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BLDG 6851: Project Cost Estimation

Group -16

Ellison Elementary School Daycare

SD23 TENDER # ITT 22-021
Bid Link:


Prof. Po-Han Chen

Concordia University
Department of Building, Civil, & Environmental Engineering - Winter 2023

Group Member information

Sr. No Student Name ID
1 Abhishek Koukuntla 40210165
2 Ashwani Sharma 40222359
3 Gagandeepsingh Sukhdevsingh Bhalla 40244030
4 Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy 40219726
5 Keerthi Gaddam 40219724
6 Revathi Madhurai Sudheer 40221038
7 Shrinivas Haribhau Satpute 40226338


Sr. No Particulars Page No.

1 Project Overview 3
2 Conceptual Cost Estimation 4-5
3 Elemental Cost Estimation 6-10
4 Quantity Take off 11-36
5 Cost Estimation 37-52

Project Introduction:

Ellison Elementary School Daycare is a single storied day-care building project in Windsor, Ontario. The scope
of work includes the Civil, structural and architectural development. The gross floor area of the day-care centre
is 566m2. The building is to be constructed in 2023. We have the drawings provided in the RFT of the building
which is used for all the calculation of Conceptual cost estimate, Elemental estimate and Quantity Take-off.

For elemental cost estimate we need a reference project for that we have considered a school project in Vancouver
by Turner and Townsend.

Contingency summary:
For this estimate we have considered the below contingency’s:
1- Design Contingency – 10%
2- Escalation – 5%
3- Construction - 5%

General Conditions:
Our estimate includes a 12% general conditions allowance, which is in line with current market rates for a project
of this kind.
Our allowance for General Conditions includes:
- Site Set Up
- Hoarding
- Mobilization and Demobilization
- Temporary Power
- Temporary Heating
- Scaffolding
- Regular and Final Cleaning
- Site Signage
- Temporary Office

The following Assumptions have been made in the preparation of the Estimates:
1. The Ellison Elementary School is to be constructed in Windsor, Ontario to provide the Location factor for
the Conceptual cost estimate
2. The Reference project from Turner & Townsend for Elemental Cost estimate is the closest project we can
find to our project
3. All the measurements are taken from the drawings provided in RFT of the Ellison school. Missing
measurements were assumed for the completion of the Take-off report
The following items are specifically excluded from the Estimate:
1. Services Take-off
2. Fixtures, Fittings & Equipment
3. IT & Communication Equipment
4. Landscaping Costs

(Report by Keerthi Gaddam and Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy)

The conceptual cost estimate is done at an early stage of the project even before planning. For doing this we need
historical data on similar kinds of projects. Conceptual cost estimating helps establish preliminary costs that can
be used to guide budget planning and decision-making. The historic data need to be adjusted in terms of
1. Time
2. Location
3. Capacity
For Conceptual estimation, we found a similar project to our project in British Columbia done by Turner
&Townsend. The known details of the previous project and the present project
Link :
Table 1 projects details for adjustments

To calculate the cost estimate, we need to adjust the location time and capacity.
1. Time adjustment
Time adjustment is a method used to adjust cost estimates to account for changes in the time frame of a project.
This adjustment is made to account for changes in labour, materials, equipment, and other costs that may occur
over time because of inflation and deflation.
Cost in Year A Cost index for Year A
We know, = Cost index for Year B
Cost in Year B

Cost in Year A X Cost index for Year B

Cost in Year B = Cost index for Year A

As we do not have an index in 2023, we will do a step where we find annualized rate (i) from known year indexes
and then find the index for 2023. From Fig.1, the statistics are taken as predictions from 2009 to 2016, from that
we got an index for 2009 of 180.1 and an index for 2016 is 207.3 and the number of years between selected years
is 7.

For the Annualized rate (i)
F = P(1+i)n
Where F = future value
P = present value
n = number of years
𝐹 (1/n)
i = [ 𝑃 ] +1

Here, n= 7, FV = 207.3, PV = 180.1

i = [ 180.1 ](1/7) +1

= 0.0202 = 2.02%
Between 2004 and 2023, there are 19 years so n for time adjustment is 19 (n=19)
2. Capacity adjustment
The size of the project in Vancouver, British Columbia = 13,332m2, and the size of the project in Windsor,
Ontario = 566m2
3. Location adjustment
Location adjustment is done to the project for adjusting the cost estimates based on location.
Cost in Vancouver Cost index in Vancouver
We know, Cost in Windsor = Cost index in Windsor

Cost index in windsor X Cost in Vancouver

Cost in Windsor = Cost index in Vancouver

From the location index of Vancouver, British Columbia is 106, and Windsor, Ontario = 102.2

From Tab.1 we know the cost of the known project in Vancouver which is $43,430,000.

Combined Adjustment
After finding all the indices and everything we will know combine everything to get a combined estimate
Proposed Cost = Previous Project Cost X Time Adjustment X Location Adjustment X Size Adjustment
102.2 566
= 43430000 X (1+0.0202)(1/19) X X 13332

= $1,779,561.93
So, the total CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATE of the project is $1,779,561.93.

(Report by Ashwani Sharma)
Elemental cost estimation is done in two phases:
1- Elemental Analysis
2- Elemental Estimate

Elemental Analysis
For elemental analysis, we tried to search for projects that are similar to the selected project. We were able to find
one project done by Turner & Townsend in British Columbia. (Keerthi) found a project which is similar to the
school project that we selected. Once we finalized the project for elemental Analysis we followed the below steps:

Step 1: Calculation of GFA and Total cost of the project

We Review the report from Turner & Townsend to determine the
Gross Floor area for their project and the overall cost related to
Using the below report
GFA = 13,332 sq. m.
Total Cost = $ 43,430,000

Step 2: Mapping Elements as per Uniformat

We started with mapping the elements to the respective Uniformat
codes and generate the table below with all the codes

Taking an example of A – Substructure from Uniformat

• Foundation belongs to A1010
• Slab on Grade belongs to A1030
• Basement excavation belongs to A2010
Using the same process, we developed the whole table with the scope
breakdown and provide the Uniformat codes.

Step 3: Quantity and Cost

For all the elements we review the report from Turner & Townsend
to determine the Quantity and the cost associated with it.
Taking an example of A – Substructure we create a table for the quantities. We calculated the quantities for
the Uniformat level 3 elements and updated the respective subtotal associated with it as per the table below.

Elemental amount
Elemental Cost Summary Quantity Unit Unit Rate Subtotal Total
A Substructure $ 887,796.00
A1010 Foundation 3523 m2 $ $ 616,525.00
A1030 Slab on Grade 3523 m2 $ $ 271,271.00
A2010 Basement excavation 0 m3 $ - $ -

Step 4: Total cost for Major elements

Once we have the subtotal cost for the respective elements, we proceeded with the calculation of the Total cost
for the Major element from Uniformat. Below is a sample calculation that we did to calculate the total cost.
• Total Cost of “A Substructure”
We sum all the sub-element's costs together like Foundation, Slab on grade, and Basement excavation
Total Cost A Substructure = Subtotal of Foundation + Slab on grade + Basement excavation
Total Cost A Substructure = $ 616,525 + $ 271,271 + $ 0
Total Cost A Substructure = $ 887,796.00

Similarly, we calculated the Total cost for every major element as per above table.

Step 5: For each element (Uniformat level 3) calculation of Ratio to GFA, Unit rate, and Rate per GFA

1- Ratio to GFA:
For the calculation of the Ratio to GFA we divide the quantity of the element by the total GFA of the
building to get the ratio for that element as compared to the building for the quantity.
Example: To calculate the Ration to GFA for A Substructure element we consider individual elements
and divide the quantity by the total GFA of the building.
• Foundation
Ration to GFA for Foundation = Quantity of the foundation / Total GFA
Ration to GFA for Foundation = 3523 / 13,332
Ration to GFA for Foundation = 0.26

2- Unit rate:
For Unit rate calculation we take the subtotal of the element and divide it by the total quantity of the
element. This gives us the per-unit rate for each element.
• Foundation
Unit rate for Foundation = Subtotal of foundation /Quantity of the foundation
Unit rate for Foundation = 616525 / 3523
Unit rate for Foundation = $ 175

3- Rate per GFA:

For the Rate per GFA, we divide the element subtotal by the total GFA of the building.
• Foundation
Rate per GFA for Foundation = Subtotal of foundation / Total GFA
Rate per GFA for Foundation = 616,525 / 13,332
Rate per GFA for Foundation = $46.24
Using the same process, we calculated the Ratio of GFA, Unit rate & Rate per GFA for all the elements as per
the below table:

Elemental amount Rate per sq. m.

Elemental Cost Summary Ratio to Quantity Unit Unit Rate Subtotal Total
GFA Subtotal Total
A Substructure $ 887,796.00
A1010 Foundation 0.26 3523 m2 $ 175.00 $616,525.00 $ 46.24
A1030 Slab on Grade 0.26 3523 m2 $ 77.00 $271,271.00 $ 20.35
A2010 Basement excavation 0.00 0 m3 $ - $ - $ -

Step 6: For each major element (Uniformat Level1) calculate the Rate of GFA/sq.m. & % Rate per total
1- Rate of GFA/sq.m
To calculate the rate of GFA/ sq.m. we take the Total cost of the major element as per Uniformat Level 1
and divide it by the total GFA of the building.
• A Substructure
Rate of GFA for A Substructure = Total Cost A Substructure / Total GFA
Rate of GFA for A Substructure = 887,796 / 13,332
Rate of GFA for A Substructure = $ 66.59
Using the same process, we calculated the Rate of GFA for all the elements as per the below table:

Elemental amount Rate per sq. m.

Elemental Cost Summary Ratio Quantity Unit Unit Rate Subtotal Total Subtotal Total %
A Substructure $ 887,796.00 $ 66.59 2.04%
A1010 Foundation 0.26 3523 m2 $ 175.00 $616,525.00 $ 46.24
A1030 Slab on Grade 0.26 3523 m2 $ 77.00 $271,271.00 $ 20.35
A2010 Basement excavation 0.00 0 m3 $ - $ - $ -

2- % Rate per Total cost

To calculate the % rate we take the Total cost of the major element as per Uniformat Level 1 and divide
it by the total cost of the building i.e $ 43,430,000.00.
• A Substructure
% Rate for A Substructure = (Total Cost A Substructure / Total Cost of the building) x 100
% Rate for A Substructure = (887,796 / 43,430,000) x 100
% Rate for A Substructure = 2.04%
Using the same process, we calculated the Ratio per GFA for all the elements as per the above table.

After completing all six steps of the Elemental Analysis of the Turner & Townsend project we created the
below table with all the details

Elemental Estimate
(Report by Ashwani Sharma)
Step 0: Previous project Elemental Cost Summary

We take the Elemental Cost Summary report prepared for Turner & Townsend project above. We clear the data
from the table only retaining the below-mentioned columns.

1- Ration to GFA
2- Unit
3- Elemental Unit Rate

Step 1: Update GFA

We updated the Gross Floor area of the table as per the
new building GFA i.e. 566 m2.

Step 2: Update Ratio to GFA

We updated the column Ratio to GFA with the scopes
that are not included in the new project and highlighted
the Elements in RED.
Step 3: Calculation of Quantities
We start by calculating the quantities of the project
using the Ratio to GFA from the previous project and
multiplying it by the GFA of the new project.

Foundation - Quantity of Foundation = Ratio to GFA
of Foundation x new project GFA = 0.26 x 566 =
Once we have calculated all the quantities for the new
project we check for the elements that require the
whole number like door windows and round it up or
down to the nearest integer.

Step 4: Sub-Total Cost of each Element

(Uniformat Level 3) & Total Cost (Uniformat Level 1)
Sub-Total Cost of each Element (Uniformat Level 3)
As we have the quantities of the new project and the Unit rate
from the previous project. We multiply both values to get the sub-
total cost for each element.
Foundation - Sub-Total of Foundation = Quantity of Foundation
x Unit Rate = 147.16 x 175 = $ 25,753.00
Similarly, we calculate the Sub-Total cost for all the elements.

Total Cost (Uniformat Level 1)

Once we have the subtotal cost for the respective elements, we
proceeded with the calculation of the Total cost for the Major element from Uniformat. Below is a sample
calculation that we did to calculate the total cost.

• Total Cost of “A Substructure”
We sum all the sub-element's costs together like Foundation, Slab on
grade, and Basement excavation
Total Cost A Substructure = Subtotal of Foundation + Slab on grade +
Basement excavation = $ 25,753 + $ 11,331.32 + $ 0 = $ 37,084.32
Similarly, we calculate the Sub-Total cost for all the elements at
Uniformat level 1.

Step 5: Rate per Sq. m.

For the Rate per GFA, we divide the element subtotal by the total GFA
of the building.
Foundation - Rate per GFA for Foundation = Subtotal of foundation /
Total GFA = 25,753 / 566 = $ 45.50

Using the same process, we calculated the Ratio per GFA for all the
elements as per the below table:

Step 6: Add Contingencies

We add Design, Escalation, and Construction contingencies to the total
cost of the project.
The total cost of the project before contingencies is $ 972,177.82.
• Design Contingency:
Design Contingency = 10% x Total project cost = 0.1 x 972,177.82 = $ 97,217.78
• Escalation Contingency:
Escalation Contingency = 5% x Total project cost = 0.05 x 972,177.82 = $ 48,608.89
• Construction Contingency:
Construction Contingency = 5% x Total project cost = 0.05 x 972,177.82 = $ 48,608.89
The Total Contingency of the project is the sum of all the above = $ 97,217.78 + $ 48,608.89 + $ 48,608.89
= $ 194,435.57
Step 7: For each major element (Uniformat Level1) calculate the Rate of GFA/sq.m. & % Rate per total
1. Rate of GFA/sq.m
To calculate the rate of GFA/ sq.m. we take the Total cost of the
major element as per Uniformat Level 1 and divide it by the total
GFA of the building.
A Substructure - Rate of GFA for A Substructure = Total Cost
A Substructure / Total GFA = 37,084.32 / 566 = $ 65.52
Using the same process, we calculated the Rate of GFA for all
the elements as per the below table:

2. % Rate per Total cost

To calculate the % rate we take the Total cost of the major element as per Uniformat Level 1 and divide it by the
total cost of the building i.e $ 1,166,613.39.
Example:A Substructure - % Rate for A Substructure = (Total Cost A Substructure / Total Cost of the building)
x 100 = (37,084.32 / 1,166,613.39) x 100 = 3.18%
Using the same process, we calculated the %Rate for all the elements as per the above table.

