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Determinants 1. INTRODUCTION ‘A system of equations can be expressed in the form of matrices. This means, a system of linear equations such as artby art by ‘can be represented as, fa bfz]_fo jaz balla) [er Now whether this system of equations has a unique solution of not is determined by the number aib:—aabi. ‘The number a:b2—axb, which determines the uniqueness of solution is associated with matrix A ae i] and is called tenant O/AN oF e(A). Determinants have wide applications in engineering, science, economics, social science te. 2. DEFINITION Let a,b,od be any four numbers, real or complex. Then the symbol |” 5) denotes ad~be and is called a determinant of: 5 ,b,¢d are called elements of the determinant; and ad bc is called its value. As shown above, the elements of a determinant are arranged in the form of a square in its designation. The diagonal ‘on which the elements a and d are situated is called the principal diagonal, and the diagonal on whieh the elements and b are situated is called the secondary diagonal, The elements which lie in the same horizontal ine constitute ‘one row, and the elements which lie in the same vertical line constitute one column. Determinant of third order Let a1,a2,a3,b,.b,bs,01,02¢9 be any nine numbers. Then the sym another way of denoting b> ay Je a E b ee aa] +s la al” “la a the., a4 (bxes~ bscs)— aa (bres ~ Bsea) + a3 (brea — brea) pe) se 3. MINORS AND COFACTORS Let us consider a determinant Jax, aux ais Jax, az aus ) Jas: axe ass In the above determinant, Heelers! ;, then the second order determinant thus obtained is called the MOF|GF a,,Jand is denoted by (My, Thus, we can get 9 minors corresponding to the 9 elements. For example, in determinant (1) the minor of the element an is ‘The minor of the element ais Ma | In terms of the notation of minors if we expand the determinant along the first row, then ACD auMa t(D) adhe C1 ass FauMy~aeMa+ ands Similary expanding A along the second column, we have A=-auMiat GMa aoMo ——_— If we denote the cofactor of the element ay, by Cy, then the cofactor of ai is ‘Cofactor of the element wat is Jaz = aso asa In terms of the notation of the cofacto 13.2. Mathematics A= a0u+a202+ ass = anCu+axCntanCa =anCy+anCa+anCrs Also, ai:Cn+a2Cn+ aC = aC +a20n tas On = 0, ete. [ <4 | Director, in a determinant, the sum of the products of the elements of any row or column with the corresponding cofactors is equal to value of the determinant. Also the sum of the products of the elements of any row or column with the cofactors: ofthe corresponding elements of any other rw or column is er, bo ‘Value of n-order determinant, Jair die Gia a ie Jan, an an oo nn | a2 as = Oe ant Ox2 Cat om Oa = anCu+anCa+ aCs+ + asin (when expanded along first row) Me © For easier calculations, | —-—f Deane SARRUS RULE FOR EXPANSION Sarus gave a rule for « GHGrninGRTOTORIEES, three diagonals stoping down to the right tive the three positive terms, and the three diagonals sloping down to the loft give the three negative terms. ja bo Jaz by cy ant of second order is made with the ‘elements 0 and 1. Find the number of determinants Solution: ‘There are only three determinants of second order with, negative values, viz. 0 ‘The number of possible determinants with elements 0 and 1 is 2*= 16. Therefore, the number of determinants ‘with non-negative values is 13. 