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Karunia : What time do you get up every morning widya

Widya: I get up at five o’clock in the morning.

Karunia : What do you do after you get up?
Widya : After getting up, I prayed at dawn and then i went take a bath at six o’clock. After
that i have breakfast around a quarter past six
Karunia : good widya. By the way what time do you go to campus?
Widya : i go to campus at half past six.
Karunia : Why you go to campus at half past six? I think you so fast came to campus
Widya : bacause my house so far from the campus
Karunia : that’s greet widya. Do you have courses every day?
Widya : yes, i have nine courses this semester. I attend the classes from Monday to Friday. I
have free time on Saturdays and Sundays.
Karunia : what do you do on weekends?
Widya : I usually watch korean drama in the morning around 7 to 9 o' clock, after that i clean
up my house and do laundry and then i drawing sketch at night because drawing on of
my hobby
Karunia : wow, that sounds interesting
Widya : yeah, thankyou karunia

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