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Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite


Company Name : ________________________________________________________________________

Site Address : ________________________________________________________________________

Instruction: Please check the appropriate box using the rating scale provided.
5= Strongly Agree 4= Agree 3= Neutral 2= Disagree 1= Strongly Disagree
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
A. Knowledge and Skill Acquisition
1. The host company imparted necessary knowledge and skills useful for my career
growth and development.
2. The tasks that the host company assigned to me helped me meet my learning goals
and objectives.
3. I gained new knowledge from the industry practices I have observed and
experienced in the host company.
4. I learned new skills related to my program/track in this company.
B. Personal Growth and Development
5. I was given authority to make decisions on my own related to my work.
6. I was assigned meaningful tasks and assignments relevant to my academic course
7. I was able to take part in establishing sound relationship among co-interns and
employees in the workplace.
8. I was given opportunity to provide input when decisions were being made.
C. Assistance and Coordination
9. The on-site supervisor/coordinator provided assistance especially when I have
concerns and inquiries.
10. The host company allowed me to attend necessary and required school activities
(ex. Meeting with internship/immersion adviser, Job fair, Seminars, etc)
11. The host company coordinator showed genuine concern in addressing my
concerns and inquiries.
12. The host company readily provided and/or accomplished documents required by
the school.
D. Work Environment
13. The host company provided me with sufficient information relative to its vision,
purpose, company culture, policies, and procedures.
14. The supervisors and employees were open and helpful during my
15. The host company provided an appropriate forum for discussing issues, concerns
and my performance.
16. The people I worked with acted towards me professionally and ethically.
E. Overall
17. I will recommend this host company to future interns.

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Signature over Printed Name of Student-Intern/Date
Rv. 06/07/21

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