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Oct 18, 2023 | ACM Meeting

● Our proposal will be due November 2nd of this year
● The following is our three-part mission:

● UIA = Umbilical Interface Assembly

● 5 people will be allowed to make the trip down to Johnson Space Center.
● For now, we need to focus on the Proposal with three sections!
○ Technical - Must include design, reference all relevant and scientific factors
■ Abstract
■ Software and Hardware Design Description
■ Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
■ Human-in-the-loop (HITL) testing
■ Project Management
■ Technical References
○ Outreach Section - Team's plan for disseminating the results of their
experiment/experience to the public
■ The plan
■ The activities
○ Administrative Section -
■ Institutional Letter of Endorsement
■ Statement of Supervising Faculty
■ Statement of Rights of Use
■ Funding and Budget Statement

Action items
● Create 3 groups and take on the three different parts of the mission.
● There are 7 main parts to the Technical part of the proposal
➢ Egress
➢ Navigation
➢ Utility Airlock
➢ Equipment Diagnosis & Repair
➢ Geologic Sampling
➢ Rover
➢ Ingress Procedure
● Group 1: Members - Grant, Tariq, Carson, Cade
➢ Egress
➢ Ingress Procedure
➢ Utility Airlock
● Group 2: Members - Tate Armstrong, Justin, Malik, Dee
➢ Navigation
➢ Geological Sampling
● Group 3: Members - Gavin, Haoran
➢ Equipment Diagnosis & Repair
➢ Rover

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