As per the above calculations, the TOTAL ELEMENTAL COST of the Project is $ 1,166,613.39
10 | P a g e


Reference Description Quantity Unit

03 00 00 Concrete
03 11 00 Concrete Forming
03 11 13 Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming 317.51 m2
03 21 00 Reinforcement Bars
03 21 11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars(15M) 5.52 tons
03 21 11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars(10M) 0.01 tons
03 31 00 Structural Concrete
03 31 13 Heavyweight Structural Concrete 111.85 m3
03 39 00 Concrete Curing
03 39 13 Water Concrete Curing 696.50 m2
06 00 00 Wood, Plastics, and Composites
06 11 00 Wood Framing
061100 Studs (38x140x2759mm) 705.00 ea
061100 Studs (38x89x2759mm) 224.00 ea
061100 Plates (38x140mm) 655.18 m
061100 Plates (38x89mm) 291.58 m
061100 Blocking (38x140mm) 350.05 m
061100 B1 (44x241mm) 82.00 ea
061100 B2 (44x241mm) 18.00 ea
061100 B3 (133x241mm) 5.00 ea
061100 B4 (178x241mm) 2.00 ea
061100 B5 (133x406mm) 1.00 ea
06 16 00 Sheathing
061633 Wood Board Sheathing 898.95 m2
061633 Sheathing for the Roof 633.06 m2
061633 Sheathing for External Walls 265.89 m2
06 17 00 Shop-Fabricated Structural Wood
06 17 53 Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses 4074.56 m
06 17 33 Wood I-Joists 8.40 m
07 00 00 Thermal and Moisture Protection
07 11 00 Dampproofing
071116 Cementitious Dampproofing 117.60 m2
07 13 00 Sheet Waterproofing
071313 Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing 621.59 m2
07 21 00 Thermal Insulation
072113 Board Insulation 11.74 m2
072113.13 Foam Board Insulation 545.90 m2
072116 Blanket Insulation 265.89 m2
07 22 00 Roof and Deck Insulation
07 22 16 Roof Board Insulation 11.74 m2
07 26 00 Vapor Retarders
07 26 13 Above-Grade Vapor Retarders 545.90 m2
07 27 00 Air Barrier
072700 vapour permeable air barrier 783.73 m2
07 31 00 Shingles and Shakes
07 31 13 Asphalt Shingles 633.19 m2
07 46 00 Siding
074646 Fiber-Cement Siding 383.73 m2
07 55 00 Protected Membrane Roofing
07 55 51 Built-Up Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing 11.47 m2
11 | P a g e
080000 Opening
081000 Doors 22.00 each
081316 Aluminum Doors 6.00 each
081400 Wood Doors 14.00 each
081319 Stainless steel Doors 2.00 each
085000 Windows 36.00 each
085313 Vinyl Window 30.00 each
085123 Steel Window 6.00 each
081000 Frames 23.00 each
081219 Stainless steel frame 17.00 each
081216 Aluminum Frame 6.00 each
08 95 00 Vents
08 95 13 Soffit Vents 74.79 m2
092000 Plaster & Gypsum Board 1100.51 m2
092900 Drywall - Gypsum Board 1100.51 m2
092900 Drywall Tape 1354.20 m
092900 Joint Compound 627.29 Pound
092900 Drywall Screws 11840.00 No.
092200 Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Board
092216.13 Non-Structural Metal Stud Framing 50.40 m
093000 Tiling 69.00 m2
093013 Wall Tiles 69.00 m2
09 56 00 Textured Ceilings
09 56 13 Gypsum-Panel Textured Ceilings 558.09 m2
096000 Floor Finishes 481.65 m2
096516 RF1 - Resilient Sheet Flooring - Anti Slip 63.33 m2
096516 RF2 - Resilient Sheet Flooring 337.70 m2
096516 RF3 - Resilient Sheet Flooring 56.74 m2
096119 SC1 - Sealed Concrete 23.88 m2
099000 Painting 201.88 m2
099123 PT-2 - Accent Paint (Orange) 59.24 m2
099123 PT-3 - Accent Paint (Blue) 51.90 m2
099123 PT-4 - Accent Paint (Green) 90.74 m2
100000 Specialities
101400 Signage 7.00 each
101433 Mount Illuminated Signage 1.00 each
102800 Toilet ,bath, and Laundry Accessories 24.00 each
102813 Tiolet accessories 24.00 each
310000 Earthwork
31 23 00 Excavation and Fill 442.24 m3
31 23 16 Excavation 442.24 m3
323000 Site improvement
323100 Fences and Gates
323126 Wire fences 163.20 m2
323126.11 Steel posts 54.00 each
061100 Wood products 122.40 m2
061123 engineered wood products 122.40 m2
321600 Sidewalks
321613.13 Cast-in-place concrete 11.15 m3
032100 reinforcement bars 0.19 ton

12 | P a g e
Excavation: (Report by Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy)
For Foundations
The Depth of the foundation is 600mm as mentioned in Sheet S 3.1 and excavation is to be done for 600mm
• Area of the site (With the added cover of 1.0m on each
side for accessibility) (Reference: )
= 26900mm X 27400mm = 737,060,000mm2.
• Total Area of the site = 737.060m2.
• Depth of foundation = 600mm=0.6m.
• Volume for the excavation =737.060 X 0.6 =
Strip Footing
• The formwork for strip footing is providing plates for both sides of the footing.
• The Perimeter of formwork from the outer side = 24900+25400+24900+25400+23700+23700 =
148000mm = 148.000m.
• The Perimeter of formwork from the inner side =
23700+23700+24200+24200+23700+23700 =
143200mm = 143.200m.
• Height of the formwork plate = 250mm = 0.25m.
• The area of the formwork = (148+143.2) X 0.25 =
• The running length of formwork for slab footing=
9300+9300+9300+9300 = 37200mm.
• Height of the formwork plate = 250mm = 0.25m.
• The area of the formwork = 37.2 X 0.25 = 9.3m2.
• Total Area of formwork for footings = 72.8+9.3 =
• The strip footing is reinforced with the 3 15M bars spaced at a distance of 225mm with a cover length of
75mm (Given in Sheets S 2.1 and S 3.1).
• The length of the steel is also the same as the running length of the footing (Cover length is reduced) =
24750+25250+24750+25250+24750+24750 = 149500mm.
• The total steel length for footing = 149.5m X 3bars = 448.5m.
• The weight of steel can be calculated by knowing the details of the 15M bar.
• The nominal diameter is 16mm with weight/m = 1.57kg/m and a cross sectional area of 200mm2.
• The weight of the steel = 448.5 X 1.57 = 704.145 kg= 0.704 ton.
• The strip footing is reinforced with the 3 15M bars ((Given in Sheets S 2.1)
• The running length of the steel in slab footing = 9300+9300 = 18600mm = 18.6m.
• The total steel length for footing = 18.6m X 3bars = 55.8m.
• The weight of the steel = 55.8 X 1.57 = 87.606 kg= 0.0876 ton

13 | P a g e
• Total weight of steel for footings(15M) = (0.704+0.0876) = 0.7916 ton
• As given in the plan the footing used is strip footing with dimensions 250mm X 600mm (From sheet S
• The running length of the footing is = 24900+24200+24900+24200+23700+23700 = 145600mm.
• As we know the volume of the concrete is = Area of footing X Running length of footing = 0.25 X 0.6 X
• The volume of Concrete for footing = 21.84m3.
• There is also a different type of footing mentioned in Sheet S 2.1 i.e., 250mm X 600mm slab thickening.
• The running length of that footing is = 9300+9300 = 18600mm = 18.6m
• Volume of Concrete for footing (slab thickening) = 0.25 X 0.6 X 18.6 = 2.79m3
• Total volume of concrete for footings = (21.84+2.79) = 24.634m3
Concrete finishing and curing
• The length of strip footing = 145.6m and width of strip footing = 0.6m
• The area of strip footing = 145.6 X 0.6 = 87.36m2
• The length of slab thickening footing = 18.6m and width =0.6m
• The area of the slab thickening footing = 18.6 X 0.6 = 11.16m2
• Total area requires for curing and finishing = 87.36 + 11.16 = 98.52m2

Foundation wall: (Report by Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy)

• The formwork for the foundation wall is providing plates for both sides of the footing.
• The Perimeter of formwork for the outer side = 24500+25000+24500+25000+24100+24100 =
147200mm = 147.200m
• The Perimeter of formwork for the inner side = 24100+24100+24600+24600+24100+24100 =
145600mm = 145.600m
• Height of the formwork plate for the foundation wall = 350mm = 0.35m
• The area of the formwork = (147.2+145.6) X 0.35 = 102.48m2
• The foundation wall is reinforced with the ‘4’ 15M bars (Given in
Sheets S 2.1 and S 3.1).
• The length of the horizontal steel bars is also the same as the
running length of the foundation wall =
24500+24500+25000+25000+24100+24100 -200 = 147000mm =
• The total horizontal steel length for footing =147m X 4bars =
• The length of vertical bars = 450-50 = 400mm = 0.4m.
• No of vertical bars = [(Total length-clear cover)/spacing] +1 =
[(147000-200)/300] + 1 = 489.33+1 = 491
• The total vertical steel length for footing =0.4m X 491bars =
• The weight of steel can be calculated by knowing the details of
the 15M bar.
14 | P a g e
• The nominal diameter is 16mm with weight/m = 1.57kg/m and a cross sectional area of 200mm2.
• At each corner a corner bar is placed and assumed its length as 1m. (Mentioned in Sheet S 1.2)
• No of corner bars = 12 ; Total length of corner bars = 12 X 1m = 12m
• The weight of the steel(15M) = [(588 + 196.4 + 12) X 1.57] = 1250.348 kg= 1.250ton.
• The depth and width of the foundation wall are given in sheet S 3.1
Depth of the foundation wall = 350mm & Width of the foundation wall = 200mm
• Running length for the foundation wall = 24500+24500+25000+25000+24100+24100 = 147.2m
• Volume of concrete for foundation wall = 0.35 X 0.2 X 147.2 = 10.304m3
Concrete finishing and curing
• The length of foundation wall = 147.2m and width of
foundation wall = 0.2m
• The area of foundation wall = 147.2 X 0.2 = 29.44m2
• Total area requires for curing and finishing = 29.44m2
Damp proofing
• Two continuous uniform coats of damp proofing coating
should be done to the entire exterior face of the foundation
wall from 50mm below-finished grade to the top of the
• The length of the exterior face of the foundation wall is the
same as the perimeter of formwork for the outer side =
• Height of the foundation wall with the extra 50mm below the finished grade = 350mm+50mm= 0.40m
• The area required for the damp proofing = 147.2 X 0.4 = 58.88m2
• Total area of damp proofing (Two continuous coats are needed) = 2 X 58.88m2 = 117.76m2
Slab on Grade: (Report by Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy)
• The formwork for the slab on grade slab is providing plates around the perimeter of the slab.
• The Perimeter of the slab = 24500+ 24500+ 25000+ 25000= 99000mm= 99m
• Height of the formwork plate for the slab = 125mm = 0.125m
• The area of the formwork for slab on grade is (147.2+145.6) X 0.35 = 102.48m2
• The slab on grade is reinforced with 10M steel bars with 300 spacing on each side for the whole span.
• The length of the longitudinal bar in 1st part (including development length and cover is reduced) =
24500+250+250-50 = 24950 = 24.95m
• No. of longitudinal bars in 1st part = [(Total length-clear cover)/spacing] +1 = [(10100-50)/300] + 1 = 33.5
+1 ≈ 35 bars
• Total length of steel bars in the longitudinal direction for 1st part = 24.95 X 35 = 873.25m
• The length of the lateral bar in 1st part (including development length (Assumed as 250mm) and the cover
is reduced) = 10100+250+250-50 = 10550 = 10.55m
• No. of lateral bars in 1st part = [(24500-50)/300] + 1 = 82.5+1 ≈ 84 bars
• Total length of steel bars in the lateral direction for 1st part = 84 X 10.55 = 886.2m