124 -130 410 the value of luton: Here in the third column, two entries are zeroSo expanding along the third column (C,), we get 1 3] 12 2 of fo, 2 A aif ai (-1-12)-0+0 = 82 x= = —D™=|br bo bo jay bbc a a 6. SYMMETRIC,SKEW-SYMMETRIC, ASYMMETRIC DETERMINANTS (8 A determinant is symmetric if it is identical to its transpose. Its i row is identical to its i column te. uy — uj forall values of“ and‘ (ii) A determinant is skew-symmetric if itis identical to its transpose having sign of each element inverted i.e. ay =~ tor all values of “7 and ‘'. ‘A skew-symmetric determinant has all elements zero in its principal diagonal. (iii) A determinant is asymmetric if it is. neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric. 7. SOME IMPORTANT DETERMINANTS Applying O: —- C2 Ci,Ci— Cs~ C2, we get dia 4 0 o zc (y a) (-y) 2 (y-a\(ytz) (2-9 ety) g=2Ke-W {yt et y|Exvating along R,)=(2-y)(y-2)(2-2) fet 1 Let a,b,c be positive and not all equal. abe ‘Then the value of the determinant | ¢ a] is oak Proof: A = albc—a*]~blb*—ac] + elab—c? [a +B + 0°— Babe] (a+b ofa? | bt +e —ab—be~ca] (a+b+c)[(a—bF +(b-cF +(e—aF] <0 Asa+b+c>0,a.b. are all positive and not all equal abe iplify |a* b? c? oc ca ab| Solution: Given determinant is equal to eee awe Lee afers| abe abe abc iia Apply Ci — C\-Ci,C:—= G:C a-b Baot é a8 Be Oe vied atb bee =(a-WNO- ofa? + ab 1B B+ be+e | 0 it Ata ONY Dad? | ube Fact BF Be tbo! at ac —ab*—abo—b°— bra} =(a b)(—c)[clab +bo+ca)—alab+be-+ca)] =(a—b)(—c'e—aXab+ bo + ea) a eer properties of deteminants, evaluate 18 40 89 40 89 198 }89 198 440| Solution: 18 40. 89 Let D=|40 89 198 89 198 440 Let us first reduce the value of elements by performing some operation. Applying R + Re~2Ri and Rs Rs~5Ri, we get 18 40 89 p=|4 9 2 Le 18 40 9 Applying C;~Cs-20,, weget D=|4 9 2 ‘Now apply C; + Ci~2Cs to get zeros in C: =80-81=-1 Determinants 13.7 Ome that eile 2 2 rta ge 2 s sta’ represents a straight line parallel to the y-axis Solution: Prove a7, or (a? +a" +a)2=—a' | astraight line parallel to y-axis (tere rerio Ce Prove that the value of the determinant “7 543i 3-4i 5-3 8 445i | isreal [Frat 4-319 | Solution: -7 5+3i 2-41 Let2=|5-31 8 4+5% “ +41 4-519 ‘To prove that this number (2) is real, we have to prove that 7=z. Now we know that conjugate of complex peabatetatraa mieten acute Hrouve, tv take conjugate of in (1), we need noc expand the determinant, To get the conjugate ofz, we can take conjugate ofeach clement of determinant. Thus, ~7 5-31 F+4i F=[S+3i 8 4-55 ~-@) 2-45 445i 0 Now interchanging ws into columns (taking ‘transpose) in (2) 7 5+31 2-44 5-3 8 445i Fiaase “o we have = (3) 4) Hence, zis purely real. [from (1) and (3)] ind tho value of the determinant yaa)+/3 23 V5 }V5)+ (28) 6 /0)) 3+ v5) 05) 5 solution: ¥@3)+V38_ 2 1 V5) + (26) ¥5 2) 34765 ¥3 V5 een (6-701 —- ea) Now applying Ci — Ci—V/3C:— V(13)Cs, we get aia ete 0 V5 v2 0 ¥3 V5 b¥3(0- Yo) (expanding along C:) 2 ina cosa sin(a + 6)| Prove that |sin@ cos sin(@+6)| iny cosy sin(y +4) 4-(v5)| Solutic sina cosa sin(a+6)| sin 8 cos@ sin(8 + 4)| sin cosy sin(7 +6)| sina cosa sinacosd+sinScosa sin cosB sin Bcos6+sind cos siny cosy sinycosd+sindcos7. sina cosa ‘ sin cash OC, — Cs— cos 8C) ~ sin dCs sin7 cosy 0 a (METRE ant "gr 2 coy Evaluate 3D, if D- a oper ata Solution: an de ty O(c area a Sire Ls toy ee 0 SS BB Mate ths ee 8. USE OF FACTOR THEOREM TO FIND THE VALUE OF DETERMINANT (epuekaraecscmas mene Prove that abe la? BP ot be ca ab by using factor theorm. Solution: =(a—b)b=e)eaYlah+ het ea) abe at be ac ab| Hence (@—4) io a factor of determinant. Similarly, let Let a=b=D= b=c,D=0,andc=a,D=0. Hence, (a—b)(b—c)(c~a) is factor of determinant. But the given determinant is having degree five so jax may by jaz mas ba Jas mas bs ©) marcas @ mbbabs Ja ma+ne 2} lb mb+ny y ¢ me+ne z 1. The value of the determinant is ey (©) maboaz 2, The value of | is (@ ato+e () xtytz (© matb+e)+n(z! y tz) wt 3. If|a-z atx a—z|=0, then values of x are Jaz a-z ata] @ 0a ® O-a © a-a 70.80 aa +a 4, One factor of |b 6 1+6') is ec of 1+e UT abe ( atd (©) Labe (@ 1-abc ahe eee be ca ab} (a— bib eNle—a){A(a? +6? +c4) + plab+ be +ca)) Since this is an identity so in order to find the values of A and 44, let 01 then =2= (2241) =(Q2A-w)=— Al) ,b=2,c=0 a=0, Leta= 1 2 0 140 j0 0 2| = 5A+2=2 2) from (1) and (2) A=0 and Hence abe ja? bc? bc ca ab| = (12-1 (5A + 24) (a~ b)(b— e)(e— a)(ab+ be + ca). ka K+ a? 1 hb B+BL ke B+ 1 5. The value of the determinant is (@) Ka+byb+eyXo+a) (6) kabe(a? +b? +c") (o) Ka-b\b—ee~a) (d) kat+b-chb+e-ayc+a—b) jz x? 1+2| 6. If réy #2 andy y? 1+4°|=0, then the value 2 14a ofxyzwillbe | = 1 @o 1 o- (@) none of these 0 b-a cma a—b 0 ob a-c b-c (0 7. The vatue of & is @o 1 (© atbte (@) none of these ab b~c beac jab—a? a—b bab lhe ae e—a ab—a* @-1 (0 (© abc? (d) none of these 8. Evaluate Eee = ee mes Dereminonts 13.9 9. 1F ate abc a 10, If|1 b ca] —Ka-vN0-eXe~a), 2 b-c-a % +b+o},,then k= jl © ab eee then k= ‘@! wz (@-1 (60 3 @o (2 @1 —— re —_________-0 L@ 20 3 40 350 606 10 80 90 Wa —$———————————— GEE SS | 9. MULTIPLICATION OF TWO DETERMINANTS _| Prove that ax by} fhm Jak + bul arm, + dyme| cos(A—P) cos(A~Q) cos(A—R)| jy b| |i mal [ak + bale asm + Bama }cos(B—P) cos(B~Q) cos(B—R)| ja bal [hm m jeos(C—P) cos(C-@) cos(U—#) Juz tp |x| me me] = Solution: jas bs os] |b me mo jcos(A~P) cos(A—Q) cos(A—R)| jcos(B—P) cos(B—Q) cos(B—K) }con(C—P) coa(C—Q) cos(C—R) cosAcosP+sinAsinP cosAcosQ+sinAsinQ [cos BoosP + sinBsinP cosBeosQ)+sinBsinQ Joos CousP + sinCsinP cosCcosQ+sinCsinQ ab th bal am thm tems am+hmtons aah + bale +eals azmi + bem + cums arm + Dim +cxns ashi + bal cals asm + bya + crm aym + buna + canal , oo | |. 2 We have multiplied here rows by columns but we can also multiply rows by rows, columns by rows and cosAcosk + sinAsinR ‘columns by columns. cos Boos R + sin BsinR| con CcosR + sinCein imine] jcosA sind 0! |cusP cosQ cosh (a.