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Weekly Report Chia-Feng Chien

This week, I've delved deeply into numerous chess books, embarking on a journey of
thorough reading and understanding. About a year ago, when I first embarked on this
chess learning path, I eagerly picked up several books to commence my studies.
Initially, I realized my skills weren't quite up to par; I was merely acquainting myself
with the basic nuances of the chessboard and its pieces. Each position on the board
seemed to offer a myriad of possibilities, leading to a sense of overwhelming chaos in
my decision-making.
Now, having engaged in chess for nearly a year, my perspective has evolved
significantly. Every position on the board elicits a more instinctive response from me,
a kind of intuitive understanding of the game's dynamics. This newfound intuition
allows me to critically analyze my decisions against those recommended in the
books, discerning which moves are superior. This process, inherently reflective and
analytical, has brought a greater sense of achievement than I've previously
Despite this progress, as I delve into the complexities of chess literature, I'm often
surprised by the depth and sophistication of the strategies presented. Each
recommended move in these books frequently catches me off guard, a clear
indication that my journey in chess mastery is far from complete. This realization,
rather than disheartening, fuels my enthusiasm to explore the vast expanses of
improvement and skill development still available to me in the intricate and
intellectually stimulating world of chess.

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