15 | P a g e
• The length of the longitudinal bar in 2nd part (including development length and the cover is reduced) =
13685+250+250-50 = 14135 = 14.135m
• No. of longitudinal bars in 2nd part = [(Total length-clear cover)/spacing] +1] = [(4800-50)/300] +
1=15.83+1 ≈ 17 bars
• Total length of steel bars in the longitudinal direction for the 2nd part = 17 X 14.135m = 240.295m.
• The length of the lateral bar in 2nd part (including development length and cover is reduced) =
4800+250+250-50 = 5250mm = 5.25m.
• No. of lateral bars in 2nd part = [(13685-50)/300] + 1 = 45.45+1 ≈ 47 bars
• Total length of steel bars in the lateral direction for 2nd part = 47 X 5.25 = 246.75m.
• 1st and 3rd parts are the same, so the lengths of lateral and longitudinal steel bars are the same.
• Total length of steel bars in the longitudinal direction for 3rd part = 24.95 X 35 = 873.25m.
• Total length of steel bars in the lateral direction for 3rd part = 84 X 10.55 = 886.2m.
• Total length of steel including lateral and longitudinal direction =
873.25+886.2+240.295+246.75+873.25+886.2 = 4005.945m
• The bars are 10M bars with a nominal diameter of 11.3mm, weight/m = 0.785kg/m, and a cross-sectional
area of 100 mm2.
• The weight of steel for slab on grade is 4005.945m X 0.785(10M) = 3144.66kg = 3.14 tons.
• As given in the plan the slab on grade with a depth of 125mm (From sheet S 2.1)
• For easy calculations the whole area is divided into 3 parts
• Area of 1st part = 24500mm X 10100mm = 247450000 mm2 = 247.45 mm2
• Area of 2nd Part = 13885mm X 5200mm = 72202000 mm2 = 72.202 mm2
• Area of 3rd part = 24500mm X 10100mm = 247450000 mm2 = 247.45 mm2
• The total area of the slab in grade slab = 237.65+237.65+65.688 = 567.102 mm2
• As we know the volume of the concrete is = Area of slab X depth of slab
= 567.102 X 0.125 = 70.887 m3
• The volume of Concrete for Slab in grade slab is 70.887m3
Concrete finishing and curing
• The area of slab on grade slab is = 567.102m2
• Total area requires for curing and finishing = 567.102m2
Glulam column Footing: (Report by Katanguri Vishwa Teja Reddy)
• The formwork for the glulam column pad footing is
providing plates around the perimeter of the footing.
• The Perimeter of the pad footing = 1200+1200+1200+1200
= 4800mm = 4.8m
• Height of the formwork plate for the footing = 300mm =
• The area of the formwork = 4.8 X 0.3 = 14.4m2
• No of Glulam columns footings = 2
• Total area of formwork for pad footing = 2 X 14.4m2 = 28.8m2
• The formwork for the pedestal is to be calculated.
• The Perimeter of the pedestal = 250+250+500+500 = 1500mm = 1.5m
• Height of the pedestal= 550mm = 0.55m
16 | P a g e
• The area of the formwork = 1.5 X 0.55 = 0.825m2
• No of Glulam columns pedestals = 2
• Total area of formwork for pedestal = 2 X 0.825 = 1.65m2
• Total area of formwork needed for glulam column footing is 28.8+1.65 = 30.45m2
• Each glulam column pedestal consists of 6 main bars, 3 starter bars, and 5 tie bars.
• The length of main bars = 6 X (550 -90(cover)) = 2760mm = 2.76m
• The length of starter bars = (2 X 725) + (1 X 525) = 1975mm = 1.975m
• The length of tie bars = 5 X 1300mm = 6500 = 6.5m
• The main and starter bars are 15M bars with a nominal diameter of 16mm, weight/m = 1.57kg/m, and a
cross-sectional area of 200 mm2.
• The weight of main and starter bars = (2.76+1.975) X 1.57 = 7.433kg
• For 2 pedestals, the total weight of 15M steel = 2 X 7.433 = 14.867kg
• Total weight of 15M steel for 2 pedestals = 14.867
• The tie bars are 10M bars with a nominal diameter of 11.3mm, weight/m = 0.785kg/m, and a cross-sectional
area of 100 mm2.
• The weight of tie bars = 6.5 X 0.785 = 5.1025kg
• For 2 pedestals the total weight of 10M steel = 2 X 5.1025 = 10.205kg
• Total weight of 10M steel for 2 pedestals = 10.205kg
• The total weight of steel for the glulam column is 14.867kg or 0.014 tons for 15M and 10.205kg or
0.0102 tons for 10M.
• As given in the plan the pad footing with a depth of 300mm (From sheet S 2.1)
• The Area of footing = 1200mm X 1200mm = 1440000mm2 = 1.44m2
• The Volume of concrete for pad footing = 1.44 X 0.3 = 0.432m3
• 2 No of footings are there = 2 X 0.432 = 0.864 m3
• Volume of concrete with wastage for pad footing = 0.864m3
• The area of pedestal = 250mm X 500mm = 125000mm2 = 0.125m2
• Depth of pedestal = 550mm = 0.55m
• Volume of concrete for pedestal = 0.125 X 0.55 = 0.06875m3
• 2 no of pedestals are there = 2 X 0.06875 = 0.1375m3
• Volume of concrete with wastage for pedestal = 0.135m3
• Total volume of concrete needed for glulam column footing = 0.864+0.1375 = 1.001m3
Concrete finishing and curing
• The length of footing wall = 1.2m and width of footing = 1.2m
• The area of footing = 1.2 X 1.2 = 1.44m2
• Total area requires for curing and finishing for glulam column = 1.44m2
• The Size of Glulam Columns are given in Sheet S2.1 = 175mm X 266mm
• No of columns should be installed = 2

17 | P a g e
Structural Wall Framing: (Report by Shrinivas Haribhau Satpute)
1. Introduction:
While quantifying the elements of structural wall framing, the following four types of wall compositions are to
be considered. Sheet A0.2 Architectural Plan

Fig 1.1 Exterior Walls Composition Fig 1.2 Interior Walls Composition
The Exterior walls EW1 and EW2 have similar structural components, thus they are to be considered as one
EW. The interior walls PW1 and PW2 are to be considered separately.
To calculate the lengths, area, and structural components of the walls, we need information on various openings
and their dimensions. Table 1.1 shows various types of windows and doors along with their dimensions.
(Source: Sheet A8.0 Architectural Plan)

Table 1.2 - Lengths of the walls

The lengths of the walls calculated from the floor plan given on the Architectural Plan Sheet A2.1-A are above.

Exterior Wall (EW): (Report by Shrinivas Haribhau Satpute)

A. Length of the top plate in EW:

• As per the requirements there are two top plates of size

38x140 mm.
• The length of the top plate is equal to the gross length of
the EW.
• Thus, for two plates the total length of the top plate = 2 x
122.28 m = 244.56 m
(Source: Sheet S1.1 & S1.2 Structural Plan)
B. Length of the bottom plate in EW:

18 | P a g e
• The length of the bottom plate is equal to the gross length of the EW.
• Thus, the length of the bottom plate = 1 x 122.28 m = 122.28 m
C. Studs in EW:

• Studs are spaced at 350mm O.C. throughout the length of the Exterior wall.
• While calculating the number of studs, larger openings are removed from the walls and the net
length of the EW is considered.
• The size of the studs is 38x140x2759 mm, where 2759 mm is the clear height.
• The total number of studs = 94,719 mm / 350 mm = 271 ea.
D. Sheathing Panels and Batt Insulation in EW:

• Sheathing and batt insulation area of the Exterior wall is calculated by removing the area of the
openings from the gross area of the EW.
• Based on the information given in Table 1.1, the Area of the Openings = 71,483,017 mm².
• The gross area of the EW is calculated by multiplying the gross length of the EW by the clear height,
which gives the Gross Area of EW = 337,370,520 mm².
• The net area of R-24 Batt Insulation is = 337,370,520 - 71,483,017 = 265,887,503 mm² or 265.89
• The size of the sheathing panels used is standard 1220 x 2440 mm.
• The total number of sheathing panels for the net area is 90.
• After considering a 10% contingency, the total number of sheathing panels = 100.
E. Jamb Studs in EW:

• Two jamb studs are taken per opening. Size is 38x140x2759 mm.
• Number of openings in the EW is 21.
• Thus, the total number of Jamb Studs = 42 ea.
F. Cripples:

• Cripples are calculated for the openings in all walls including

EW, PW1 and PW2.
• The size of the cripples is 38x140x2759 mm.
• The number of cripples can be calculated directly from the roof
framing plan.
• The total number of cripples in all walls = 82 ea.
G. Studs at joints in EW:

• Two studs are considered wherever joints appear on the EW.

• Number of joints on EW = 12. Size of the studs = 38x140x2759 mm.
• The total studs at joints in EW = 24 ea. (Source: Sheet 2.1-A Architectural Plan)
H. Top and bottom plates for openings in EW:

• One top plate and two bottom plates are considered per opening.
• Size of the plate = 38x140 mm.
• Length of the top plate for openings in EW = 46.8 m.
• Length of the bottom plate for openings in EW = 93.6 m.

19 | P a g e
I. Blocking members in EW:

• Two blocking per wall are considered as per the IMG 2.1.
• The length of the blocking members is equal to twice the net length of the EW
• The size of the blocking member in EW is 38x140 mm.
• The length of the blocking members in EW = 2 x 94,719 mm = 189,438 mm or 189.44 m.
J. Beams on the openings:

• Beams are calculated for the openings in all walls including EW, PW1 and PW2.
• There are various sizes of the beams indicated in IMG 2.2 below.
• The number of beams can be calculated directly from the roof framing plan.
• Number of beams B1= 82, B2 = 18, B3 = 5, b4 = 2, B5 = 1.
Interior Wall (PW1): (Report by Shrinivas Haribhau Satpute)
A. Length of the top plate in PW1:

• As per the requirements there are two top plates of size 38x89 mm.
• The length of the top plate is equal to the gross length of the PW1.
• Thus, for two plates the total length of the top plate = 2 x 61.61 m = 123.21 m
B. Length of the bottom plate in PW1:

• The length of the bottom plate is equal to the gross length of the PW1.
• Thus, the length of the bottom plate = 1 x 61.61 m = 61.61 m
C. Studs in PW1:

• Studs are spaced at 350mm O.C. throughout the length of the wall.
• While calculating the number of studs, larger openings are removed from the walls and the net
length of the PW1 is considered.
• The size of the studs is 38x89x2759 mm, where 2759 mm is the clear height.
• The total number of studs = 53,381 mm / 350 mm = 152 ea.
D. Jamb Studs in PW1:

• Two jamb studs are taken per opening. Size is 38x89x2759 mm.
• The number of openings in the PW1 is 12.
• Thus, the total number of Jamb Studs in PW1 = 24 ea.
E. Studs at joints in PW1:

• Two studs are considered wherever joints appear on PW1.

• Number of joints on PW1 = 24. Size of the studs = 38x89x2759 mm.
• The total studs at joints in PW1 = 48 ea.
F. Top plates for openings in PW1:

• One top plate and two bottom plates are considered per opening.
• Size of the type 1 plate = 38x89X1000 mm and type 2 plate = 39x89x4126 mm.
• Number of type 1 top plates in PW1 = 12 ea.
• Number of type 2 top plates in PW1 = 1 ea.
G. Blocking members in PW1:

20 | P a g e
• Two blockings per wall are considered as per fig 2.1 shown
• The length of the blocking members is equal to twice the net length of the PW1.
• The size of the blocking member is 28x89 mm.
• The length of the blocking member in PW1 = 2 x 53,381mm = 106,762 mm or 106.76 m.
Interior Wall (PW2): (Report by Shrinivas Haribhau Satpute)
The calculations of the PW2 are the same as the calculations in PW1. The only significant difference is in the
size of the members used. The size of the stud, top plate, bottom plate, jamb studs, and blocking is 38x140 mm.
2. Summarizing all the estimates in a table:
Table 5.1 - Estimation Summary

ROOF: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)

To estimate the roof first the different sections of the roof were identified from the given drawing which is as per
sheet A2.0 which shows the section of the roof and the detailing. The roof is having 4 layers in this project which
1. Asphalt shingles
2. Self-adhered waterproof membrane
3. Plywood sheathing
4. Pre-engineered truss
Figure 1 layers of R1 roof type
Now, calculating the quantity for the roof quantities for different materials should be done. The following steps
are for the calculation of roof materials.
1. Pre-engineered truss
First, the trusses are pre-engineered in our project, we are having 2 different kinds of trusses one is Full span
and the other is half span and we are calculating the quantities of both trusses.

R1 ROOF TRUSS TYPE 1: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)

21 | P a g e
To estimate the total wood quantity, we need to first calculate the total length of wood for each truss.
For calculating the total length of the truss, the following steps
are done.
1. The total span of the truss = 25000mm as in drawing sheet
Run of the truss = 2 = 25000/2 = 12500mm
Figure 1 building sections A6.1-A roof truss type 1
2. 2:12 roof pitch as per drawing A6.1-A
Heel height = 450mm
Rise of king post = 12*12500 + 450 = 2583.33mm
3. Hypotenuse of the triangle is the length of the rafter.
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2083.33
tan Ɵ = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 12500 = 1/6 => Ɵ = 9.46232221
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2083.33
sin Ɵ = ℎ𝑦𝑝 => = sin 9.46
hyp = = 12672.4mm
so, the length of the rafter is 12672.4mm, each truss has 2 rafters.
From similar triangles concept divide run into 7 equal parts = 12500/7 = 1785.71mm

Total of 15 webs w1, w3,w5,w7,w9,w11,w13,w15 are vertical webs

Can be calculated using formulas.
𝑤1 𝑤3+450
• = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛−1785.71
2083.33 𝑤3+450
12500 12500−1785.71
W3 = 2235.71mm
Similarly, w5=1938mm , w7 = 1640.47mm , w9 = 1342.85mm , w11 = 1045.24mm , w13 = 747.62mm , w15 =
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2583.33 𝑜𝑝𝑝 2583.33
• tan Ɵ = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 1785.71 = 1.446 => sin Ɵ = ℎ𝑦𝑝 => = sin 55.346
hyp = = 3140.44mm => w2 = 3140.44mm

similarly w4 = w6 = 2635.57mm , w8 = w10 = 2238mm, w12 = w14 = 1935.90mm

4. About drawing A4.0-A overhang is 635mm
Total length of truss = span +2* (total webs + rafters + overhang) + king post
= 25000+52318.51+25344.8+1270+2583.33=106.516m
So, the length of each full-span truss is 106.516m
R2 ROOF TRUSS TYPE 2: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)
For calculating the total length of the half-span truss the following steps are done.
1. The total span of the truss = 10000+110 = 10110mm as in drawing sheet A6.1-A
2. 2:12 roof pitch
Heel height = 450mm as in drawing A6.1-A
Rise of king post = 12*10110 + 450 = 2135mm