— OF (as~ bP (as~ bat Vac mcse Prove that |(a2—b,? (a2 bi} (a2— bs} Sen (as~ bi (aa bay (as~bo¥ ae 2(u1~ a2)(a2— as)(as— a1)(b4 ~ ba)(b2—bs)(bs~ bi). Solution: IZ Sve (ax by (ar—beF (ai bo? aa tr} (aa-OaF (ca — ba (as br (as—bsF (as—bsP Jaf + bt—2aib, af + UF arb» af +b} —2aibn la3+b?—2aab, a}+b3—2asbs ad-+b3—2azbs Find the value of : Bete leaps este ai-+b%—2ab, ai-+b3—2asb» ab +68—2asba a f1-2a) [211) rata! [em eH Bee ye eT Gade e eS 1 aPIe1 al"|-axa+ax(-n -1x042%4| Jat 1 —2a.| |b bm br }1 a as] [1 be b| = 2(a~ an) ~ asas— 4X5 ~ bn baNb.— by) eae (Try using factor theorein) 413.10 Mathematics am thy mat biys ae tbiye Jars + bry ats boys aaa + bius|=0 Jaan thiy aseyt bye aaa + bays ve that Solution: Given determinant can be split into product of two determinants ic., axthy, axthy, ax tby% ax,+by, a,x,+b,y, ax,+b,y)= GX, BY, GX + Dry, aX, + bys jar bal fa a ay Jao bo ca}x|an ge Jax by co] JO 0 0 x 0 Property: If A,Bi,Ci,.- are, respectively, the ‘cofactors ofthe elements a,b,c... of the determinant ja bh A Bi Gi Jaz yc, #0, then |r Ds Os} A? Jay bs os js Bs Cs Proof: Given. Jar bo Jas by | Jas by cs and Ai,Bi,Ci,.. are cofactors of ai,b,0%,... Hence, ja, | A BG Jax by cx|%|Az Bs Cs Jay by ca] | Ar Ba Ch aA th Bra, wart ibe taC: land + Bi +20) wide + Ds | xO Jad + Bites aydet iB + oC: aiAat Bs + aUs aAs + tabs + 0205} 45a + by Bs + eCs| (row by row multiplication) Ao 0 000 004 ’ (as a:Ai+ BB+ CC:= A= 1,2,3 and aiA;+ b.Bs+0:0;= 0) AR Gi | Ar Ba Cr As By Ci A Bi Ci Aa Be Ci Ay Be Ch or © For n-order determinant, A. where A. is the determinant formed by the cofactors of A and» is order of determinant, This property is very useful in studying adjoint of matrix. form a 10, DIFFERENTIATION OF A DETERMINANT TL. Let A(z) be a determinant of order two. If we wire A(2)=[C\C:], where Ci, and C denote the first and second columns, then A\(r)=[C\C:]+[0,C2], where Ci denotes the ‘column which contains the derivative of all the functions in the ith column C;. Similarly, if we write sine loge! Example: Lot A(a)=|"2" V7" b2>0 zoos loge! |sine 1/2 Then Ae oO ses1/ || peat IL, Let A(z) be a determinant of order three. If we write Ar =[C:C:Co}, then Ma) =[CLCC] 410.0] 10C0H] and similarly if we consider Ri Ri] [Ri] [Re A(z) =|.) then A'(e)—| Ri] +] Ri] +] Re Ro Ra) ts} LRal IIL, Ifonly one row (column) consists of functions of x and other rows are constant, viz., let fa) f(z) f(2)| A(z)=| bb bs [(oay) a 9 4 Then fila) fila) AO) AGw)-| bby | andin general a a 4 fila) f(a) f8(2)| A@=[ bh bb a a2 © ‘here nis any positive integer and /*() denotes the ath derivative of (7) Determinants 13.11 sinz cos sinzr| = =0+(cos'r+sin*z) =1 kz &=—O—tsti‘“_ NT] poeple | cosz sina =0-| +1) °° sine cos If f(z) =|682 ©087F° AI. then find the valne af sing sin"Z 8| Solution: Ley a 2 Buwi= ease) oo 4 Hobsinz) sin 8 nl nl 2 22) ogg ®t cos(e+ 9) os 4h, 2) inlet AE) ain AE 11. SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS System of two linear equations in two vasiables. art hy = dr r+ by Let the given aystem of equations be Jarr+ hoy by —ar & ar be (applying Ci — Ci -yC2) At A: SE similarly y= 42 ‘The above rule for finding.» and y is called the Crauucs"s rule. 11.1 Nature of solution (@ If A 