5.I________ go to the temple with my grandma when I was very young. (dare to/used to)

6. A drunkard ___________drive. (need not/must not)

7. One_______be polite to one's parents. (must/will)

8. I take a dip in this river? (Could/May)

9.________ I take your bicycle for two hours? (May/ Can)

10. The man_____appear before the court. (dare not/ must not)

11. I ______ do this sum in seconds .(may/ can)

12. We _____ keep our promises.(could/must)

6.Q1. The teacher ____________ completed this chapter.

A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are

Q2. Ram and Shyam __________ business partners.

A. have
B. has
C. are
D. had

Q3. She ___________ her office by 9 a.m. daily.

A. reach
B. reaches
C. reached
D. reaching

Q4. Rahul and his friends ___________ also invited to the party.

A. is
B. was
C. had
D. were

Q5. Neither you nor your sister should ___________ to them.

A. talk
B. talks
C. talked
D. talking

Q6. Twenty years _________ the minimum age to fill this form.

A. are
B. is
C. has
D. have

Q7. A bouquet of flowers ___________ required for the event.

A. are
B. have
C. has
D. is

Q8. A pair of socks ___________ been missing from my wardrobe.

A. have
B. has
C. were
D. is

Q9. Much ____________ been said in the news reports.

A. were
B. have
C. has
D. was

Q10. The information provided to you ___________ wrong.

A. were
B. was
C. are
D. have been

Q11. The company ____________ of its stakeholders.

A. think
B. thought
C. thinks
D. thinking

Q12. Either of the two dresses shall ____________ good.

A. looking
B. look
C. looks
D. looked

7. Fill in the blanks in the following with the correct form of the verb given in (Present Tense)

(i) My father_____ from his office in the evening.(return)

(ii) They_____ football every evening.(play)

(iii) I______ everybody well. (wish)

(iv) She______to temple every morning.(go)

Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs(Present tense)given in brackets:

(v) Water _____ from the running tap.(flow)

(vi) _____it____outside now? (rain)

(vii) What is _____your sister these days?(do)

(viii) I______tonight. (return)

Rewrite the following sentences changing the Verb into the Future Tense:
(ix) I reached the station after the train had left.

(x) The log of wood broke and they fell into the ditch.

(xi) They bound his hand and foot and held him fast.

(xii) The gardener was watering the plants.

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