22 | P a g e
3. Hypotenuse of the triangle is the length of the
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2135
tan Ɵ = = = 0.2117
𝑎𝑑𝑗 10110
Ɵ = 11.92439097
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2083.33
sin Ɵ = ℎ𝑦𝑝 => ℎ𝑦𝑝 = sin 11.9
hyp = 0.2 = 10675mm
so, the length of the rafter is 10675mm.
4. From the concept of a similar triangle divide run into 6 equal parts = 10110/6 = 1685mm
Total of 13 webs w1,w3,w5,w7,w9,w11,w13 are vertical webs
Can be calculated using formulas.
𝑤1 𝑤3+450
• =
𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛−1685
1685 𝑤3+450
= 10110−1685
W3 = 1854.16mm
Similarly, w5=1573.33mm, w7 = 1292.5mm, w9 = 1011.66mm, w11 = 730.833mm, w13 = 450mm
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2135
• tan Ɵ = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 1685 = 1.267
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2583.33
sin Ɵ = ℎ𝑦𝑝 => = sin 51.717
hyp = 0.785 = 2178.75mm
w2 = w4 = 2178.75mm
similarly, w8 = w6 = 2154.16mm, w10 = w12 = 1836.66mm
5. About drawing A4.0-A overhang is 635mm
Total length of truss = span +2* (total webs + rafters + 2*overhang + king post)
= 10110+2*(19251.623+10675+1270+2135) = 76.77324m
The total length of half span truss is 76.773m
As the two different trusses will be installed in two different sections of the building the area is divided into 2
sections. Section S1 will have full-span trusses and section S2 will have half-
span trusses as shown in

Now, we need to know number of trusses for each section of the area.Fig 7 shows the portion of the roof that is
having a cut-out of 800mm as per drawing A3.0-A. So, from section A the truss type is Truss 2 and continues
with Truss 1 until section C and from section C to section D it is Truss 2 again.
From drawing A3.0-A Length from section A to section C is 14700mm & Length from section A to section C is
9800mm. Assuming the spacing between trusses is 609mm referred from
23 | P a g e
Now, no. of trusses = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠+1
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 14700
Section 1 no. of trusses = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠+1 = +1 = 25.138 ≈ 26
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 9800
Section 2 no. of trusses = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠+1 = +1 = 17

Since we have 26 full-span trusses

Truss length for 26 trusses including overhang = 26*106516 = 2769.416m
Since we have 17 half-span trusses
Truss length for 17 trusses including overhang = 17*76773.24mm = 1305.145m
The total wood required for trusses is 4074.561m.
After calculating the truss material, the next one is plywood sheathing.
PLYWOOD SHEATHING FOR ROOF: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)
For estimating the plywood material for the roof, the area of the roof is divided into 3 different rectangles for
easy calculation which are P1, P2, & P3.
The widths are taken from reference to sheet A4.0-A
Area of the roof (P1) = Hypotenuse length of roof x width =
12672.4*16270 = 206.179948m2
Similarly, the Area of the roof (P2) = 10675*9800 = 104.615000m2
DFP Sheathing is available in standard 1220x2440mm from
reference to
area of roof 206179948
No. of sheets (p1) = = ≈ 69
area of sheet 1220∗2440

Similarly, No. of sheathings (p2) = 36

No. of sheathings is multiplied by 2 as the total roof area is divided

into 2 equal portions of P1 & P2

The total no. of sheathings = 2*(P1+P2) = 210

In total 621.59m2 of are needed to be covered by plywood sheathings for the roof.


After estimating the plywood sheathings, the plywood layer is then layered with a bitumen membrane. To
estimate the bitumen membrane quantity, we need to know the sloped roof area of the building which was
already estimated when estimating the plywood sheathing.
The total area of roof will be 2(area of P1+ area of P2) = 2(206.180+104.615) =621.589896m2
The width of the membrane is 977mm according to

area of roof 621.589896

So, the linear length of the membrane would be =𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑒 = = 636.223mm

In total 621.59m2 of are needed to be covered by a bitumen membrane for the roof.
24 | P a g e
R2 ROOF: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)
The area P3 in Fig.8 is of different materials that are calculated below. The P3 area is called R2 in drawing sheets.
The different materials of the R2 roof are shown in Fig.9.

Figure 9 layers of R2 roof from drawing A4.0-A

The R2 is made of different materials and the quantities for those materials are calculated below.
The main important material of this roof is wooden joists and the length of wood required for joists is calculated
below. As per drawing sheet A4.0-A, the length of the R2 roof is 4753mm and the width is 2413mm as per
figure 3 & Thickness is 300mm. Assuming spacing between joists 300mm by referring to
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 4753
lengthwise no. of joists = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡+1 = +1= 16.84 ≈ 17
𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 2413
width wise no. of joists = 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡+1 = +1= 9
Total number of joists = 17+9 = 26 joists
Depth of joists = 300mm
Length of joists required = No. of joists * depth =28*0.3
Length of joists required = 8.4m
So, 8.4m of wood material is required for wooden joists in roof R2.
After the wooden joists are installed, the next layer is plywood sheathing as per sheet
The total area of the roof will be = length x width = 4753*2413 = 11468989mm2
from figure 9.
DFP Sheathing is available in standard 1220x2440mm from reference to
area of roof 11468989
No. of sheets = area of sheet = 1220∗2440 ≈ 4
The total area that needs to be covered by plywood sheathing for the R2 roof is 11.469m2


After the plywood is laid then the insulation is added to the roof. Polyisocyanurate base layer: conform to
CAN/CGSB-5.1.26-M86 faced polyisocyanurate, minimum thickness 90 mm referred to RFT.
Insulation is available in standard 600x1200mm from reference to
Area of the roof = 11468989mm2
area of roof 11468989
No. of sheets = = ≈ 16
area of sheet 1200∗600
The total area that needs insulation for the R2 roof is 11.469m2

The insulation is then closed with a protection board and the area that needs the protection board is calculated

25 | P a g e
Area of the roof = 11.469m2 from 2 PLY BITUMEN MEMBRANE calculation.
Protection board: conform to CGSB CAN2-51.31-M84. 1200 x 2400mm as and per
area of roof 11468989
No. of boards = = ≈4
area of board 1200∗2400
The total area that needs to be covered by a protection board for the R2 roof is 11.469m2
The Bitumen membrane is the topmost layer for the type of roof and the material quantity required is calculated.
The total area of the roof will be = length x width = 4753*2413 = 11468989mm2 from figure 9.
The width of the membrane is 977mm according to

area of roof 11468989

So, the linear length of the membrane would be =𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑒 = = 11739mm
The total area that needs to be covered by 2 PLY SBS-Bitumen membrane for the R2 roof is 11.469m2

GYPSUM BOARD OF CEILING: (Report by Keerthi Gaddam)

The ceiling in this project is of 3 different materials in different sections and these are named C1, C2, and S1.
Each of the ceilings has a different arrangement of materials. The different material quantities for all the ceilings
are calculated below.
Ceiling C1
This ceiling is named as C1 in drawing sheet A2.0 which isarrangementrangment of materials as follows:
1. Bottom chord of the engineered truss
2. R-40 batt insulation
3. Vapour barrier
4. Gypsum board
Figure 11 ceiling layers from drawing A0.2
To estimate ceiling quantity, we are calculating the quantities for all the materials. The bottom chord of the truss
was already calculated as the span of the trusses.
Gypsum board C1
According to drawing A3.0, there are three different ceiling types
used. The three different areas for different types of ceilings need to
be calculated. Firstly, the gypsum board ceiling is marked as plain in
Figure 12.
Area of gypsum board ceiling = 2*(24500*10000) +(5000*11180) =
545.9m2 dimensions from reference with drawing A3.0-A
The standard size gypsum boards are 600x1200mm. From reference
Figure 12 different types of ceiling from drawing A0.2
area of roof 545900000
No. of boards = = ≈ 759
area of board 1200∗600

The total area of ceiling that needs gypsum board is 545.9m2

Vapor barrier
The vapor barrier is spread all over the ceiling of type C1 and the material calculation is following
Total area = 545.9m2
The standard size of each bundle of a vapor barrier is 4000x32000mm.
area of roof 545900000
No. of boards = area of dimensions = 4000∗32000 ≈ 4.3
The total area of ceiling that needs a vapor barrier is 545.9m2
26 | P a g e
R-40 Batt insulation
The total C1 portion of the ceiling is insulated with R-
40 Batt. So, the whole area of C1 is insulated.
Insulation is available in standard 600x1200mm from
reference to
Area of the total roof = 545900000+62649100 =
area of roof 608549100
No. of sheets = = ≈ 845
area of sheet 1200∗600

The total area of ceiling that needs R-40 Batt

insulation is 545.9m2
Ceiling C2
Area of C2 as per sheet 3.0 = L x B = 2438*5000 =
12.19m2. The dimensions from reference with Figure 13 differentiating the types of ceiling.
drawing A3.0-A. the quantities of different
materials are calculated below.
Dropped gypsum board C2
The area that needs Dropped gypsum board
ceiling is marked in red in Figure 12.
Area of dropped gypsum board ceiling 12.19m2.
Figure 14 layers of ceiling C2 from drawing A3.0
The standard size gypsum boards are
area of roof 12190000
No. of boards = = ≈ 17
area of board 1200∗600

The total area of ceiling that needs Dropped gypsum board is 12.19m2
Wood studs
The wood required for wooden studs is calculated below. From figure 14 the wood studs are placed at 400mm
spacing. The length of ceiling type c2 is 5000mm and the width is 2438mm from reference with drawing A3.0-
length of roof 5000
No. of wood joists in longitudinal = spacing + 1 = 400 +1 ≈ 14
width of roof 5000
No. of wood joists in latitudinal = = =6
spacing 400

The total no. of joists is 14*6 = 84

The total wood quantity in length is 25.2m
Ceiling S1
Wood studs
From figure 14 the wood studs are placed at 400mm
If we make it as a 635mm strip the total length of the Figure 14 layers of ceiling C2 from drawing A3.0
strip would be 132000mm from reference with drawing
27 | P a g e
length of roof 132000
No. of wood joists = +1= +1 ≈ 331
spacing 400

width of roof 635

No. of wood joists in horizontal section = = +1= 2
spacing 400

The total no. of joists is 331*2 = 662 The total wood quantity in length is 25.2m.
Drywall: (Report by Ashwani Sharma)
For estimating the drywall of the building we followed the below steps to find the overall quantity of drywall:
1. Perimeter of Rooms: To find the overall drywall required per
room by calculating the perimeter of the room. We calculated
the Length and width of the room as mentioned in table below:
Example: As per sheet no. A2.1-A, we calculated the perimeter
of each room and common space where we need to quantify
the drywall. As per the result, the perimeter of the below-
highlighted rooms in blue is mentioned.

Staff 101 Perimeter = 2x(Length + Width)

Length = Length – wall thickness
Length = (3.523+1.627-0.20-0.10)= 4.85 m
Width = (0.814+1.071+1.071+1.329-0.20-0.10) = 3.985m
Staff 101 Perimeter = 2x(4.85+3.985)=17.66 sq.m.

2. Height: Once we have got the perimeter of the overall drywall requirement we need to find the height of the
drywall. For determining the height we refer to the sectional plan A6.0. please refer to the below snap.

As per the elevation plan, the clear height is mentioned as

2759 mm i.e. 2.759 m
3. Area: as we have the perimeter and height of the drywall
we can calculate the overall area by using the formula:
Area = Perimeter x Height
Example: Using the same rooms as per above table we
calculate the total area of the drywall per room as per the
table à
Staff 101 Area of drywall = 17.66 x 2.759 = 48.72 sq. m.
Room Number Perimeter (m) Height (m) Area (sq.m.)
Staff – 101 17.66 2.759 48.72
Laundry – 102 11.24 2.759 31.01
Mechanical – M101 9.80 2.759 27.04
W/R – 105-B 11.22 2.759 30.96
Storage – 105-C 10.80 2.759 29.80
Custodial – C100 6.00 2.759 16.55
Using the same method we calculated the total area of the drywall required for this project and generated the
below table:

28 | P a g e
The Total quantity of Drywall required is 1100.51 Sq.m.
As we have got the total area of drywall i.e 1100.51 sq. m. we can calculate the number of drywall sheets
required: Reference:
1. Drywall Sheets: As a standard size of a drywall sheet is 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 15.9 mm. so the total area
of one sheet in meters = 1.22 x 2.44 = 2.98 sq. m.
➔ Total Drywall sheets = total area of drywall / Area of a sheet
➔ Total Drywall sheets = 1100.51 / 2.98 = 369.29 ≈ 370 Sheets
2. Drywall Tape: As the perimeter of a drywall sheet is (1.22+2.44) 3.66 m so, the total length of tape
required can be calculated using the below formula:
➔ Total Tape = Perimeter of a drywall X Total number of sheets
➔ Total Tape = 3.66 X 370 = 1,354.20m
3. Joint Compound: To calculate the total Joint compound we need to multiply the total drywall area by 0.57
pounds as mentioned in the above reference link:
➔ Total Joint compound = 1100.51 x 0.57 = 627.29 pound
4. Drywall Screws: To calculate the total number of screws as for 1220 mm x 2440 mm sheet we need 32
screws so for total 361 sheets.
➔ Total Screws = 370 x 32 = 11,840
We can use the total number to calculate the number of boxes of screws required as for 4.1 cm screw the
approx. the number of screws per pound is 150. So we will need approx. 80 pounds of screws for the project.

Wall Tile: (Report by Ashwani Sharma)

As per the restroom plan we need to provide wall tile in all the restroom till height of 1.219m. as we already
have calculated the perimeter of each room in above table we use the same
perimeter of the room to calculate the total area of wall tile required.
Example: 105A W/R Wall Tile = Perimeter x Height of wall tile
105A W/R Wall Tile = 11.2 x 1.219 = 13.65 m2
Similarly, we calculated the total area of wall tile required for all the
restrooms. The below table represents the calculation results.
Total wall tile required = 69 Sq. m.