40, then system has unique solution. Here given two equations are equations of straight lines. For A # Ua. aats #0 or ~fLe—F Therefore, given lines arc nonparallel; henice, lines have one point of intersection. Here system of ‘equations is called consistent. (i) If but A:,A. #0, then system has no solution. Por But Aj,Ao 4 0; Nene lines are parallel but not coincident. Thus, lines are non-intersecting, lene no solution Here system of equations is called inconsistent, (i) A= 0, then system has infinite solutions. For this condition, lines are coincident, hence infinite solutions. Here system of equations is called consistent. 11.2 System of three linear equations in two variables Consider a system of three linear equations in x and y: arthy=d art by=d ar | bey = ds This system of equations will be consistent if the values of x and y obtained from any two equations satisfy the dhitd equation or the given three lines are concurrent, Salving the first two equations by Cramer's rule, we have ds by Jad jds_be jaz ds ax by jar by jaz by| jaz bp_| dy by ja, dy oles ale flag wff tele Shale tl-o jar by dh =|az by de|=0 jay by ds| This is the required condition for consistency of three linear equations in two unknowns. If such system of equations is consistent, den dhe ‘number of solutions is one. Se ——— 11.3 System of three linear equations in three variables Let the given system of linear equations in three variables ny, and zbe arthytaz=d ~() age + by + on7 = do (2) ase t+ by +o2=ds 3) Let as by a ba a do A =|a2 be o2],A1=|de be ca], A2=lar de oy Jas by ds bs ca as ds os jar bs dh As=|as bs dy as bs ds Let A #0. Now, Jd bal jazthytaz bo Ai=|@ b: o|=|artbytaz bo dy by ca] Jae | bay | ose bs os jaz bal |a ba Jasr by c4|=2]02 bs |= 28 Jaz by cl las by a [6 — G\-yr-203] = 4. where A #0 ‘Similarly, do = yd 4) The rule given in Eq. (4) to find the values of z,y,z is called Cramer's rule Note: (i A, is obtained by replacing elements of ith column by did,ds, where #= 1,23. (id) Cramer’s rule can be used only when A #0. Case I: A 40 In this case, from (1), (2), and (3), we have Ae Aa Rondz= 2 Hence, unique value of x,y,z will be obtained and the system of equations will have unique solution. Case I: A=0 (@ When at least one of &1,2,A9 is wouzerw Let A: #0, then from (1), Ay =zA will not be satisfied for any value of x because A = 0 and A; #0 and hence no value of xis possible in this case, Similarly when Ao # 0,42 = yA will not be possible for any value of y and hence no value fot y will be possible. When Qs # 0,43 = 20 will not be possible for any value of 2 and hence no value of z willbe possible. Thus, if A=0 and any of A:,A2, and As is nonzero, then no solution is possible and hence system of equations will be inconsistent. (6) when A=Oand A, = r= As=0 A=) In this case a= yA} will be true for all y= 2A) values of x, y and z But since aiz+by+a2=O and discriminant of az’ + 2br + cis negative, ab art] db ¢ bere arth ete 0 (a) Positive (6) (ac—b'(az*+ 2br-+c) (6) Negative @o then is 33. The number of solutions of the equations ridy-2=0,8r 4y 2-02 dyl2=0is @o @1 (2 (d) Infinite ‘34. If