29 | P a g e
Length Width Perimeter Height Area
Room Number
(m) (m) (m) (m) (sq.m.)
104 - Accessible W/R 3.00 2.20 10.40 1.219 12.68
105-A - W/R 3.30 2.30 11.20 1.219 13.65
105-B - W/R 3.30 2.30 11.20 1.219 13.65
106-A - W/R 1.80 4.60 12.80 1.219 15.60
107-C - W/R 3.50 2.00 11.00 1.219 13.41
TOTAL 69.00
Paint: (Report by Ashwani Sharma)
There are three type of Paints used in this project according to Sheet A4.1-A.To
calculate the total length of the wall for each paint and multiply it by the total height of
the wall.
Example: For Calculating the total area for Paint PT-4. We calculate the total length of
wall this paint will cover. As per the finish plan PT-4 is used in 105 – Office and 107 - A - Under 36 Month

Length of dry wall = 2.2 + 9.72 = 11.92 m

Total Height of wall = 2.759
Total Paint PT-4 = Length of dry wall x Height
of wall
Total Paint PT-4 = 11.92 x 2.759 = 32.89 Sq. m.
Similarly, the total area of all the wall paints are

Wall Length Height Area
PT-2 21.47 2.759 59.24
PT-3 18.81 2.759 51.90
PT-4 32.89 2.759 90.74
Total 201.88
The total area of paint required is 201.88 Sq. m.

Floor Finishes: (Report by Ashwani Sharma)

For Floor finish, we calculate the total floor area of building according to the type of
finishes. In this project there are four types of finishes as mentioned in the Sheet A4.1-A and
as mentioned in the below snap.
To calculate the total floor area per floor finish type. We calculate the floor area per room
and define the type of floor finish respectively to the room. Once we have the floor area of
each room and type of finish for each room we sum up the total area to find the finial floor
finish area.
Example: For calculating the total area of RF1 typr floor finish. We start with
calculating the floor area of rooms in which they are required. Like room 100-B
Kitchen, 102- Laundry. Etc.Floor area = Length x width
100-B Kitchen Floor area = 4.04 x 4.67 = 18.87 sq. m.
Similarly we calculated the floor area of all the rooms and assigned the floor finish type
to each room. Please refer to the below table.
30 | P a g e
The total Floor Finish quantity required is 481.65 sq. m.

Estimation of Asphalt shingles: (Report by Gagandeepsingh Sukhdevsingh Bhalla)

For estimating the Asphalt Shingles of the roof, we followed the below steps to find the overall quantity:
Area of section A1= 25.77*10.64= 274.193 m2
Area of section A2= 15.216*5= 76.080 m2
Area of section A3= 25.77*10.64= 274.193
Total area = Area of (A1+A2+A3)= (274.193+76.080+624.466)
Total area of roof (in plane/horizontal) = 624.466 m2
To find sloping area of roof we need to multiply total area by sloping
area multiplying factor.
Sloping area factor = √(rise/run)² + 1) = √(2/12)² + 1)
Sloping area factor = 1.014 Therefore, total sloping area =
624.466*1.014 Total sloping area= 633.188 m2
To find Number of shingles, it is often calculated from roofing square.
As 1 roofing square is equal to 100sqft. We will be converting above total area into sqft first.
1 m2= 10.764 sqft => 633.188 m2= 6815.493 sqft
Roofing square= = 68.155 squares
Per roofing square 3 bundles of shingles are required.
No of shingles= 68.155*3 = 204.465 bundles No of shingles= 205 bundles
One bundle of shingle= 29 units of shingles
Total no of shingles= 205*29 = 5945 Total 5945 units of shingle are required.
Connections for shingles-
To connect shingles to roof large head aluminum roofing nails are used.
Each shingle requires 4 nails to connect adequately to roof.
So total number of nails require = No of shingles*4 = 5945*4 = 23780 Total no of nails requires 23780 units.
Roof cladding- (Report by Gagandeepsingh Sukhdevsingh Bhalla)
Roof facia is installed along roof perimeter, so the required length is equal to total perimeter of roof.

31 | P a g e
Referring to sheet A4.0-A Roof Plan, observed perimeter of roof= 122,608mm= 122.608m

Soffits:-(Report by Gagandeepsingh Sukhdevsingh Bhalla)

To estimate area required for soffits we require total length of roof i.e perimeter of
and width of roof.
Referring to sheet A4.0-A Roof Plan, observed perimeter of roof= 122,608mm=
From sheet A6.0 Building section, typical overhang provided is 610mm= 0.610m
Total area of soffit= Perimeter of roof*width of overhang
Total area of soffit= 122.608*0.610 Total area of soffit= 74.790 m2

Exterior walls:(Report by Gagandeepsingh Sukhdevsingh Bhalla)

As per the sheet A0.2 Architectural Plan, we can observe that there are two compositions of exterior walls,
namely, EW1 and EW2. To calculate their quantity, we first
calculated area of exterior wall.
To calculate length and area of the wall we need to refer,
Sheet A8.0 Architectural Plan, Sheet A2.1A overall floor
plan, and Table 1.1
Area of wall upto roof height = {(length of wall ∗
height of wall) − (area of openings in wall) + (area of section above wall upto roof)}
From sheet A5.0-A, we get to know height of wall = 2759mm=2.759m
1) Area of wall A-B = {(24.5*2.759) -(8*1.142)} =>Area of wall A-B= 58.459 m2
2) Area of wall B-C=To find area of above wall B-C, we will consider above section as triangle and find its
Firstly, we will find height of triangle,
𝑜𝑝𝑝 2.691
As tan Ɵ = 𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 12.5 = 12.149 => Height of triangle= Tan 12.149* 10.11 => Height of triangle= 2.176m

Area of wall B-C= {(10.11*2.759) – (4*1.931) + (1/2*10.11*2.176)} =>Area of wall B-C=31.169 m2

3) Area of wall C-D= {(9.801*(2.759+2.176) – (3*0.877)}=45.736 m2
4) Area of wall D-E= {(4.780*2.759)- (3.530*2.446) +(4.780*2.176+ ½*4.780*0.515)}= (13.188-
8.634+11.632)= 16.186m2
5) Area of Wall E-F= {(9.801*(2.759+2.176) – (3*0.877)F=45.736 m2
6) Area of wall F-G= {(10.11*2.759) – (4*1.931) + (1/2*10.11*2.176)} =31.169 m2
7) Area of wall G-H= {(24.5*2.759) -(3*0.743+ 2*0.372)}= 64.622 m2
8) Area of wall H-I = {(10.11*2.759) – (4*1.931) + (1/2*10.11*2.176)}= 31.169 m2
9) Area of wall I-J = {(0.753*2.759+2.176)}= 3.716 m2
10) Area of wall J-K= {(4.780*2.759)- (3.530*2.446) +(4.780*2.176+ ½*4.780*0.515)}= 16.186m2
11) Area of wall K-L= {(0.753*2.759+2.176)}= 3.716 m2
12) Area of wall L-A= {(10.11*2.759) – (3*0.980) + (1/2*10.11*2.176)}= 35.953m2
From Sheet A2.1-A, there are 3 types of exterior walls, i.e. EW1a, EW1b, EW2.
Area of EW1a= (Area of wall AB + Area of wall BC + Area of wall CD + Area of wall KL + Area of wall
LA)= 175.003

32 | P a g e
Area of EW1b= (Area of wall EF + Area of wall FG + Area of wall GH + Area of wall HI + Area of wall IJ)=
176.412 m2
Area of EW2 = (Area of wall DE+ Area of wall JK)=32.372 m2
Type of exterior wall section Wall sections Area (m2)

EW1a A-B, B-C, C-D, K-L, L-A 175.003

EW1b E-F, F-G, G-H, H-I, I-J 176.412
EW2 D-E, J-K 32.372
Table 1.1 summary of type of exterior wall sections
Total area of exterior wall section= EW1a+ EW1b+ EW2 = 175.003+ 176.412+ 32.372
Total area of exterior wall section= 383.727m2
Fiber cement panels
Fiber cement panels are to be installed on exterior wall section.
Therefore, total area required to be covered by fiber cement panel is equal to exterior wall section, i.e 383.727
m2 .Considering size of panel is 11.5”H X 144”L. All panels are installed with overlap to create watertight seal.
Assuming over lap of 1.5 inch, so the effective size will be 10”H X 144”L.
This panel would coverage area of 1440 sq.inch, which is 0.929m2
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 383.727
Therefore No of Fiber cement panels= = = 413.05
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙 0.929
Total no of fiber cement panel required is 414.
Vertical Rainscreen strapping
Vertical rainscreen strapping of 19mm*38mm is placed on studs spaced at 350mm O.C. throughout the length
of the Exterior wall.
Vapour permeable Air barrier on exterior wall
Vapour air permeable barrier is used to resist air leakage and liquid water intrusion, while at the same time
allows vapor to readily pass through to allow the wall assembly to dry. Vapour permeable air barrier is installed
on exterior wall surface, so the are required is equal to surface area of wall. As total area of exterior wall is
already estimated,
area of vapour permeable barrier= 383.727 m2.

Doors: (Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)

The three types of material used for doors are Wood, Aluminum, and Steel.

Doors Quantity Window Quantity

A1(Aluminium) 3 v1 12
A2(Aluminium double v2 3
door) 3 v3 8
W1(Wood door) 6 v5 3
W2(Wood door TSG) 7 v6 3
S1(Steel door) 2 v7(Vinyl window) 1
w2a(wood door pyro glass) 1 s4(steel window) 6
Total 22 Total 36

33 | P a g e
Windows:(Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)
The two types of material used for windows are vinyl and Aluminum. The number of windows for v5 was
shown in the figure, similarly, we count for other windows.

Signage: (Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)

There is 7 signage as scheduled below:

Signage Quantity
Laundry 1
Boys w/r(Washroom) 1
Girls w/r(Washroom) 1
Custodial 1
Mechanical 2
Accessible w/r 1

Mount illuminated sign: (Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)

There is a Mount illuminated sign at the entrance of the

Mount illuminated sign 1

Toilet Accessories: (Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)

The Toilet Accessories include:
• Commodes: The number of commodes required is 10.
• Changing tables: There are 2 changing tables.
• Upper cabinets: There are 4 upper cabinets.
• Sinks: There are 8 sinks
Door frames: (Report by Abhishek Koukuntla)
The two types of material used for door frames are the Prestressed steel frame and Aluminum frame.

Door frames Quantity

ps1(pressed steel frame) 12
ps2(pressed steel frame) 2
ps2a(pressed steel frame pyro stop rated
glazed) 1
psx(pressed steel frame pyro stop rated
glazed) 2
Aluminum frame 6

34 | P a g e
Chain-link Fence: (Report by Revathi Madhurai Sudheer)
Length of fence @ child group A = 8+8+9.89 = 25.89m
Total no’s line posts = length of fence / spacing= 25.89/2.4 =11-4 =7posts (deduct
4no’s outer posts)
• Length of fence @ child group B = 1.5+13.52+10.95 = 25.97m
Total no’s line posts = length of fence / spacing= 25.97/2 =13-3 =10posts
(deducted 3nos corner posts)
• Length of fence @ child group C = 3.12+11.03+3.12+13.52+1.5 = 32.29m
Total no of line posts = length of fence / spacing= 32.29/2.4 =14-4 = 10posts
(deducted 4 corner posts)

Total length of fence in group A, B and C = 88.81m

Total no of line posts in group A, B and C = 7+10+10 = 27posts(50mm)
Total no of outer posts in Group A, B and C = 4+3+4 = 11posts(64mm)

• Grade of concrete = 25Mpa

• Volume of concrete = total length * width*thickness =
88.81*0.2*0.1 = 1.7762m³
• Volume of concrete at posts = (no of posts) * length*width*depth =
(27+11) *0.2*0.2*0.9 = 1.368m³
• Total quantity of fabric = total length of fence * height of fence =
88.81*1.5 = 133.215m² (3.6mm steel wire zinc coated)
• Total length of railings = 2*length of fence = 2*88.81=177.62m
(32mm OD as specified).
As specified in the drawings the dimensions vary so the below length of fence is to be calculated separately.
• Length of fence @ exit = 4.66m – 2m (width of gate)= 2.66m
• As there are 2 no. of gates and an intersection, the number posts = 7posts
• Inner fence length of group B = 13.52+1.575+1.5m = 16.595m
• Total no of line posts = length of fence/spacing = 16.595/2 {as spacing 2 is mentioned in the
drawings}= 9-4=5posts (deducted 4 corner posts)
• Total no of line posts = 5posts(48mm)
• Total no of outer posts = 7+4 = 11posts(73mm)
• Volume of concrete = total length * width*thickness =
19.255*0.2*0.1= 0.3851m³
• Volume of concrete at posts = (no of posts) *
length*width*depth= (11+5) *0.2*0.2*0.9 = 0.576m³
• Total volume of 25Mpa concrete = 5m³
• Total quantity of fabric = total length of fence * height of
fence = 19.255*1 = 19.255m² (3.6mm steel wire zinc
• Total length of railings = 2*length of fence = 2*19.255 =38.51m (32mm OD as specified).
Chain link Fence gate:(Report by Revathi Madhurai Sudheer)
Dimension of Gate @ group A = 1.2m*1.5m
Dimension of Gate @ group C = 1.2m*1.5m

35 | P a g e
Total quantity of gate frame = 2(Perimeter + hypotenuse) =
2(1.2+1.5+1.2+1.5+2) = 14.8m (Galvanised steel pipe 64 OD)

• {Hypotenuse = √𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = √1.22 + 1.52 = 1.56 = 1.6m}

• Required quantity of fabric = 2(1.2*1.5) = 3.6m2 (9gauge)
• Dimension of Gate @ Exit as shown in the drawings= 1m*1.2m
• Total no. of gates = 2
• Total quantity of gate frame = 2(perimeter + hypotenuse) =
2(1+1.2+1+1.2+1.6)= 12m (Galvanised steel pipe 73 OD)
• {Hypotenuse = √𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = √12 + 1.22 = 1.56 = 1.6m}
• Required quantity of fabric = 2(1*1.2) = 2.4m2 (9gauge)
• Maintenance gate (double gate) = 1 ; Dimension of Maintenance Gate = 1.5m*3m
• Total quantity of gate frame = 2(perimeter) = 2(1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5) = 12m (Galvanised steel pipe 64 OD)
• Required quantity of fabric = 2(1.5*1.5) = 4.5m2 (9gauge)
The number of posts and volume of concrete for chain-link gate are included in the previous chain link fence
Concrete Sidewalk: (Report by Revathi Madhurai Sudheer)
• The length of the sidewalk = 16.34m; Width = 1.5m
• The length of the Sidewalk along loading stall = 57.45m – 18.11m + 1.5m= 40.84m
• The length of the Sidewalk @ child group B & C = 11.03m+3.15m+3.52m = 17.70m
• Total length of the Concrete Sidewalk = 74.88m
• Area = Total length of concrete sidewalk of width 1.5m = 74.88m * 1.5m = 112.32m2
• The length of sidewalk between child group b & c = 13.52m
• Area of sidewalk between child group b & c = 13.52m * 3.15m = 42.588m2
• Area of Sidewalk @ exit = 10m * 4.66m = 46.6m2 (Assumed exit length= 10m)
• Total Area = 42.588+46.6= 89.188m2
• Volume = Area * thickness = 89.188m2 * 0.125m = 11.1485m3
Total volume of Concrete required 11.148 m3
• Required length of Main 10Mbars in 1.5m width = 74.88/0.4572 = 163.77m
• Required length of distribution 10Mbars = 1.5/0.4572 = 3.28m
• Required length of Main 10Mbars in 3.15m width = 13.52/0.4572 = 29.57m
• Required length of distribution 10Mbars = 3.15/0.4572 = 6.889m
• Required length of Main 10Mbars in 4.66m width = 10/0.4572=21.87m
• Required length of distribution 10Mbars = 4.66/0.4572=10.192m
• Total length of 10M bars = 236.299m
• The tie bars are 10M bars with a nominal diameter of 11.3mm, weight/m = 0.785kg/m, and a cross-
sectional area of 100 mm2.
The weight of the steel(10M) = 236.299 X 0.785 = 185.4947kg= 0.1854ton.
Engineered Wood Fibre: (Report by Revathi Madhurai Sudheer)
As per architectural plan the total quantity of engineered wood fibre = (Group A + Group B +Group C) *
Thickness = (78 + 148 + 182) * 0.3 = 122.4m3
Volume of Woven Geotextile fabric = 0.3 * (Perimeter of Group A+B+C) = 0.3 * (35.64 + 51.94 + 52.1) =
41.904m2 and Volume of Pea gravel 5mm = 0.075 * (Group A+B+C) = 30.6m3

36 | P a g e

37 | P a g e
Adjusted value
QUANTITY TAKE-OFF REPORT QTO after adding Material Cost Labour Cost Equipment Cost
waste factor
Unit Unit Unit
Reference Description Quantity Unit Quantity Unit Total$ Total$ Total$
Rate$ Rate$ Rate$
03 00 00 Concrete 47716.48 9489.78
03 11 00 Concrete Forming 6.15 15053.72 2.33 5703.28
03 11 13 Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming 317.51 m2 2447.76 SF
03 21 00 Reinforcement Bars 982.80 5975.42 622.78 3786.5
03 21 11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars(15M) 5.52 tons 6.07 tons
03 21 11 Plain Steel Reinforcement Bars(10M) 0.01 tons 0.01 tons
03 31 00 Structural Concrete 145.96 21739.28
03 31 13 Heavyweight Structural Concrete 111.85 m3 148.94 Cy
03 39 00 Concrete Curing 0.66 4948.06
03 39 13 Water Concrete Curing 696.50 m2 7497.06 SF
06 00 00 Wood, Plastics, and Composites 25661.52 16583.65 735.98
06 11 00 Wood Framing 6588.29 8616.94
061110.40 Studs (38x140x2759mm) 705.00 m 6345.00 LF 0.53 3362.85 0.56 3553.2
061110.40 Studs (38x89x2759mm) 224.00 m 2016.00 LF 0.33 665.28 0.46 927.36
061110.40 Plates (38x140mm) 655.18 m 2150.00 LF 0.62 1333 0.77 1655.5
061110.40 Plates (38x89mm) 291.58 m 958.00 LF 0.36 344.88 0.72 689.76
061110.02 Blocking (38x140mm) 350.05 m 1148.30 LF 0.53 608.6 1.27 1458.34
061110.40 B1 (44x241mm) 82.00 m 129.00 LF 1.11 143.19 1.79 230.91
061110.40 B2 (44x241mm) 18.00 m 29.00 LF 1.11 32.19 1.79 51.91
061110.40 B3 (133x241mm) 5.00 m 8.00 LF 6.50 52 3.48 27.84
061110.40 B4 (178x241mm) 2.00 m 4.00 LF 6.50 26 3.48 13.92
061110.40 B5 (133x406mm) 1.00 m 2.00 LF 10.15 20.3 4.10 8.2
06 16 00 Sheathing 8193.43 6128.71
061633 Wood Board Sheathing 898.95 m2
061633 Sheathing for the Roof 633.06 m2 7495.62 SF 0.78 5846.59 0.60 4497.37
061636.10 Sheathing for External Walls 265.89 m2 2862.00 SF 0.82 2346.84 0.57 1631.34
06 17 00 Shop-Fabricated Structural Wood 10879.8 1838 735.98
06 17 53 Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses 4074.56 m 3345.37 SF 3.16 10591.44 0.53 1773 0.22 735.98
06 17 33 Wood I-Joists 8.40 m 122.70 SF 2.35 288.36 0.53 65
07 00 00 Thermal and Moisture Protection 21934.37 19205.056
07 11 00 Dampproofing 0.36 455.78 0.41 519.08
071116 Cementitious Dampproofing 117.60 m2 1266.05 SF
07 13 00 Sheet Waterproofing 1.67 123 0.91 67
071313 Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing 621.59 m2 7359.81 SF
07 21 00 Thermal Insulation 5309.81 4027.85
072113 Board Insulation 11.74 m2 139.00 SF 0.31 43.09 0.48 66.72
072113.13 Foam Board Insulation 545.90 m2 6463.62 SF 0.62 4007.44 0.48 3102.53
072116.20 Blanket Insulation for Walls 265.89 m2 2862.00 SF 0.44 1259.28 0.30 858.6
07 22 00 Roof and Deck Insulation 1.30 180.7 0.27 37.53
07 22 16 Roof Board Insulation 11.74 m2 139.00 SF
07 26 00 Vapor Retarders 1.27 82 8.67 560.4
07 26 13 Above-Grade Vapor Retarders 545.90 m2 6463.62 SF
07 27 00 Air Barrier 0.44 4083.02 0.23 2134.31
072716.10 vapour permeable air barrier 783.73 m2 9279.60 SF
07 31 00 Shingles and Shakes 81.92 6420.89 54.99 4310.116
07 31 13 Asphalt Shingles 633.19 m2 7838.00 SF
07 46 00 Siding 1.16 5270.43 1.66 7542.16
074646.10 Fiber-Cement Siding 383.73 m2 4543.47 SF
07 55 00 Protected Membrane Roofing 6.44 8.74 4.87 6.61
Built-Up Bituminous Protected Membrane
07 55 51 11.47 m2 135.80 SF
080000 Opening 39366.74 7991.48

38 | P a g e
081000 Doors 22.00 each 22.00 each 19790 2796
081316 Aluminum Doors 6.00 each 6.00 each 535.00 3210 230.00 1380
081400 Wood Doors 14.00 each 14.00 each 945.00 13230 49.00 686
081319 Stainless steel Doors 2.00 each 2.00 each 1675.00 3350 365.00 730
085000 Windows 36.00 each 36.00 each 10020 1542
085313 Vinyl Window 30.00 each 30.00 each 198.00 5940 38.50 1155
085123 Steel Window 6.00 each 6.00 each 680.00 4080 64.50 387
081000 Frames 23.00 each 23.00 each 9354 2927
081219 Stainless steel frame 17.00 each 17.00 each 282.00 4794 34.50 587
081216 Aluminum Frame 6.00 each 6.00 each 760.00 4560 390.00 2340
08 95 00 Vents 0.48 202.74 1.72 726.48
08 95
Soffit Vents 122.61 m 422.37 LF
090000 FINISHES 72,330 32,024
092000 Plaster & Gypsum Board 1100.51 m2 13030.37 SF 0.24 3127.28 0.38 4951.54
092900 Drywall - Gypsum Board 1100.51 m2
092900 Drywall Tape 1354.20 m
092900 Joint Compound 627.29 Pound
092900 Drywall Screws 11840.00 No.
092200 Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Board 0.24 43.65 0.56 101.85
092216.13 Non-Structural Metal Stud Framing 50.40 m 181.89 LF
093000 Tiling 69.00 m2 4.08 3484.76 2.57 2195.06
093013 Wall Tiles 69.00 m2 854.11 SF
09 56 00 Textured Ceilings 0.59 3898.7 0.55 3634.37
09 56 13 Gypsum-Panel Textured Ceilings 558.09 m2 6607.96 SF
096000 Floor Finishes 481.65 m2 5617.63 SF 10.95 61,513 3.60 20,223.46
096516 RF1 - Resilient Sheet Flooring - Anti Slip 63.33 m2
096516 RF2 - Resilient Sheet Flooring 337.70 m2
096516 RF3 - Resilient Sheet Flooring 56.74 m2
096119 SC1 - Sealed Concrete 23.88 m2
099000 Painting 201.88 m2 2389.59 SF 0.11 262.85 0.38 918
099123 PT-2 - Accent Paint (Orange) 59.24 m2
099123 PT-3 - Accent Paint (Blue) 51.90 m2
099123 PT-4 - Accent Paint (Green) 90.74 m2
100000 Specialities 3124 874
101400 Signage 2308 238
101400 Signage 7.00 each 7.00 each 22.50 158 14.35 100
101433 Mount Illuminated Signage 1.00 each 1.00 each 2150.00 2150 138.00 138
102800 Toilet ,bath, and Laundry Accessories 816 636
102813 Tiolet accessories 24.00 each 24.00 each 34.00 816 26.50 636
310000 Earthwork 2.50 1446.05 1.78 1029.59
31 23 00 Excavation and Fill 442.24 m3
31 23 16 Excavation 442.24 m3 578.42 Cy
323000 Site improvement 5420.705 2112.791 385.176
323100 Fences and Gates 2846.3 1480.67 385.176
323126 Wire fences 152.47 m2 500.22 LF 5.69 2846.3 2.96 1480.67 0.77 385.176
323126.11 Steel posts 54.00 each 54.00 each
061100 Wood products 122.40 m2 401.57 LF 176.69 501.96
061123 engineered wood products 122.40 m2 401.57 LF 0.44 176.69 1.25 501.96
321600 Sidewalks 2397.715 130.161
321613.13 Cast-in-place concrete 11.15 m3 14.58 CY 145.96 2192.31
032100 reinforcement bars 0.19 ton 0.21 ton 982.80 205.405 622.78 130.161

39 | P a g e
• From QTO, Volume for the excavation = 442.3m3 = 578.42Cy
• From RS means data, we used a 1' to 4' Deep, 1/2 CY excavator, which can excavate 200bcy (Bank Cubic
Meters) quantity of soil with Labour hours of 16L.H. by B-11M crew, whose bare Labour cost is $2.50/Cy
and bare equipment cost is $1.78/Cy
• The amount of quantity that can be excavated by the B-11M crew per hour = 200/16 = 12.5bcy/hr
• For 578.42Cy, total L.H required are = 578.42/12.5 = 46.27hrs
• Bare Labour cost required for the excavation = 578.42 X $2.50(Unit Cost) = $1446.05
• Bare equipment cost required for the excavation = 578.42 X $1.78(Unit Cost) = $1029.59
Total Cost for excavation = $2475.64 and Total Labour hours = 46.27hrs

• From QTO, Area of the formwork needed = 227.405m2 = 2447.76SF
• From RS means data, we used Forms in place footing (Continuous wall plywood, 1 use), The crew C1 can
do 375sfca (Square Foot Contact Area) of formwork in 32 L.H, whose bare material cost is $6.15/Sf and
bare Labour cost is $2.33/Sf
• The amount of quantity that can be excavated by the C-1 crew per hour = 375/32 = 11.78sfca/hr
• For 2447.76Sf, total L.H required are = 2447.76/11.78 = 207.78hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the formwork = 2447.76 X $6.15(Unit Cost) = $15053.72
• Bare Labour cost required for the formwork = 2447.76 X $2.33 (Unit Cost) = $5703.28
Total Cost for formwork = $20,757 and Total Labour hours = 207.78hrs

• From QTO, the total quantity of steel needed = 5.526 tons.
• The rule of thumb for steel overlap and waste is 10%, the quantity of steel required with included wastage
= 6.078 tons
• Here we considered both 10M and 15M bars as the same because both diameters are considered in the
same range in RS Means. From RS means data, we used Uncoated Reinforced Concrete Steel, Beams, and
girders, #3 to #7, The crew 4rodm can do 1.6ton steel in 32 L.H, whose bare material cost is $982.8/ton and
bare Labour cost is $622.78/ton
• The amount of steel that can be reinforced by the crew 4 rodm per hour = 1.6/32 = 0.05 tons/hr
• For 5.526 tons, total L.H required are = 6.078/0.05 = 121.56hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the reinforcement =6.078 X $982.8 (Unit Cost) = $5975.42
• Bare Labour cost required for the reinforcement = 6.078 X $622.78 (From Rs means) = $3786.50
Total Cost for reinforcement = $9,761.92 and Total Labour hours = 121.56hrs