the system of equations, r+2y~3z=1, (k+3)z=3,(2k+1)2+z=0 is inconsistent, then the value of & is @)-3 (b) V2 wo 2 38. Set of equations a+b—20-0,2a—3b+e-0 and a—5b+4o =a is consistent for @ equal to @1 wo @-l @2 36. The system of equations. n—m+m1=2, 30-2 2ry=—6 and 3m +2 +2 =—18 has (@) Nosolution (6) Exactly one solution (©) Infinite solutions (d) None of these 37. The number of values of k for which the system of cquatiouy (KI D)r+ By ~ 4h, ke-+(k+3)y=3k—1has infinitely many solutions, is @o (1 (2 (@) Infinite tar 1+be Iter 38.1 |i tae 1t+he Ltas)—Ayt Az! Avs? | l+ar 1+be Ltor ‘Aaz? then At is equal to (@) abe 0 ol (@) None of these 39. IE 02d, are in GP and a>0 for each i, then the value of the determinant logas logas+2 logan Togases logasrs logan: x0 logder2 logasru logar+se| @1 2 0 (d) None of these A is equal to 18.22 Mate hs Besse ‘Numerical Type i 2 Sh 5 6 10. Let @,8,7 are the real roots of the equation Ft ar'+or+e=0 (a,b,ce Randa #0). Ifthe system of equations (in u,v, and w) given by aut Bot 7 ul. ryutavt Br has non-trivial solutions, then the value of a/2 is ‘The value of |«| for which the system of equation @etyte—a-l rtaytz=a-1 rtytar=a-1 hhas na solution, i 2. ‘The sum of values of p for which the equations 2t+y+2=1,2+2ytde=p, and + dy +102 = p* have a solution is 13. If three distinet points P(3u!,2u°);Q(3e",20°), and, R(3w!,2w*) are collinear, then uv+vw+wu is equal 0 oe a bars] lac ate Let Di=|e d o+d| and D.-|b d b+d jab a-5| ja catbte a 15, then the value of | |, where by 0 and ad # be, is 1 Sens 1 ac IfA=|sin@ 1 3cos6), then the value of 1 ind 1 | (nm)/2 is i 2 orty rtutz t]2r dr+2y dr + 3y 1 2x |= 64, then the real ar Gr+3y 10r-+6y +32 value of xis If ,45,03)y0u2 are in AP and 18, a a2] [asa a2 | B=|a205 @ as},02=|aan as a4) ba Jasar as as} Jasaur ax a then A de= jad %| |f We Given A=|d ¢ 2¢|R=|2n 41 2m), then the Iman 2d value of B/A is. If (1+ ar+br)' = ay + art aa? .. bass, where a,b, ds,a1,...08 R suchthat ao +a; +a #0 ja a, a anda a2 ao|—0, then he value of 5 jaa ao a Number of real roots of the equation Texal|i-x 11 x1x[+]{1 1-x 1 |=0is exif fa 1 ing Pr-2 end xoV/3) If] ¥3x 0 x V3= d= eel the tet xol V3-x x-1 tdi-+e aml ae —p +a, ten (29) is eqn . jcos(x +a) cos(x+ 8) cos(x+7)| If flx)=|sin(x+a) sin(x+ 8) sin(x+7)| and sin(6—7) sin(y—a@) sin(a— 8)} f0)=—2 then San] ‘equals Ifthe equation px+ 2y ~3=0,x+3y—4=Oand px? +32 + Sy + (g—-3)x-3y-1=0 (v4 F unique solution then find the value ot (p + q). i+sin?x cos*x — 4sin2x Let f2)=| sintx 1+costx 4sin2e |, then sin’x —cos'x 1+ 4sin2x| the maximum value of fx) is Given 2x y 1 20—lyx—2yte——45 and x + + Az=4, Then the value of A such that the given system of equation has no solution is If M and m are maximum and minimum value, 1 cos@ 1 respectively of |ws 1 ws), dhen value of 1 cos8 1 (M+ m)is The value of 1og,312 1og,3 ]tog,3 log,3 og,8 log,9|l0g,4 log, 4| 1f <[0,5] such that (sins + cosx)— JF] + |yet-a|eletso, ten the value of sindy costs yen oy y In(z+1) 2+5 242 SE Determinants 13.23 20. If @,B,7 are 00's of the equation x! +x? + 2x4 = iat | Othen valueof| 1 48 1 | (where @ De ta a ae is real ie aia so 21, Ifp and q are real so that system of equations px + FG) (givenx> Das 4y+2=0, 29+ 32= 1 and 3x — gz =—2 has infinite solution, then /q?