• From QTO, the total quantity of concrete needed = 106.826m3 = 139.723cy.
• As discussed in class the wastage of concrete is 7% (10% max for concrete placed directly on the ground)
and 3% (concrete placed on formwork). The quantity of concrete required with included wastage =
113.879m3 = 148.94cy
40 | P a g e
• From RS means data, we used 4500psi Heavyweight Structural Concrete, whose bare material cost is
• Bare Material cost required for the Concrete =148.94 X $ 145.96 (Unit Cost) = $21,739.28
Total cost of concrete required for construction = $21,739.28

Damp proofing
• From QTO, the total quantity required to provide damp proofing = 117.6m2 = 1266.05 SF
• From RS means data, we used Bituminous Asphalt coating (Sprayed on, below grade, 2 coats, 20.5S.F/
Gal) damp-proofing material with crew 1Rofc, who can do 500 SF of work in 8L.H, whose bare material
cost is $0.36/Sf and bare Labour cost is $0.41/Sf
• The amount of damp proofing that can be done by the crew 1Rofc per hour = 500 /8 = 62.5 SF/hr
• For 1266.05SF, total L.H required are = 1266.05/62.5 = 20.25hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the formwork = 1266.05 X $0.36(Unit Cost) = $455.78
• Bare Labour cost required for the formwork = 1266.05 X $0.41 (Unit Cost) = $519.08
Total Cost for reinforcement = $974.86 and Total Labour hours = 20.25hrs

Concrete Curing
• From QTO, the total quantity required to provide curing = 696.5 m2 = 7497.06SF
• From RS means data, we used ‘maximum curing blankets for water curing with a bare cost of $0.66
• Bare Material cost required for the Curing = 7497.06 X $0.66 = $4948.06
Total cost for water curing required = $4948.06
Studs for EW and PW2 (38x140x2759mm)
• Quantity: 705 ea = 6345 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 82.48 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.56/LF = $ 3553.2
• Bare Material Cost: 0.0.53/LF = $ 3362.85
• Total Cost: $ 6916.05

Studs for PW1 (38x89x2759mm)

• Quantity: 224 ea = 2016 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 22.17 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.46/LF = $ 927.36
• Bare Material Cost: 0.33/LF = $ 665.28
• Total Cost: $ 1592.64

Top and Bottom Plates (38x140mm)

• Quantity: 655.18 m = 2150 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 38.7 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.77/LF = $ 1655.5
• Bare Material Cost: 0.62/LF = $ 1333
• Total Cost: $ 2988.5

41 | P a g e
Top and Bottom Plates (38x89mm)
• Quantity: 291.58 m = 958 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 16.286 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.72/LF = $ 689.76
• Bare Material Cost: 0.36/LF = $ 344.88
• Total Cost: $ 1035.64

Blocking (38x140mm)
• Quantity: 350.05 m = 1148 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 34.45 hrs & 1 carpenter
• Bare Labour Cost: 1.27/LF = $ 1458.34
• Bare Material Cost: 0.53/LF = $ 608.6
• Total Cost: $ 2066.94

Header Beam B1 (44x241mm)

• Quantity: 82 ea = 129 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 5.42 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 1.79/LF = $ 230.91
• Bare Material Cost: 1.11/LF = $ 143.19
• Total Cost: $ 374.1

Header Beam B2 (44x241mm)

• Quantity: 18 ea = 29 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 1.22 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 1.79/LF = $ 51.91
• Bare Material Cost: 1.11/LF = $ 32.19
• Total Cost: $ 84.1

Header Beam B3 (133x241mm)

• Quantity: 5 ea = 8 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 0.648 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 3.48/LF = $ 27.84
• Bare Material Cost: 6.50/LF = $ 52
• Total Cost: $ 79.84

Header Beam B4 (178x241mm)

• Quantity: 2 ea = 4 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 0.324 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 3.48/LF = $ 13.92
• Bare Material Cost: 6.50/LF = $ 26
• Total Cost: $ 39.92

Header Beam B5 (133x406mm)

• Quantity: 1 ea = 2 LF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 0.19 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 4.10/LF = $ 8.2
42 | P a g e
• Bare Material Cost: 10.15/LF = $ 20.3
• Total Cost: $ 28.5
Sheathing for External Walls
• Quantity: 265.89 sq. m = 2862 SF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 37.21 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.57/SF = $ 1631.34
• Bare Material Cost: 0.82/SF = $ 2346.84
• Total Cost: $ 3978.18
Blanket Insulation for Walls
• Quantity: 265.89 sq. m = 2862 SF
• Labour Hour & Crew Type: 20.03 hrs & 1 carpenter
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.30/SF = $ 858.6
• Bare Material Cost: 0.44/SF = $ 1259.28
• Total Cost: $ 2117.88
AIR BARRIER - Vapour permeable air barrier
• Quantity: 783.73 m 2 = 9279.60 SF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 46.398 hrs & 1 carpenter
• Bare Labour Cost: 0.23/SF = $ 2134.31
• Bare Material Cost: 0.44/SF = $ 4083.02
• Total Cost: $ 6217.33
SIDING - Fiber-cement siding
• Quantity: 422.103 m 2 = 4543.47 SF
• Labour Hour and crew type: 177.19 hrs & 2 carpenters
• Bare Labour Cost: 1.66/SF = $ 7542.16
• Bare Material Cost: 1.16/SF = $ 5270.43
• Total Cost: $ 12812.59
VENTS - Soffits
• Quantity: 128.74 m = 422.37 LF
• Labour Hour & Crew Type: 16.89 hrs & 1 carpenter
• Bare Labour Cost: 1.72/LF = $ 726.48
• Bare Material Cost: 0.48/LF = $ 202.74
• Total Cost: $ 929.22
Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses
From RS means data,
• the crew to work is F3 which includes 4 carpenters, 1 Operating crane, and 1 Hyd.Crane with 40 labour
hours per day
• Daily output = 3000 ; Labour hours = 0.013
• The total area of the roof from Quantity estimation is 310.8m2 and no wastage factor as the trusses is shop
fabricated and bought = 3345.37 ft2
• For 3345.37 ft2, Total Labour Hours required are =3345.37*0.013 = 43.49

43 | P a g e
• As the equipment is being rented the operator cost is included in the equipment rent price
• Bare equipment cost required for Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses and their installation = 3345.37 X $0.22
(From Rs means) = $735.98
• Bare Labour cost required for Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses and their installation = 3345.37 X $0.53
(From Rs means) = $1773
• Bare material cost required for Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses and their installation = 3345.37 X $3.166
(From Rs means) = $10591.44
Total Cost for Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses and their installation = $13100.46 and Total Labour hours =
Wood I-Joists
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is F5 which includes 1 Carpenter Foreman (outside) and 3 with 32 Labour hours per day.
• Daily output = 2400 ; Labour hours = 0.013
• The total area of the roof for wooden joist from Quantity estimation is 11.4m2; no wastage factor as the
joists is shop fabricated and bought = 122.7086 ft2
• For 122.7086 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 122.7086*0.013 = 1.6hr
• Bare labour cost required for wooden joists and it’s installation = 122.7086 X $0.53 (From Rs means) = $65
• Bare material cost required for wooden joists and it’s installation = 122.7086 X $2.35 (From Rs means) =
Total Cost for wooden joists and their installation = $353.4 and Total Labour hours = 1.6hrs
Sheathing for the Roof
From RS means data,
• The crew to work are 2 Carpenters.
• Daily output = 1040 ; Labour hours = 0.015
• The total area of roof and ceiling for plywood sheathing from Quantity estimation is 633.06m2 and by
considering a wastage factor of 10% it is = 696.366m2 = 7495.62 ft2.
• For 7495.62 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = Total Quantity * Labour hours = 7495.62*0.015=
• Bare labour cost required for plywood sheathings and their installation = 7495.62 X $0.6 (From Rs means)
= $4497.372
• Bare material cost required for plywood sheathings and their installation = 7495.62 X $0.78 (From Rs
means) = $5846.59
Total Cost for plywood sheathings and their installation = $10344.00 and Total Labour hours = 112.45hrs
Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing
From RS means data,
• The crew to work are 2 Roofers.
• Daily output = 580 ; Labour hours = 0.028
• The total area of the roof for the bituminous sheet from Quantity estimation is 621.59m2 wastage factor of
10% is considered =683.75m2 = 7359.81 ft2, as the unit is Sq. it is for 100 Sf.
• For 73.5981Sq, total Labour Hours required are = 73.5981*0.028 = 2.06hr
44 | P a g e
• Bare labour cost required for Bituminous Sheet and it’s installation = 73.5981 X $0.91 (From Rs means) =
• Bare material cost required for Bituminous Sheet and it’s installation = 73.5981 X $1.67 (From Rs means)
= $123
Total Cost for Bituminous Sheet and its installation = $190 and Total Labour hours = 2.06hrs
Board Insulation
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 Carpenter.
• Daily output = 680 ; Labour hours = 0.012
• The total area of the ceiling for board insulation from Quantity estimation is 11.74m2 and the wastage factor
of 10% is considered =12.91m2 = 139 ft2.
• For 139 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 139*0.012 = 1.66hr
• Bare labour cost required for board insulation and it’s installation = 139 X $0.48 (From Rs means) = $66.72
• Bare Material cost required for board insulation and it’s installation = 139 X $0.31 (From Rs means) =
Total Cost for board insulation and its installation = $109.81 and Total Labour hours = 1.66hrs
Foam Board Insulation
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 Carpenter.
• Daily output = 675
• Labour hours = 0.012
• The total area of the ceiling for Foam board insulation from Quantity estimation is 545.9m2 and the wastage
factor of 10% is considered = 600.5m2 = 6463.622 ft2.
• For 6463.622 ft2, total Labour Hours required are =6463.22*0.012 = 7.566hr
• Bare labour cost required for Foam board insulation and its installation = 6463.622 X $0.48 (From Rs
means) = $3102.53
• Bare material cost required for Foam board insulation and its installation = 6463.622 X $0.62 (From Rs
means) = $4007.44
Total Cost for Foam board insulation and its installation = $7109.97 and Total Labour hours = 77.566hrs
Above-Grade Vapor Retarders
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 Carpenter.
• Daily output = 37 ; Labour hours = 0.216
• The total area of the ceiling for Vapor Retarders from Quantity estimation is 545.9m2 and the wastage factor
of 10% is considered = 600.49m2 = 6463.622 ft2, as the unit is Sq. it is for 100 Sf.
• For 6463.622 ft2, total Labour Hours required are =6463.622*0.216 = 13.96hr
• Bare labour cost required for Vapor Retarders and its installation = 64.636 X $8.67 (From Rs means) =
• Bare material cost required for Vapor Retarders and its installation = 64.636 X $1.27 (From Rs means) =
45 | P a g e
Total Cost for Vapor Retarders and their installation = $642.48 and Total Labour hours = 13.96hrs
Roof Board Insulation
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 Roofer.
• Daily output = 1000 ; Labour hours = 0.008
• The total area of the ceiling for roof board insulation from Quantity estimation is 11.74m2 = 126.368 ft2 and
a wastage factor of 10% is considered = 12.914m2 = 139 ft2.
• For 139 ft2, total Labour Hours required are =139*0.008 = 1.112hr
• Bare labour cost required for roof board insulation and its installation = 139 X $0.27 (From Rs means) =
• Bare material cost required for roof board insulation and its installation = 139 X $1.3 (From Rs means) =
Total Cost for roof board insulation and its installation = $218.23 and Total Labour hours = 1.112hrs
Asphalt Shingles
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 roofer.
• Daily output = 5 ; Labour hours = 1.6
• The total area of the roof for Asphalt Shingles from Quantity estimation is 633.19m2 and the wastage factor
of 15% is considered =728.17m2 = 7838 ft2, as the unit is Sq. it is for 100 Sf.
• For 78.38 Sq, total Labour Hours required are = 78.38*1.6 = 125.408hr
• Bare labour cost required for Asphalt Shingles and it’s installation = 78.38 X $54.99 (From Rs means) =
• Bare material cost required for Asphalt Shingles and it’s installation = 78.38 X $81.92 (From Rs means) =
Total Cost for Asphalt Shingles and their installation = $10731 and Total Labour hours = 125.408hrs

Built-Up Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing

From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 roofer.
• Daily output = 58 ; Labour hours = 0.138
• The total area of the ceiling for the Bituminous Protected Membrane from Quantity estimation is 11.74m2
and wastage factor of 10% is considered =12.91m2 = 135.8 ft2 as the unit is Sq. it is for 100 Sf.
• For 1.358 Sq, total Labour Hours required are = 1.38*0.138 = 0.19hr
• Bare labour cost required for Bituminous Protected Membrane and its installation = 1.358 X $4.87 (From
Rs means) = $6.61
• Bare material cost reqa uired for Bituminous Protected Membrane and its installation = 1.358 X $6.44 (From
Rs means) = $8.74
Total Cost for Bituminous Protected Membrane and its installation = $15.35 and Total Labour hours =
Plaster & Gypsum Board
From RS means data,

46 | P a g e
• The crew to work are 2 Carpenters.
• Daily output = 1800 ; Labour hours = 0.009
• The total area of the drywall from Quantity estimation is 1100.51m2 and wastage factor 10% is considered
= 1210.56m2 = 13030.37 ft2
• For 13030.37 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 13030.37*0.009 = 117.27hr
• Bare labour cost required for drywall and it’s installation = 13030.37 X $0.38 (From Rs means) = $4951.54
• Bare material cost required for drywall and it’s installation = 13030.37 X $0.24 (From Rs means) = $3127.28
Total Cost for Asphalt Shingles and their installation = $8078.82 and Total Labour hours = 117.27hrs
Non-Structural Metal Stud Framing
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 carpenter.
• Daily output = 619 ; Labour hours = 0.013
• The total length of Metal Stud Framing from Quantity estimation is 50.4m and a wastage factor of 10% is
considered =55.44m = 181.89ft
• For 181.89ft, total Labour Hours required are = 181.89*0.013= 2.35hr
• Bare Labour cost required for Metal Stud Framing and its installation = 181.89 X $0.56 (From Rs means)
= $101.85
• Bare material cost required for Metal Stud Framing and its installation = 181.89 X $0.24 (From Rs means)
= $43.65
Total Cost for Metal Stud Framing and their installation = $145.50 and Total Labour hours = 2.35hrs
From RS means data,
• The crew to work are D7 which has 1 tile layer and 1 helper.
• Daily output = 225 ; Labour hour = 0.071
• The total area of the tiling from Quantity estimation is 69m2 and wastage factor 15% is considered =79.35m2
= 854.11 ft2
• For 854.11 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 854.11*0.071 = 61hr
• Bare Labour cost required for tiling and it’s installation = 854.11 X $2.57 (From Rs means) = $2195.06
• Bare material cost required for tiling and it’s installation = 854.11 X $4.08 (From Rs means) = $3484.76
Total Cost for tiling and their installation = $5680 and Total Labour hours = 61hrs
Gypsum-Panel Textured Ceilings
From RS means data,
• The crew to work is 1 carpenter.
• Daily output = 625 ; Labour hours = 0.013
• The total area of the Gypsum-Panel Textured Ceilings from Quantity estimation is 558.09m2 and a wastage
factor of 10% is considered =613.9m2 = 6607.96ft2
• For 6607.96ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 6607.96*0.013 = 813.28hr
• Bare labour cost required for Gypsum-Panel and it’s installation = 6607.96 X $0.55 (From Rs means) =

47 | P a g e
• Bare material cost required for Gypsum-Panel and it’s installation = 6607.96 X $0.59 (From Rs means) =
Total Cost for Gypsum-Panel and their installation = $7533 and Total Labour hours = 813.28hrs
Floor Finishes
From RS means data,
• The crew to work are 1 tile layer.
• Daily output = 90 ; Labour hours = 0.089
• The total area of the floor needed for finishes from Quantity estimation is 481.65m2 and a wastage factor of
10% is considered =529.81m2 = 5617.63 ft2
• For 5617.63 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 5617.63*0.089 = 7.8hr
• Bare labour cost required for floor needed for finishes = 5617.63 X $3.6 (From Rs means) = $20223.468
• Bare material cost required for floor needed for finishes = 5617.63 X $10.95 (From Rs means) = $61513
Total Cost for floor needed for finishes = $81736.51 and Total Labour hours = 7.8hrs
From RS means data,
• The crew to work are 1 painter.
• Daily output = 800 ; Labour hours = 0.01
• The total area of the building needed to be painted from Quantity estimation is 201.88m 2 and a wastage
factor of 10% is considered =222m2 = 2389.59 ft2
• For 2389.59 ft2, total Labour Hours required are = 2389.59*0.01 = 23.9hr
• Bare labour cost required for Painting = 2389.59 X $0.38 (From Rs means) = $908
• Bare material cost required for Painting = 2389.59 X $0.11 (From Rs means) = $262.85
Total Cost for Painting = $1170.85 and Total Labour hours = 23.9hrs
Aluminum door:
● From QTO the total number of aluminum doors required is 6
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Carpenters.
● From RS means the labour hours are 5.33 and total labour hours =6*5.33=31.98 hrs
● Bare material cost required for an Aluminium door =6*535$(From Rs means)=$3210
● Bare labour cost required for Aluminium doors =230$*6(From Rs means)=$1380
Total cost for the Aluminium door = $4590 and Total labour hours=31.98 hrs
Wood door:
● From QTO the total number of Wood doors required is 14.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Carpenters.
● From RS means the labour hours are 1.143 and total labour hours =14*1.143=16 hrs
● Bare material cost required for a Wood door =14*945$(From Rs means)=$13230
● Bare labour cost required for Wood doors =14*$49(From Rs means)=$686
Total cost for the Wood door = $13524 and Total labour hours=16 hrs

48 | P a g e
Stainless steel doors:
● From QTO the total number of stainless-steel doors required is 2.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Carpenters.
● From RS means the labour hours are 8.421 and total labour hours =2*8.421=17 hrs
● Bare material cost required for a Stainless steel door =2*1675$(From Rs means)=$3350
● Bare labour cost required for Stainless steel doors =2*$365(From Rs means)=$730
Total cost for the Stainless steel door = $4080 and Total labour hours=17 hrs

Vinyl windows:
● From QTO the total number of vinyl windows required is 30.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Carpenters.
● From RS means the labour hours are 0.9 and total labour hours =30*0.9=27 hrs
● Bare material cost required for a Viny window =30*198$(From Rs means)=$5940
● Bare labour cost required for Vinyl windows =30*$38.5(From Rs means)=$1155
Total cost for the Vinyl windows = $7095 and Total labour hours=27 hrs

Steel windows:
● From QTO the total number of steel windows required is 6.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 structural steel workers.
● From RS means the labour hours are 1.33 and total labour hours =6*1.33=8 hrs
● Bare material cost required for a Steel window =6*$680(From Rs means)=$4080
● Bare labour cost required for Steel windows =6*$64.5(From Rs means)=$387
Total cost for the Steel windows = $4467 and Total labour hours=8 hrs
Stainless steel Frames:
● From QTO the total number of Stainless-steel frames required is 17.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 1 Carpenter.
● From RS means the labour hours are 0.8 and total labour hours =17*0.8=14 hrs
● Bare material cost required for Stainless steel frames =17*$282(From Rs means)=$4794
● Bare labour cost required for Stainless steel frames =17*$34.5(From Rs means)=$587
Total cost for the Stainless steel frames = $5381 and Total labour hours=14 hrs

Aluminum Frames:
● From QTO the total number of Aluminum frames required is 6.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Structural steel workers.
● From RS means the labour hours are 8 and total labour hours =6*8=48 hrs

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● Bare material cost required for Aluminium frames =6*$760(From Rs means)=$4560
● Bare labour cost required for Aluminium frames =6*$390(From Rs means)=$2340
Total cost for the Aluminium frames = $6900 and Total labour hours=48 hrs

● From QTO the total number of signage required is 7.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 1 Carpenter.
● From RS means the labour hours are 0.33 and total labour hours =7*0.33=2 hrs
● Bare material cost required for Signage =7*$22.5(From Rs means)=$158
● Bare labour cost required for Signage =7*$14.35(From Rs means)=$100
Total cost for the Signage = $258 and Total labour hours=2 hrs

Mount Illuminated Sign:

● From QTO the total number of signage required is 1.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 2 Carpenters.
● From RS means the labour hours are 3 and total labour hours =1*3=3 hrs
● Bare material cost required for Mount illuminated sign =1*$2150(From Rs means)=$2150
● Bare labour cost required for Mount illuminated sign =1*$138(From Rs means)=$138
Total cost for the Mount illuminated sign = $2288 and Total labour hours=3 hrs

Toilet, bath, and Washroom accessories:

● From QTO the total number of signage required is 24.
● From RS Means data reference the crew includes 1 Carpenter.
● From RS means the labour hours are 0.615 and total labour hours =24*0.615=15 hrs
● Bare material cost required for Tiolet Accessories =24*$34(From Rs means)=$816
● Bare labour cost required for Tiolet Accessories =24*$26.5(From Rs means)=$636
Total cost for the Tiolet Accessories = $1452 and Total labour hours=15 hrs
Wire Fences – Chain link gate & Fence
• From QTO, the total quantity of Fabric = 152.47m2 = 500.2296LF
• From RS means data, we used 9ga galvanized steel wire for chain-link, 5' with Labour hours of 24L.H.
by B-80A crew and daily output is 285, whose bare Labour cost is $2.96/LF, and bare equipment cost is
• The amount of quantity by the B-80A crew per hour = 285/24 = 11.875LF/hr.
• For = 500.2296LF, total L.H required are = = 500.2296/11.875 = 42.124hrs
• Bare Material cost required for fencing = 500.2296X $5.69(Unit Cost) = $2846.30
• Bare Labour cost required for the work = 500.2296X $2.96 (Unit Cost) = $1480.67

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• Bare equipment cost required for the fencing work = 500.2296 X $0.77(Unit Cost) = $385.176
• Total Cost for Wire fencing = $4712.15 and Total Labour hours = 42.124hrs

Line Posts - Chain link gate & Fence

• From QTO, the total number of line posts = 32
• From RS means data, we used line posts, galvanized, 2’’ OD set in concrete, 4’, The crew B80 can do 80
in 32 L.H, whose bare material cost is $11.69 and bare Labour cost is $15.09.
• The amount of work done by the B-80 crew per hour = 80/32 = 2.5/hr.
• For 32posts, total L.H required are = 32/2.5 = 12.8hrs
• Bare Material cost for line posts= 32 X $11.69(Unit Cost) = $374.08
• Bare Labour cost required for line posts = 32 X $15.09 (Unit Cost) = $482.88
• Bare equipment cost required for line posts = 32 X $7.87(Unit Cost) = $251.84
• Total Cost for line posts = $1108.80 and Total Labour hours = 12.80hrs

End Posts - Chain link gate & Fence

• From QTO, the total quantity of end posts = 22
• From RS means data, we used line posts, steel, 3’’ OD set in concrete, 4’, The crew B80 can do 68 in 32
L.H, whose bare material cost is $62.62 and bare Labour cost is $17.80.
• The amount of work done by the B-80 crew per hour = 68/32 = 2.125/hr.
• For 22posts, total L.H required are = 22/2.125 = 10.35hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the end posts = 22 X $62.62 (Unit Cost) = $1377.64
• Bare Labour cost required for the end posts= 22 X $17.8 (From Rs means) = $391.6
• Bare equipment cost required for end posts = 22 X $9.25(Unit Cost) = $203.5
• Total Cost for reinforcement = $1972.74 and Total Labour hours = 10.35hrs

Engineered Wood -
• From QTO, the total quantity of wood required = 122.4m2 = 401.574 LF
• From RS means data, we used 2 X 4 wood with crew 1 Carpenter, who can do 250 LF of work in 16L.H,
whose bare material cost is $0.44/lf and bare Labour cost is $1.25/lf
• The amount of work done by the 1 Carpenter per hour = 250 / 16 = 15.625 LF/hr.
• For 401.574 LF, total L.H required are = 401.574 /15.625 = 25.70hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the work = 401.574 5 X $0.44(Unit Cost) = $176.69
• Bare Labour cost required for the work = 401.574 X $1.25 (Unit Cost) = $501.96
• Total Cost for Wood Products = $678.65 and Total Labour hours = 25.70hrs

Concrete for Sidewalk

• From QTO, the total quantity of concrete needed = 11.15m3 = 14.58cy.
• The quantity of concrete required with included 3% wastage = 11.4845m3 = 15.02cy
• From RS means data, we used 4500psi Heavyweight Structural Concrete, whose bare material cost is
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• Bare Material cost required for the Concrete =15.02 X $ 145.96 (Unit Cost) = $2192.31
• Total cost of concrete required for Sidewalk = $2192.31

Reinforcement bars for Sidewalks

• From QTO, the total quantity of steel needed = 0.19 tons.
• Including 10% of wastage the total quantity of steel = 0.209 tons
• Here we considered 10M as specified.
• From RS means data, we used Uncoated Reinforced Concrete Steel, the crew 4rodm can do 1.6ton steel
in 32 L.H, whose bare material cost is $982.8/ton and bare Labour cost is $622.78/ton.
• The amount of steel that can be reinforced by the crew 4 rodm per hour = 1.6/32 = 0.05 tons/hr.
• For 0.209 tons, total L.H required are = 0.209/0.05 = 4.18hrs
• Bare Material cost required for the reinforcement =0.209 X $982.8 (Unit Cost) = $205.405
• Bare Labour cost required for the reinforcement = 0.209 X $622.78 (From Rs means) = $130.161
• Total Cost for reinforcement = $335.566 and Total Labour hours = 4.18hrs

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Please refer to the RFT Link for the drawings.


Date of
1 A0.0 - TITLE SHEET 2022.09.06 6
4 A1.0 - EE OVERALL SITE PLAN 2022.09.06 6
5 A1.1 - SITE DETAILS 2022.09.06 6
6 A2.0-A - FOUNDATION PLAN - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
7 A2.1-A - OVERALL FLOOR PLAN - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
8 A2.4 - ENLARGED WASHROOMS 2022.09.06 6
10 A4.0-A - ROOF PLAN - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
11 A4.1-A - FINISHES PLAN - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
13 A5.1-A - ISOMETRIC VIEWS - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
14 A6.0 - BUILDING SECTIONS 2022.09.06 6
15 A6.1-A - BUILDING SECTIONS - CLUBHOUSE 2022.09.06 6
16 A7.0 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2022.09.06 6
17 A8.0 - DOOR HARDWARE & CURTAIN WALLS 2022.09.06 6
18 A9.0 - INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2022.09.06 6
19 A9.1 - INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2022.09.06 6
20 A10.0 - MILLWORK 2022.09.06 6
21 A10.1 - SIGNAGE PACKAGE 2022.09.06 6
1 S1.1 - GENERAL NOTES 2022.02.24 1
2 S1.2 - TYPICAL DETAILS 2022.02.24 1
3 S2.1 - FOUNDATION PLAN 2022.02.24 1
4 S2.2 - ROOF FRAMING PLAN 2022.02.24 1
5 S3.1 - FOUNDATION SECTIONS 2022.02.24 1
6 S4.1 - ROOF SECTIONS 2022.02.24 1
1 C-01 - SITE PLAN 22.09.01 2
2 C-02 - SITE SERVICING PLAN 22.09.01 2
3 C-03 - SITE GRADING PLAN 22.09.01 2
5 C-05 - DETAILS 22.09.01 2

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