—p* is equal to ao. 24, Inthedeterminant, A=| 4 7 0 |, the absolute ee 5-31 22 '1t | ieeaill| =, then the vahio ot value of su. ofthe minors of elements of third row eel is eos, tL xt} xt7 eee ae | 28, If |x+4 x+6 x+10]=ar'+br+c, then (at =x P-1 0 +8 x+10 x+14| b+ c)is equal to Ban Single Option Correct Spence 6 B14 6 sit fate 2 © u[—omen me ine 1. if2=|3—48 6 8+7i| then zis ja-b ath p+7i 8-719 ar+by+e=0 passes through the fixed point (@) purely ral which is (©) purely imaginary @ (12) oan (©) arib, where a £0,040 © (-2,1) @ 0 (@ atib, where b=4 on tt get 2 Ih a,B,7 aretherootsot pa +qr*+r=0,thenthe — & Hy "vl G—yXy-2y2—a( Erg jab By va: ta value ofthe determinant [By ya a is Serene va aB By (@)1 () -1 @p a 2 @ -2 0 Wr 7. If p.gsr are in A, then the value of determinant cose inte cos Jato 14 9p B44 3g tp! 3. When the determinant | sin'r cos2r cos'z| is Bp tq Lis cose cose cos 2r @+2tp HEM Or} expanded in powers of sin2, then the constant term @1 wo in that expression is © eer @ W4HHe)=2% a) 1 a os 8 If (n-nF+(n-mP =a? ie (a2 +(n- wh = 8 4. I aed + tsind,0 ~ cos20-181n20, Pie abe 2008 38-4 iein3@ andit |b o a| = 0, then cad (@) =r kEZ (0) O=(k+ DakeZ (© O=Gk+ Da keZ (@) none of these (n-af+(w-mhae inn i 2 ye 1) =(a+b+eXb+e~a) (c+a—b) jar yo 1 X(at+h—c), then the value of kis @1 2 4 (d) none of these and &| 13.24 Mathematics % 10. 1. as 13, 4. yt ay 2 abe bo e betay cr+by brtay cx+by| artby betey art by bx+cy| bet ey arty bietcy art by aztby bet cy ja'r+by Brtcy Let {Di,Ds,Ds,Dr} be the set of third-order determinants that can be made with the distinct nonzero real numbers aj, diy.@4. Then @Sp=1 — Sv=o (© Di=D; Vig @) none of these ‘The determinant is equal to @ (0) © o In triangle ABC, if 1 1 1 cot cot oF tan +tan$ tan$+tan4 tan4+ tone =0, then the triangle must be (@) equilateral (b) isosceles (c) obtuse angled —_ (d) none of these M aed aod J ae mG, ten We vas of Boe y| depends on ef: @ randy () x and z (© yand z (d) independent of z,y and= If aboard, and asbses ee regen even ‘natural numbers and A a2 b|, then A is jaw by (@) divisible by 2 but not necessarily by + (6) divisible by 4 but not nevessatily by 8 (©) divisible by 8 (@) none of these ‘The value of the determinant of u® ude, being aaa (@) (@-1Patn-1) @) (2-1N@+n-D (6 (-2)'@+n-1) (a) none of these naa ara laaz 15, If f(z) 0, then (@) f(2)=0 and f\(x)=0 has one common root (b) f(z)=0 and f(2)=0 has one common root (©) sum of roots of flz)=0 is 3a (4) none of these em 16, Roots of the equation |" bb (independent of m and (b) independent of a,b and ¢ (©) depend on mn and a,b,c (d) independent of m,n and a,b,c 17. The value of the determinant res 4] eo a 5 3° 4° 9° 6°| a? 6? 6 7 =U are ones is equal to @! wo 2 @2 18, 1fA,H,C are angles ofa triangle, then the value of ee eat ee a gl ew eM ot @t © -2 19, The value of tC» C1 *26, -3 LL Kn>2)is Sie) @-1 (@) -4 yew (@ 2n-1+(-1" (6) 2ntaeciy (© an-3+C1y (d) none of these

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